Graveyard keeper как играть по сети

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Пока мультиплеера в игре ещё нету, ну по крайней мере я ещё не видел. Но на данный момент игра очень популярна, а её разрабы известны тем, что прислушиваются к своей аудитории. Поэтому есть все основания предполагать, что к концу года таки добавят совместное прохождение и тогда будет ещё веселее. Но на данный момент и одиночной компании хватает и лучше пока в одиночке потренироваться, дело в том, что нюансов очень много, а знание этих нюансов облегчит игру в кооперативе.

Как играть по сети в Graveyard Keeper?

Привет дорогой пользователь. Игру Graveyard Keeper ты можешь запустить на Windows операционной системе. В игре есть возможность играть по локальной сети. Для этого тебе нужно локальное прямое подключение между двумя устройствами. Вы создаете игру, другие пользователи должны подключиться к тому, кто создавал. Потом идет настройка игру и запуск. Если вам нужен удаленный доступ, для этого вы можете использовать приложение хамачи.

Моё почтение! Ну вообще видимо в данную игру никак вы не сможете играть по сети так как полностью данная игра созданная под соло прохождение и игру, не увидел в интернете ни одного поста об это на самом деле. Всё абсолютно только про одного игрока. Разве, что можете проверить через стим есть ли кнопка при вашей игре пригласить друга к игре конечно у него тоже должна быть игра, потому только так мы и поймём. Но видимо кооператива нету.

Graveyard keeper как играть по сети

Graveyard Keeper

Multiplayer isn't our point at the moment, as it will take a lot of resources that we can spend on, say, Town expansion.
Graveyard Keeper wasn't designed as multiplayer game.

9 мая. 2019 в 16:14 Yes it is SP only. I am waiting to see if multiplayer is in the works or not so I can purchase this or delete it from wishlist. 9 мая. 2019 в 19:17 Pretty sure there won't be any multiplayer in the future 9 мая. 2019 в 20:24 Pretty sure there won't be any multiplayer in the future Agreed . my best guess would be that they *might* implement a sort-of two-player co-op at some point, but likely not anytime soon. 10 мая. 2019 в 13:48 Why in the world should this game get a multiplayer part?

Multiplayer isn't our point at the moment, as it will take a lot of resources that we can spend on, say, Town expansion.
Graveyard Keeper wasn't designed as multiplayer game.

Multiplayer isn't our point at the moment, as it will take a lot of resources that we can spend on, say, Town expansion.
Graveyard Keeper wasn't designed as multiplayer game.

Most MP games on Steam weren't designed as a multiplayer game, and then look what happened. 16 мая. 2019 в 12:40 I wouldnt mind seeing a game like this with multiplayer but I think this game dosnt work well with it. unless you had palyers control zombies that could not interact with NPCs or something. but that dose not sound like much fun
28 мая. 2019 в 10:47

Multiplayer isn't our point at the moment, as it will take a lot of resources that we can spend on, say, Town expansion.
Graveyard Keeper wasn't designed as multiplayer game.

Is there any point in time where you might consider it? My wife and I are enjoying the game, but would like to be able to play it together. For now we're playing on the same game, just different save files, but if it would come out, we'd buy a second copy. Doesn't need to follow the whole story, just some thing for us who finished it already and want more.

29 мая. 2019 в 3:04

Multiplayer isn't our point at the moment, as it will take a lot of resources that we can spend on, say, Town expansion.
Graveyard Keeper wasn't designed as multiplayer game.

Most MP games on Steam weren't designed as a multiplayer game, and then look what happened. in some cases they were better for it. but in all cases it took resources away that could have been spent on a better base game. That may have been to the games benefit or detriment.
Generally MP is good because people like MP. Give them any crap game with MP and they might enjoy it just because they like playing with others, and not nessesarily because the game was even any good.
But that ruins it for the single player guy who wanted a good single player game. The "You can still play single player" arguement doesnt work either because it completely ignores the fact that the single player experience does suffer when resources are taken away from it to go into another direction. The extra development time and associated problems that come with this, especially bugs that may never be ironed out, simply adds even more frustration. Multiplayer is a complicated beast that adds these problems much more frequently than anything else, especially when it wasnt planned for from the start.

What I am thinking is, just because other games went MP and were better for it doesnt mean every game will be. It's a terrible stance for you to take. MP is a huge investiment on the devs part. If the demand and payoff for it isnt worth it, then they might be better off making sure the single player base more happy.
Even a game like Dont Starve Together has a majority of their players playing single player. on the version of the game thats designed for multiplayer. Go figure.

I dont mean to lecture you and tell you or others not to have an opinion. Thats not my angle at all. I think you definately needed to make the devs know that you are interested in MP for this game. Just understand why theres plenty of others who wont agree.
I am with possum lord, the town expansion would be much more appealing than playing with someone else in the same creepy basement filled with corpses and their body parts.
I tried playing stardew valley with my girlfriend for awhile. generally we just didnt enjoy it because of the design of the game. you end up splitting off from eachother, butting heads over small things, power thru the main progression of the game(since its not designed to support more players), ect ect. much better off playing together on a game better designed for it.

