Just cause 3 где лежат сохранения

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

30 дек. 2015 в 14:36 My parents are divorced which means I have 2 computers, one for each house. I was playing just cause at my dad's house and I have made a lot of progress in the game. I don't want to lose all that progress at my mom's house. I need to know where the save file is located so I can transfer it between two computers. If there is a easier or better way to transfer just cause 3 saves between computers please let me know. 30 дек. 2015 в 14:40 30 дек. 2015 в 14:43 31 янв. 2016 в 13:28

If you want to always have them in sync, you can use a combination of Google Drive and what's called a junction between two folders.

1) Install Google Drive on your current Windows account on both computers
2) Create a folder called Games within your Google Drive folder (could be called anything else, but my example will use this folder)
3) Inside that, copy the Just Cause 3 folder from \Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3 into it (ie: Google Drive\Games\Just Cause 3)
3) Rename the Just Cause 3folder in i]\Documents\Square Enix[/i] to Just Cause 3_OLD (just a precaution, to ensure you don't lose your savegames during these steps because of a mistake).
4) use the following command to create a junction using the command prompt utility (Command Prompt (Admin)) :

MKLINK /D "%userprofile%\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3" "%userprofile%\Google Drive\Games\Just Cause 3"

Now you should see a folder called Just Cause 3 in \Documents\Square Enix, along with the Just Cause 3_OLD folder.

Right now, any changes made to \Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3 will actually be made in Google Drive. Proceed with the same steps on the other computers, and you'll have the game saves automatically synced between multiple computers!

2 фев. 2016 в 11:45 Rats. I assumed Steam kept progress for me like many other games, so when I nuked my hard drive and reinstalled everything, I seem to have lost all my progress. Ah, well. It won't be the first time I've played halfway though a game, then had to start over because I was a bonehead. 5 мар. 2016 в 23:14 Rats. I assumed Steam kept progress for me like many other games, so when I nuked my hard drive and reinstalled everything, I seem to have lost all my progress. Ah, well. It won't be the first time I've played halfway though a game, then had to start over because I was a bonehead.
Eh, the same just happened to be. Sadly I had both my primary and secondary harddrives go within the same week. Sigh, first time a harddrive had ever died on me in 20 years before I replaced the computer. 15 мар. 2016 в 3:02 Rats. I assumed Steam kept progress for me like many other games, so when I nuked my hard drive and reinstalled everything, I seem to have lost all my progress. Ah, well. It won't be the first time I've played halfway though a game, then had to start over because I was a bonehead.
Eh, the same just happened to be. Sadly I had both my primary and secondary harddrives go within the same week. Sigh, first time a harddrive had ever died on me in 20 years before I replaced the computer.
It's worse -- my drives didn't fail, Windows just stopped behaving normally. I was able to copy my Downloads, etc to my secondary drive but I didn't think to copy my save game folders before I reached for the Windows DVD. There's probably a lesson there. 6 июл. 2016 в 20:52

Thank You very much. You saved my butt!

Just Cause 3 is my favorite game and I wiped my save by accident today. I tried restoring my C:/ but that didn't work because my Documents are on D:/. After I read this thread, I restored only the files I needed from E:/Backup and I am back where I left off, liberating the people of Medeci.

7 июл. 2016 в 19:06
Eh, the same just happened to be. Sadly I had both my primary and secondary harddrives go within the same week. Sigh, first time a harddrive had ever died on me in 20 years before I replaced the computer.
It's worse -- my drives didn't fail, Windows just stopped behaving normally. I was able to copy my Downloads, etc to my secondary drive but I didn't think to copy my save game folders before I reached for the Windows DVD. There's probably a lesson there.
If your Documents folder is amoung the things you copied before nuking the HD then you should have your JC3 saves. 3 авг. 2016 в 13:51 3 окт. 2016 в 19:04 I just finished the game and when I came back it had reset. Is there a way I can fix this? We have searched the game files but haven't really found any evidence that I have even played it. I also can't find the Square enix folder, Possibly cause it's Family shared.
28 окт. 2016 в 14:34

If you want to always have them in sync, you can use a combination of Google Drive and what's called a junction between two folders.

