Devex roblox что это

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Will DevEx send money to those in other countries like Singapore?

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If you can access paypal in Singapore, you can dev ex in Singapore.

Will it send Singapore Dollars to the paypal account, as in my currency? I do not know since if they do not sell Game cards here, I would think doing roblox features here are limited.

Paypal automatically converts the currencies, but when sending or receiving you have to make the conversions yourself to ensure the correct amounts are sent. This is easy with a simple search of a conversion calculator on google. If you are a working citizen in the US, meaning you are working a job where are paid by an employer, you would have already filed a W-2/W-9. That is if you are citizen of the US. You will be required to file a W-8 most likely as you are a foreign citizen receiving US income. W-8 is a just a tax payers form for those outside of the US I believe.

Developer Exchange

A picture of the Developer Exchange tab.

The Developer Exchange, also called "DevEx," is a program created by Roblox that allows users with a minimum of 100,000 Robux and who meet a few other requirements can exchange their earned Robux for real money in the form of USD. One United States dollar is equivalent to approximately 286 Robux.

Developer Exchange also refers to the section of the website that allows users to use the program, which is located in a tab on the Develop page. A user must meet the following criteria to be able to use the Developer Exchange:

  • Have at least 100,000 earned Robux
  • Be a Roblox Premium member
  • Have a verified email address
  • Have a valid PayPal account
  • Be a community member in good standing
  • Be 13 years of age or older

Exchange rate

The current exchange rate from Robux to USD is $0.0125 per Robux.

Robux eligibility

Payout changes


Impact on experience quality

Many users have linked DevEx to a major breakthrough in technology across many Roblox experiences, including higher quality maps, more complex storylines, and a large increase in developer team size and effort from developers across the board. This is because DevEx allows users to make real-world money and, theoretically, can turn into a full-time job.

Premium Payouts

Premium Payouts are payouts given to developers when Roblox Premium members visit the user's experience, whether or not they spend Robux.


The current design of the Premium page.

Membership plans for Roblox Premium are categorized by how much monthly Robux they provide. Compared to Builders Club, all memberships share the same name and icons rather than having distinct ones, and Robux is provided once per month after each renewal date instead of gradually each day. Every spot on the Roblox website with the icon and in-game, has the colors black and grey.

Current Monthly Premium Plans

Purchase Screen

The purchase screen displays a MeepCity banner with a picture of an avatar wearing the Golden Suit of Bling Squared and the Golden Top Hat of Bling Bling. This avatar is known as Mr. Bling Bling, and he used to appear on the old Robux purchase page. Unlike the former Builders Club purchase screen, it is missing Gamecard information, Roblox Credit information and billing information.

Roblox Premium Benefits

Tier 1: 450/mo
Tier 2: 1000/mo
Tier 3: 2200/mo

Other benefits
  • Certain games may provide benefits to Premium players such as exclusive items or access to exclusive locations. item creators may offer discounts on their items to Premium users. This feature began testing on April 28, 2020, and is currently being rolled out via an A/B approach.

Robux stipend comparison between Premium and BC


Item display

The develop page displays experiences, models, universes, badges, passes, audio, animations, user ads, sponsored experiences, shirts, t-shirts, pants, and plugins The develop page only displays the items that the user has created, and the develop page allows users to see how many of an item has been sold, and when it was last updated. The user can also edit experiences in the Develop page and view a dropdown menu of other experience configurations.

Retired "Build" page

The Develop page was created around 10 years ago and took place of the Build page. The build page looked similar to present day's Develop page. The only difference between the two is the accessibility of Developer Exchanging, Library, etc.

This is an image of the 2012 build page.


The Create page, which was previously called the Develop and Build page, is a page on the website that allows users to see their experiences, shirts, pants, t-shirts, models, advertisements and decals, as well as the Developer Exchange. The page is set to be replaced with the Creator Dashboard.

Library section

The Library section is similar the catalog but for objects designed for experience development instead of other objects the user could apply on their character. It is set to be replaced with the Developer Marketplace.



