Error on creating shaders out of video memory mount and blade что делать

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Mount & Blade: Warband

16 мар. 2015 в 9:51 This comes up a lot and crashes the game, it's kind of annoying. Anyone know any solutions? I'm pretty ♥♥♥♥♥ with this sort of stuff. 16 мар. 2015 в 14:13

Well. it says you're out of video memory. I'm just guessing, but I don't think it means that you need to feed the dog. :)

First, are you running any mods?

Second, what's your general system specs?

Lastly, what video options are you using when running the game? (Options Menu)

Let's face it - Not all modders are producing lean mods. Some of them are using uncompressed/non-optimized texture sets that have a lot of dead weight in them. These textures have to be loaded up, every time they're called for by a scene/unit in the game. And, if there are a great many different units, each with custom texture sets, all battling it out on a revamped battlefield, that's a lot of memory overload.

Possible solutions if you're not running any mods:

Lower the number of units per battle.
Lower your video settings by:

1) Choose "Load Textures on Demand" in the launcher settings.
2) Experiment with lowering texture detail. (Won't effect most mod packs, though, I wouldn't think) in the launcer settings.
3) In the Options Menu, in game, turn down all the settings that effect plants, grass and the like.

Set Shaders to "medium", but that shouldn't effect your overhead as much as some other settings will.

Feel free to turn down "Character Detail", since you won't be staring at yourself all the time.

Turn character shadowsto Low or Off, as well, since you won't be staring at your feet a lot.

Set corpses to something low, like 10, so the vid card can dump those textures if they're not needed.

And, very, very important - Turn "Ragdolls" down to something very low, like 5 and "Blood" to "Only Near Player." "Ragdolls" uses ragdoll physics which is processed by your vidcard, NOT your CPU. Blood is a high res sprite effect, not a shader, so whenever it's loaded, there could be multiple instances being tracked for multiple figures, which is more overhead than you need. Turn it to "Only near player."

Turn on "Fast Water Reflections" and don't use HDR until you're sure you can get everything else running well.

Warband will attempt to "automate" all of these settings if you choose for it to automatically set them for you. However, if it doesn't fully recognize your card, since the game is fairly old, this may not do you any good.

Post back with your specs, any mods you're running, and the results of your tests.

PS - If you're running Floris, you can download a reduced resolution texture set for it that may help you. Some other mods have special submods for low-capacity systems, as well, so check the forums/downloads for any mod you may be running.

Error on creating shaders out of video memory mount and blade что делать

Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword

12 Oct, 2018 @ 3:45pm I could do with some help on Mount and blade with this problem, error on creating shaders: out of video memory. I cant really figure out what to do i have been able to run this before so some help on how to fix this would be awesome! 13 Oct, 2018 @ 2:54pm I had the same issue, and going to the other discussion forums, found that it seems to be an issue with the video card, and an update from steam. Changing the texture quality slider from 100 to 80 seemed to fix the issue for me. 31 Oct, 2018 @ 7:10pm go into rgl.log and change l1 channel and l2 channel to 2048k each 28 Nov, 2019 @ 2:24am

hi guys, same problem here since some days.
do you mean the l2 cache size? there is no l1/2 channel or anything like this.
i change the l2 cache size from original 256k to 2048k without any effect, M&B restored during the loading screen the original size.
i changed nothing on my PC(hardware/os) since the last gameplay.
any idea.

ps. it does'nt matter which module is active(native,enhanced,improved). it all works few weeks ago.

Error on creating shaders: Out of video memory!

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Try running it with Direct X 7.

In regard to the armor textures, did you try the missing/black armor textures fix in the bug reports thread?

Note the rgl_log.txt is created from scratch each time you load the game so you must post it immediately after a crash.

error on creating shaders: out of video memory

Hmm, I searched for it but not getting a log. I almost get the loading bar to finish but I get the error right when it goes to loading scene so It doesn't generate a log.

edit: I can run regular warbands on full settings but can't even put this on low settings to get it to work.

Grandmaster Knight

render_buffer_size = 5
use_vertex_shaders = 0
enable_blood = 0
force_single_threading = 1
display_width = 1920 (REDUCE)
display_height = 1080

Try this I guess .


Got it to work and hopefully it stays that way, thanks.

I have the same problem as he does. I can only find rgl_log but not rgl_config in my MBW folder.

