Failed to creategamewindow resolution 1280x720 unsupported apex legends как исправить

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

25 июн. 2020 в 2:01 Resolution (1280x720) Unsupported? Error. This game was working just fine for 3 days and now all of a sudden I get this error, and have no idea on how fix it. I tried deleting and redownloading it, but no luck. can anyone help? (I love this game and been waiting for over 2 years for this game to be on steam) 25 июн. 2020 в 4:07 same here
It showed up for me ,"Resolution (2048x1080) Unsupported?" Error,too. 25 июн. 2020 в 4:23 i might not be correct but u gotta go into system settings and on display set ur display resolution to ur desired resolution and it should fix it 25 июн. 2020 в 17:53 i might not be correct but u gotta go into system settings and on display set ur display resolution to ur desired resolution and it should fix it
Thanks for the answer. My TV resolution is 4096 x 2160. Do I need to lower the resolution to 2048 x 1080 or lower? It's hard for me because it makes the screen smaller. 26 июн. 2020 в 21:48 i might not be correct but u gotta go into system settings and on display set ur display resolution to ur desired resolution and it should fix it

Thanks for the answer. My TV resolution is 4096 x 2160. Do I need to lower the resolution to 2048 x 1080 or lower? It's hard for me because it makes the screen smaller.
Lowering the resolution in the settings did not fix it.
I am contacting EA HELP now.

If there are other players who are having trouble with similar issues, please let me know what you think.

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Try to restore your Nvidia Control Panel to default if u have made any changes on there. (Remember to turn back the monitor hertz after restoring).

Update your graphics card driver

Make sure you have the latest visual c++

In Origin, right click the game > Game Properties > Advanced > commands: -window -width 1920 -height 1080

"Failed to CreateGameWindow. resolution (1280x720) unsupported?"

graphics card is updated

tried to repair game

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The fix is to go to C:/Users/"yourpcname"/SavedGame/Respawn/Apex/local

You just need to change these only;

Change "1280" & "720" into "1920" & "1080" respectively. Then, save.

Keep in mind, you cannot change the resolution in game for some reason. It wil stuck at 1920x1080 (native). I dunno how to change it yet but at least you can login into the game.

2 авг в 11:48

anyone know how to solve this?

P.S. Already search it up on the internet but only playable by using 1920x1080 resolution, while I having trouble using the 1600x900 in order to get more fps

[SOLVED For Laptop/Notebook Intel CPU Users]
The thing is somewhat apex doesn't support the resolution ur using before, it forces you to use your native resolution (ex. 1920x1080, 1366x768), that is the reason why it's unsupported.

There's many way to solve this issue, but this one for me it's easy and convenience. How to solve this is make a CUSTOM RESOLUTION to make this works. and I advise to make the custom resolution same as the one ur using before, and overwrite it.

[For the steps I use]
1. Right-click on your desktop
2. Select Intel Graphics Settings
3. Select the "Custom Resolution"
4. Make one resolution you want to use (ex. 1600x900 for me or 1366x768)
5. Overwrite, if there any coliision and add
6. Go back to apex, it should be fixed

IF the issue still persist:
Do the step 1-5, then go to C drive > Users > (ur account name) > Saved Games > Respawn > Apex > local > videoconfig.txt, then edit the resolution to whatever you want to use, then save. Done

If there any questions or need some assistance to solve this issue, just comment or pm me.
I would love to help

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