Fossilized femurs crashlands где взять

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Любой предмет требует ингредиенты для создания, поэтому есть смысл собирать всё подряд, что только встретите. На создание даже самой незначительной стенки или дощечки понадобится некоторое время (от секунд до минут), так что во время крафта можно заниматься чем-нибудь ещё, пока продукция изготавливается. Притом у каждого верстака имеется свой собственный набор крафтовых предметов и кулдаунов, поэтому на одном можно делать, скажем, бомбы, на другом оружие, а на третьем стены. Верстаки занимают всего одну клетку пространства — их легко размещать и передвигать. Стоит отметить, что в каждом игровом биоме имеется свой набор верстаков и инструментов для обработки ресурсов, так что можно смело заявить — Crashlands состоит из трёх игр в одной (по количеству биомов).

Оружию и броне присваивается случайное качество при крафте. Самым наилучшим вариантом экипировки является легендарный уровень качества, при котором у предмета есть много бонусных параметров. Также легендарный предмет можно скрафтить лишь единожды. Ходит слух, что при создании одного и того же предмета уровень его качества постепенно возрастает, так что вы рано или поздно получите более мощную вещицу, если в начале сильно не везёт. Брелоки тоже являются уникальными предметами, поэтому каждый можно иметь только в единичном экземпляре, в целях соблюдения игрового баланса.

Fossilized femurs crashlands где взять


24 янв. 2016 в 14:14

Where i can find Giant Fossilized Skull?

24 янв. 2016 в 14:23 Mine dropped from them tartil guys when I was doing the questline for overthrowing baary 24 янв. 2016 в 14:27 Thx for the anwser. Do you maybe remeber where you get this quest? 24 янв. 2016 в 14:51 If I remember correctly, I saw it near a town ( I don't remember the name of the town but It was probably at right side of the map). It was just sitting in the corner of the small town and I just took it from there :D 24 янв. 2016 в 15:21 Mine dropped from a random tartil when I was just running around killing things someplace. 24 янв. 2016 в 15:49 If I remember correctly, I saw it near a town ( I don't remember the name of the town but It was probably at right side of the map). It was just sitting in the corner of the small town and I just took it from there :D
Thank you , found mine there too :) Now just find oddly shaped crystal :) 24 янв. 2016 в 16:41 If I remember correctly, I saw it near a town ( I don't remember the name of the town but It was probably at right side of the map). It was just sitting in the corner of the small town and I just took it from there :D
Thank you , found mine there too :) Now just find oddly shaped crystal :)
Found the crystal from a random dusk crystal. 24 янв. 2016 в 18:18
I harvest more then 300 hundred right now and nothing.

I harvest more then 300 hundred right now and nothing.
It's definitely from a dusk crystal. But the chance to drop is so low, I'm in the second area, killed maybe 300

500 tartils, if not more to date, and I don't have the giant fossilised skull. I did get the crystal after maybe 150

24 янв. 2016 в 22:06
I harvest more then 300 hundred right now and nothing. I would say that it's hardly even worth it. You might get a good weapon out of it for a short while but it becomes obsolete in roughly an hour. I only recommend it if you have difficulty with the final fight in the Savenna or are just a completionist. 24 янв. 2016 в 22:16

Well for my two cents, the helm is worth it. It gives like 550 life as well as other stats. It's a guaranteed legendary, which are usually worth it in this game.

What crystal are you guys talking about? It requires the fossillized skull, pearl scales, and the tartil stuff you get from a pet.

24 янв. 2016 в 22:22 any rare items are just rng drops also I'm still using this and I can currently make t15 items
25 янв. 2016 в 3:11 So in short I just need to kill a bunch of tartils until one of them drops it? 25 янв. 2016 в 5:34 So in short I just need to kill a bunch of tartils until one of them drops it?

The drop chance is so low that it's not really worth it.

25 янв. 2016 в 5:43

Most of the peoples including me get it from village that you need to visit (main quest ) and clean from a tartils.

What crystal are you guys talking about? It requires the fossillized skull, pearl scales, and the tartil stuff you get from a pet. 25 янв. 2016 в 10:52 So in short I just need to kill a bunch of tartils until one of them drops it?

Yea, the giant fossilized skull drops from the tartils. It's drop rate is terrible though.

From the BScotch forums:
Good thing to keep in mind is that the "babies" don't drop rare resources. You will ONLY get it for the Epic and Legendary creatures. Same as eggs. So you may need to level up further and work out how to take out the Big'uns to get it.

Where can the giant fossilized skull be found?

I have no clue where I can find this item, and the same with the oddly shaped crystal.

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Giant Fossilised Skull can be obtained from the bigger sized Tartils and Oddly Shaped Crystals drop from Dusk Crystals!

Thanks so much! I had no idea the skulls came from tartils, I just assumed they were rare tar pit drops, kinda like the femurs scattered around

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