Enderal как изменить разрешение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

20 фев. 2019 в 19:04

If your thread has been merged here, or if you have been directed to this thread, then you have asked something regarding the resolution of the game.

  • You cannot change your resolution in Borderless Fullscreen mode. Change it to Windowed or Exclusive Fullscreen to customize your resolution.
The resolution settings on the launcher were overhauled in patch in 22 February 2019. Posts in this thread before that date may offer outdated advice (such as disabling OneTweak to change your resolution). Keep that in mind. 15 фев. 2019 в 15:17

Oddly, mine started in ultra wide with out doing anything. No idea why or how, just when I entered the game, it was active. 3440x1440 Haven't seen the menu or tried to do more then walk a bit.

Still haven't had time to play beyond getting in game for a minute though.

Don't mind me, just a global moderator passing by.

I think it starts in 21:9 for anyone but the issue is the UI. I also see the part of the bottom of the screen is also cut off and the right side of the screen, least if you go by the mouse arrow. 15 фев. 2019 в 15:19 I have installed Flawless Widescreen and configured yet anytime I launch the game using 3440 x 1440 and navigate to my inventory then I cannot see the last item nor can I scroll to the bottom. 15 фев. 2019 в 16:01 actually I have Flawless Widescreen installed, configured, and running and it still cuts off the bottom of the screen when running 3440 x 1440

15 фев. 2019 в 16:09

Oddly, mine started in ultra wide with out doing anything. No idea why or how, just when I entered the game, it was active. 3440x1440 Haven't seen the menu or tried to do more then walk a bit.

Still haven't had time to play beyond getting in game for a minute though.

Don't mind me, just a global moderator passing by.

I think it starts in 21:9 for anyone but the issue is the UI. I also see the part of the bottom of the screen is also cut off and the right side of the screen, least if you go by the mouse arrow.
I'll have to check that out when I start playing.

Enderal как изменить разрешение

Enderal: Forgotten Stories

21 фев. 2019 в 13:08 I play on 144 hz monitor and playing in 60 fps doesn't feel as smooth as 144. Any way to uncap it? 21 фев. 2019 в 13:10

yes but be warned. skyrims old engine does not like fps above 60. your ingame physics will bug out like crazy if you do this unless you tweak the engine yourself. this means no support from makers as they said they cannot support such changes to the files as its simply impossible for them to test every single physic event in the whole mod for bugs due to that.

21 фев. 2019 в 13:19 yes but be warned. skyrims old engine does not like fps above 60. your ingame physics will bug out like crazy if you do this unless you tweak the engine yourself. this means no support from makers as they said they cannot support such changes to the files as its simply impossible for them to test every single physic event in the whole mod for bugs due to that. so the answer is no then :) I remember flipping horses in normal skyrim when playing in 144 fps 21 фев. 2019 в 13:33

you CAN play at above 60 fps. all i said its not recommenced as you MIGHT get into trouble with that during the mod. since you can recap your fps if that happens the risk isnt too big. all i said is that the makers cannot make sure the mod works properly with this kind of change simply due to skyrims old engine limits.

oh hell yeah. FLIP THAT HORSE ! saw that one aswell myself. kingdom comes flying stuck horses where better tough XD (rip hilarious bug)

21 фев. 2019 в 14:52

Can someone point me in the right direction to what the INI files are calledin Enderal?

You are easily able to counter the physics issues with changing the update intervals providing your higher FPS is steady.

However I can't find the regular skyrim ini files in Enderal folder.

21 фев. 2019 в 15:00

You find the INIs in the Enderal Launcher.
Simply go to the "Settings" > "Other" tab and click there on the respective buttons.

A textfield will open with the respective INI loaded. Do your changes and save them. :)

21 фев. 2019 в 15:01

the .ini files can be accessed via the launcher, however I can not get the frames to uncap following these settings

21 фев. 2019 в 15:02 I am unsure specifically if the iVsyncPresentInterval needs to be somewhere specific in the .ini as it does not say but the other two are in specific places. 21 фев. 2019 в 15:04

I cannot help you further unfortunately, as I have no clue about.

I capped them to 30 FPS with Nvidia Inspector as of playing in 4K.
Furthermore, Enderal already reaches the limits of the engine on 1920x1080@60, so I personally won't recommend unlocking the frames.

Yet if you really want to, I hope you find a solution. :/

21 фев. 2019 в 15:17

Its actually bothering me I have done everything both in the Steam folder ini files and the inis in the launcher and no dice

nothing in either of the 4 .ini files has any effect.

I will just try playing at 60 fps but it's really too fast on my eyes and blurred

21 фев. 2019 в 16:32 you have to disable one tweak or it will overwrite any changes you pull. 21 фев. 2019 в 16:57 you have to disable one tweak or it will overwrite any changes you pull. 21 фев. 2019 в 17:04 in the enderal launcher you can find a button thats called onetweak. its enabled by default. press it once to disable it. it prevents your changes from takeing effect. it also forces your game to run in borderless window mode. 21 фев. 2019 в 17:28 in the enderal launcher you can find a button thats called onetweak. its enabled by default. press it once to disable it. it prevents your changes from takeing effect. it also forces your game to run in borderless window mode.

Massive thank you, that cleared everything up instantly and works.

With a 8700k and 1080 the FPS were a bit jumpy around 120-140 with some lows of 100, I think I will try this at 90 fps, even though ive gone through 144hz and now using 240hz for FPS gaming I really only desire a good 80 fps for SP games, it is much smoother on my eyes and enjoyment. I suggest being modest in your attempts at higher FPS.

For anyone else who wants to try I used the following links, I just searched .ini in the Enderal steam folder but I don't think that was even needed as Just Chill mentioned above you can do it in the launcher under settings -> others

I will use RivaTuner to cap FPS, commonly found with MSI Afterburner.

If anyone has any issues after a decent attempt I can more comprehensively write what to do, just quote me here and I should get a notification.

To find the commands

Different timings depending on targeted FPS

21 фев. 2019 в 19:10

you dont need to disable onetweak to get rid of the fpslimiter.
you need to edit enblocal.ini and change fpslimiter=true to =false.
then use riva tuner to cap fps ( always 2 fps below your target ).

i have been playing with a 142 fps cap since day 1 and so far no problems.
the problem is STAYING at 142. my game is pretty heavily modded. dyndolod max settings, SMAA injector, Vivid ENB. my lowest fps so far was in riverville 20.8 fps i believe. something like that. it was pretty low.

i have a 1080ti.

my overall average fps seems to be around 90. so i will probably cap my fps to 88 instead. there are just not enough places where i get 142 fps. so its pretty useless.

How to change resolution

The settings indicate OneTweak is enabled by default, which makes the resolution windowed mode at 1536 x 864.

If I turn off OneTweak, it allows me to change settings. Great. I choose 16:9, but the highest resolution is 1440 x 810. How do I change the resolution to my native monitor resolution of 1920 x 1080?

Edit: I changed the info in the SkyrimPrefs.ini and that allowed it to show up in the launcher. :-)

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Enderal как изменить разрешение

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Примечание: Все вопросы, касающиеся неработоспособности Enderal на пиратской версии игры будут удаляться.

Добавлено HorsyNox и RJ:


Если вы не видите эти строки, значит лаунчер Enderal не был корректно обновлён. Новейшая версия — А65 (версию можно увидеть в левом верхнем углу лаунчера Enderal). Убедитесь в том, что вы скачали лаунчер Enderal с официального сайта и скопировали его в вашу директорию Skyrim. После этого, скопируйте и вставьте указанные выше строки в файл Skyrim.ini, сохраните его и перезапустите Enderal через лаунчер.

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