Dead rising 3 прицел дергается как исправить

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

5 июн. 2014 в 13:21 I figured since this is a console port, it will have built in mouse acceleration. PLEASE, either have an option to turn it off, or don't put it in at all. Same goes for mouse smoothing. NO, "use a controller" is NOT a solution. I'm just hoping that this catches enough attention so that the game doesn't release with mouse acceleration and smoothing. 5 июн. 2014 в 13:23

For all we know, the PC version probably existed well before this "sudden" announcement.

Remember that funny Windows 8 sound that was made during the E3 2013 presentation gameplay? That was nice.

Doesn't mean it won't be shi­te. I just hope the KB and mouse controls aren't Dark Souls 1-level.

5 июн. 2014 в 18:08

For all we know, the PC version probably existed well before this "sudden" announcement.

Remember that funny Windows 8 sound that was made during the E3 2013 presentation gameplay? That was nice.

Doesn't mean it won't be shi­te. I just hope the KB and mouse controls aren't Dark Souls 1-level.

Even if it was developed on PC and hidden away, mouse acceleration is going to be a deal breaker for me if it's in the game. I use mouse and keyboard for complete control of my moments and aiming. Mouse acceleration breaks that completely.
5 июн. 2014 в 23:19 In the additonal notes in the requirements it says an Xbox 360 controller is highly recommended 6 июн. 2014 в 7:37 Why does everyone assume every PC game will be a port? People call Max Payne 3 a port when it isn't, they even call Watch Dogs a port when PC was the lead platform, it runs bad on most PC's because someone screwed up on how the game uses RAM and VRAM that's it, Ubisoft are making a patch now to fix the issue. 6 июн. 2014 в 8:57

It says in the recommended specs that it suggests using a Xbox 360 controller.

Not a problem, at least for me. I keep a Xbone controller hooked to my rig at all times.

*Oh, and yea, I've got a bad ass keyboard, and gaming mouse. So what? A controller was designed with nothing but gaming in mind. Get with the times.

6 июн. 2014 в 9:55 Why does everyone assume every PC game will be a port? People call Max Payne 3 a port when it isn't, they even call Watch Dogs a port when PC was the lead platform, it runs bad on most PC's because someone screwed up on how the game uses RAM and VRAM that's it, Ubisoft are making a patch now to fix the issue. May Payne 3 was delayed for PC by 15 days and also came with built in mouse acceleration that was removed a few days later after the first patch. Nothing about watch dogs feels as if it was designed with PC in mind. The game was fist shown at E3 in order to promote "next gen" gaming.
6 июн. 2014 в 9:59

It says in the recommended specs that it suggests using a Xbox 360 controller.

Not a problem, at least for me. I keep a Xbone controller hooked to my rig at all times.

*Oh, and yea, I've got a bad ass keyboard, and gaming mouse. So what? A controller was designed with nothing but gaming in mind. Get with the times.

Good for you! What does that have to do with mouse acceleration? PC=/=Controller. Yes PC games can be played with a controller and may feel comfortable for some people, but that's not to say that they are SUPPOSED to be played with one. "Get with the times." What does that even mean? 6 июн. 2014 в 10:11

It means buy a controller and stop being "that guy".

I'll have no issues with playing this game because I can use both "kb&m", or a "controller".

A wired xbox controller is $35 bucks at Walmart. Buy one, learn it, live it, love it.

6 июн. 2014 в 10:22

It means buy a controller and stop being "that guy".

I'll have no issues with playing this game because I can use both "kb&m", or a "controller".

A wired xbox controller is $35 bucks at Walmart. Buy one, learn it, live it, love it.

So many assumptions in one post.

You assume people haven't tried controllers before and that they didn't just decide they feel uncomfortable using them for anything other than fighting games (what a coincidence, I feel this way myself).

You assume that just because YOU have no issues with both setups, others will also have the exact same, identical experience as you and will have no issues whatsoever. Same thing goes for people who say a game has no issues period because they didn't experience them. Horribly single-minded approach.

Lastly, you assume that everyone who pays for this game lives in the same country as you, with the same pricings and regulations as said country and with the same stores and businesses operating in the exact same town.

The "buy a controller/get with the times/best of both worlds" argument is such a ♥♥♥­king poor attempt at justifying developer laziness or just plain incompetence.

