Elite dangerous srv что это

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

23 авг. 2019 в 3:13

There may well already be something like this buried away in the dusty pages of steam or other forums, but I thought I'd post this for the benefit of any new players currently stuck and possibly coming across this in a google search;

There are a number of things one needs to understand so as to be able to perform surface mining and reconnoiter planet-side, which frankly not many "You-tube tutorials" go into great detail. Things that are pretty much essential to know;

I was confronted with confusion and bewilderment the first time I tried to use the SRV. However, 2nd time around, the planet I had selected seemed to reveal all its goodies to me once I'd scanned it from orbit, using the DSS (Detailed Surface Scanner), which you have to purchase and fit it in your ship's 'Optional Internal' bays. I have a feeling this is not entirely necessary to do, however it does help in detailing the planet and its content, so.. up to you. In the 'Out-fitting' section, when in a station that offers the service, the 'Optional Internal' bays are where you also purchase and fit an SRV into your ship.
NOTE: YOU NEED 'ELITE: HORIZONS' DLC, (but NOT the srv pack- that's just for paint jobs etc for the SRV), TO LAND ON PLANETS AND HAVE SRVs IN YOUR GAME.
One method of launching Horizons, is to go to Steam Library, right click on Elite: Dangerous in Games list, then double click on 'Play Elite Dangerous: Horizons'. This will launch the 'blue' launcher, the Horizons game version. (It's all a mess tbh, but that's greedy Corporate Capitalism for you).

OK, so, at a station:
Out-fitting>Optional Internal slots> Select small slot (class 2 usually)>buying options>Vehicle Hangar. Buy one. (If the Station doesn't support the tech, go to another system or a High-Tech system, you will not be disappointed there). Now, having bought the Vehicle hangar, you will notice a class-1 sub-slot appear in your list of Optional Internal slots, below the Vehicle Hangar slot, that wasn't there before. Click it and then use it to fit an SRV bay. Go to 'Purchase options' again and then buy this SRV bay for that sub-slot. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because you have to buy a Vehicle hangar and THEN an SRV bay, that it's going to use up two slots. An SRV bay option appears as an en-suite sub-slot for the Vehicle Hangar as soon as you buy this Hangar.

You're ship's now loaded with an SRV and you've surveyed a potential candidate planet to mine materiel from. OK. Once entered planetary landing sequence re-entry, try to land in a fairly interesting, diverse-looking area, with different colours or features, preferably away from the night-time terminator line, (land on the sunny side), so that you can see easier.

Click Middle mouse (default) to free-look and look down into your lap, there you see your HUD for deploying the SRV. Space bar )default) to select the SRV, (assuming you have bought a bay and fitted one in your optional internal slot!), and then select deploy SRV. I'll go over the scanner and driving. First, let's get to know the driving controls, then will go over the scanner:

You will be underneath your Vessel, in your SRV and automatically, the surface anomaly scanner will be active, showing all manner of messy lines, and, if you hear close enough, making noises as well!

Now. Once you have mastered the wacky, (but understandably and well figured out), controls for the SRV, you can drive the thing. Space bar boosts you slightly into the air and WASD keys alter pitch and roll slightly while in the air. The effectiveness of that pitching while airborne depends upon planetary gravity.

  • 'E' is accelerate, 'Q' is reverse. 'A'=left, 'D'=right. Holding down the keys increases the velocity and strength of the force applied. Press the opposite key to come to a stop. Make sure to familliarise yourself with the central radar screen, just on the right edge of the radar shows your thrust and its direction.
  • 'U' key will switch you from Turret/Cockpit view.
  • 'LEFT MOUSE' button fires the SRV's weapon system, which is also used for breaking open mineral nodes, (the goodies!). 'RIGHT MOUSE' button is the default 'Target' key to press to target an object
  • HOME key is default for Cargo Scoop

TIP: If you are struggling to find the pieces of materiel, you can target them individually, the same way as when identifying local ships in flight, using your nav' HUD, (to the left),- look left, at HUD, select "contacts" and then you will see all the nearby objects before your very eyes, select at will and then they are targeted for engagement.

NOTE: Remember, you cannot pick up materials / objects unless they are targeted first. Also, the SRV can hold a MAXIMUM of TWO (IKR) 2 pieces of cargo, (you will find cargo in places). When full, just transfer it to your ship cargo manifest by driving under your ship, lining up with the SRV bay and interacting with the lap HUD (look down into your lap to see that HUD, yes, that one).

