Episkey заклинание в hogwarts mystery как выучить

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Hello everyone, are you ready for Chapter Eight of Year Two of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? In the previous chapter, you learned how to brew the Fire Protection Potion. It might prove handy in the future and could even save someone’s life in certain scenarios. Afterwards, you went to meet Bill near the vanishing stairs. He was very excited about going into the corridor that led to the cursed vault. Strongly determined, the two of you went there and after breaking through three of the ice walls, you finally reached the door. Unfortunately, during your attempt to break the ice surrounding the door, Bill got injured by the cursed ice, and after managing to free him, you decided to retreat.

Your first story task is to talk to your Perfect. However, you can’t do that for the next three hours. Instead, you should focus to complete the lessons part of the chapter first. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Training Grounds. To unlock the Weaving lesson, you need to earn a total of nine stars from the Flying Class. The fastest way to do so is by completing three of the three-hour classes. However, if you want to earn some extra attribute and house points, you might want to consider doing two of the eight-hour classes. When you decide, hit the Start button to begin.

Do these classes like any other – complete actions by tapping on various glowing objects. This will fill up the star meter and eventually, grant you stars.

Also, try your best to complete mini-tasks since each of those is awarding ten Courage points upon successful completion.

When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue.

Now that the Weaving lesson is unlocked, you can proceed back to the Training Grounds. To complete it, you’ll need to earn five stars within three hours. Since all stars are required to pass, it is recommended to have full energy prior to starting.

Repeat the same steps as before and you’ll be done in no time.

After you get all five stars, it is time to demonstrate weaving. Trace the path on the screen to successfully perform this feat.

When you are done, you’ll get to see the animation in which your character does some really nice flying maneuvers.

Congratulations! Upon completing your lesson, your maximum energy will be increased by one point and that will make completing future tasks much easier.

Now that the lessons part of the chapter is done, you can continue with the story. Proceed to your Common Room to have a word with your Prefect. After talking for a while, you’ll be tasked to change clothes. Simply open the wardrobe and select something else to wear.

Afterward, go back to your Prefect. She’ll commend your style and will ask why do you always get into trouble. There are two answers you can choose from.

Each option will give you five attribute points without affecting the plot much, so you can feel free to select whichever one you prefer. After that, you’ll get the task to visit Bill. There is a waiting period of three hours before you can proceed. However, at the same time, you will also get a side quest to help Madam Pomfrey. Since side quests have nice rewards, in most cases you should focus on completing them as soon as they appear. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Hospital Wing.

When you arrive, Madam Pomfrey will explain that she has a problem with the patient who got injured while sleepwalking. After talking for a bit, she will ask you to research sleepwalking and find if there is any relevant information written somewhere. You will have to wait for three hours or use some gems before you can proceed. Once you are able to continue, head back to your Common Room and speak to your Prefect.

After talking for a while, you will receive a new task. To complete it, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Since only one is required to pass, completing this should be relatively easy.

Do this in the same way as any other task and you shouldn’t have much trouble.

When you are done, head back to the Hospital Wing. When you get there, you’ll notice that the number of new patients has increased significantly. Madam Pomfrey will ask if you know Episkey spell, but sadly, your character hasn’t heard of it yet. So, in order to help her, you will need to study that charm.

Go back to your Common Room. When you get there, you’ll get the task to research Episkey. To complete it, you need to earn five stars within three hours and once again, only one star is required to pass.

There isn’t much to say about this – do it like the previous task and you should be done in no time.

After you complete it, your next task will be to head back to the Hospital Wing. Sadly, there is a waiting period of eight hours before you can do so. Either wait for a while or spend some gems to speed up the process, it’s up to you.

When you are able to continue, proceed to the Hospital Wing and speak to Madam Pomfrey. She will offer to teach you how to cast Episkey. Learning this spell requires you to earn five stars within three hours. Be sure to have full energy when starting, because all five stars are needed to pass.

Other than the star requirement, there is nothing much different about this task compared to the last one. Simply focus on high-cost actions to optimize the energy usage and you’ll be fine.

Once you obtain the fifth star, you’ll be tasked with casting Episkey. Trace the wand movement on the screen to successfully cast the spell.

Madam Pomfrey will commend your healing skills and say that you could even take her position one day. You can respond to this in two different ways.

