Что такое vigilantes в мафия сити

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

A Vigilante is a Townie who can kill a player at Night.

Using traditional flavors, Vigilantes share the "shot" kill flavor with the Mafia. Thus, their kills are indistinguishable from those of the Mafia in this case.

While a few moderators prefer to defy meta and use Mafia Vigilantes to allow multiple scumkills from a single faction, the vast majority of Vigilantes are Town.


There is no consensus as to whether "Vig" is pronounced with a hard 'g' or like "Vidge". The easiest solution to this problem is to pronounce it however you like, but never try to make a pun out of "Vig" or try to verbally say it to others, unless you know how they pronounce the term.

What do Vigilantes do and How Many can I Use?

There are two (2) roles the Vigilante will serve. The first is they can Garrison your wall which means they are able to provide additional support to your troops and defensive weapons on your turf. As we saw with the example above, if you use Nick on the Wall and have him to 2 Stars he will increase the Bulker Attack by 20%.

The second role of a Vigilante is to be out with your Ops Crew and assisting with other tasks. For example, if you have Tracy to 2 Stars you will enjoy an Increase in Resource Gathering Speed by 50% on all resources besides gold when Tracy is leading the Ops Crew.

To start the game you are allowed one (1) Vigilante to Garrison the wall and one (1) Vigilante to lead each Ops Crew you have. You have the ability to choose which one you would like to use and they typically will select the best suited for the task in some cases.

If you would like you do have the ability to increase the Wall Garrison to two (2) Vigilantes and also to add the ability to have two (2) Vigilantes on each Ops Crew. This is accomplished by making investments through the Invest Center. Once you are in the Invest Center you will click on the Vigilante icon which is the second one down on the left side. Inside you will see there are seven (7) categories of investment skills. You will have to start the investments on the first skills to get to Reinforced Wall Garrison to have the ability to have a second Vigilante on the wall defending your turf. You will have to invest in each skill inside the Vigilante Investments to get to Ops Strengthening which will allow you to have a second Vigilante on each Ops Crew.

Normal Guidelines


This role is frequently used as an X-Shot Vigilante (where X is a number), allowing it to make only X kill attempts over the course of the game (in addition to the usual restriction of only being able to make one kill attempt per night).

There is no consensus in regards to whether an X-Shot Vigilante loses one of its ability uses if it is Roleblocked while trying to kill someone.

In games with nontraditional kill flavors, it is by no means a requirement for the vigilante to have a kill flavor indistinguishable from that of the Mafia.

One of the most coveted variations of this ability is the Day Vigilante, or Dayvig, which is a Vigilante that can kill during the Day. Depending on the game, the Dayvig may be able to submit its kill privately, or it may be forced to declare its kill publicly. Daykills are not normally stoppable by active abilities, so Dayvigs are considerably more potent than ordinary Vigilantes.

Some other variations that have been seen include the "Mad Monk" (a Bulletproof Vigilante), and the "Crazy Fiend" (a 1-Shot Vigilante belonging to an anti-town faction). The Arsonist is a conceptually similar role to a Vigilante, especially when Town-aligned.

Type of Skills

There are two types of skills the Vigilantes offer:

Passive skills are skills bonuses you receive regardless of whether or not you are using that vigilante. These are permanent increases to your power on specific characteristics

Active Skills are skills requiring you to use the vigilante to use the skill.

As you can see it is active because you must be using Nick to be able to use the skill and have the stat boost.

Due to these two types of skills picking the vigilante is very important and what you use them for is also just as important.

Vigilantes: A Basic Guide

Depending on how often you play the game and how familiar you are with everything you may or may not know about Vigilantes. More than likely you have at least heard others speaking about it or even better yet read the Godfather Quotes about the Vigilantes. This guide is going to walk you through some basics and will be followed up by a second article which will break down each vigilante and highlight what you may choose to do for upgrades.


So I apologize this article is somewhat long; however, I have just barely started to go into all of the information on Vigilantes. There is so much to them and they offer some great bonuses. I am already working on a specific breakdown for each Vigilante and recommendations on which ones you want to grow and which Vigilantes are worth stopping. This will change depending on how you have set up your account and what Vigilantes you own.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask either in the Clan Chat or in a Private Message. This is all done to benefit the clan so please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or if you want me to review something specific. At the moment I am just guessing what people may be interested in and it will be best if I write about what you want to know about so I encourage you to reach out.