Graveyard keeper как играть по сети

Graveyard Keeper

5 июл. 2018 в 3:58 This game is a lot like stardew valley
will it have coop as well? 5 июл. 2018 в 8:53

Please no. Too many games have already been destroyed, because Devs listend to crazy, stupid ideas from hipsters.

How many people will play multiplayer in games like stardewvalley or graveyardkeeper consistantly?
1% 1,5%? Maybe even 5%? You tell me.

Multiplayer games have to be designed as multiplayer games from the beginning on.

Dont waste resources on knee jerk ideas just because they might sound "AWSUM!" but focus on improving the core game.

7 июл. 2018 в 4:55 7 июл. 2018 в 14:32 i think you are short sighted
many people after finishing game like to play it for second time but chose to do it with a friend if they can coop would not change anything except for number of players witch can be balanced by having less stamina per player 9 июл. 2018 в 22:52 i think you are short sighted
many people after finishing game like to play it for second time but chose to do it with a friend if they can coop would not change anything except for number of players witch can be balanced by having less stamina per player

I couldn't agree more. a co-op formula just adds to the game. It's not some PvP or MMO bit that requires new content be made for it that in turn draws it away from the core game. Instead co-op can simply be used to enhance the already existing content in every possible way.

And guess the best part? It's optional. If it's unfeasible for the devs, sure. But condeming it because of ignorance like that is petty.

10 июл. 2018 в 8:07 i think you are short sighted
many people after finishing game like to play it for second time but chose to do it with a friend if they can coop would not change anything except for number of players witch can be balanced by having less stamina per player

Just adding another player to the game after already building the whole engine and goal of the game aorund one player is no simple task. So many things need to change and have new databases depending on each (or one) new player. Inventory, Items, Cutscenes, Pause Menu, Sleeping, Balance Issues and so on. Just halfing the stamina would not resolve the balance issue of hitting an enemy twice as fast, forfilling tasks twice as fast, regenerating stamina (sleeping) twice as fast.

I would rather have this game as a one player game, polished and perfect, than a buggy, half-a** game.

Just my 5 cents though.

Please no. Too many games have already been destroyed, because Devs listend to crazy, stupid ideas from hipsters.

so many games have just been totally ruined by co-op and MP. If anything MP and co op games are whats hot now and what people want from app games, to mobas, to coo op rpgs like DOS2, and sports games. not sure whaere u are coming from with this non sense lmao.

This game would be awesome with a co op feature. either jointly manage a Gravyard or have grave yards you each control. so awesome.

I say bring on the Co Op.

11 июл. 2018 в 0:22 we all know coop will be in game either by developers or modders so everyone is happy anyway :D 13 июл. 2018 в 18:32 Please no. Too many games have already been destroyed, because Devs listend to crazy, stupid ideas from hipsters.

so many games have just been totally ruined by co-op and MP. If anything MP and co op games are whats hot now and what people want from app games, to mobas, to coo op rpgs like DOS2, and sports games. not sure whaere u are coming from with this non sense lmao.

This game would be awesome with a co op feature. either jointly manage a Gravyard or have grave yards you each control. so awesome.

I say bring on the Co Op.
So many have been ruined by co-op because of the terrible ways they implement it, and once you announce such a feature it only raised hopes only to have them crash and burn when the co-op is so restricted. Look at State of Decay 2.

Not every game needs co-op. Man, this next generation of gamers would not have survived back when the Atari 2600 was popular. They probably would have STILL asked for co-op! LOL. Every game I read about, you have someone asking for co-op. It's just ridiculous. There are plenty of games that have co-op/MP.

What does co-op mean to me? Hackers, griefers, beggers, whiners, bullies. Basically nothing good. People getting enjoyment out of torturing other people and ruining their fun. If it is a building game, spend 15-20 hours building a structure, stand back and enjoy the view once you are finished till somone comes along and destroys it in a few minutes.

Infact, if I see that a game has no single player, I just pass it by. No matter what game it is.

Will have coop or some multiplayer?

I would like to have a multiplayer mode as in stardew, I know that many would say that it is a single-player game but one thing does not take away the other because in my opinion you do not have the possibility to share this adventure with friends, of course I would not like that stop improving the game just by adding this mode, but as I said before with a multiplayer mode I would give the game much more since you could continue living this adventure alone and also with friends, they could use many ideas:

Another way I can think of is a versus mode, which both players had to compete for example to see who becomes an aristocrat before or reaches "x" goal being both guardians of the cemetery.

Finally they could also add the typical coop mode.

Just say that I love the game and I would like to share that feeling with friends.

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