Here is the log though

Starting new log file.
Version: 1.143

-- OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
-- RAM: Available physical RAM: 3297MB/4096MB
-- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz (GenuineIntel)
- L2 cache size: 256K
- Number of CPUs: 4 ( Speed:

-- GPU:
- D3D9 Adapter: 0 / Driver: nvumdshim.dll / Description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M
- Texture Memory: 3766 ( Available Texture Memory: 3754 )

Received stats and achievements from Steam

Processing Ini File Module_name = Brytenwalda
Num Hints = 12
Setting Map Min X = -178.012619
Setting Map Max X = 185.339508
Setting Map Min Y = -232.722122
Setting Map Max Y = 197.089081
Setting Time Multiplier = 0.250000
Setting Seeing Range Multiplier = 6.500000
Setting Track Spotting Multiplier = 0.800000
Setting player_wounded_treshold = 5.000000
Setting hero_wounded_treshold = 15.000000
Setting Skill Prisoner Management Bonus = 5
Setting Skill Leadership Bonus = 3
Setting Base Companion Limit = 20
Setting player_xp_multiplier = 1.000000
Setting hero_xp_multiplier = 1.000000
Setting regulars_xp_multiplier = 1.000000
Setting damage_interrupt_attack_treshold = 3.000000
Setting damage_interrupt_attack_treshold_mp = 3.000000
Setting armor_soak_factor_against_cut = 0.750000
Setting armor_soak_factor_against_pierce = 0.650000
Setting armor_soak_factor_against_blunt = 0.600000
Setting armor_reduction_factor_against_cut = 0.750000
Setting armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce = 0.650000
Setting armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt = 0.600000
Setting horse_charge_damage_multiplier = 5.000000
Setting couched_lance_damage_multiplier = 0.650000
Setting fall_damage_multiplier = 4.000000
Setting shield_penetration_offset = 25.000000
Setting shield_penetration_factor = 2.000000
Setting missile_damage_speed_power = 1.900000
Setting melee_damage_speed_power = 2.000000
Setting multiplayer_walk_enabled = 0
Setting mission_object_prune_time = 180
Scan Module Textures = 1
Scan Module Sounds = 1
Loading Resource test
Loading Module Resource textures_face_gen
Loading Resource shaders
Loading Resource textures
Loading Resource materials
Loading Resource uimeshes
Loading Resource helpers
Loading Resource map_tree_meshes
Loading Resource map_icon_meshes
Loading Resource particle_meshes
Loading Resource skeletons
Loading Resource tree_meshes
Loading Resource xtree_meshes
Loading Module Resource grass_meshes
Loading Resource plant_meshes
Loading Resource body_meshes
Loading Resource object_meshes
Loading Resource object_bodies
Loading Resource goods_meshes
Loading Resource item_meshes1
Loading Resource horse_a
Loading Resource arabian_castle
Loading Resource food
Loading Module Resource beards
Loading Resource village_houses
Loading Resource village_houses_a
Loading Resource village_houses_b
Loading Module Resource hair
Loading Resource interiors_a
Loading Resource interiors_b
Loading Resource interiors_c
Loading Resource arena
Loading Resource map_icons_b
Loading Resource castle_a
Loading Resource dungeon
Loading Resource stone_houses
Loading Resource snowy_houses
Loading Resource snowy_castle
Loading Resource castle_b
Loading Resource square_keep
Loading Resource anim_b
Loading Resource weapon_meshes_c
Loading Resource xtree_meshes_b
Loading Resource map_icons_c
Loading Module Resource pictures
Loading Module Resource user_interface_b
Loading Resource user_interface_c
Loading Resource scene_encounter_spot
Loading Resource interior_thirsty_lion
Loading Resource scene_small_tavern
Loading Resource weapon_meshes1
Loading Resource weapon_meshes_b
Loading Resource houses1
Loading Resource wall_meshes1
Loading Resource town_houses
Loading Resource doors
Loading Resource churches
Loading Resource town_houses_b
Loading Resource castle_c
Loading Resource castle_d
Loading Resource castle_e
Loading Resource castle_f
Loading Resource castle_g
Loading Resource castle_h
Loading Resource castle_i
Loading Resource gatehouse
Loading Resource viking_houses
Loading Resource fake_houses
Loading Resource town_houses_c
Loading Resource particles_2
Loading Resource prisons
Loading Resource prisons_b
Loading Resource interiors_d
Loading Module Resource op_terrain_borders_textures
Loading Module Resource op_terrain_borders_materials
Loading Module Resource op_terrain_borders
Loading Module Resource op_terrain_borders_b
Loading Resource skyboxes
Loading Resource object_b
Loading Resource tree_e_meshes
Loading Resource destroy
Loading Resource xtree_meshes_c
Loading Module Resource grass_meshes_b
Loading Resource interiors_steppe
Loading Resource grooming_horse
Loading Resource town_houses_d
