Что такое мамбл майнкрафт

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Гайд по Mumble (голосовой чат)

Тема в разделе "Руководства", создана пользователем Legolas, 29 окт 2012 .

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Коротко о нас!

Minecraft Moscow — майнкрафт-проект, который успешно сохраняет атмосферу классического майна на протяжении уже 6 лет. Игроки на наших серверах возводят глобальные постройки годами, что вовсе не означает отсутствие обновлений. Именно наш проект применил впервые безвайповую систему, и именно у нас она работает правильно. Переходы на новую версию minecraft производятся регулярно, а ваш игровой прогресс остается!

Что такое мамбл майнкрафт

Mumble screenshot

Mumble - Open Source voice-chat software

Mumble is an Open Source, low-latency and high-quality voice-chat program written on top of Qt and Opus.

There are two modules in Mumble; the client (mumble) and the server (murmur). The client works on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and macOS, while the server should work on anything Qt can be installed on.

Please note that with "Windows" we mean 7 and newer. Vista may be supported, but we can't guarantee it. If you don't want to encounter potential issues, you may download Mumble 1.3.x, the last version to provide support for XP.

The documentation of the project can be found on the wiki. The FAQ can also be found there.

We always welcome contributions to the project. If you have code that you would like to contribute, please go ahead and create a PR. While doing so, please try to make sure that you follow our commit guidelines.

Mumble supports various languages. We are always looking for qualified people to contribute translations.

We are using Weblate as a translation platform. Register on Weblate, and join our translation project.

Mumble supports general-purpose plugins that can provide functionality that is not implemented in the main Mumble application. You can find more information on how this works and on how these have to be created in the plugin documentation.

For information on how to build Mumble, checkout the dedicated documentation.

If you want to report a bug or create a feature-request, you can open a new issue (after you have checked that there is none already) on GitHub.

After installation, you should have a new Mumble folder in your Start Menu, from which you can start Mumble.

Doubleclick the Murmur icon to start murmur. There will be a small icon on your taskbar from which you can view the log.

To set the superuser password, run murmur with the parameters -supw <password> .

To install Mumble, drag the application from the downloaded disk image into your /Applications folder.

Murmur is distributed separately from the Mumble client on MacOS. It is called Static OS X Server and can be downloaded from the main webpage.

Once downloaded it can be run in the same way as on any other Unix-like system. For more information please see the "Running Murmur" in the Linux/Unix section below.

If you have installed Mumble through your distributon's package repostory, you should be able to find Mumble in your start menu. No additional steps necessary.

Murmur should be run from the command line, so start a shell (command prompt) and go to wherever you installed Mumble. Run murmur as

Build and run from Docker

On recent Docker versions you can build images directly from sources on GitHub:

Example --pull s each time to check for updated base image, then downloads and builds master branch.

The OpenGL overlay works by intercepting the call to switch buffers, and just before the buffer switch, we draw our nice GUI.

To load a game with the overlay enabled, start the game like this:

If you have Mumble installed through the binary packages, this can be done by simply typing:

Что такое мамбл майнкрафт

MumbleLink Logo

Minecraft + Mumble + MumbleLink = You hear where voices come from and how far away they are!

This is a client-side Minecraft mod based on "Minecraft Forge". It's purpose is to be able to use Minecraft in conjunction with Mumble's positional audio feature.

This means: Directional and positionally attenuated VOIP in relation to the game world.

There is also a corresponding Minecraft Forum thread.

  • advanced option "Link to Game and Transmit Position" activated
    (Configure -> Settings -> Tick "Advanced" -> "Plugins" -> Tick "Link to Game and Transmit Position")

Installing the Mod:

  1. Close both Mumble and Minecraft.
  2. install Minecraft Forge
  3. Put the MumbleLink-x.y.jar into your mods folder (DO NOT EXTRACT THE JAR!)
  4. Windows: %Appdata%.minecraft\mods\MumbleLink-x.y.jar
  5. Linux:
  1. On Mumble's main screen select Configure -> Settings
  2. In Mumble Configuration dialog enable "Advanced" (bottom left)
  3. In Plugins:
    1. Options section: enable "Link to Game and Transmit Position", if this was disabled, restart after setting this option
    2. in Plugins section: find and enable "Link v1.2.0"
    1. in Positional Audio section: enable Positional Audio´

    Upgrading from earlier Versions:

    1. Close both Mumble and Minecraft.
    2. install latest Minecraft Forge
    3. replace the old MumbleLink-jar with the new one!

