Entity cramming minecraft что это

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Just wanted to ask if there was a simple solution to prevent or reduce the entity cramming that occurs at mob grinders (most notably blaze and zombie/skeleton grinders).

At the moment I come back from 20 minutes of AFK to find there are only a couple dozen entities that collect there before the rest die of fall or

Ideally I want to be able to AFK for a couple hours and complete real-life tasks and return to at least 150 entities that I can kill with 1 swipe of a sword

Any links or pictures would be very appreciated.

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It is a gamerule. You can just change it with /gamerule maxEntityCramming 150 to set it to 150 mobs. Or just set it to 0 to disable it.

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  • Coal Miner
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If you are on a server and can't change the game rule, here's a tutorial by docm77. He uses vines, which I hear no longer work in this build, but you can use ladders instead.

  • Lapis Lazuli Collector
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Please keep in mind, the point of /maxEntityCramming is to avoid lag. If you work around maxEntityCramming on someone ELSE'S server and you cause lag, they are going to be annoyed, and they will come find you. If *YOU* control the server, turning it off is the best solution and you can judge the lag issue for what resources you have on your server. On my server, I leave the settings at default and just work around it using farms that do NOT have a 1x1 killbox, such as .

  • Coal Miner
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Please keep in mind, the point of /maxEntityCramming is to avoid lag. If you work around maxEntityCramming on someone ELSE'S server and you cause lag, they are going to be annoyed, and they will come find you.

Yeah, I should have mentioned something that was also referenced in the video I linked: when docm77 built that farm on the Hermitcraft server, BdoubleO tried to use it and went AFK for too long, which wound up spawning something like a thousand skeletons in the kill chamber and reduced his frame rate to a crawl. It's probably just better to kill the mobs in batches of 20 and wait only a little bit than to wait a long time so you could kill them all at once. It's the same XP either way.

Entity Cramming in Minecraft?

There are certain rules and limitations that help balance Minecraft in survival mode. The game needs to get more challenging as the game progresses, but not get impossible. This is why the game can be pretty challenging at times, especially during the end game.

However, many new players have been seen asking questions about entity cramming in Minecraft. Although it is a pretty essential mechanic in-game, yet most players have no idea about it at all. This is why today; we will be taking the time to explain to you what entity cramming means and how is it used in Minecraft. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started:

What is Entity Farming?

Basically, entity farming is a rule in Minecraft that keeps the spawns of all entities in a block under a specified limit. This means that players can limit the number of entities that will spawn in the surrounding area. This rule is very important in survival mode farming. It allows the player to set a limit on entity spawns.

What Is The Use For Entity Spawning?

In Minecraft, entity spawning is used for plenty of reasons. Most importantly, it acts as a very useful tool that lets you build farms while the game automatically kills all useless mod. The default number of entities that spawn in a block is set to 24. You are completely free to customize the number to anything you’d like.

You can set it to 1, or a 100. This is exactly why entity spawning is an important factor of Minecraft, especially in survival mode. You get complete control over how you build your farms. An important thing to note is that it also allows you to do AFK farming without any issues.

How To Set Entity Cramming?

Like any other rule in Minecraft, it is fairly easy to set up the limit for mob spawns. You only need to write a single line, which should do the trick for you. All you have to do is type and run the following line in your game:

/gamerule maxEntityCramming X

Where X is the number of mobs that will spawn. For instance, if you set the value of X to 100, then 100 mobs should spawn in the area. This is how you can easily modify and change the number of mobs that spawn in your game.

Will This Work On Someone Else’s Server?

Unfortunately, you cannot use this rule on someone else’s server. Only a server owner can modify entity cramming. The default value is usually set to 24-26. If you want to change that, you will need to do it on your own server.

There is no way of changing the value on someone else’s server. The only way is to ask the owner of the server to change the value of spawns for you.

The Bottom Line

Using this article, we have introduced and explained the concept of entity cramming in Minecraft. We have made sure to feature all the important aspects of entity cramming. Keep in mind this feature is useful only in survival mode.

