Command conquer 3 tiberium wars где сохранения

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

So, I have the Collection with every C&C games. I am playing Command & Conquer Tiberium War on my tablet and I have done both the GDI and the Nod campaign so I unlocked the Scrin Campaign. I want to transfer my Single player saves from my tablet to my PC but I can't find the folder for the saves.

My tablet is using Windows 10 and my PC is using Windows 7.

Can anyone tell me where can I find the saves in my tablet and where can I place it in my PC?

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I believe savegames should be transferrred automatically between different devices using the same account if you enable Cloud Storage on the game.

Like most people helping out around this place, I am a volunteer, not an EA employee. I'm just here to help. If my answer helped you, please give XP. And if an answer solved your problem, be sure to accept it as solution. I will not help with game questions sent as private messages; those questions belong on the boards where everyone can see my answers.
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Sorry for the late answer. Yes I was aware of the Cloud save but it wasn't working properly for me. I recently got it to work and did the Cloud save on my tablet without a problem but them, when doing the Cloud save synchronization on my PC, it kept stopping at 91% and then the Origin program crashes. What I did is that I found my game files in Local Disk C : User : "User name" : AppData : Roaming : Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars. In it there is 3 folders, Maps Previews, Maps and Profiles. I copied all 3 of them, went on my PC and replaced the files on my PC with those of my tablet. I did lost anything I did on my PC but I was more advanced with the files from my Tablet so I didn't lost anything.

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It looks like you solved your own issue then, or have i misunderstood you?

The files and folders you're looking for should always be in either "C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\. " --- check both "roaming" and "local" to make absolutely sure

OR your own user files . "C:\Users\<your user name>\Documents" --- and --- C:\Users\<your user name>\Documents\My Games"

OR C:\Users\<your user name>\Saved Games

From there I know that some things can be transfered. Older C&C titles I think stored stuff in the game's installation folder; back then it was more of a mess, unfortunately

Как установить моды на c&c Tiberium Wars . у меня отсутствует папка mods

Пример на win7:
C:\Users\\Documents создаём папку с названием Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.
Открываем её и в ней создаём папку mods.

PS Если отсутствует (а она отсутствует автоматом у всех), создай её (папку с наименованием mods) сам.

и далее туда моды просто кидать? не надо их как - нибудь подключать - они сами подключатся ?

Сандр Ин Ученик (106) Нет, просто кидаешь туда. Далее переходишь к ярлыку и ставишь -ui (конфигурация) в конце (Примерный вид: "D:\Games\C&C 3 TW\CNC3.exe" -ui). Потом через этот ярлык заходишь в раздел "Просмотр игр", там выбираешь раздел модификации и подключаешь нужный мод.

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