How are Vigilantes Measured & How Can I Grow Them?

Vigilante Attributes


Stats will tell you the level of the Vigilante and will include their different attributes including Attack, Defense, Command, and Speed. These Stats will give you the Level of the Vigilante.

There are two ways to increase the level of the Vigilante. The first is to battle Mercenaries which will give you Vigilante Experience Points which can be used to increase any of the Vigilantes you own. The second way to increase the Vigilante level is to purchase a pack with the Vigilante fragments. In the pack you will be given 1-50k Experience, 5-20k Experience, 10-5k Experience, and 100-500 Experience. The higher the level the stronger the Vigilante. Each Vigilante also has the upgrade-able skills which require your Vigilante to reach level 30. Then you are able to use Vigilante fragments to increase some of the skills. We will look at this later as well.

Vigilante Stats

Star Up

Vigilante Star Up

Play Advice

The philosophy of when and how often a player should shoot is debatable. One school of thought is that kills narrow down the pool of suspects, so any player that is not less likely to be scum than random should be fair game for being shot. This same school of thought favors killing on every Night, including Night 0 (when there is no game-related information about any player).

The other school of thought is that Vigilante kills take away majority-rules eliminations from the Town, placing too much power in one player's fallible hands. This school of thought advocates only shooting players who are likely to be scum (or even whoever the Town collectively dictates should be shot), and not shooting otherwise.

The best play as a Vigilante is to shoot scum. This requires the Vig to find scum. There is no easy way to do this. However, because of their ability to make or break entire games depending on who they target, Vigs are frequently lauded and/or blamed for their decisions beyond appropriate proportions. Thus, as a Vig your best bet is to make decisions that will not cause you to be hated by every other player in the game. If in doubt, shoot a player that people would want to policy elimination (e.g. lurkers).

Another potential approach to playing a Vigilante is to attempt to predict what the most likely elimination the next day would be, and shoot that player; if they're scum, great, if not, you effectively denied scum the nightkill they'd get after the mislim tomorrow and so you're still helping. This effectively introduces the Double Day mechanic into the game.

N0 in a large game is one of those times that is acceptable to policy vig someone because it is almost impossible to tell what the game will end up looking like and there are will decrease town chances of winning even if they are town; even if they do draw a PR, they are in a position where the role itself is worth more than the player. Outside of those, cases where vigs should shoot would be those involving a confirmed scum, a forced win path, and/or a game that will stay at odd players post shot.


Vigilante Levels (or Colors)

As I mentioned in the previous article there are three (3) Levels or Colors of Vigilante currently available. The color will help you easily see what the Vigilante is focused on and we are going to break down the colors and then the Vigilantes inside each color level. For each Star Level I will put whether that Star is an Active or Passive Skill. If the Star says Active this means you must be using that Vigilante to receive the boost; if the Star says Passive this means you get the boost regardless of whether or not you use that Vigilante.

Blue Vigilantes

Blue Vigilantes are all about growth and helping you grow. Their skills tend to enhance the turf or enhance you to do specific tasks that are not focused on battle. There are currently three (3) Blue Vigilantes available in the game. The Blue Vigilantes were all free Vigilantes that you were either able to unlock when you started or through special events. With that being said, you are also able to get free fragments for these Vigilantes as well through Challenges, Plantation, and VIP Store.


Catalina is one of the first two Vigilantes you start with and her Star Skills all focus on energy and Attacking Street Forces or Mercenaries.


Adriana is the other of the first two free Vigilantes you can earn in the game. Again as she is a Blue Vigilante her skills are focused on Growth.

  • 1-Star: Increases Cargo Production Speed by 10% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Cargo Gathering Speed by 20% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Cash Gathering Speed by 30% (Passive)
  • 4-Star : Boost Instant Building Time by 20 minutes (Passive)
  • 5-Star : Increase Hospital Capacity by 20,000 (Passive)

Charles was the last of the three (3) Blue Vigilantes to be offered in the game. If I remember correctly you were able to unlock him for free through one of the Challenges originally. Charles

This wraps up the Blue Vigilantes the game has to offer and next we will explore the Purple Vigilantes.