If you, as a PC gamer, believe that customization is the way to go, you wouldn't be forcing certain types of customization down other people's throats. Creating your own experience and customizing the way you play comes at a price. Money-related or otherwise. Even though it can be easy to do so, the concept of people bending around a game's will instead of the other way around is extremely frustrating for all the wrong reasons.

I mean holy shi­t, even Mortal Kombat and Injustice let you play with some decent configurations on the keyboard. Why can't Dead Rising 3? DR2 and OTR were just fine with KB and Mouse anyway. At least, in my personal experience.

6 июн. 2014 в 10:33

Yea, sorry about that. I do assume that most people complaining about controllers haven't tried one, or assume themselves to be above using them. The high and mighty attitude that many have is what gives me a very negative view of people who seem unwilling to buy a controller.

I'm not that skilled of a gamer, never have been. Because of this, I assume if I can do it, most people are more then capable if they try, and don't just toss it to the side.

I'd be amazed if in any industrialized country a proper controller is out of reach.

Customization is always a bonus, but, you'll find that a lot of the issues faced can be avoided if you play with a controller. I just got back in to PC gaming a year ago (other then mmo's). I played two games that had crap kb&m support, and immediately went out and got a xbox controller (I have 3 PS3 controllers, none of which are supported by windows games without 3rd party programs).

This game clearly states that it will work best with a controller. I'd assume the worst, and even not buy it, or sit down and figure out how to use a controller. It isn't rocket science, and I'm 99% sure anyone without a physical disability can get used to one.

I played DR 2 and DR OTR only with keyboard and mouse. I also tryed the 360 controller but i found that keyboard and mouse controls were lot better than 360 controllers. I played them from the begining till the end with keyboard and mouse and didnt have any issues at all. The game is very simple anyway it only requires wasd for movement and mouse click for attack maybe that why it worked so well in dr2 and d2oftr . DR3 has the same gameplay as DR2 this means that keyboard mouse controls will again be the same as in dr 2. 6 июн. 2014 в 10:43

Using a controller is as simple as it can be. Getting comfortable with one and feeling "alright" with it is not so easy.

It has nothing to do with mental disabilities or physical drawbacks of any kind (not for my case, at least). It's simply a thing that happens or, in this case, getting used to a control scheme, simply does not happen.

I went and bought GTA V for my 360 because I'm an impatient fool. I actually beat the story quite fine with no real complications, but the controls were always an annoyance. Except for vehicle controls. Those were always great and felt perfect.

But the movement, the shooting, the. everything else, it didn't do it for me. I could use it just fine and i could work with it. But I can't adopt it as a preferable or even appealing control scheme because there is simply not enough precision.

Maybe it's the fact that thumbs are not used at all during keyboard and mouse gaming (for tumbstick motions anyway). Or maybe it's something else. I really don't know. But the only thing I like controllers for are fighting games and driving of any kind. I see no reason why proper implementation for other activites cannot be implemented to work acceptably on the keyboard and mouse.

6 июн. 2014 в 10:43 It's very possible for people to get used to a controller, but it shouldn't be a heavily advised course of action for a game being released on the Windows/Linux/Mac platforms where the KB&M is traditional. Controls for KB&M should be just as good as the controller controls. 6 июн. 2014 в 11:20

Yea, sorry about that. I do assume that most people complaining about controllers haven't tried one, or assume themselves to be above using them. The high and mighty attitude that many have is what gives me a very negative view of people who seem unwilling to buy a controller.

I'm not that skilled of a gamer, never have been. Because of this, I assume if I can do it, most people are more then capable if they try, and don't just toss it to the side.

I'd be amazed if in any industrialized country a proper controller is out of reach.

Customization is always a bonus, but, you'll find that a lot of the issues faced can be avoided if you play with a controller. I just got back in to PC gaming a year ago (other then mmo's). I played two games that had crap kb&m support, and immediately went out and got a xbox controller (I have 3 PS3 controllers, none of which are supported by windows games without 3rd party programs).

This game clearly states that it will work best with a controller. I'd assume the worst, and even not buy it, or sit down and figure out how to use a controller. It isn't rocket science, and I'm 99% sure anyone without a physical disability can get used to one.

I do have a 360 controller that I prefer to use for driving and flying in games. I grew up on consoles and have owned just about every gaming console that has come out. I currently own a PS4 and an XBone. My point is that I'm no stranger to controllers and I do like them for certain tasks. I can use a controller with no problem at all, but I shouldn't have to be forced to use one and feel uncomfortable on a platform that revolves around M&KB. When I switched over to PC gaming as my primamry platform, it was because I discovered that the level of precision I get with a mouse was greater than anything a controller could offer ME.