Loading Resource horses_b
Loading Resource ani_horse_mounted
Loading Resource deneme2
Loading Resource horse_skeleton
Loading Resource steppe_fake_houses
Loading Resource tableau_shields
Loading Resource instruments
Loading Resource custom_banner
Loading Resource simple_primitives
Loading Resource ani_man_walk
Loading Resource ani_twohanded
Loading Resource ani_onehanded
Loading Resource ani_death
Loading Resource ani_stand_guardsman
Loading Resource ani_human_mounted
Loading Resource ani_lady_stand
Loading Resource ani_poses
Loading Resource ani_stand_shopkeeper
Loading Resource ani_man_cheer
Loading Resource ani_stand_onhorse
Loading Resource ani_throw_stone
Loading Resource ani_strikes
Loading Resource ani_equip_arms
Loading Resource ani_run_p
Loading Resource ani_run_forward_left_right
Loading Resource uni_strikes3
Loading Resource ani_walk_sideways
Loading Resource ani_run_sideways
Loading Resource ani_stand
Loading Resource ani_crouch_down
Loading Resource ani_low_walk
Loading Resource ani_turn_man
Loading Resource ani_attacks_single
Loading Resource ani_lancer
Loading Resource ani_attacks
Loading Resource ani_kicks
Loading Resource ani_parry_attack
Loading Resource ani_walk_backward
Loading Resource ani_run_lookingsides
Loading Resource ani_defends
Loading Resource ani_walk_lookingsides
Loading Resource ani_jump
Loading Resource ani_wedding
Loading Resource arabian_props
Loading Resource uni_jump
Loading Resource uni_stances
Loading Resource uni_equip
Loading Resource uni_strike
Loading Resource uni_throws
Loading Resource uni_fistswing
Loading Resource uni_lord_stand
Loading Resource uni_defence
Loading Resource uni_sideways
Loading Resource dart
Loading Resource armors_new_b
Loading Resource armors_new_arena
Loading Resource rock
Loading Resource raw_materials
Loading Resource gauntlets_new
Loading Resource bride_dress
Loading Resource ui_server_filter
Loading Resource ship
Loading Resource arabian_houses
Loading Resource object_c
Loading Resource tree_f
Loading Resource interiors_arabian
Loading Resource arabian_village
Loading Resource valleyProps
Loading Resource workshops
Loading Resource barrier_primitives
Loading Resource town_houses_e
Loading Module Resource animalesdecaza
Loading Module Resource animals
Loading Module Resource animals2
Loading Module Resource otrositems
Loading Module Resource arcosyflechas
Loading Module Resource armadurasmedias
Loading Module Resource armadurasmedias2
Loading Module Resource armaduraspesadas
Loading Module Resource armaduraspesadas2
Loading Module Resource armaduraspesadas3
Loading Module Resource battlebanners
Loading Module Resource botasycalzado
Loading Module Resource capasycabeza
Loading Module Resource capasycabeza2
Loading Module Resource coronas
Loading Module Resource hachas
Loading Module Resource desnudos1
Loading Module Resource desnudosypantalones
Loading Module Resource escudos1
Loading Module Resource escudos2
Loading Module Resource escudos3
Loading Module Resource escudos4
Loading Module Resource escudos5
Loading Module Resource espadas1
Loading Module Resource sail
Loading Module Resource espadas2
Loading Module Resource espadas3
Loading Module Resource gorros1
Loading Module Resource std_banners
Loading Module Resource std_banners_default
Loading Module Resource std_flags_vertical
Loading Module Resource gorros2
Loading Module Resource seaxycuchillos
Loading Module Resource iconos1
Loading Module Resource lanzasyhastas
Loading Module Resource Companions_Overview_mesh
Loading Module Resource sceneprops1
Loading Module Resource sceneprops2
Loading Module Resource sceneprops3
Loading Module Resource Tempered_mat
Loading Module Resource Tempered_mesh
Overwritten module resource is ignored due to the module switching: core_ui_meshes
Loading Module Resource command_cursor
Loading Module Resource tunicalarga
Loading Module Resource tunicas1
Loading Module Resource tunicas2
Loading Module Resource tunicas3
Loading Module Resource tunicas4
Loading Module Resource tunicas5
Loading Module Resource tunicas6
Loading Module Resource tunicasyropavaria
Loading Module Resource yelmos1
Loading Module Resource yelmos2
Loading Module Resource yelmos3
Loading Module Resource vegetacion
Loading Module Resource vestuariomujeres
Loading Module Resource AD_shields
Loading Module Resource vympels_armory
Loading Module Resource vcof_helms

> //Processing Ini File Finished
Loading Music.
Loading Textures.
Finished Loading Textures.
L8 Format is supported
Loading Module.
Loading item kinds.
Loading dialogs.
Loading mission templates.
Loading party templates.
ERROR: Error on creating shaders: Out of video memory!

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