In front of you as you know by now, is the radar and the scanner. The scanner shows different objects by a spectrum layout. Anomalies that show up on radar returns can be shown on approximately 3 distinct levels:

Low-lying objects, primarily the minerals and rocks etc, will show up at the bottom of the radar scanner screen (that curved radar screen emmitting signals from left to right).

Medium-sized to Large objects will respectively appear as a thicker, higher bands of 'noise' appearing on the radar 'scanner' bar.

Now, here's the thing about this; when you see just a mess on your screen, don't panic or don't worry that you're not going to understand it, it DOES get easier to interpret the further ahead you drive. Simply look for the 'mess' growing more concentrated on the radar scanner and remember to turn into the direction of the signals, nice and simple. Keep driving on straight ahead, adjusting as necessary in order to keep the images centralized in the radar scanner bar. EVENTUALLY, you will start to see the 'mess' of noise start to concentrate itself and the SOUND of the radar returns will become more distinct and louder, more clearer. You now know that you are onto something.

At first, it was difficult to gauge any sense of scale, not knowing whether I'd gone past it, or if it was much further ahead. You will know by simple trial and error. You can, of course, practice with your ship. IT will show a large bar of noise on the scanner, and to get a feel for the range, you can see the ship identify itself on your 360 degree radar screen, when it gets in range. Compare that with how the 'noise-bands' appear on the radar return screen.

Surface Recon Vehicles

Surface Recon Vehicles (SRV) serve as a way to maneuver on a planetary surface. Depending on the gravity of the planet the SRV handles differently.

The only available SRV at present is the Scarab. Ships can store it with the Planetary Vehicle Hangar.

SRVs have a Wave Scanner which is a unidirectional long-range forward facing scanner that detects a variety of vehicles and points of interest.

The Planetary Vehicle Hangar module provides the on-board hangar space to carry and repair an SRV, which is purchased separately from the Hangar module. This may use an Internal Compartment.

Any SRV damage is automatically repaired upon returning to the ship. If the player dies in their SRV, they will return to their ship, regardless of if it's still landed, or has taken off automatically.


SRV-Odysseus — интересное место где можно обнаружить оставленный ТРП, часть покинутого поселения, устроенного в корпусе потерпевшего крушения космического корабля «Odysseus», типа Anaconda. Находится в системе Alshat, астрономический объект A 6 b, по координатам на поверхности 28.1916, -29.99.

Рядом находятся ещё 2 объекта на расстоянии:

При приближении к объекту можно услышать звуковой сигнал бедствия:

Mayday, Mayday, we’ve survived a crash and need help. We’re stranded and our supplies are running low. I’m including my coordinates with this transmission.

Объект расположен на небольшом плато:

SRV-Odysseus Alshat A 6 b 1 вид 01

Здесь можно обнаружить спасательную капсулу с пассажиром и Защитные костюмы, а также 3 различных материала 1 или 2 уровня:

Elite dangerous srv что это

Hello CMDRs my name is CMDR Frumple Sklump and this guide is written to assist players on their adventures on the surface of planets. It's my aim to impart knowledge on SRV operations to veterans and new CMDRs


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The SRV is a powerful tool. Here are some Tips I've gleaned over time.

  • Make sure you bind your handbrake key, the handbrake is instrumental in driving around with any degree of accuracy
  • Turn off your lights when you are using your wavescanner. On a planet that is bright and with your lights on, it can be very difficult to scan down your POI
  • You can adjust your PIPs on your SRV. PIPs in your system increase your shield. PIPs in ENG increase your boost duration, and finally PIPs in weapons increase how long you can fire your weapon
  • Your shield only protects your SRV from hostile fire, not running into objects
  • You can scoop cargo at any speed, having your cargo scoop does not affect how your SRV handles
  • Using a Mouse and Keyboard is more difficult to drive the SRV. I'd recommend a controller or HOTAS
  • Do not forget to scan targets before you engage so you do not become wanted
  • Mind the gravity, higher gravity worlds hurt, a lot.
  • Bumping into another SRV with their shields up make for pretty interesting lighting
  • SRV turret range is about 812Meters
  1. Ensure you have a vehicle bay fit
  2. Land on planet
  3. Hit the number 3

  4. Select Deploy

E = Throttle Forward
Q = Throttle Back
A = left
D = Right
Assign a Key to handbrake using the key binds in the option menu

