Failed to connect to the server minecraft что делать

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

If the server says failed to connect to server Follow these instructions bellow:

First of all, are other people on his server? Is he sure that it works? If he is, then I'd suggest two things:
1) Make sure minecraft is an exception in your firewall. If you do not have a third-party firewall program, go to control panel -> Windows Firewall -> Let Program through firewall (or smthn like that), and make sure minecraft is in the list. If it's not, add it.

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LAN error

I am trying to play minecraft with my sis via LAN. But everytime I try to connect to her world i get the error "Failed to login: invalid session (try restarting your game).

We are on the same WIFI network, I have given Java permission in both my Network AND my Firewall + my anitvirus. After googling a day long I found out that this error occurs when you have multiple minecraft tabs opened at once. This is also the reason of this problem. It happened when I did this a few days ago.

Now, everytime I open up minecraft it creates 2 processes (as seen in Task Manager in win7). I think this is the reason that this error occurs, but when I close one of the two my minecraft crashes.

Someone please help

Your fellow Crafter,

Почему не могу присоидиниться к другу в Minecraft?

Играем с модами через Hamachi (Пробовали Tunngle)
Когда пробую зайти на к нему пишет сначала Connect to the server, а чуть позже Loggin и сразу выбивает ошибку:

Failed to connect to the server
Failed to login invalid session (try restarting your game)

Версия майкрафта 1.7,10, пиратка

"Failed to login invalid session (try restarting your game)" - сервер под лицензию.
Offline mode в настройках сервера ставьте. Но если поставить Offline mode, то как по сети играть? Phenom Просветленный (44026) Он не делает сервер "оффлайновым". Он отключает проверку на лицензию. Какая версия у вас если выше 1.7
То у кого то у вас должна быть лицензия, если у вас 2 пиратки вы не как не зайжете друг к другу. денис ефименко Знаток (283) Ну тогда, моды одинаковые? Как именно сервер сделали через консоль или же локальная сеть в игре? Если открывается локальный сервер, то все присоединяющиеся игроки должны быть с лицензионным аккаунтом

На хамачи есть два способа играть.

Первый - встроенный сервер. Так вы играли. В мире открываете сеть, и люди заходят под определённым идентификатором.

Второй - локальный сервер. Только так на пиратках и работает нормально.
Если ты ещё следишь за этим вопросом, я тебе расскажу, как скачать и настроить локальный сервер.

11 replies

Thanx everyone for all the tips, but unfortunately none of them works. The point is that it worked last tuesday. On wednesday I opened minecraft twice to remake a former creation in another world. This is the point where all the trouble started.

Still, I am talking about LAN (me and my sis ARE on the same network) connecting to servers is no problem

LAN doesn't use the auth servers I don't think.

(Singleplayer -> Open to LAN)

First make sure you are logged in under completely different Mojang accounts! This means you paid for Minecraft twice, once for you and another time for your sister.

If it still isn't working make sure there aren't any blocks on the WiFi you are using. Sometimes schools and other places will block gaming LAN connections.

Hopefully I was of help

. and you are on the same network? because the L in LAN stands for network. LAN stands for local area network

reinstalling MC won't really do anything..cuz. mc doesn't really install :s

I'm sorry for this, but I have cracked version at the moment. My old account got hacked and spaced out. forgive me

My sister and I have separate usernames, which are not being used by a premium mc member.

I have already reinstalled mc twice, to bad that didn't help.

I really hope someone finds a solution.

please don't hate me for playing cracked at the moment. I'm saving as much as I can to rebuy an account

yea so that's why it isn't working. you need a actual MC account to go on servers.

I am trying to play minecraft with my sis via LAN. But everytime I try to connect to her world i get the error "Failed to login: invalid session (try restarting your game).

Now, everytime I open up minecraft it creates 2 processes (as seen in Task Manager in win7).

Usually whenever I get an invalid session error it's because I clicked "Play Offline" in the launcher instead of "Play" (Play Offline changes to Play when you log into your account). Whenever you click Play Offline, it won't let you play on servers (Same probably happens with a LAN world, but I'm not too sure though).

If you get an Invalid Session error, close both Minecraft and the launcher, then click "Play" and not "Play Offline" next time you launch Minecraft.

Two processes is normal, I usually find that there's one process for the launcher and one for the game itself.

Как решить проблему с ошибкой "Failed to connect to the server; Failed to login: null"

Хочу поиграть с другом в майн, но вылезает эта ошибка:

нажми галку на аакаунте в тшке или где и создай либо пересоздай
или пароль который ты вводишь на сервере не правильный

Перезапусти игру, от имени администратора. Не поможет поменяй ник. Не поможет - сервер не рабочий

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