Elite dangerous beam laser что это

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

22 янв в 23:07

Здравствуйте. Меня интересует такой вопрос. Насколько полезен экспериментальный эффект "Проводник тепла (Thermal Conduit)" у пучковых лазеров? Не особо понятно описание данного эффекта в меню. Буду благодарен за разъяснение.

Hi. I am interested in the question. How useful is the experimental Thermal Conduit effect with beam lasers? The description of this effect in the menu is not very detailed. I would be grateful for an explanation.

22 янв в 23:09

Not really, you´re going to recieve to much heat dmg. before it becomes useful.

It increases the weapon's damage output by 60% when the ship's heat level exceeds 100%.

Чертежи для пучкового лазера

Данный чертёж увеличивает характеристики Пучковый лазер (англ. Beam Laser) .

Внимание, некоторые показатели модификаций могут незначительно отличаться для разных типов крепления вооружения, а также размера (класса) орудий.

Эффективное орудие (англ. Efficient Weapon)

Этот чертёж снижает тепловую нагрузку и энергопотребления орудия.

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Чертежи/Пучковый лазер

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Elite dangerous beam laser что это

(Заблокирован) 17 авг. 2017 в 7:50

I think the real question of beam / pulse / burst, comes down to when you start to engineer them all.
In terms of stock damages - a beam will out Damage a burst or pulse, any day of the weak - the same time on target, does allow it to strike at the same level of damages, BUT from shorter ranges - falloff on a Beam is 600 meters - as is all laser weaponry

In terms of damage Per megajoule of energy, then- burst becomes king - if you have the power to support a burst, it will usually pull ahead in joules of energy spent, BUT! at the cost of more heat per shot, you'll need a more efficient craft, to output the same damage beams will be doing, with a burst / plus ammo setup - heat dissipation is the key.

But, the bigger way burst pulls ahead - is in the engineer EFFECT department - burst lasers excell at applying the effects of Scrable Spectrum, and Phasing Sequence - so if you end up modding with lasers in mind, bursts will allow you to apply the effects on a laser, much better than a pulse will of the same class.
(25% chance per strike, means a burst gets 25% X3 - per shot delivered)

In terms of the jitter, to correct you @Heartbreak One - a burst Will dance like a pulse will - but no, the consequent burst, will strike in the same place, unless the ship is moving - then the burst will be striking along the path of the ship - the jitter of the gun only has a play on where the burst strikes if the laser has the kinetic impact modification - (space shotgun burst laser mode engage!)
Otherwise, no, on a standstill target, the burst will hit in the same place, every time.

AP, is the same for both Pulse and Burst at 35 for medium sizes - less damage PER individual shot, with less damage STILL for the full burst, but for less energy per second, with less heat total-but more heat buildup

It is like the case between an Imperial Hammer - and a Railgun - same rules there as well - if that makes any form of sense.

Elite dangerous beam laser что это

17 янв. 2019 в 21:32

In my research of this wonderful game, i found that there is no best weapon, only best TIMES to use curtain weapons.

So what about pulse weapons? What are they good for? WHEN are they good?

The reason i ask is that i prefer ammo-less weapons and plan the use lasers. Thing is, im hoping to pvp with lasers. or at least, be able to. Is that possible and if so HOW?

(Заблокирован) 17 янв. 2019 в 21:35 17 янв. 2019 в 21:37

I dont even know what that means.

17 янв. 2019 в 21:42 Pulses are good to convert as much of your power distributor energy to a damage, as possible. But they do it slowly.
17 янв. 2019 в 21:46 Pulses are good to convert as much of your power distributor energy to a damage, as possible. But they do it slowly.

So does that mean they are good for firing while conserving power?

What does that mean for dps? Would i be able to make a full pulse laser biuld good for pvp and/or pve?

17 янв. 2019 в 21:46

I dont even know what that means. Do you know scrambled eggs? Exactly not like that.

Scramble Spectrum is a weapon's engineering special effect, that can be applied to pulse lasers. It randomly causes a module malfunction that it is being fired at. Say, you fire at your enemy's engines, and at some point they cut off, making your enemy to float aimlessly for a brief moment.

17 янв. 2019 в 21:54

In my research of this wonderful game, i found that there is no best weapon, only best TIMES to use curtain weapons.

