Elite dangerous fsd interdictor что это

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

The Interdictor is a triggered device that can pull a target ship out of supercruise along with your own vessel, in effect dragging both ships to the same area in space. Using it requires the target to be in front of your vessel, facing a similar direction, and within range of the device. If these three criteria are met, activating the FSD interdictor will result in a stream of directed energy towards the targeted ship. This stream attempts to destabilize its frame shift drive. To ensure a successful drop, keep the target vessel in the centre of the reticule at all times. The target ship may attempt to escape an interdiction; its HUD will highlight an escape vector for its pilot to aim at. The relative effectiveness of the target and interdicting pilot will result in either a successful interdiction or a failure. In both cases the interdicting vessel will drop from supercruise. Interdiction places significant stress on all vessels involved, causing a small amount of damage. Pilots may submit to an interdiction by throttling down to avoid suffering this damage. Be aware, interdicting a vessel not currently wanted by the authorities is a crime.

— In-Game Description

The Frame Shift Drive Interdictor is a module used to interdict other ships while in Supercruise. It is a mainstay among pirates, bounty hunters, security forces, and militaries. The Achilles Aerospace division of Achilles Corporation manufactures all FSD Interdictors sold throughout the galaxy.


A Frame Shift Drive Interdictor can only be deployed in supercruise. When in range and behind the target, activate the Interdictor to begin an interdiction. Attempting to interdict any non-wanted craft will result in a fine, but no bounty is incurred unless the user opens fire on their target.

The length of an interdiction tether is measured in seconds. A tether's maximum length varies between 3 and 16 seconds depending on the class and rating of the Interdictor, and also scales with the speed of the pilot's craft. For example, having an Interdictor with a 10-second range and having a speed of 10c will result in a 100 light-second effective interdiction range. Note that all Interdictors have an effective angle of 50 degrees by default.

When an interdiction is successfully initiated, a red marker will appear representing the target ship. The user must keep the mark in the crosshair of the ship to increase their interdiction level, which is shown on each side of the crosshair: the left side is the target's evasion level, while the right side is the user's interdiction level. The goal for either party is to maximize their bar in order to escape or succeed in the interdiction. NPCs will put up very little struggle and can be interdicted in very sluggish ships with ease, but they will also never surrender to interdictions. While players will be more mobile and often trickier, the advantage is generally on the side of the interdicting ship. If the target successfully dodges or too much time passed, the user will be forced out of supercruise while the target can continue on. If an obstacle such as a planet gets in the way of an interdiction, it will end immediately and the user will not be forced out of supercruise unless they stray into the planet's exclusion zone. The target can also cancel interdiction if they have already begun charging their Frame Shift Drive for a hyperspace jump to another system before they are interdicted and then complete the jump; charging for jump cannot be initiated during an interdiction.

Engineer Modifications

The following modifications can be applied to this module by Engineers to enhance its abilities:


Когда происходит перехват, захватчик и его жертва вступают в некий аналог перетягивания каната: перехватчик должен следовать за жертвой и поддерживать связь до тех пор, пока процесс перехвата не завершится, в то время как жертва должна либо попытаться убежать, внимательно следуя за назначенным вектором побега, чтобы разорвать связь, либо подчиниться запрету, скинув тягу в 0. Ход перехвата обозначен на экранах обоих кораблей двумя параллельными, синхронизированными полосками. Синий счетчик будет заполняться по мере того, как корабль выравнивается со своей целью или вектором побега, в то время как красный счетчик будет заполняться, когда корабль не поспевает за своей целью или вектором побега.

Если жертва успешно уклоняется от перехватывающего корабля, он принудительно выпадает из гиперкрейсерского режима и должен выдержать перезарядку FSD, которая может дать цели достаточно времени, чтобы достичь безопасного места на местной станции или совершить переход в другую систему, так как жертва останется в гиперкрейсерском режиме.

Корабли властей системы будут перехватывать только для сканирования на предмет криминального статуса (см. Награды за голову) и наличия на борту корабля контрабанды (Незаконные товары/Краденые товары). Если любой из вышеперечисленных факторов окажется в наличии, они откроют огонь по кораблю.

Когда охотники за головами перехватывают корабль, они также сканируют его, чтобы определить его криминальный статус, и они откроют огонь, если сканирование покажет награду.

Перехват FSD

Перехват в гиперпространстве (англ. Interdiction) — это процесс использования Перехватчика FSD для перехвата другого корабля во время гиперкрейсерского режима.

Перехват может быть вызван кораблями властей системы, охотниками за головами, Пиратами или другими игроками. Перехват также может быть спровоцирован таргоидами, во время перехода через гиперпространство.



Class Rating Mass (T) Integrity Power
Range Value (CR)
1 E 1.30 32 0.140 3s 12,000
1 D 0.50 24 0.180 4s 36,000
1 C 1.30 40 0.230 5s 108,000
1 B 2.00 56 0.280 6s 324,000
1 A 1.30 48 0.320 7s 972,000
2 E 2.50 41 0.170 6s 33,600
2 D 1.00 31 0.220 7s 100,800
2 C 2.50 51 0.280 8s 302,400
2 B 4.00 71 0.340 9s 907,200
2 A 2.50 61 0.390 10s 2,721,600
3 E 5.00 51 0.200 9s 94,080
3 D 2.00 38 0.270 10s 282,240
3 C 5.00 64 0.340 11s 846,720
3 B 8.00 90 0.410 12s 2,540,160
3 A 5.00 77 0.480 13s 7,620,480
4 E 10.00 64 0.250 12s 263,424
4 D 4.00 48 0.330 13s 790,272
4 C 10.00 80 0.410 14s 2,370,816
4 B 16.00 112 0.490 15s 7,112,448
4 A 10.00 96 0.570 16s 21,337,344