Purple Vigilantes

Currently there are fifteen (15) Purple Vigilantes in the game and these are more focused on increasing the stats of your troops.

Angie Lee

Angie Lee is a nice Vigilante to have in my opinion and has some good Star Skills to offer.

  • 1-Star: Increases Vehicle Health by 5% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Biker Defense by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star : Increases Crime Ops Speed by 10% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Bulker Attack by 20% (Passive)
  • 5-Star : Increase Raid Capacity by 20,000 (Passive)

Izumi is another nice Vigilante to have and has some excellent benefits to assist in your growth. Izumi is the first Vigilante we are looking at which offers a de-buff to help protect you as well as offers a boost to your Equipment Attributes.


Albert is one of the newer Vigilantes they rolled out and he has some decent skills. We will explore and then evaluate how far you would want to go with him.

Kiko was a Vigilante the Mafia City developers launched during one of the Challenges and you were able to get many of the fragments needed for her. She is certainly a nice Vigilante to have if you plan on attacking.

Kiko is another Vigilante with only 1 Upgrade-able Star (3rd Star) which is unlocked when the Vigilante Level reaches 30. As I mentioned, Kiko brings some nice Attack & Health benefits with her Stars as well as a boost to your Accessory Equipment. Depending if you see yourself entering battle or not she could be worth getting to 5 stars.


Caesar is a great Vigilante to have to help defend your turf. We will explore his 5 Stars and see why he should certainly be assisting on the wall and watching over your turf.

As I stated Caesar in my opinion is a great Defensive Vigilante. Like many of the other Vigilantes he only has one (1) Upgrade-able Star and that is the third Star. Three (3) of his Stars are focused on building your Defense which makes him a great choice to man the wall; however, he does have a nice third Star with increasing Attack by 10%. I would recommend if you get Caesar to Upgrade him to 5 Stars.


Marcus is a decent Vigilante to have if you need someone and can be a good Vigilante to Garrison the Wall if you do not have anyone else.

  • 1-Star: Increases Bulker Training Speed by 5% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Bulker Defense by 10% (Active)
  • 3-Star: Shooter Received Damage Reduced by 10% (Passive)
  • 4-Star: Increases Bulker Health by 5% (Active)
  • 5-Star: Increase Ops Capacity by 10,000 (Active)

Originally I was somewhat high on Marcus but through doing this review I am thinking I am done with working on him. There are other, better Vigilantes to offer similar or better boosts. He has 1 Upgrade-able Skill (5th Skill) which is nice; however, you have to get him up there just to achieve it. Majority of his skills are Active which means he needs to be in the Ops Crew or on the Wall to gain his benefits.

  • 1-Star: Boosts Instant Building Time by 15 minutes (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Resource (Excluding Gold) Gathering Speed by 50% (Active)
  • 3-Star: Boosts Instant Invest Time by 30 Minutes (Passive)
  • 4-Star: Increases Vehicle Attack by 10% (Active)
  • 5-Star: Increase Shooter Attack by 15% (Active)

With two (2) Upgrade-able Skills and the ability to boost time for gathering as well as building/investing I personally like Tracy very much. She is one I will upgrade to 5 Stars to get the additional boost to Vehicle and Shooter Attack.

Bruce Ip

Bruce Ip is one of the original Vigilantes the game had to offer and he focuses on Bulker with all of his Skills for the most part.

  • 1-Star: Increases Crime Ops Speed by 10% (Active)
  • 2-Star: Increases Bulker Training by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Bulker Defense by 20% (Passive)
  • 4-Star: Increases Bulker Attack by 10% (Active)
  • 5-Star: Increase Bulker Health by 5% (Active)
  • 1-Star: Boost Instant Building Time by 20 minutes (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Cash Gathering Speed by 30% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Boost Instant Building Time by 20 minutes (Passive)
  • 4-Star: Increases Bulker Defense by 5% (Active)
  • 5-Star: Boost Instant Building Time by 20 minutes (Passive)

In my opinion Suri should be a Blue Vigilante and I believe the Mafia City developers would agree with me in hind sight. Her Skills are all about Boosting time for Instant Building which is all about Growth. I have unlocked her 2nd Star but will not go any further with her. Sure the additional 40 minutes you can gain to Instant Building Time would be nice but is it worth the money? I would say no for me.


