Crusader kings 2 как стать святым

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Holy orders are bands of troops that can be hired with piety to fight religious enemies. Holy orders can also operate as independent rulers, constructing castles and waging their own wars. Most religions only have one holy order; only Catholics have multiple orders.

The size of holy orders is scaled according to the religion's moral authority. If the holy order is currently hired, its size will be updated only when it is dismissed.

Vassalizing mercenaries and holy orders

Crusader kings 2 как стать святым

Embro - Crusader Kings 2/3 и Hearts of Iron 4

Валентин Перов

Валентин Перов запись закреплена

Михаил Рыбалкин

Валентин Перов

Валентин Перов

Михаил, то есть, после смерти правитель автоматически станет святым? Там же ивент какой-то, да?

Иоанн Саламаха

Валентин, не станет автоматически. Потому что Михаил тебя дезинформировал это раз. Во вторых, шанс стать святым зависит от кучи факторов, и этот шанс не 100%. За подробностями читай wiki

Балалаев Вячеслав

Балалаев Вячеслав

чем больше у тебя благочестия и благодетелей
Тем выше (с?ка) ШАНС на то что бы стать святым

Иоанн Саламаха

Балалаев, угу и чем больше святых уже есть в религии тем шанс ниже. Ну и другие фишки. Пусть тс идет и читает статью на wiki

Балалаев Вячеслав

Балалаев Вячеслав ответил Иоанну

та на количество святых он уже никак не повлияет
Эти два фактора впр единственное что надо знать
Остальное либо влияет на сотые процента, либо нельзя повлиять

Иоанн Саламаха

Балалаев, количество святых в религии режет шансы и существенно.

Балалаев Вячеслав

Балалаев Вячеслав ответил Иоанну

Иоанн Саламаха

Балалаев, можно. Благо эвент с выявлением пороков никуда не делся.

Так же ты забываешь что есть и другие варианты влияния.

Олег Ломак

Олег Ломак

SoA mechanics

With Sons of Abraham, holy orders have received a major overhaul.

Building castles

Holy orders often operate on their own, without the contract of a ruler. They may ask rulers of their religion to allow them to build a castle in the ruler's demesne. The holy order only requires the local count's approval; the permission of the count's liege, if any, is not required. Once they get permission, construction will begin.

Holy Orders will continue to request the rights to build castles as long as they have enough wealth (300g), no county titles, and fewer than 10 controlled settlements. This will eventually put them over their demesne limit, and they will grant extra castles with appointment succession. If you have Imperial Administration or Iqta government, retracting these baron vassals will allow the Holy Order to build more castles. This is an inexpensive way to increase the strength of your realm.

Rulers cannot use the "de jure holdings" CB against holy orders of their religion. However, for 1000 piety, they can expel the holy order and seize all castles. Any debts with the Order will also be cancelled. The Order will no longer request to build castles in the ruler's realm.

Relatives of rulers

Occasionally, an unmarried son or brother who does not stand to inherit may ask to join a Holy Order of their religion. They are more likely to request if Zealous , and will be more likely to join a Holy Order with an aligned cause or is more local (for example, a German would be more likely to join the Teutonic Order than the Knights Templar if both are formed).

If allowed, the courtier moves to the holy order and unmarries all spouses. If the allowing ruler shares their religion, the ruler gains 100 piety. Characters cannot marry or inherit as long as they remain in the holy order. Except for CM holy orders (Zun and Ibadi), the character also gains the Celibate trait.

Once in the holy order, it is possible for them to become the grandmaster of the order through Open elective succession, which selects the man with the highest prestige plus age. This can be very useful for your dynasty: Each holy order controlled by your dynasty gives you (and all other count+ rulers of your dynasty) +2 monthly prestige and +1 monthly piety. Holy orders controlled by your dynasty are also much cheaper to hire. High dynasty prestige can help your relatives win, as can the skills to obtain a council position within the holy order.

Loans and Donations

Aside from castle and hiring income, Holy Orders can also gain money from donations. Donating 300 Wealth to a Holy Order will grant you 100 piety and put you in good standing with the Grandmaster of that Order, your religious head, and all temple vassals. Note that you cannot donate to holy orders which you have vassalized.

You can also borrow money from a Holy Order. At any time you can borrow 300 gold from any Holy Order of your religion, so long as they have 300 gold to give. However, while in debt the Grandmaster can make various demands, either demanding a son or brother to join the Order or building a castle in your demesne. If this happens, you may either accept (canceling your debt), refuse (losing 1000 Piety and damaging your relations with your religious head), or pay back the 300 gold debt.

