Detention center usa что это

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Convicted serial killer Joe Carroll has been captured and is being held at the Richmond Federal Detention Center.

Джо Кэролл, осуждённый серийный убийца, был схвачен и содержится в федеральной тюрьме Ричмонда.

My friends will spend the rest of their lives a CIA detention center.

А если ты не предоставишь им этого? Мои друзья проведут оставшеюся жизнь в секретной тюрьме ЦРУ.

— Hello. — Collect call from L.A. county detention center.

No, you've been through a lot, but I don't hear from you, for nine months, and then, this is the call that I get. to bail you out of the I.C.E. detention center.

Ты через многое прошел, но я ничего от тебя не слышала девять месяцев, а потом, ты мне вот так вот звонишь. Чтобы я тебя вытащила из тюрьмы.

Oh, that's sweet, but you do know that a federal detention center is not co-ed, and that's probably the best case scenario for the two of you, but honestly, I think this path you're on

О, это мило, но ты же в курсе, что в федеральных тюрьмах нет совместного проживания, и это, вероятно, лучший исход для вас двоих, но, честно говоря, я думаю, что дорожка, по которой вы идёте,

Then why are so many of your students in those private detention centers?

Тогда почему столько ваших студентов сидят в частных тюрьмах?

Until then, your assets are frozen, you're on the no-fly list, and you're one smart-assed answer away from ending up in the DC detention center.

А до тех пор, ваши счета заморожены, вы будете в списке невыездных, и еще один хитроумный ответ — и вы закончите жизнь в тюрьме.

He was transferred from Leavenworth to our detention center in D. C.

detention center — колонии

[Judge] Keith Pierce, fror the crime ofr spray painting and smashing 50 new cars, you are sentenced to six months at the juvenile detention center.

[Судья] Кит Пирс, за нанесение повреждений 15 новым машинам Вы приговариваетесь к шести месяцам заключения в детской колонии.

Big Oppa, were you released by the Youth Detention Center?

Hyung is in the Youth Detention Center now, how could he be here?

Shin Tae Hwan hired people to murder me in the Youth Detention Center.

Now, if you want to volunteer to take the fall with him, I'm sure we can free up some space at the Harlan county detention center.

Если ты желаешь последовать за ним, думаю, мы найдем для тебя местечко в колонии округа Харлан.

Places like this were detention centers for war criminals.

Такие заведения были колониями для военных преступников.

detention center — следственный изолятор

You were the one who went down to that detention center and talked your son out of a deal.

И именно ты тогда пришла в следственный изолятор. и отговорила своего сына от сделки.

Well, first, her cell mate back at Harlan detention center changed her story,

Ну, во первых ее сокамерница вернулась в Харланский следственный изолятор и изменила свои показания,

В следственном изоляторе округа Хартфорд достаточно спокойно?

Просматриваю входящие звонки в следственный изолятор.

Never thought I'd long for the Harlan County Detention Center, that's for sure.

Никогда не думала, что буду скучать по Следственному изолятору в Харлане, это точно.

detention center — сизо

So you might want to think about how much you want to be blowing out your candles at the Harlan County Detention Center.

Да то, что ты должен задуматься об этом прежде чем тебе придется встретить свой следующий день рождения в окружном СИЗО Харлана.

We're transferring you to the Federal Detention Center for tonight.

You'll be the John Dillinger of the Metropolitan Detention Center.

He'd just been released from the Metropolitan Detention Center where he was awaiting trial on federal terrorism charges.

Он недавно был освобожден из СИЗО, где ожидал суда по делу в терроризме.

detention center — исправительного центра

Today is the day we open our doors, and our hearts, to the residents of the Yuba City Juvenile Detention Center.

Сегодня тот день, когда мы открываем наши двери и наши сердца, жителям исправительного центра для подростков Юба Сити.

You consistently sentence minors to a private detention center.

Вы постоянно отправляли несовершеннолетних в частный исправительный центр.

Grades plummeted and. '92, you're in a detention center for robbery.

Вниз по наклонной и. в 92-м исправительный центр за ограбление.

Harrison actually spent eight months in a juvenile detention center in 2005.

Вообще-то, Харрисон провела 8 месяцев в исправительном центре для несовершеннолетних в 2005.

detention center — центра

And whatever he knew disappeared with him when he escaped from the detention center a few weeks later.