Melvin was another Vigilante to make his debut during a Challenge and he is what I would call a mid-level Vigilante. He is not one I would have actively sought out but he has some nice boosts.

  • 1-Star: Increases Cash Production Speed by 10% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Cargo Gathering Speed by 15% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases All Defense Weapon Attack by 10% (Passive)
  • 4-Star: Increases Shooter Attack by 10% (Passive)
  • 5-Star: Increases Raid Capacity by 20,000 (Passive)

As you can see Melvin has all Passive Skills and they are not that strong when it comes to the boosts. If you are not the one or two who set raids for your clan I would not bother going beyond the 4th Star. In my opinion Melvin is a Vigilante that you can pass on if you do not already have him.


Frankie is one of the newest Vigilantes to be added to the Family Club. He offers two (2) de-buffs and is all about focusing on Attacks & Defense.

Frankie is a decent Vigilante to have; however, he is also one you could potentially pass on as well. The majority of his Skills are Passive which is nice and he offers some good defense attributes. At the moment I have been focusing on other Vigilantes to get them to 5 Stars before purchasing Frankie as he is one if you purchase you will want to get to 5 Stars to get that additional de-buff.


Holly is the newest Vigilante the game has released up until this point. Her Skills are a mixed bag of what they offer but still focus on defense.

Paul is one of the older Vigilantes available in Mafia City. His Skills are focused on Bikers for the most part.

  • 1-Star: Increases Biker Training Speed by 10% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Biker Defense by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Biker Health by 5% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Crime Ops Speed by 10% (Passive)
  • 5-Star: Increases Biker Attack by 10% (Active)

Andrew is another one of the older Vigilantes and is very similar to Paul. His Skills are focused on Vehicles for the most part.

  • 1-Star: Increases Vehicle Training Speed by 10% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Ops Speed by 20% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Vehicle Health by 5% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Vehicle Defense by 10% (Passive)
  • 5-Star: Increases Vehicle Attack by 10% (Active)

Similarly to Paul, Andrew also has two (2) Upgrade-able Skills which are the Health & Attack. If you have not purchased Andrew, I would suggest passing on him. The Skills Boosts are not worth the money once again and newer Vigilantes can offer you better boosts.

  • 1-Star: Increases Shooter Training Speed by 10% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Shooter Defense by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Crime Ops Speed by 10% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Shooter Attack by 10% (Passive)
  • 5-Star: Increases Shooter Attack by 30% (Active)

Ethan is a little better than Andrew and Paul in the sense that he has 2 Skills that are focused on Shooter Attack. One is an Active Skill and requires use and the other is a Passive Skill. If you have not purchased Ethan at this point I would highly suggest passing on him.

This wraps up the section on the Purple Vigilantes and we are going to move right into the Gold Vigilantes. After all is completed I will put together one (1) last article on Vigilantes which is focused on the best pairings for different tasks.

Gold Vigilantes

There are currently five (5) Gold Vigilantes in the game and these Vigilantes all seem to have one (1) Common theme: They all offer an increase in Ops Capacity. Marcus is the only other Vigilante that offers the Ops Capacity boost and for some reason he is not a Gold Vigilante.


Probably one of the most popular Vigilantes in the game and definitely the most recognizable is Firelord. His Skills are focused on the Bulker for the most part.

  • 1-Star: Increases Bulker Defense by 5% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Bulker Attack by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Bulker Health by 10% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Ops Capacity by 10,000 (Active)
  • 5-Star: Increases Crew Attack by 5% (Active)

If you do not plan on using Firelord as one of your main Vigilantes in the game I would recommend stopping after the 2nd Star. His last three Stars are all Active Skills requiring you to use him. I am personally upgrading him to 5 Stars as he is currently one of my main Vigilantes; however, this may change with some of the newer Vigilantes emerging.

Launched around Christmas time Nick is definitely one of the more popular Vigilantes in the game and may become your go to over time. He is focused on different Skills but his first two Passive Skills are again for Bulkers.