Elite dangerous fsd interdictor что это

Elite Dangerous

9 июл. 2019 в 10:03 I can't seem to find a frame shift drive interdictor anywhere. Any ideas where I should look? Any any ship use them? I only started a few days ago. Pretty new to this game. 9 июл. 2019 в 10:06 9 июл. 2019 в 10:16 9 июл. 2019 в 10:29 Ehecatl should stock most sizes on almost every station. Otherwise i'd suggest you use inara or other sites to search for equipment, it's usually quicker and more convenient than to ask on the forums. 9 июл. 2019 в 10:57 9 июл. 2019 в 11:06 Google -> inara
Don't have to adress right now, but it should be the first result. I think you should be able to manage from there - look for galaxy/outfitting. 9 июл. 2019 в 11:29

Fill in under "Station Sells Modules" --> interdictor and choice which version you want to buy.
Fill in under "Reference System" --> the system you are now in

Search and get a list where you can buy a fsd interdictor

9 июл. 2019 в 11:35

Fill in under "Station Sells Modules" --> interdictor and choice which version you want to buy.
Fill in under "Reference System" --> the system you are now in

Search and get a list where you can buy a fsd interdictor

Inara literally does the same thing, uses the same database and requires less clicks iirc. 10 июл. 2019 в 9:53

. only started a few days ago". and you are seeking not only combat but being the aggressor.

. only a few days from now". you will be wondering why others are blowing you up.

11 июл. 2019 в 7:02

. only started a few days ago". and you are seeking not only combat but being the aggressor.

. only a few days from now". you will be wondering why others are blowing you up.

I've got pretty good at this game and the controls ain't too difficult so why not. Want the Interdictor as I have been doing a few bounties now and have seen many players that are wanted and have a bounty.
As for other blowing me up. Only been destroyed once so far. 11 июл. 2019 в 7:05 Google -> inara
Don't have to adress right now, but it should be the first result. I think you should be able to manage from there - look for galaxy/outfitting.
Had found it after searching. Seems pretty resourceful site. Will have to look into it more in the next few days. 11 июл. 2019 в 7:30 It is (as are others using the same data base). It's a shame that practically none of this is accessible in-game, i think FDev really dropped the ball here. All of this should be avialble in the Codex.
11 июл. 2019 в 12:44

. only started a few days ago". and you are seeking not only combat but being the aggressor.

. only a few days from now". you will be wondering why others are blowing you up.

I've got pretty good at this game and the controls ain't too difficult so why not. Want the Interdictor as I have been doing a few bounties now and have seen many players that are wanted and have a bounty.
As for other blowing me up. Only been destroyed once so far.

The "many players wanted" are probably "npc's," (google it.) When you see "many players wanted," you are "dead."

11 июл. 2019 в 12:44

. only started a few days ago". and you are seeking not only combat but being the aggressor.

. only a few days from now". you will be wondering why others are blowing you up.

I've got pretty good at this game and the controls ain't too difficult so why not. Want the Interdictor as I have been doing a few bounties now and have seen many players that are wanted and have a bounty.
As for other blowing me up. Only been destroyed once so far.

The "many players wanted" are probably "npc's," (google it.) When you see "many players wanted," you are "dead."


Elite dangerous fsd interdictor что это

Elite Dangerous

20 июл. 2015 в 10:57 Do all Frame Shift Drives have the interdictor feature or is there a separate FSD interdictor that the player has to buy to be able to interdict targets? 20 июл. 2015 в 11:02 Do all Frame Shift Drives have the interdictor feature or is there a separate FSD interdictor that the player has to buy to be able to interdict targets? 20 июл. 2015 в 11:10

Thx. That explains why I couldn't stop my single target when I found him at the designated system. I overshot his position but couldn't find him again. Had one more warranted target but it was a wing of 3 and I knew I couldn't handle that in my puny sidewinder.

The station where I got my Warrant scanner didn't have an FSD interdictor in stock. Looks like I won't be able to complete my mission. Any ideas?

20 июл. 2015 в 11:18

Thx. That explains why I couldn't stop my single target when I found him at the designated system. I overshot his position but couldn't find him again. Had one more warranted target but it was a wing of 3 and I knew I couldn't handle that in my puny sidewinder.

The station where I got my Warrant scanner didn't have an FSD interdictor in stock. Looks like I won't be able to complete my mission. Any ideas?

Most stations will have one. I suggest you just search around to fiind one. Even a crappy one works fine. Alternatavly, if your system has a recource extraction sight or nav beacon you can look for them around there (was it a combat mission or assassination), they also show up at signal sources, (both combat and assassination) I think th unidentified signal sources tend to have them but I'd check all of them just to be safe. Start with unidentified first tho. I know Low signal sources tend to have destroyed ships with the black boxes floating around. Not usre about strong sginal sources, believe those are military tho. 20 июл. 2015 в 11:18

Thx. That explains why I couldn't stop my single target when I found him at the designated system. I overshot his position but couldn't find him again. Had one more warranted target but it was a wing of 3 and I knew I couldn't handle that in my puny sidewinder.

The station where I got my Warrant scanner didn't have an FSD interdictor in stock. Looks like I won't be able to complete my mission. Any ideas?

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