W = Pitch Down
S = Pitch Up
A = Roll Left
D = Roll right
Space = Thrusters

U = Deploy SRV Dual Repeater turret
Mouse = Rotates direction of turret
Right Click = Lock target, hold to scan
Left Click = Fire Weapon

Home Key = Cargo Scoop
L = Lights, tap to toggle between off, low and high beam
Arrow keys to adjust PIPs
I suggest assigning your head movement to the tilde key

if its located next your 1 key

  1. Head towards your ship, if you dismissed your ship you can recall it with the 3 key menu
  2. Drive under your ship slowly until you see the box on the bottom right that says boardship lights up

  3. Hit 3 and select board ship, any cargo in your cargo hold automatically goes into your ships cargo hold

The wave scanner is what you will use to scan down objects. All objects that you can interact with have a specific signature on your wave scanner. Use this website to aid you in identifying particular sounds. It comes complete with the sound the object makes as well as the objects wave signature.

Whether you are exploring or trying to find a certain item on the surface of the planet you will want to find points of interest. To find a point of interest follow these steps.

  1. Climb to an altitude between 2KM - 3KM
  2. Continue to press your page up key bind to zoom your minimap out
  3. Depending on your color scheme you will need to look for Blue Circles on your minimap
  4. Approach Blue Circle and land on edge ( As you get closer to the surface the POI circle will start to fad out. The POI is still there though)
  • If your are exploring planet surfaces for POIs I recommend to fly on the dark side of the planet. When you fly on the dark side of the planet you will be able to see lights thus reducing the time searching for the POI
  • Ensure you have cargo space on your ship if you find any cargo
  1. Area where POI is located
  2. How far you have zoomed in or out of your map (Page up / Page Down)
  3. Your grid location and gravity of the celestial body you are landing on
  4. Your altitude
  5. The ammount of acccelertation that your heading towards the planet. You want to keep that out of the red. This is affected by your ships mass and the planets gravity

Types of POIs

  • Ship wreckage. If any Cargo Canisters or Occupied Escape Pods survived the ship's destruction, they count as legal Salvage. A Cargo Rack containing Materials may be present too.

  • SRV and Skimmer wreckage. If there are any cargo canisters or occupied escape pods, they count as legal salvage.

  • Cargo cache. Unclaimed cargo canisters, legal salvage for anyone who retrieves them.

  • Buildings and a cargo cache.

  • Buildings and Automated Mining Extractors. Guarded by Defence Turrets in addition to skimmers.

  • Buildings and a lone Data point.

  • Crashed Nav Beacon, which can be scanned as a data point.

  • Crashed probe, which can be scanned as a data point.

  1. Reference guide on how to find POIs
  2. Scan and kill any sentrys
  3. Collect Escape Pods
  4. Turn in mission
  1. Reference guide on how to find POIs
  2. Scan Sentrys

  3. Engage and destroy until mission is complete
  1. Go to designated System
  2. Go to designated Planet
  3. Land 2KM from base
  4. Deploy SRV
  5. Once you approach the base you will notice a red square on your minimap. As soon as you enter the area you will get a trespassing warning. If you stay any longer you will become hostile to the base and the Sentries and turrets will open fire on you
  6. Search for Comms Relay

  7. Scan Comms Relay
  8. Drive 2.5KM to recall your ship and depart
  • The Comms Relay is normally at one of the high points of the outpost. If the planets gravity is low enough you can drive up an angled building to main road and drive to it.
  • An alternate method is driving fast and using your boost to get the Comms Relay
  1. Reference guide on how to find POIs

  2. Do not engage Sentrys
  3. Collect Structural Regulators
  4. Turn in mission
  • Be sure to save any extra Structual Regulators that you get for future missions
  • Ensure you scan Sentrys to see if they are wanted. If not, do not engage
  • If you stay in the Security Area too long you will incure a fine from local authorties (Fines can be payed off at any station)
  • Structural regulators cargo capsules look like standard Capsule
  1. Upon acceptance of you are given the cargo

  2. Go to System specified on mission
  3. Land on designated station to deliver cargo
  • Simple mission, biggest problem you'll have is you might get interdicted. If so, just submit (By putting your throttle to zero) to reduce cool down of your FSD to 10 seconds. If you fight the interdiction and lose your FSD cooldown will be 30 Seconds. Enough time for you to die.
  1. Accept Mission
  2. Fly to designated system and station
  3. Turn in
  • Another simple mission. Mission is good for earning reputation and influence as well as increasing your trade rank

There are a total of 6 sources you can collect materials from. Each of these sources can yield different types of materials used for synthesis. Below is a link that you can click that will have a breakdown of all the materials you can get.