1) Install Google Drive on your current Windows account on both computers
2) Create a folder called Games within your Google Drive folder (could be called anything else, but my example will use this folder)
3) Inside that, copy the Just Cause 3 folder from \Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3 into it (ie: Google Drive\Games\Just Cause 3)
3) Rename the Just Cause 3folder in i]\Documents\Square Enix[/i] to Just Cause 3_OLD (just a precaution, to ensure you don't lose your savegames during these steps because of a mistake).
4) use the following command to create a junction using the command prompt utility (Command Prompt (Admin)) :

MKLINK /D "%userprofile%\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3" "%userprofile%\Google Drive\Games\Just Cause 3"

Now you should see a folder called Just Cause 3 in \Documents\Square Enix, along with the Just Cause 3_OLD folder.

Right now, any changes made to \Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3 will actually be made in Google Drive. Proceed with the same steps on the other computers, and you'll have the game saves automatically synced between multiple computers!

Just Cause 3: Сохранение/SaveGame (ПОЭТАПНЫЕ [67 чекпойнтов] + прохождение)

В архиве "save.jc3.condemned123.7z" находятся поэтапные сэйвы игры Just Cause 3 + прохождение.
Пройден сюжет игры и DLC: "Sky Fortress", "Bavarium Sea Heist" и "Mech Land Assault".
Гамал на "Just Cause 3: XL Edition v1.05 + все DLC [Repack] by FitGirl" 18.7Gb.

Когда увидел что-то знакомое и решил присмотреться

Just Cause 3: Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.0.1] <TheyCallMeTim13></p>

Вспомним Just Cause 3

если пройти только сюжет - то норм! если открывать всю песочницу - то нудятина галимая! ничего не собирал, ничего не выискивал. прошёл сюжет и dlc: "Sky Fortress" "Bavarium Sea Heist" "Mech Land Assault" общий прогресс игры 71% открыта вся песочница

Гамал на ---> "Just Cause 3: XL Edition v1.05 + все DLC [Repack] by FitGirl" 18.7Gb

загрузившись с последнего чекпойнта - можно добивать игру до 100%

1. Разархивируй "save.jc3.condemned123.7z"

2. В папке "Сохранки (ПОЭТАПНЫЕ) Just Cause 3" выбери нужную папку - например "39 'РИКО И РОЗА' завершено 49% "

3. В папке "39 'РИКО И РОЗА' завершено 49% " открой папку "292733975847239680"

4. В папке "292733975847239680" скопируй все файлы и вставь (с заменой) по адресу ---> C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3\Saves\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx где "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" цифры твоей папки.

6. Выбери опцию "ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ"

Свою папку "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" (находящуюся по адресу C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3\Saves\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) скопируй и сохрани гденить. А затем вставляй мои файлы из папки "292733975847239680" в свою папку "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Just Cause 3: Сохранение/SaveGame (Всё пройдено, всё открыто + DLC)

Распакуйте архив и кидайте по этому адресу C:\Users\User\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3. Все пройдено, все открыто + DLC: Bavarium Sea Heist Pack, DLC: Reaper Missile Mech, Sky Fortress Pack.

Когда увидел что-то знакомое и решил присмотреться

Just Cause 3: Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.0.1] <TheyCallMeTim13></p>

Вспомним Just Cause 3

Hе советую,во первых игра не пройдена на 100%,а во вторых у вас всё обнулится.

Игра должна сохраняться в контрольных точках или на экране должно быть написано что идёт сохранение. внизу слева мигает дискетка, но стоит выйти из винды и всё играть приходится заново, доиграл до момента когда нужно сесть в вертолёт, может должно позже сохраниться или сохранки в каждой точке всё-таки? у меня вин10, индексация врублена

Just Cause 3 → Файлы → Сохранения

Сохранения для Just Cause 3

Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Just Cause 3, то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.

При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.

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