Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation python что это

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

У вас для отступов одновременно используются и символы табуляции, и пробелы. Не надо так.
Оставьте в проекте символы только одного вида.
Чтобы найти, где у вас используются не те символы, настройте свой текстовый редактор или IDE, чтобы он показывал непечатные символы. Если редактор так не умеет - задумайтесь о его замене.

Anton Kuzmichev, текущая рекомендация питона - использовать пробелы. Так что лучше просто настроить редактор, чтобы он преобразовал табы в пробелы, и не отвлекаться на мельтешение непечатных символов.


Что тут не понимать - скопипастил откуда-то кусок, а в нём табы. 3й питон считает ошибкой использование в одном файла одновременно как табов, так и пробелов.



Сергей, больше похоже, что он указывает на проблы / табы в конце строки

галочка может указывать на последний символ некой строки, но пробелы вместо табов будут идти первыми в этой строке и первыми в следующей строке

I'm trying to create an application in Python 3.2 and I use tabs all the time for indentation, but even the editor changes some of them into spaces and then print out "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation" when I try to run the program.

How can I change the spaces into tabs? It's driving me crazy. (I'm a beginner in programming). I would be glad if I could get some overall tips on my code, if I have done a lot of mistakes I would be happy to hear.

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TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

While the Python style guide does say spaces are the preferred method of indentation when coding in Python, you can use either spaces or tabs.

Indentation is important in Python because the language doesn’t depend on syntax like curly brackets to denote where a block of code starts and finishes. Indents tell Python what lines of code are part of what code blocks.


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Consider the following program:

Without indentation, it is impossible to know what lines of code should be part of the calculate_average_age function and what lines of code are part of the main program.

You must stick with using either spaces or tabs. Do not mix tabs and spaces. Doing so will confuse the Python interpreter and cause the “TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation” error.

Sublime Text 3

In Sublime Text, WHILE editing a Python file:

Sublime Text menu > Preferences > Settings - Syntax Specific :


27 Answers 27

  1. Set your editor to use 4 spaces for indentation.
  2. Make a search and replace to replace all tabs with 4 spaces.
  3. Make sure your editor is set to display tabs as 8 spaces.

Note: The reason for 8 spaces for tabs is so that you immediately notice when tabs have been inserted unintentionally - such as when copying and pasting from example code that uses tabs instead of spaces.

66.4k 16 16 gold badges 97 97 silver badges 111 111 bronze badges 152k 40 40 gold badges 211 211 silver badges 244 244 bronze badges @RocketR Python has Pep8, a document which lists "good python style" which explicitly states that 4 spaces is the accepted form on indentation. Link to relevant PEP 8 section on "Tabs vs Spaces" spoiler: the first line is "Spaces are the preferred indentation method."

Using the autopep8 command below fixed it for me:

Documentation for autopep8 linked here.

71k 41 41 gold badges 187 187 silver badges 232 232 bronze badges Simple and straight to the point. Fixed my issue for me, thanks! Did not know this existed. Worked great. To install on Debian I had to use pip. pip install autopep8

For VSCode users

If you prefer to work with Tabs, you can convert again the code by repeating the instructions above and typing instead: >Convert Indentation to Tabs

With the IDLE editor you can use this:

  • Menu EditSelect All
  • Menu FormatUntabify Region
  • Assuming your editor has replaced 8 spaces with a tab, enter 8 into the input box.
  • Hit select, and it fixes the entire document.

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When using the sublime text editor, I was able to select the segment of my code that was giving me the inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation error and select:

view > indentation > convert indentation to spaces

which resolved the issue for me.

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If you are using Sublime Text for Python development, you can avoid the error by using the package Anaconda. After installing Anaconda, open your file in Sublime Text, right click on the open spaces → choose Anaconda → click on autoformat. Done. Or press Ctrl + Alt + R .

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alternative for sublime text - go to view -> indentation -> covert indentation to spaces

Generally, people prefer indenting with space. It's more consistent across editors, resulting in fewer mismatches of this sort. However, you are allowed to indent with tab. It's your choice; however, you should be aware that the standard of 8 spaces per tab is a bit wide.

Concerning your issue, most probably, your editor messed up. To convert tab to space is really editor-dependent.

On Emacs, for example, you can call the method 'untabify'.

On command line, you can use a sed line (adapt the number of spaces to whatever pleases you):

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It is possible to solve this problem using notepad++ by replacing Tab s with 4 Space s:

  1. Choose Search -> Find. or press Ctrl + F
  2. Select the Replace tab
  3. In the box named Search Mode choose Extended(\n, \r, \t, \0, \x. )
  4. In the field Find what : write \t
  5. In the field Replace with : press Space 4 times. Be sure that there is nothing else in this field.
  6. Click on the button Replace All

How to replace Tabs with Spaces

What I did when the same error popped up: Select everything ( Str + A ) and press Shift + Tab . So nothing was indented anymore. Now go back to the lines you want to have indented, and put it back how you want it.

It worked for me.

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I recently had the same problem and found out that I just needed to convert the .py file's charset to UTF-8 as that's the set Python 3 uses.

BTW, I used 4-space tabs all the time, so the problem wasn't caused by them.

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If you use ATOM:

Go to Menu: Packages --> WhiteSpace --> Convert all Tabs to Spaces

Try deleting the indents and then systematically either pressing tab or pressing space 4 times. This usually happens to me when I have an indent using the tab key and then use the space key in the next line.

