Dark и darkness в чем разница

Обновлено: 02.05.2024

Например, как правильно будет: "Свет может стать тьмой".

"The light can become the dark" или "The light can become the darkness".

2 вариант -The light can become the darkness ( Свет может стать тьмой )

darkness [ˈdɑːknɪs]
тьма ж, темнота ж, мрак м, мгла ж, потемки ж, темень ж
(dark, gloom, mist)
power of darkness – сила тьмы
cover of darkness – покров темноты
thick darkness – густой мрак
predawn darkness – предрассветная мгла
evening darkness – вечерние потемки
impenetrable darkness – непроглядная темень

Dark и darkness в чем разница

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Darkness usually is used as a noun as in it is referred to like physical object

“The room is filled with darkness”
“The darkness outside was cold and ominous”

Darkness can also refer to a sense of negativity within a person it can be malice or sadness
“The boy’s eyes are filled with darkness, it is understandable after all he did just lose both of his parents”
(This would be a sense of sadness)
“There is a sense of darkness coming from that man, something is just not right”
(This would be a sense of evilness of malice)

Dark is used as adjective to describe something of having the qualities of darkness (they can sometimes be interchanged with each other)
“The boy has dark eyes”
This dark is referring to the actual color of his eye not the emotion in his eyes

“The room is dark”
“The room is painted a dark color”
(Brown, dark blue, dark green. Black are “dark colors”

Dark can also be used to compare things by changing the word to its comparative form “darker”

This room seems “darker than this room”
(Dimmer would be a better fitting word but darker is what many people would say”

“This shade of green is darker than that shade of green”

Dark can also be changed to present tense “darkening” to mean that something is become darker

“As the sun sets in the sky, the sky begins darkening from blue to orange and finally to black a darkness with no end”

@GemaC "Dark" can also be a noun - for example, "I am afraid of the dark." In this case, it would be the same as darkness.

Dark (adj.) can mean "darkness" (eg. "The sky is dark tonight.") or evil/sad, (eg. "That television show was very dark.") - here meaning, something happened which was uncomfortable or depressing.

Разница слов "darkness" и "dark". Например, как правильно будет:
The light can become the dark / the darkness. (Свет может стать тьмой).


The light can become (get) the darkness.
Но, в принципе, можно ответить и с dark, ошибка небольшая, почти незаметная.

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Dark и darkness в чем разница

  • Английский (американский вариант)
  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант) Практически свободно говорящий

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