И все тайны, которые он знал, остались нераскрытыми, так как он сбежал из центра несколько недель спустя.

The suburban single mom from Woodside, Queens, convicted of treason and sentenced to a lifetime in prison without hope of parole is finally being transferred from a secret U.S. military detention center and placed in a federal penitentiary in upstate New York.

Ведущий: Мать-одиночка из пригорода Вудсайд Квинс обвиняется в государственной измене и приговаривается к пожизненному заключению без надежды на условно-досрочное освобождение и наконец переводится из секретного военного центра США в федеральную тюрьму в северной части штата Нью-Йорк.

We'll confiscate the vessel, deliver them to the nearest detention center.

Мы конфискуем корабль и доставим их в ближайший дисциплинарный центр.

That detention center was being guarded by the California National Guard.

Тот центр для интернированных охраняла Национальная Гвардия Калифорнии.

Ты когда-нибудь бывала в центре размещения нелегальных эммигрантов?

detention center — центр заключения

I found a bunch of surveillance footage all spliced together, and one was marked "detention center."

Нашла кучу кадров с камер наблюдения, которые склеены вместе. И один из них назывался "Центр Заключения."

I'm in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Chicago.

See, I know you were at Gatling juvenile detention center for six months.

Я знаю, что вы провели в центре заключения несовершеннолетних 6 месяцев.

And check juvenile detention centers and psychiatric programs for boys who've been recently released or escaped.

И проверьте центры заключения несовершеннолетних преступников и психдиспансеры на сбежавших или недавно выпущенных.

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detention center

detention center — de tention ,center noun count 1. ) a special prison for young people 2. ) a place where people who have come into a country without permission are kept while the government decides whether they can stay … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Metropolitan Detention Center — Brooklyn MDC Metropolitan Detention Centers are federal detention facilities (prisons) operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons and located throughout the United States. These facilities are considered to be administrative facilities, defined by … Wikipedia

Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn — The Metropolitan Detention Center located at 80 29th Street near Gowanus Bay, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on 29th Street, in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, New York, is one of several MDCs operated by the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons.[1] … Wikipedia

Federal Detention Center (USA)

Federal Bureau of Prisons — Seal of the Bureau of Prisons Agency overview … Wikipedia

USA PATRIOT Act — Full title Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 Acronym USA PATRIOT Act, also Patriot Act Enacted by the 107th United States Congress … Wikipedia

Federal Bureau of Prisons — BOP Staatliche Ebene Bundesbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Justizministeriums der Vereinigten Staaten … Deutsch Wikipedia

Pruntytown Correctional Center — (PCC) is a state prison for West Virginia, located at Pruntytown near Grafton, West Virginia, USA.The premises was previously used for a juvenile detention center known as the West Virginia Industrial Home for Boys, which closed in 1983. Juvenile … Wikipedia

Meaning of detention centre in English

The project included a detention centre, a vegetable market, a cinema and a backpacker hostel.

Unfortunately, clinical details of influenza-like illness in the detention centre were not available.

The detention centre also held over 30 children at that time, a potential source of influenza virus transmission.

While the creative team responsible for the play had no direct experience of life in a detention centre, they did spend a lot of time interviewing refugees.

The scene reinforces the strict hierarchy that operates amongst the detention centre workers, many of whom are migrants with experiences not dissimilar to those of the people they imprison.

Work to renovate the current detention centre has just been completed to improve the living conditions of detainees significantly.

I fear that few of our colleagues will have been curious enough to go and see what a detention centre is really like.

A child may not be sent for borstal treatment or even to a detention centre until he is 15.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

I happened to be invited by the warden of a detention centre the other day to help a young man coming out of the centre.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

It was unforgivable, and one would like to think that it could not happen at any detention centre.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

But, in fact, there is no intention that the detention centre should be the bottom rung of an escalator of punishment.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

Clause 4 enables a court, in the case of any offence carrying a sentence of imprisonment, to make a detention centre order.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

I do not think that you will find a housemaster in a detention centre of 80 people.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

In our view, a total term of nine months in a detention centre may be very sharp, but certainly cannot be regarded as short.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

The girls who come before the courts do not correspond to the kind of youth for whom the detention centre is said to be successful.

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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