If there is anything you didn’t understand, please make sure to leave a comment. We will be more than happy to answer all of your questions!

Killing mobs in Minecraft using entity cramming

How can the entity cramming game rule be used to kill mobs?

Cows trapped on a single block in the game (Image via Minecraft)

When there are more mobs on a block than the max value set for entity cramming, a random mob will die, and players can collect the items dropped by it. To do this, players need to trap at least 24 mobs or have a chamber that uses minecarts to maximize the entity capacity per block so that when a mob enters the chamber, it starts taking suffocation damage and dies.

Steps to create a simple mob killing chamber that uses entity cramming

A killing chamber that utilizes the entity cramming game rule (Image via Minecraft)

Step 1: Place a chest with a hopper above it. Players need to make sure that the hopper is connected to the chest.

Step 2: Using sneak, players need to place a rail on the hopper.

Step 3: Place at least 24 minecarts on the rail.

Step 4: Using any block, create four 2x1 walls around the minecart. The wall needs to be at least two blocks high to make sure the mob cannot escape. Glass is preferred as the player will be able to see inside the chamber.

This basic chamber kills mobs almost instantly after they enter it. Minecarts are used in it, so the player does not have to worry about having at least 24 mobs just to kill one.

Что такое зубрежка сущностей в Майнкрафт?

Многие игроки не уверены в том, что такое зубрежка сущностей и как она работает. Итак, вот руководство по заполнению сущностей в Minecraft.

Что именно означает зубрежка сущностей в Minecraft?

Записывание сущностей влияет на то, сколько мобов может стоять в одном пространстве. Это достигается путем ограничения количества объектов, которые могут поместиться в один блок. Значение по умолчанию для мобов Minecraft равно 24. Если это число будет превышено, мобы начнут получать урон от удушья. Игроки также начнут терять здоровье, если попадутся в такую ​​ловушку.

Использование Entity Cramming в Minecraft

Игроки могут использовать зубрежку сущностей, чтобы быстро и эффективно убивать мобов в игре. Они могут сделать это, построив модифицированную ферму мобов, но это может привести к значительному отставанию миров, миров и серверов Minecraft.

Кроме того, изменение максимального значения сжатия сущностей может помочь игрокам Minecraft контролировать скорость появления мобов. Это может быть особенно полезно для игроков, которые заинтересованы в выращивании мобов.

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What Is Entity Cramming In Minecraft?

minecraft entity cramming

An entity in Minecraft refers to any creature present in the game. Each entity interacts with the player in different kinds of ways. Some will not harm the player in any way, whereas some are passive that will only attack the player if they are attacked first. Dangerous entities are also featured in the game that only spawns at night, and will attack the player as soon as they are in their sight.

Fighting against such entities requires the player to equip himself with weapons and armors. To survive in this sandbox game, players will have to grind for better gear.

maxEntityCramming breaking command blocks and redstone mechanics?

  • Tree Puncher
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So, Jens recently announced the maxEntityCramming gamerule. Of course, you can change it, but the default is 24. This means that if 1 entity is touching 24 other entities, they will die. The thing that instantly came to mind - Armor Stands. For those of you who don't know, armor stands are a huge part of command blocks, and are entities. Of course, most command blocks won't use 24, or more, and you can raise the limit. But what I find frustrating is that you may want to use this mechanic, but using armor stands won't allow you too.

Get what I'm saying? Agree?

I have suggestions you should look at them.





Nether Expansion:

Other Suggestions:

  • Glowstone Miner
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Screw command blocks and armor stands, they're extremely useless and they're part of a system (commands and creative mode) where you can get infinite amounts whenever you want.

What this gamerule will really impact are xp farms (most designs force the mobs into a 1x1 or similarly sized area and most users of such let them build up to many tens or even a few hundred mobs), compact farms such as autocookers/breeders, and water-based item transporters (ie, semi-automatic crop farms washing the harvest into a canal that then washes the items over a single hopper/series of hoppers, or even item sorter/autostorage builds that don't exclusively transport via minecart, hopper, or dropper).