A controller is the only way to go for consoles, which is fine because that's how it's always been. I like that PC has an option for both, but it shouldn't come at the cost of mice suffering from an OPTION that is being hardcoded into games with no sign of turning it off. I'm not asking for extra health, boosted weapon damage, or anything like that. What I want is for my mouse to function the way it was intended to. to aim where ever I'm pointing at the speed I have it set to. I shouldn't even have to worry about this kind of stuff when I buy a game on PC. Console players don't buy a console game with the fear that their controller might not work right, so why should I have to worry if my mouse is going to function the way it's supposed to on a PC game?

Скачал, закинул файлик, лаги пропали. Затем меня расстроило что при постоянных 60 fps в balck Flag у меня какое то тягучяя картинка с пропуском кадров(я подумал что ati режет, а на нвидеа все норм), закинул файлик и о чудо, все плавно как в cs 1.6. Теперь на карте nvidea та же беда, закинул файлик все работает(ded rising не выдает 60фпс, но тягучесть пропала). Кидаю сюда для всеобщего распространения по всем играм, ибо игра в данный момент популярна, а самому распространять лень.

О файле, в описании было написано что он подменяет драйвер видеокарты на 8800gt(если зайти Shadow Warrior в настройки видео, то там будет 8800gt, вне зависимости от вашей видеокарты), со sweetfx работает заменяя d3d9, но вроде не со всеми(самый лучший sweet для моего старого телика был от remember me),

Установка: Закинуть d3d9.dll в папку с лаунчером игры с заменой если sweet fx установлен. Второй архив в архиве для генерации нового драйвера экзлюзивно под вашу видеокарту, но им никогда не пользовался и стандартный работает на всех испытуемых системах.

Самая наглядная проверка будет в игре assasin creed 4 при 60фпс, (вылеты, тягучесть, пропали вроде в dead rising 3)

PS я не знаю всех этих названий, что как работает но работает очень хорошо и с 11 и с 15 директиксом, так как работало до конкуренции с консолями, назвал cmr clear motion rate в честь телевизора samsung. Кому не лень запилите видос без файла и с ним в 60fps, хотя может и на ютубе будет видно.

Проблема с прицеливанием и инвентарём Dead rising 3

КОРОЧЕ дело к ночи.
Значиц скачал я тут недавно данный шедевр, репак от механиков вроде как, всё нормально игра играется, но есть проблемы: (
Суть проблемы заключается в прицеливании или же инвентаря, в обще когда надо зажимать ту или иную кнопку, если прицел, не зависимо хочешь ли ты куда то бросить предмет или просто целишься с огнестрела, то он просто автоматически то целится, то нет, грубо говоря при зажатой кнопке мыши сам то включается, то выключается причем быстро, и с инвентарём та же история оружие скрафтить сложно очень ибо моментально выключается и включается, да и если просто выбрать то тоже толком сложно, хоть и есть колёсико.
Так вот, может кто сталкивался с такой фигнёй, подскажите пожалуйста, буду благодарен.
Как бы на геймпаде играть особо не хочу хоть и там такая же проблема, бывает где то минуту всё работает нормально, так было с геймпадом, а сейчас перепроверил и понял что на нём тоже такое дёрганье.
Читал разные формы, кто про что писал, про верт. синхр. и прочее ничего не помогает.
UPD + ко всему настройки графики да вообще любые настройки ни каким образом не сохраняются.

Вертикалку включи. Игра по дефолту работает в 30 фпс. Если больше - возникают проблемы со стрельбой.

Ммммм, в папке с игрой есть файл и он как раз таки связан с ограничением и оно вроде как отключено.
gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True
такая там команда

6 сен. 2014 в 10:33

1 When the clamp the LT on the controller begins to twitch with Parties to the side sight, as if the goal changes. Sometimes this glitch disappears.
2 It is impossible to craft anything. Clamping LB, but the effect is as if I had to push it a few times.

Knows somebody how to solve this problem?

1. Когда зажимаю LT на геймпаде, начинает дергаться со стороны в сторону прицел, как будто меняет цель. Иногда этот глюк исчезает.
2. Невозможно ничего скрафтить. Зажимаю LB, но эффект получается словно я по несколько раз его нажимаю.

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