  • Common Outcrop - contains non metals
  • Metallic Outcrop - contains metals
  • Bronzite Chondrite
  • Mesosiderite
  • Metallic Meteorite
  • Cargo Rack


Bronzite Chondrite

To gather materials all you have to do is shoot the outcrop. Once the outcrop is shattered it was spew 1-4 pieces of resources. Depending on the gravity on the world and incline they might bounce far away and down hill. Once the material is settled you can deploy your cargo scoop and scoop them up. Be sure that you have the material targeted. Unlike in space you can drive as fast as you want over the material with out fear of wrecking it.

You can hold up to a quantity of 300 of combined materials. Once you discover new materials it also contributes to your exploration rank. In the unfortunate event you get killed in your SRV or space you still retain your material as well.

Eventually you'll want to go out and explore to find some Barnacles. Lucky for us there is a persisent one that everyone can visit. I suggest visiting these barnacles in solo mode. You can harvest all the materials your self as well as see the majestiy of them unspoiled by others. You will need a ship that is capable of fuel scooping to reach this location.

    Navigate to Pleiades Sector JC-U B3-2

From here you can scan and shoot them. When you shoot the barnacles they will explode into materials as well as drop "Meta-Alloys" The MA look like eggs. Reference the picture below. The MA also take up cargo space so be sure to carry at least one cargo rack. When I shot all the spires they only yielded two MA for the whole cluster. The barnacles are in a canyon, and also have a unique scan and sound.

The spires of the barnacles yields 3-5 materials. Make sure you have room in your Synthesis Inventory to carry more materials.


На территории объекта установлены 2 устройства для «подключения к журналам связи поселения» — хранящие журналы, просканировать которые можно сканером канала данных, установленном на ТРП и получить следующее:

Содержащийся ниже текст содержит записи журналов покинутого поселения «SRV-Odysseus»!

Журналы покинутого поселения «SRV-Odysseus»

Осталась только надежда 4/5:
Кажется я уснула. Это из-за усталости, я не обиралась спать.

Его нет уже несколько часов и, похоже, с собой он не взял ни еды, ни воды. Что это на него нашло?

Пойду по его следам. Если повезёт, найду его живым. Я не хочу быть здесь одна.

Нашла Олдхэма. Он просто сидел на земле, словно посреди какого-нибудь парка дома. А потом я увидела, что стекло его шлема поднято. Боже, что же мне теперь делать.

Осталась только надежда 5/5:
Воздух стал токсичен. Мой единственный шанс — аварийный модуль, спасённый с корабля. А я ещё смеялся над Олдхэмом, когда он приторочил его к крыше! Если б не это, покоиться мне сейчас здесь.

Кларк и Олдхэм погибли, ТРП чахнет у меня на глазах, еды и воды не осталось.

У меня ничего не осталось кроме надежды.

Данные о расположении этого заброшенного поселения могут быть получены с трёх постов перехвата:

Записи сигналов с поста перехвата (Col 285 Sector DY-F b25-0 A 3)

Совпадает с сигналом, обнаруженным на следующих постах перехвата: (hip 97380, col 285 sector yf-o d6-99)

Примерный диапазон сигнала: 40-42 св.лет

Не могу поверить, что мы выжили… долгота: -29.017185…
активировали сигнальный маячок, надеюсь…

Записи сигналов с поста перехвата (HIP 97380 3)

Совпадает с сигналом, обнаруженным на следующих постах перехвата: (col 285 sector dy-f b25-0, col 285 sector yf-o d6-99)

Примерный диапазон сигнала: 59-61 св.лет

Не могу поверить, что мы выжили… широта: -29.017185…
активировали сигнальный маячок, надеюсь…

Записи сигналов с поста перехвата (Col 285 Sector YF-O d6-99 A 1)

Совпадает с сигналом, обнаруженным на следующих постах перехвата: (col 285 sector dy-f b25-0, hip 97380)

Примерный диапазон сигнала: 73-76 св.лет

Не могу поверить, что мы выжили… A 6 b… активировали сигнальный маячок, надеюсь…

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