I suspect that the absolutely most-affected system by this would be the autostorage/item-retrieval systems that depend on water flowing over ice. If the gamerule causes these systems to be modified to replace the water-over-ice with hoppers and droppers, this could increase the lag by a lot depending on the size/throughput of the build.

That said, most people will be able to as easily avoid this gamerule as they do autojump and it will be only the potato users and those playing on servers who would be forced to abide by such a low-number restriction.

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But can items suffocate? "25+ entities at the same spot will suffocate" - Jeb_

  • Glowstone Miner
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But can items suffocate? "25+ entities at the same spot will suffocate" - Jeb_

No, it only affects mobs.

For those who complain about post-Beta generation, you might want to see this.

  • Glowstone Miner
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I figure, though, that if an extreme amount of mobs is considered a problem then an extreme amount of items will be as well.

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I figure, though, that if an extreme amount of mobs is considered a problem then an extreme amount of items will be as well.

Not quite, the way that items behave versus mobs is fundamentally different. Items have simple physics and collision detection. They are also simple cubes or sprites with a 3D effect on them. Mobs have complex AI (comparatively speaking), more complex models, sounds, and a bunch of additional data like health, equipment, armor, etc. Blocks or items are just the ID amount, and item age for despawning. You would need like 10x as many blocks or items to be equivalent to mobs.

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  • Iron Miner
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This is a stupid change. If I want to cram hundreds of mobs in a single square so I can kill them with one damage pot, I should be able to!

  • Stone Miner
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But can items suffocate? "25+ entities at the same spot will suffocate" - Jeb_

Is this going to be an option, or is it going to be default? The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits -Albert Einstein
  • Glowstone Miner
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This is a stupid change. If I want to cram hundreds of mobs in a single square so I can kill them with one damage pot, I should be able to!

Is this going to be an option, or is it going to be default?
It's a gamerule, I believe. 25+ is default for the rule.

For those who complain about post-Beta generation, you might want to see this.

  • Stone Miner
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Alright, time to change my mob farm. Perhaps I'll just have them drop into a somewhat large obsidian pit and kill 'em with tnt.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits -Albert Einstein
  • Iron Miner
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Well every server will have it on by default, ruining the whole point of XP farming.
  • Stone Miner
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Do AIs try to avoid touching to many mobs?

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits -Albert Einstein
  • Enderdragon Slayer
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I don't see this being an issue; I mean, even this is a bit ridiculous but from what I understand it won't be affected since the mobs have to be in a 1x1 space and/or touching more than 25 other mobs (larger mobs like cows would need more space):

Plus, how do you easily kill or breed mobs when they are all crammed into 1 block? Even as shown above I have to be careful not to kill baby chickens (I breed a few hundred chickens then kill all the adults so I can trade their meat for emeralds). Also, since 1.9 added sweep attacks you'll either need to use axes or spread animals out anyway to avoid killing babies.

As for those XP farms, I recently reached level 73 just by killing mobs and mining ores while caving despite having to spend far more XP to repair my gear than you'd spend in 1.9+ with Mending (which is easy to obtain thanks to villagers and fishing), particularly when you consider the XP cost of higher levels vs the fixed 2 durability per XP picked up with Mending (I spent nearly 8000 XP to repair a pickaxe (dropping from level 73 to level 42) which would have cost only 781 with Mending; 4686 will fully repair all 6 items you can hold/wear) - I don't see a degradation in their efficiency being an issue at all.

TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?

How to kill mobs using entity cramming in Minecraft

All living creatures in Minecraft are called entities, and there is a limit to how many of them can stay together in one place. This is a game rule called entity cramming that by default does not allow more than 24 mobs to stand on the same block.

However, this can be changed by the player using the "/gamerule maxEntityCramming <value>" command in the chat window. The player can set the maximum number of mobs as high as 100, but this may significantly affect the game's performance and cause lag.

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