Wendy was released right around October in time for Halloween and she has a nice mix of Skills to offer you.

  • 1-Star: Increases Biker Health by 5% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Vehicle Attack by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Crew Defense by 10% (Passive)
  • 4-Star: Increases Ops Capacity by 10,000 (Active)
  • 5-Star: Increases Bulker & Biker Damage by 5% (Active)

If you are not planning on using Wendy as one of your main Vigilantes I would stop after getting her to the 3rd Star. The 4th and 5th Stars are both Active Skills and if you are not actively using her it is a waste. Wendy is a great Garrison or Attack Vigilante and if you get her to at least 4th Star I would certainly make her one of my go-to Vigilantes.

Don Ali

Don Ali is also one of the newer Vigilantes to join the Family Club; however, he does offer some nice Skills to your turf.

  • 1-Star: Increases Vehicle Health by 5% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Shooter Attack by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: (Enemy) Bulker & Biker Defense -10% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Ops Capacity by 10,000 (Active)
  • 5-Star: (Enemy) Crew Attack -5% (Active)

Don Ali offers two (2) de-buffs and makes a great addition to your wall if you get him to 5 Stars. Only his 5th Star is Upgrade-able; however, if you are not using him on the Wall to Garrison I would not go to 5 Stars. If you are not actively using Don Ali I would recommend stopping after the 2nd Star because the rest of his Skills are Active and require you to use him.


Gilbert is the latest of the Gold Vigilantes and is focused on both defense and attack.

  • 1-Star: Increases Bulker Health by 5% (Passive)
  • 2-Star: Increases Biker Defense by 10% (Passive)
  • 3-Star: Increases Biker Attack by 15% (Active)
  • 4-Star: Increases Ops Capacity by 10,000 (Active)
  • 5-Star: (Enemy) Crew Defense -10% (Active)

Similarly to most of the Gold Vigilantes he is meant to be used with your main crew. If you are not using him on your main crew you can stop at the 2nd Star because the rest are Active Skills. He is the first Vigilante to not offer an upgrade-able skill but he also gives a nice mix of Skills. If you are not a killer you do not need to get him to 5-Stars.

What is a Vigilante & How do I get to Them on my Turf?

Look at a Vigilante as a leader of your Ops Crew. They help increase your power through upgrading their level and also carry various skills which we will review throughout this article. You start the game with the ability to have one (1) Vigilante man each Crew Ops Team you send out. This makes choosing the Vigilante to use very important.

Vigilantes are located at the Family Club which can be found to the right of the mansion inside your turf. The Family Club sits right below the Hot Air Balloon and can be accessed by tabbing it once.

Vigilantes All

Vigilantes: An In-depth Look

Use and Power

Vigilantes simply increase the death count and thus the speed of the game. While in theory Vigilantes constitute additional Town-sourced kills, in practice Vigilantes vary widely in skill and effectiveness. Considering the difference between a Vigilante that only hits Townies and a Vigilante that only hits scum, it's easy to see that this is one of the swingiest Normal roles.

Because of its swingy nature, it's hard to judge a Vigilante's power in terms of whether it weights the game in favor of Town or scum. At present, Vig is considered a fairly solid pro-Town role due to adding another Town-directed kill to the game (contrast scum-directed kills, which have no chance at all of hitting scum). In addition, Vigilante is generally a very confirmable role - not many roles kill people aside from the Mafia's factional kill, so after an unexpected extra player dies a Vigilante can claim the kill. Since Vigilantes are almost always Town, the Vig is generally considered confirmed Town from that point on. Dayvigs are even more confirmable as Vigs for obvious reasons, but on occasion moderators have been known to include scum dayvigs.

Moderators should take care to ensure that the vote count is reset whenever a player dies during the Day, so as to prevent a player being able to kill one player and immediately force the elimination of another (unless the game has an unusual voting system that avoids this problem some other way). In games where the vote count does not reset, and where an even number of players were alive, a hypothetical scum Day Vigilante could wait for a Town-aligned player (who they weren't voting for) to get within two votes of an elimination, something that frequently happens naturally, then shoot one player, hammer another, and kill a third overnight, thus gaining an overwhelming advantage. As such, failing to reset the vote count can end up inadvertently confirming the Dayvig as Town.