Crusader kings 2 как стать святым

Сергей Куцко

Святым можно стать если всю жизнь служить в церковной организации

Матвей Гамалюк-Грецкий

Матвей Гамалюк-Грецкий

Сергей Куцко ответил Матвею

У язычников нельзя быть святым,только у христиан и быть может у мусульман но не уверен

Матвей Гамалюк-Грецкий

Матвей Гамалюк-Грецкий

Илья Бычков

Илья Бычков ответил Матвею

140 лет выпадает ивент, название его не помню, но там по решению ты можешь созвать совет, дабы найти смысл жизни, а там уже и поискать кого, кто может бессмертие тебе накинуть. Чем больше один из пяти навыков, то тем больше шансов на успех в поиске человека, который может дать бессмертие, а также импрувает возможность того, что этот челик действительно тебе даст бессмертие. Короче, вероятность полностью успешного прохождения этого ивента около 10-15 процентов

Hiring holy orders

You can hire a holy order if:

  • You follow the title's religion
  • You have sufficient piety
  • You have not expelled the holy order
  • They are not a vassal of another ruler
  • They have not been hired by another ruler or raised their own troops to fight a war

During great holy wars, as well as when defending against infidels, holy orders have no wealth upkeep. During offensive wars, however, they have a substantial gold upkeep cost, similar to mercenaries.

Forces hired from holy orders will only fight against enemies of the faith:

    holy orders only fight heretics of their religion and infidels. For example, a Catholic holy order will not fight against the Orthodox or Iconoclast Byzantine Empire, but will fight against any Cathar or any Muslim ruler. , Pagan, and Indian holy orders are also hostile against other religions within their group.

Crusader kings 2 как стать святым

Crusader Kings 3 / Крестоносцы 3

Николай Волк

Николай Волк запись закреплена

Как в 2 части попросить массового крещения? Что то ну совсем не разобраться. Играю за языческую Померанию

Redolock Travelfyre

Если не ошибаюсь, в окне религии есть кнопочка, рядом с кнопкой реформации язычества

Иван Ильин

Окно религии, потом кнопка "другие конфессии", там надо выставить фильтр что-то типа " Весь мир "(изначально будут показаны только конфессии твоей религии), потом выбрать нужную, нажать на неё, в самом низу будет " Принять конфессию"

Руслан Кондратьев

Руслан Кондратьев

Окно религии, левый верхний угол, там капля с крыльями, если правильно помню.

Николай Волк

List of holy orders

Holy orders are created by events when certain conditions are met. If a heresy becomes mainstream, they always join the new mainstream religion. Similarly they can be formed by a former heresy once it becomes mainstream except that Miaphysite and Nestorian holy orders can only be created by those religions (not their heresies). i.e. You cannot create a Holy Order as Messalian.

Taoism does not have a holy order.

Most pagan holy orders require reformation of the religion, except the Germanic holy order.

Vassal of Jerusalem from 1119. Can be vassalized by decision by King of Jerusalem for 500 gold (requires Sons of Abraham).
Only one holy order can be vassalized by decision.

Vassal of Jerusalem from 1099. Can be vassalized by decision by King of Jerusalem for 500 gold (requires Sons of Abraham).
Only one holy order can be vassalized by decision.

Landed from 1204.

Transforms into the kingdom-tier Teutonic State upon winning a Northern Crusade war. The Teutonic State cannot be hired as a holy order unless they lose all land and revert to being the Teutonic Order.

Exists as a holy order from 1192. From 1225, they instead exist as a Teutonic State near Lithuania.

Vassal of Castile from 1164.

Vassal of Castile from 1171.

Landed from 1090 until 1256.

Sons of Abraham DLC, created by decision taken by a Manichean ruler.

  • Ruler is male, not imprisoned, at least 16 years old
  • Ruler publicly practices the Manichean religion (doesn't require Manichean being the Mazdan orthodoxy)
  • Crusades/Jihads/Great Holy Wars unlocked
  • Ruler has 1000 piety and 500 wealth
  • Control one of the Manichean holy sites
  • Moral authority of Manichean religion at least 50%

Taking the decision cost the ruler 300 prestige and 300 wealth.

Can also be created individually by decision if a ruler has 1000 piety and control of all five of their religion's holy sites. After the year 1100, simply requires 200 piety.


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