I think that this is the correct solution overall. It doesn’t matter what editor you use, Python interprets <tab> and 4 <space>s differently.

Your problem is due to your editor limitations/configuration. Some editors provide you of tools to help with the problem by:

Converting tabs into spaces

For example, if you are using Stani's Python editor you can configure it to do it on saving.

Converting spaces into tabs

If you are using ActiveState Komodo you have a tool to 'tabify' your code. As others already pointed, this is not a good idea.

Eclipse's Pydev provides functions "Convert tabs to space-tabs" and "Convert space-tabs to tabs".

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I use Notepad++ and got this error.

In Notepad++ you will see that both the tab and the four spaces are the same, but when you copy your code to Python IDLE you would see the difference and the line with a tab would have more space before it than the others.

To solve the problem, I just deleted the tab before the line then added four spaces.

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I had the same error. I had to add several code lines to an existing *.py file. In Notepad++ it did not work.

After adding the code lines and saving, I got the same error. When I opened the same file in PyCharm and added the lines, the error disappeared.

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Use pylint it will give you a detailed report about how many spaces you need and where.

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If your editor doesn't recognize tabs when doing a search and replace (like SciTE), you can paste the code into Word and search using Ctr-H and ^t which finds the tabs which then can be replace with 4 spaces.

There was a duplicate of this question from here but I thought I would offer a view to do with modern editors and the vast array of features they offer. With python code, anything that needs to be intented in a .py file, needs to either all be intented using the tab key, or by spaces. Convention is to use four spaces for an indentation. Most editors have the ability to visually show on the editor whether the code is being indented with spaces or tabs, which helps greatly for debugging. For example, with atom, going to preferences and then editor you can see the following two options:

atom editor to show tabs and spaces

Then if your code is using spaces, you will see small dots where your code is indented:

enter image description here

And if it is indented using tabs, you will see something like this:

enter image description here

Now if you noticed, you can see that when using tabs, there are more errors/warnings on the left, this is because of something called pep8 pep8 documentation, which is basically a uniform style guide for python, so that all developers mostly code to the same standard and appearance, which helps when trying to understand other peoples code, it is in pep8 which favors the use of spaces to indent rather than tabs. And we can see the editor showing that there is a warning relating to pep8 warning code W191 ,

I hope all the above helps you understand the nature of the problem you are having and how to prevent it in the future.


проверьте отступы - они должны быть кратны 4м, уберите табы.

в строках
у Вас таб и два пробела.

Jabbson, добавил ещё два пробела заработало. Только начал учить питон, что это за особенность такая ?

DUMP, Советую тебе работать с какой нибудь ide (лучше pycharm), во 1 она тебе синтаксис и все ошибка сразу подсветит, а во вторых будешь просто пользовать tap, который будет вставлять необходимое кол-во пробелов. Это можно настроить и других редакторах, но тут у тебя все будет работать из коробки и не доставлять лишних хлопот.

Хотя вообще ide это не совсем решение проблемы, она просто позволит тебе более комфортно работать. С синтаксисом языка все таки надо работаться (и кстати использовать табуляцию не рекомендуется, нужно вставлять пробелы 1 уровень, это 4 пробела)

Python TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation Solution

You can indent code using either spaces or tabs in a Python program. If you try to use a combination of both in the same block of code, you’ll encounter the “TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation” error.


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In this guide, we discuss what this error means and why it is raised. We’ll walk through an example of this error so you can figure out how to solve it in your code.

Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation python на строку .

SyntaxError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
def kirpich(): print ('?(от 10 до 40') stroy = int(sys.stdin.readline()) print ('') pug.

This file is indented with 8 spaces instead of 4 - что это значит ?
Собственно, вопрос в заглавии. Такое уведомление только что всплыло в IDEA. Погуглил, но так и не.

An Example Scenario

We want to build a program that calculates the total value of the purchases made at a donut store. To start, let’s define a list of purchases:

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Next, we’re going to define a function that calculates the total of the “purchases” list:

Our function accepts one parameter: the list of purchases which total value we want to calculate. The function returns the total value of the list we specify as a parameter.

We use the sum() method to calculate the total of the numbers in the “purchases” list.

If you copy this code snippet into your text editor, you may notice the “return total” line of code is indented using spaces whereas the “total = sum(purchases)” line of code uses tabs for indentation. This is an important distinction.

Next, call our function and print the value it returns to the console:

Our code calls the calculate_total_purchases() function to calculate the total value of all the purchases made at the donut store. We then print that value to the console. Let’s run our code and see what happens:

Our code returns an error.

The Solution

We’ve used spaces and tabs to indent our code. In a Python program, you should stick to using either one of these two methods of indentation.

To fix our code, we’re going to change our function so that we only use spaces:

Our code uses 4 spaces for indentation. Let’s run our program with our new indentation:

Our program successfully calculates the total value of the donut purchases.

In the IDLE editor, you can remove the indentation for a block of code by following these instructions:

  • Select the code whose indentation you want to remove
  • Click “Menu” -> “Format” -> “Untabify region”
  • Insert the type of indentation you want to use

This is a convenient way of fixing the formatting in a document, assuming you are using the IDLE editor. Many other editors, like Sublime Text, have their own methods of changing the indentation in a file.


The Python “TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation” error is raised when you try to indent code using both spaces and tabs.

You fix this error by sticking to either spaces or tabs in a program and replacing any tabs or spaces that do not use your preferred method of indentation. Now you have the knowledge you need to fix this error like a professional programmer!

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