It was confirmed that Premium would replace Builders Club, when the BC overlay endpoint was modified on August 10, 2019, to always return "empty.jpg".


В частых случаях не все пользователи роблокса могут позволить себе купить робаксы, или купить какую-либо вещь из-за нехватки робаксов.

В результате этого, мошенники начали пользоваться этим, и предлагать различные методы получения беслпатных робаксов, которые в лучшем случае не сработают, а в худшем могут украсть ваш аккаунт, и даже ваши личные данные.

Мошенники в игре

Эти боты обычно находятся в стене группы, комментариях под предметами и даже могут быть на плейсах. Они также рассылают спам, как показано в примере. На плейсах они пользуются командой /me, которая была создана специально для отыгрывания роли во время РП. Из-за этого, 17 мая 2019 года эта команда была удалена.

Мошенники в друзьях/фолловерах

Эти мошенники подают заявку в друзья/фолловят пользователя. Эти боты чаще всего созданы с никнеймами, начинающимися с ReadMyDesc, DontReadMyDesc, ClickMe, DontClickMe, CheckMeOut. Сейчас таких ботов почти нет в игре. Если такой бот пытается с вами связаться, вы можете репортнуть его.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.



Roblox Premium

Roblox Premium is a paid membership that gives users perks and benefits. Upon purchase users get their monthly Robux set on their tier level. new features are added to it over time. It was the successor to Builders Club, Roblox's original membership before Premium. It was primarily a rebranding since most of the benefits were also provided with Builders Club.

Изменение иконки

На конференции разработчиков создатель Роблокса показал новые функции и одна из них - изменение иконки Робаксов. Это было применено 21 ноября 2019 года и новая иконка стала похожа на шестеренку.

Покупка ROBUX'ов

С 26 сентября 2008 года появилась возможность покупать робаксы на веб сайте, а через мобильное приложение - 11 декабря 2012 года. Robux'ы также могут быть куплены с помощью Roblox Карт. Роблокс Карты могут быть куплены только в магазинах США, Канады и Великобритании. Игроки с активным членством могут получить бонусные Robux'ы при их покупке.


RoblEX позволял обменивать Тиксы на Робаксы и наоборот.

Курс обмена - 20TX = 1R$

14 апреля 2016 года эта функция была удалена вместе с Тиксами.



The experiences page as of 2021.

This allows developers to see some options and statistics on their experiences:

  • if the experience is public or private.
  • the number of experience visits from the last 7 days, and total experience visits.
  • an edit button, which can only be used from Roblox Studio.
  • a dropdown menu that lets the user configure the place

There is also a view on how the developer wants to see the places:

  • Recently Updated shows the recent places that have been edited.
  • Total Visitors shows how many visits the user got in total, showing highest to lowest.
  • Last 7 Days shows how many visits the user got in a week.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

Получение ROBUX

До добавления в 2007 Клуба Строителей и Тиксов, игроки зарабатывали 5 как бонус за вход в игру ежедневно и 1 за визит на плейсе.

Microsoft Rewards

Скорее всего 29 декабря 2020 года Microsoft вместе с Roblox подключили к игре вышеупомянутую систему Microsoft Rewards. При регистрации в системе вам дадут 100 , но в нашей стране система не работает. Вот ссылка на статью с подробной информацией об акции.

Через "Roblox Premium"

Продажи предметов

Разработка игр

Зарплата с группы

Группа также может продавать свои предметы, и в этом случае робаксы с продаж будут переводиться в фунды группы. Через фунды группы робаксы могут быть переведены любому участнику группы. Таким образом работает черный метод покупки робаксов (через 3-их лиц).


Вместе с предметами, игроки могут трейдиться и робаксами (включая НДС в 30%).

Через сессии членов "Roblox Premium"

Игроки зарабатывают робаксы за 30-40 минут сессий с премиум. Узнайте больше здесь.

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