Dying light как подключить геймпад

Обновлено: 27.04.2024

11 дек. 2017 в 14:15

I love this game, but I am using an Xbox One controller to play and I am experiencing problems.
Basically, the cursor shifts towards right/left by itself, and I tried adjusting the dead zone option of the controller in the in-game settings menu, but it didn't really fix my problem.

I've been trying reading around, but I didn't find any real fix about this :(
Can somebody help me?

I love this game, but I am using an Xbox One controller to play and I am experiencing problems.
Basically, the cursor shifts towards right/left by itself, and I tried adjusting the dead zone option of the controller in the in-game settings menu, but it didn't really fix my problem.

I've been trying reading around, but I didn't find any real fix about this :(
Can somebody help me?

Go into BigPicture, go to Dying Light, then Controller Configuration where you'd map your controller. Go to the right stick and if it has a little yellowish circle in the middle, you need to turn down the Output Anti-Deadzone and that worked for me. Hope this helps. 11 дек. 2017 в 14:19 11 дек. 2017 в 14:49 11 дек. 2017 в 14:54 are you in big picvture mode in steam and use gamepad as steam controller, you should turn it off 11 дек. 2017 в 15:02 in case you have bad drivers
right-click the device in device manager and chose to update drivers , windows will connect tro microsoft website and install drivers.
you need to have "microsoft xbox one controller for windows". that's the name 11 дек. 2017 в 15:09 i had this problem too before but it came from the gamepad stick who was damaged cause it did same in other game . so make sure you don't have a harware problem with your sticks. 13 дек. 2017 в 14:15 I updated the drivers of the Xbox One controller and tried again, but the problem still persists.
Also: apparently Dying Light is the only game I experience such issues with. 13 дек. 2017 в 23:58 14 дек. 2017 в 0:34 Ok what you are saying is happening to me to. Quick movements tend to lag for a few. I think its the graphical settings that need a tweak. 14 дек. 2017 в 8:20 Okay so I reduced the Shadow texture memory option to high from very high. It seems to have helped, now quickly turning left or right doesn't lag suddenly. 14 дек. 2017 в 13:06 It's not a matter of lag, the cursor literally drifts on a side by itself. 14 дек. 2017 в 21:51 When I turn the game on I only see the cursor momentarily befor ethe gamepad settings kick in. You really shouldn't see a cursor at all if you are playing fullscreen. Either way try running the game after disconnecting the gamepad. I imagine you probably refreshed the drivers for your xbox controller? 15 дек. 2017 в 13:52 Yes I did.
It's not like a cursor, just the center of the camera I mean. 15 дек. 2017 в 20:11

Then it sort of sounds like the issue I was having. Frequently if I turn the camera around left of right too quickly I would get stuck rotating in one direction for a few seconds before I regain control. Turned out I had to reduce to Shadowspace memory to high instead of very high. Seemed to eliminate the issue. You can try that but if its not working you will have to check things by piece by piece.

I would recommend turn the game down on its lowest settings. Take your controller out and see how it performs. Then plug it and see if the issue is there. then slowly start turning all other options on to their next highest setting and so on. Also while you are at it why not post your PC specs. Might help narrowing something down.

3 апр. 2018 в 7:10

I love this game, but I am using an Xbox One controller to play and I am experiencing problems.
Basically, the cursor shifts towards right/left by itself, and I tried adjusting the dead zone option of the controller in the in-game settings menu, but it didn't really fix my problem.

I've been trying reading around, but I didn't find any real fix about this :(
Can somebody help me?

Go into BigPicture, go to Dying Light, then Controller Configuration where you'd map your controller. Go to the right stick and if it has a little yellowish circle in the middle, you need to turn down the Output Anti-Deadzone and that worked for me. Hope this helps. 22 апр. 2018 в 13:41

I love this game, but I am using an Xbox One controller to play and I am experiencing problems.
Basically, the cursor shifts towards right/left by itself, and I tried adjusting the dead zone option of the controller in the in-game settings menu, but it didn't really fix my problem.

I've been trying reading around, but I didn't find any real fix about this :(
Can somebody help me?

Go into BigPicture, go to Dying Light, then Controller Configuration where you'd map your controller. Go to the right stick and if it has a little yellowish circle in the middle, you need to turn down the Output Anti-Deadzone and that worked for me. Hope this helps.
Dude, this worked like a charm!
You're a life saver!

This should be highlighted for anyone having this problem!
Thank you so very much <3

Не работает геймпад

Скачал 360се, настроил по гайду и ничего не работает, нету щелчка при входе в игру, помогите.

Геймпад нормальный покупай. Я меня пад xbox one , вообще угар играть. Никакой настройки не надо, стоит копейки, сверхудобный для шутанов.

Выстави в настройках 360се. Game setings там где Xinpunt Files все галочки на 64-bit.
Если нет такой настройки качай правильную версию на 64 бит.

Не работает геймпад в Dying Light. Проблемы с геймпадом в Dying Light

Категория: Dying Light

У некоторых игроков возникли проблемы с геймпадом в Dying Light, а именно геймпад не работал.

Причин по которой может не работать геймпад в Dying Light не очень и много, давайте разберём их.

1. Игра может не поддерживать геймпад

2. На геймпад возможно не установлены драйвера

3. Геймпад не выбран в настройках Windows как основной игровой контроллер.

4. Игре необходим геймпад XBOX, а у вас возможно PS. Это распространённая проблема с гемпадом в Dying Light. Попробуйте использовать либо программу Xpadder, либо X360ce.

Поэтому если у вас не работает геймпад в Dying Light, рекомендуется использовать 4 пункт.

Как переназначить управление на геймпаде без стороннего ПО?

Ребят на будущее, для этого есть Steam.
Привязываешь любой геймпад в Big Picture, настраиваешь управление как захочешь.
Ну и запускать игру нужно из стима, так что пиратки нужно добавить в стим.

Я сам уже давно только на Steam Паде играю, даже в сетевые шутеры)
Так как в нём есть гироскоп, для прицеливания. Ничем не хуже мышки.

я на геймпаде играл и там было "переназначить клавиши". не охото качать игру для этого. А вообще в стиме можно переназначить или в винде самой

ЕСТЬ ТАМ ТАКОЕ но более бесполезного переназначения я еще не видел меняются только местами LT RT BL BR (шило на мыло) Вопрос замены BR на кнопку( а ) читаем внимательнее.

это конечно тема, но опять же через чего то нужно, устанавливать, привязывать кнопки(аля Xppader), я ищу фаил конфига управления, чтоб в нем переназначить и не париться.

Ты попробуй сначала. А потом ищи способ сложнее)
Ибо легче не придумать.

Если геймпад нормальный, то кнопки привязывать не нужно. Это только для китайского левака нужно.

попробовал еще вчера заморочек не было ибо джой xbox one s. Ну каждый раз пускать через стим игру версии Gog это как то, я даже не знаю, странно и неудобно))))

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