The first option is a preferable one as long as you have Knowledge at level thirteen since it will award you with ten attribute points. On top of that, Madam Pomfrey will reward you with twenty house points. This will complete the quest. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

Now that the side quest is done, you can go back to the Hospital Wing and visit Bill. When you get there, you’ll see him talking to Madam Pomfrey. After talking for a while, you’ll get the task to prepare the team for the cursed vault. At the same time, you will receive another side quest and it will involve talking to Bill in the Great Hall.

When you get there, you will notice that some of the characters have speech bubbles above them. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say.

Afterward, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation with Bill. Apparently, he is very upset. The reason for this is that he got into trouble with Professor McGonagall for teaching you the Fire-Making Spell. This could seriously endanger his chances of becoming a school Prefect in his Fifth Year. You’ll try to reassure him that everything will be ok, but he simply isn’t convinced. You can select one of three options to try and make him feel better.

Each option will give you five attribute points and will also ease his mind a bit, so pick whichever one you prefer the most. However, he still seems pretty sad, so it’s up to you to convince him that everything will be fine. Tap on the handshake icon to bring up the task window. It will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the gold cost of starting it.

Basically, it behaves in a similar way as the meal with a friend. The goal is to select the answers that will encourage Bill to become a Prefect. Simply said, be supportive and friendly and you won’t have any trouble completing this task. You can see the question and the correct answers in the pictures below.

Once you are done, Bill’s spirits will be lifted, and he will thank you for being such a good friend. This will also complete the side quest. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

All that’s now is to help your friends prepare for the cursed vault. You can do them in any order you prefer. For example, you can start with Penny. She will await you at the Training Grounds. After talking with her for a while, you’ll find out that she already knows Incendio, but is struggling a bit with Flipendo. Teaching her the Knockback Jinx will be your next task. To complete it, you need to earn five stars within three hours with one star being required to pass.

This is fairly similar to other story tasks, so you should be able to do it fairly easy.

After reaching five stars, you’ll need to demonstrate Flipendo to Penny. Trace the wand movement on the screen in order to successfully cast the Knockback Jinx.

Penny will praise your teaching skills and after that, her part of the task will be completed. Next, you can go and help Rowan learn Incendio. He is also at the Training Grounds, so proceed there to meet him. To teach him, you’ll need to earn five stars within three hours and only one is required to pass.

This task is nearly identical to the previous one, so simply repeat the steps and you’ll be done quickly and easily.

The only thing that differs is that in the end, you’ll need to cast the Incendio. Trace the wand movement on the screen to cast the Fire-Making Spell.

After a bit more talking, his part of the task will be completed. Two down, one to go. Now that you helped both Penny and Rowan, it’s time to go to the Potions Classroom and meet with Ben. When you get there, you’ll talk with him for a while and then you’ll get the task to help him prepare for the cursed vault. It has similar requirements as the previous ones.

The only difference between this and the other tasks is that for this one, you don’t need to cast any spell after earning all five stars.

After you are done, the Chapter will be complete. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

And there goes another Chapter. How did you like this one? What choices did you make? Which were your favorite moments? Let us know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and see you soon with another exciting chapter of our Magical Journey.

Episkey заклинание в hogwarts mystery как выучить

Глеб, по большому счету этот выбор ни на что не влияет никак. Кроме одного танца и нет ничего. Будет еще квест Первое свидание, там можно другую пару выбрать.

Глеб Пархоменко

Harry, а этот квест на каком курсе будет?)

(Я понимаю, но вот. Да и есть желание кое-какие моменты по-другому пройти)

Глеб, с 8 главы 4 курса доступно свидание. По-другому? К сожалению, выбор игрока в диалогах мало вообще на что влияет в игре, максимум, что можно сделать, это выбрать другого друга в той или иной ситуации, но на конечный итог это не влияет.

Глеб Пархоменко

Harry, благодарю. И такой вопрос, как квест со свиданием называется? Или название со свиданием не ассоциируется?

Episkey заклинание в hogwarts mystery как выучить

Татьяна Гайдаенко

Татьяна Гайдаенко

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз

Татьяна Гайдаенко

Татьяна Гайдаенко ответила Елене

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз

Владислав Руссков

Татьяна, ну, windy spell тоже неплох. Пусть наносит урон меньше на 2 единицы, но есть шанс застанить на 3 хода

Карина Миранда

Интересно, можно будет получить заклинания, на которые ивенты уже прошли?

