Industrial craft 2 почему не обновляется

Обновлено: 10.05.2024

Hi guys, long time lurker / infrequent poster. Loving the mod as I always have. I'm just curious to know when you're expecting to release the mod for 1.14? I'm not trying to apply any pressure, just curious. Thanks

Forge isn't even out for 1.14!

Spot on, my bad

Forge 1.14.2 is out now, any news on this?

I am Maki. a fan of your mod ic2 and i really enjoy playing on this
straight to subject. 1.14 is out since long time by now same as 1.13 which is out nearly 1 year + and still no updates for this mod to be compatible with those releases which brings me to a question.
did this project stop ? because mod if left out with no releases nor news regarding that. and me and some of other minecraft players who love this mod really wants this mod on 1.14 with the new updates that are out and we see your work on it.
Thanks for dropping by and i hope getting any news or updates regarding this mod (since forge for 1.14 is out hence i am asking)

Forge 1.14.2 is out now, any news on this?

I am Maki. a fan of your mod ic2 and i really enjoy playing on this
straight to subject. 1.14 is out since long time by now same as 1.13 which is out nearly 1 year + and still no updates for this mod to be compatible with those releases which brings me to a question.
did this project stop ? because mod if left out with no releases nor news regarding that. and me and some of other minecraft players who love this mod really wants this mod on 1.14 with the new updates that are out and we see your work on it.
Thanks for dropping by and i hope getting any news or updates regarding this mod (since forge for 1.14 is out hence i am asking)

First of all, the project is very much not stopped. 1.12 has run the bulk of its lifetime so releases for it have largely slowed down.

Second, 1.13 was only ever short lived in terms of possible modding, and for the whole of its lifetime Forge has been incomplete to the point where starting the port was inadvisable.

Thirdly, whilst Forge may be out for 1.14.2 it is far from complete. Shearing sheep for example dropped shears instead of wool until recently for example. A 1.14 supporting version is in the works and there will be (more) news once there is anything notable in terms of progress.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask them here, otherwise all I can suggest in the meantime is patience

145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I just don't know what went wrong

Тема: industrial craft


industrial craft

Что случилось с industrial craft?
его убрали? и почему?


Ваш статус Веб разработка. Увлекательная штука, однако!

Cервер Hitech - самый первый сервер, на котором я играл!

Любимые моды Applied Energistics, Forestry, Industrial Craft 2 EXP, Thermal Expansion

Если ты имеешь ввиду сервер - то его переименовали или закрыли(точно не помню) из-за низкого онлайна, если ты имеешь ввиду мод - его не трогали и он остался на тех серверах, на которых был.

Последний раз редактировалось Realtek; 18.03.2017 в 16:53 .

Когда-то давным давно здесь была красивая надпись, но, в один прекрасный день, всё пошло ко дну.

Industrial craft 2 почему не обновляется





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