So what about pulse weapons? What are they good for? WHEN are they good?

The reason i ask is that i prefer ammo-less weapons and plan the use lasers. Thing is, im hoping to pvp with lasers. or at least, be able to. Is that possible and if so HOW?

Pulse Lasers have the best Damage:Dist:Thermal ratio of all the energy weapons. They only have slightly less DPS than Burst, so are typically better in power-starved or distributor-starved situations.

Pulse lasers can be overcharged with minimal impact on their effeciency, at which point they can nearly match Effecient Beams in DPS, but still outperform them on Distributor draw and thermals.

Still, you should always consider mixed arms on your ship. especially if you want to PVP.

I dont even know what that means.

Do you know scrambled eggs? Exactly not like that.

Scramble Spectrum is a weapon's engineering special effect, that can be applied to pulse lasers. It randomly causes a module malfunction that it is being fired at. Say, you fire at your enemy's engines, and at some point they cut off, making your enemy to float aimlessly for a brief moment.
Its very random though, although i do enjoy using it.

Always funny to watch cargo come spilling out of a ship as you cause its cargo hatch to fail.

17 янв. 2019 в 22:22

Its very random though, although i do enjoy using it.

Always funny to watch cargo come spilling out of a ship as you cause its cargo hatch to fail.

Yep, I also use it for the fun value. Mainly against engines.
17 янв. 2019 в 22:26

In my research of this wonderful game, i found that there is no best weapon, only best TIMES to use curtain weapons.

So what about pulse weapons? What are they good for? WHEN are they good?

The reason i ask is that i prefer ammo-less weapons and plan the use lasers. Thing is, im hoping to pvp with lasers. or at least, be able to. Is that possible and if so HOW?

Pulse Lasers have the best Damage:Dist:Thermal ratio of all the energy weapons. They only have slightly less DPS than Burst, so are typically better in power-starved or distributor-starved situations.

Pulse lasers can be overcharged with minimal impact on their effeciency, at which point they can nearly match Effecient Beams in DPS, but still outperform them on Distributor draw and thermals.

Still, you should always consider mixed arms on your ship. especially if you want to PVP.

*Sigh* very well. But what would i mix it with? Burst laser? Beam?

Is it possible to run an ammo-less pvp set up?

17 янв. 2019 в 22:38 youtube has sum great load out's search on it. just search beams or what ever you got.
elite dangerous beams or what ever you know. 17 янв. 2019 в 22:42
Still, you should always consider mixed arms on your ship. especially if you want to PVP.
*Sigh* very well. But what would i mix it with? Burst laser? Beam? Multicannons Use synthesis for ammo. 17 янв. 2019 в 23:07 *Sigh* very well. But what would i mix it with? Burst laser? Beam?

You can use it with beams, then the pulses will be your distributor's low-draw weapon. Or you can use it with kinetic weapons, like multi-cannons, and your distributor will manage well even with 2 pips.

It depends a lot on your ship's maneuverability, distributor, even your power plant. There are a lot of variables.

It is possible, for sure! Is it possible to win PvPs in that setup - that's another question.
18 янв. 2019 в 0:36

Pulse Lasers have the best Damage:Dist:Thermal ratio of all the energy weapons. They only have slightly less DPS than Burst, so are typically better in power-starved or distributor-starved situations.

Pulse lasers can be overcharged with minimal impact on their effeciency, at which point they can nearly match Effecient Beams in DPS, but still outperform them on Distributor draw and thermals.

Still, you should always consider mixed arms on your ship. especially if you want to PVP.

*Sigh* very well. But what would i mix it with? Burst laser? Beam?

Is it possible to run an ammo-less pvp set up?

I mean mixed kinetic/Thermic. Especially in PVP where people usually roll very high thermic resist shields (Though in reality, they're likely to have over 50% resist across the board)

However, the one advantage of all lasers in PVP, is most people use Reactive composites, which take additional damage from thermic weaponry.

Look, Multicannon ammo synthesis is really cheap, honestly I tend to recommend just going for inced multis, with one corrosive somewhere. Multicannon DPS is quite a bit higher than laser.

However, pulse lasers have the advantage of phasing sequence, which is nice on huge hardpoints to bust through hardened shields like the Cutter or Fer De Lance

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