Карина, несколько раз было повторение старых заклинаний в Дуэльном клубе.

Карина Миранда

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз И я страстно надеюсь я 16 пропустила

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз

Анна Granger

Если повезет, Инсендио лучше всех (когда соперник долго горит). Ну и стандарт (Флиппендо, Депульсо), а все заклинания из событий — так, баловство больше

Александра Полдушева

Александра Полдушева

Анна, из событий Arrow shooting spell неплохое, урон чуть меньше Депульсо, зато есть вероятность bleeding

Лана Тигрина

Лана Тигрина

Анна, До изменения дуэлей Babbling curse стабильно выдавало стан на 2-3 хода, обожал это заклинание
Но теперь может вообще не сработать :с

Chapter 9

Hello everyone, welcome to Chapter Nine of Year Two of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous chapter, you learned Episkey Charm by assisting Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital wing. Thankfully, Bill managed to recover from the cursed ice without any lasting consequences. And not just that, he is eager and willing to help you with opening the cursed vault and breaking the curse once and for all. Also, all of your friends agreed to assist you with this, so you helped them prepare for the upcoming adventure.

Now is the time to continue where we left off. It is recommended that you start the chapter by doing the lessons part first. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Transfiguration classroom.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

Unlocking Porcupine to Pin Cushion lesson will require you to earn a total of nine stars from Transfiguration Class. One of the easiest ways to do it is by completing three of the three-hour classes. If, however, you want to get some additional attribute and house points, you could go for two of the eight-hour classes instead. Anyway, when you decide which class to take, hit the Start button to begin.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

As always, complete actions by tapping on the glowing objects in order to fill up the star meter and earn stars. Prioritize the actions with a high energy cost. That way you will fill up the star meter faster and save some energy.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

Also, try to successfully complete mini-tasks after earning each star since those will award you with ten Knowledge points.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

After you earn a total of nine stars, Porcupine to Pin Cushion lesson will be unlocked, so proceed back to the Transfiguration Classroom. To complete this lesson, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Since all the stars are required to pass, it is somewhat recommended to have full energy prior to starting it.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

There isn’t much difference between this lesson and regular classes. Simply follow the same steps and you’ll be done before you know it.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

After you obtain the fifth star, it is time to cast the spell. Trace the wand movement on the screen to successfully turn your porcupine into a pin cushion.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

Congratulation! You’ve completed the last Transfiguration lesson for this year. Now you can continue with the story. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Courtyard. On the way there, you will encounter Hagrid. He’ll inform you that the cursed ice is spreading throughout Hogwarts rapidly and that the professors are doing everything in their power to stop it. He’ll even mention that Dumbledore is looking for a Curse-Breaker to help with the whole situation. You can respond to him in two different ways.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

The first option requires you to have level twelve Courage but is generally preferred since it awards you with ten attribute points. Afterward, continue to the Courtyard to meet with Bill. After talking with him for a while, you’ll have to choose only one of your friends to accompany you to the cursed vault. The other two will help the professors deal with the cursed ice. This is an important choice. The reason for that is simple – if you select Ben, you will avoid getting fifty house points penalty afterward. So, in case that you are struggling with the house points, you might want to consider bringing Ben along.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

After that, you’ll talk to Bill a bit longer and then you’ll decide to meet with a friend you selected for the adventure. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

Once you get there, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the students. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

After that, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation. After talking for a while, your friend will ask you why did you choose him/her for this adventure. You have three options to respond with.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

No matter which character you selected, there will always be one option that requires a certain attribute level. That one is preferred since it will give you ten attribute points, compared to five you would receive from the other two. Regardless of the option you select, it will take some more convincing to persuade your friend to join you. Tapping on the handshake icon will open the task window.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

It will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the gold cost of starting it. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

This task is almost identical to meal with a friend mini-game. The only noticeable difference is that you have six turns to complete it. Simply be friendly and try to explain to your friend that he/she is the essential part of this team and you should be able to complete it in three or four turns. Below are some of the questions and the correct answers.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

Once you are done, your friend will agree to help you and the Chapter will be completed.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery - Walkthrough

And another chapter of our Magical Journey is done. How did you find this one? What were your favorite moments? Who did you choose to accompany you to the Cursed Vault? Let us know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and see you soon with another chapter of this exciting adventure!

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