Ghost recon wildlands как записать разговор дроном

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Дрон в Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands является одним из полезнейших гаджетов в игре, так как позволяет проводить довольно детальную разведку местности, не выдавая вашего местоположения, а при умелом использовании - даже вашего присутствия.

Кроме того, дрон оснащен всеми ключевыми функциями бинокля, но зато имеет ряд преимуществ перед последним, прежде всего - мобильность. Можно влетать в открытые окна в здания, преодолевать помехи, мешающие обзору, просто облетая их и так далее.

Есть и недостатки, разумеется: заряд батареи - далеко не бесконечный, мощность сигнала - аналогично, его можно использовать на ограниченной дистанции. Кроме того, дрон издает шум при полете, потому если его увидят враги - могут поднять тревогу.

При желании дрон в Ghost Recon Wildlands можно прокачать, открывая новый функционал, вроде тепловизора, ЭМИ-излучения для подавления электроники и транспорта, а еще дрон можно оснащать бомбами и затем из сбрасывать на ничего не подозревающих врагов.

Ghost recon wildlands как записать разговор дроном

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands

11 мар. 2017 в 12:48 I can't seem to get the drone to record any of the conversations. Any suggestions? Thanks. 11 мар. 2017 в 12:53 The drone has to be in the actual room where the conversations is held. So not behind a wall/door. ;) 5 июл. 2017 в 3:49 12 авг. 2017 в 18:37 I got no problem with the controls it's just the sodding thing won't record. 12 авг. 2017 в 18:40 Get in close. In some missions you can watch from an open window. In others you can listen through a wall. In others you have to be in the building watching the conversation go down. 4 сен. 2017 в 16:24 Lousy players and their unwillingness to learn game mechanics. 4 сен. 2017 в 16:59 Lousy players and their unwillingness to learn game mechanics.
I have to take issue with that because the drone game mechanics are never explained. Might be nice if we got a manual with our games these days, but no. 4 сен. 2017 в 17:16 Lousy players and their unwillingness to learn game mechanics.

I have to take issue with that because the drone game mechanics are never explained. Might be nice if we got a manual with our games these days, but no. Oh, I'm completely with you. I had to ask on the forums the first time I encoutered one of thsoe missions. Then I found that they aren't all the same.

Get in close. In some missions you can watch from an open window. In others you can listen through a wall. In others you have to be in the building watching the conversation go down.

Sure, Ubi could have provided some documentation on the mechanics. This is entirely uncalled for, though, which was what I was reacting to.

Ghost recon wildlands как записать разговор дроном

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands

27 июл. 2017 в 5:52 so i got this mission that tell me to scan a rooftop antenna with my drone but how the f*** do i do that? am i suposed to just point the drone at the top of the antenna or am i suposed to do something else?

For the people who come here in the future if anyone, here is the sweet spot that i found to work
image capture app is called Lightshot

Just checking in from the future to let you know you're still helping people out :) 27 июл. 2017 в 9:11 There is an area at the antenna where you have to point the drone at. Then a timer will start. 10 or 15 seconds i think. I can't remember where it is but i had no trouble findig it. 27 июл. 2017 в 9:18 i think it was a bug because i searched the web after i started the discusion and i found out a lot of people had the same problem so the timer only triggered if you had the right angle looking at the antenna but thanks anyway xD 28 июл. 2017 в 8:12 If I remember correctly the drone needs to be set to 'None' to scan the antenna. If set to medic or other it won't scan. Been awhile since I did that mission so don't know if they've changed it so you can use any drone type. 28 июл. 2017 в 8:17 If I remember correctly the drone needs to be set to 'None' to scan the antenna. If set to medic or other it won't scan. Been awhile since I did that mission so don't know if they've changed it so you can use ase drone type. haven't thought about that but i found out lots of players had the same issue so i think it was a bug that made me unable to scan the antenna but i found out it triggered if you had the right angle and distance to the antenna but thanks anyway 28 июл. 2017 в 12:57 I did the scanning by parking my drone inside the antenna structure right beside the waypoint. Couln't find any other way. However, I was using EMP-drone so I don't think the drone type has eny effect. 29 июл. 2017 в 7:16 I have done that mission like 6x. Just fly the drone close to the tower, find the sweet spot and hold it there for the duration. Not any other problems. 30 янв. 2018 в 6:57 They say rooftop antenna, but its the tower behind the building not the antenna on top 30 янв. 2018 в 7:54 Swordfish hit the nail on the head with the sweet spot. You need to have LoS on a small spot on the top of the antenna. That spot is in the center of the structure. If you have so much as a little support beam in your way you will not be albe to scan. :/ 30 июн. 2018 в 12:27

For the people who come here in the future if anyone, here is the sweet spot that i found to work
image capture app is called Lightshot

12 ноя. 2018 в 11:40

For the people who come here in the future if anyone, here is the sweet spot that i found to work
image capture app is called Lightshot

26 мар. 2019 в 14:08

For the people who come here in the future if anyone, here is the sweet spot that i found to work
image capture app is called Lightshot

Just checking in from the future to let you know you're still helping people out :) 26 мар. 2019 в 14:45

For the people who come here in the future if anyone, here is the sweet spot that i found to work
image capture app is called Lightshot

Ghost recon wildlands как записать разговор дроном

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint / Wildlands

Денис Шавкунов

Денис Шавкунов запись закреплена

Александр Баженов

выбрав дрона помечаешь на G до 3 целей и активируется либо зажатием G, либо с твоим выстрелом

Артем Минаков

Ставишь в инвенторе расходник, потом выбираешь его, тыкаешь G на противников.

Артём Балабанов

Артём Балабанов

в инвентаре внизу слева есть место для 5 расходников, в один из слотов ставить как раз дрона. Во время игры нажимаешь ALT и выбираешь дрона, наводишь мышкой на врага (или на метку с расстоянием до него) нажимаешь G, когда выбрал все нужны цели (1-3 штуки) зижмаешь G или просто жмёшь на выстрел

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