As a final note, generally when given the choice between being able to kill someone or being able to do almost anything else, players will choose to kill someone. Balance your games accordingly.

What are the Different Levels of Vigilantes?

As with everything in this game the Vigilantes are based on colors as well. With Vigilantes there are only three different colors and these will give some basic insight into what will be the focus of that specific Vigilante.

Colors or Levels of Vigilantes

Blue: Currently there are three (3) Blue Vigilantes and their skills do not have anything to do with Attacking or Defending Turfs and do not offer Attack or Defend Passive Skills. Their skills are more related to growth such as increasing load capacity (Charles), boost Hospital Capacity (Adriana), and helping when fighting Street Forces & Mercenaries (Catalina).

How many are there and how do I get them?

Currently there are 23 Vigilantes available in the game. You are able to start the game and get Catalina and Adriana for free and from time to time there will be a few others that you have been able to earn from different games/challenges such as Melvin and Kiko.

For the must part you are required to purchase the vigilantes and to continue to star them up. Each Vigilante will cost $4.99 for the initial purchase which is typically 300, 400, or 450 fragments depending on the Vigilante. After the first purchase of the day on that specific Vigilante you are able to purchase another pack; however, this time it jumps to $19.99 for the same amount of fragments and only more gold and Experience points. This is why we recommend if you are going to purchase a pack only purchase the $4.99 pack. For the majority of the Vigilantes the pack pricing will reset, yet there are a few such as Suri or Ethan that do not reset so their price just continues to go up ($4.99, $19.99, $49.99, etc.). It is worth noting that the higher price does unlock the next star for that Vigilante when upgrading the ones that do not reset.

Purchasing any Vigilantes is all by choice and you are not required to do so; however, many have some great features. We will start to review them and what stars they are worth upgrading to. Some of this will be determined by their role in your turf as you have some that are better for attack, some that are better for defense, and others that have other various skills when they lead or garrison.


This is a breakdown of all 23 Vigilantes that are offered in the game. I have given the start to my opinions and will do one more article discussing how you can set up your Wall & your Attack Squad with Vigilantes. If you want us to take a look at who you have and how we can help make them better please reach out. We are always here to help. Thank you for taking the time to read this long drawn out article.

You can either watch this video below or continue reading the post:

Vigilante Skills:

The first way to classify them is based on whether they can be upgraded or not:

There are upgradable skills, which can be upgraded using vigilante fragments to increase their effectiveness and there are non-upgradable skills, which can not be upgraded using vigilante fragments.

The other way of classifying vigilante skills is to classify them based on whether or not you are required to use the vigilante in your march to activate those skills.

Vigilante Packs, Fragments & Cost:

As far as vigilante packs are concerned, the first $5 pack gives you the best value. So, the most cost effective way to upgrade vigilantes would be to purchase the $5 vigilante packs daily & then wait for the next day for the pack costs to reset. Once you unlock all the passive skills for a specific vigilante, you can stop purchasing packs for that vigilante unless you want to use it as your main vigilante.

For Ethan & Suri, the pack costs never reset so it is going to cost you a lot more than normal vigilantes to upgrade these vigilantes.

The number of fragments required to unlock / upgrade your vigilantes are as follows:

You need a total of 9900 fragments to upgrade a vigilante from 0 to 5 stars.

How far to upgrade your Vigilantes:

For Fire Lord, you may want to stop upgrading him once you get him to 2 stars since his last 3 skills are all active skills. But if you want to use him as your main vigilante, you should go all the way upto 5 stars.

For Bruce, you would want to stop at 3 stars for the passive 20% bulker defense increase

For Andrew, you should get him to 4 stars for 10% vehicle defense

For Paul, you may stop at 2 stars to unlock both is passive battle skills, but if you also want the passive 10% crime ops speed increase, you could go all the way up to 4 stars.

For Adriana, you want to get her to 5 stars to get more Hospital Capacity.

For Izumi, you want to upgrade her all the way up to 5 stars to get the passive 20% biker attack increase.

& finally for Caesar, you want to get him all the way up to 5 stars as well to get the passive 20% enemy biker attack reduction skill.

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