    Advanced Mumble Configuration

    Instead of hearing people from indefinitely far away you can set up mumble to only hear them when they are close. In return you (and they!) will need to bind an extra key to communicate with those far away (imagine it being a "walkie-talkie" button).
    To set this up you will need to do some special settings which differ from the defaults, in return it might enhance your audio experience.

    screenshot of optional settings with indicators for step 1

    1. In Audio Output:
      1. Positional Audio section: Maximum Distance: 70m
        (this value will determine when others are too far away to be heard)
      2. Positional Audio section: Minimum Volume: 0%
        (this value makes you not hear people beyond Maximum Distance)
      3. Audio Output section: disable "Attenuate applications by. " "while other users talk" and "while you talk"
        (mumble would dampen ArmA's audio if enabled)
      1. bind a key ("Shortcut") to "Shout/Wisper" "Shout to Channel" select "Current" Channel and make sure to check "Ignore positional audio"
        (this will enable you to speak to everyone no matter how far away they are or what their settings are)
      • suggested Mumble settings (differing from defaults):
        • advanced option "Link to Game and Transmit Position" activated (restart after setting this option)
        • Maximum Distance: 70m
        • Minimum Volume: 0%
        • untick "Attenuate applications by. " "while other users talk" and "while you talk"

        Generally you are free to distribute it with your private (or public, or commercial) mod-packs as specified by LGPLv3.
        That being said, it virtually means no restrictions apply except that you should inform users that your mod-pack contains this mod and that it is licensed under LGPLv3.

        Feel free to drop a note on the forum that your pack contains this mod. It might give you some more users and I simply am curious to see where it is used (totally optional!).

        Developing Addons for this Mod:

        • Please also refer to changelog of v4.0.2 and the source code comments.
        • The interface MumbleLinkAPI allows your addon to inject their custom Mumble context and/or identity. Use this interface to register your callback function handlers. You will have to implement the callback interfaces. It is suggested that your addon implements the "Activatable" interface to allow other (child) addons to disable your handlers and thus overriding/replacing them. This is neccessary since the context and identity fields have a very limited length.
        • The ExtendedPASupport mod should serve as a sample implementation.
        • Please note the javadoc of these files.
        • For more information about context and identity consult mumble's doc.
        • Please check the logs in your .minecraft-folder for an error message.
          for Forge: fml-client-latest.log
          • messages from this mod will be indicated by "[MumbleLink]" infront of the message
          • This either indicates incompatibility to your operating system
          • or you are using an outdated version of the mod
          • check the error report or log files (s.a.) for details

          How do I know that I am linked/the mod works?

          After connecting to a Minecraft-Server (joining a game) Mumble's log will show a message "Minecraft linked." after a few seconds. Additionally within Minecraft you will see a chat message "Mumble linked." after you have joined any world.

          Mumble does not Link:

          check the logs and check for MumbleLink (Forge)

          • you might not have Forge installed
          • note that Risugami's ModLoader is not supported anymore

          None of the found libraries can be loaded on your system. Your operating system is not supported by this mod. Sorry!
          Please try to compile the required libraries (mumble-LinkAPI) yourself or submit a request. (If you successfully compiled them yourself please share :D)

          None of the found libraries can be loaded on your system. Your operating system is not supported by this mod. Sorry!
          Please try to compile the required libraries (mumble-LinkAPI) yourself or submit a request. (If you successfully compiled them yourself please share :D)

          Mumble sais "Minecraft linked." but I still don't hear people positionally.

          1. Mumble is not setup correctly:
            Make sure "Link to Game and Transmit Position" is checked
            (Configure -> Settings -> Tick "Advanced" -> "Plugins" -> Tick "Link to Game and Transmit Position")
          2. The others are not using this mod. Get them to install it! ;)

          Minecraft has no sound/it is really low now

          This is probably due to Mumble itself, it will lower other applications' volumes by default.
          In Mumble advanced settings, within "Audio Output" untick both:
          "Attenuate applications by. " "while other users talk" and "while you talk"

          No Linking when using Flatpack on Unix

          Minecraft Flatpack needs additional permissions:

          1. on the command prompt run flatpak override --user --device=shm com.mojang.Minecraft
          2. restart the Minecraft Flatpak if it was already running

          Reason: The Mumble Link works via SHM and /dev/shm is by default sandboxed by Flatpak.

          • Does not work with MicDoodleCore. Libraries will not be loading properly.
            • A workaround is described in the forum thread.

            It uses the Mumble Link Plugin v1.2.0 and adds native mumble support.
            Tested with Mumble 1.2.2 - 1.2.4 and PR_Mumble1.0.

            It also uses JNA. There is an interface that other mods can use to inject their custom Mumble context and/or identity.

            The native libraries were originally build at mumble-LinkAPI

            This project is present at both SourceForge and GitHub. The main development will be done using GitHub but the distribution is done through SourceForge.

            There are multiple Forks.

            Also similar projects which deserve an honorable mention:

              does the same as this project but has a different implementation

            Thanks for the community keeping this project alive and providing support and updates!


            Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.

            The Mumble website

            Alternative Mumble server

            A C++ wrapper for around the C plugin interface that was introduced with Mumble 1.4.0

            A Mumble plugin that offers a JSON API for Mumble interaction via named pipes

            GPG signatures for Mumble

            Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.

            37 Updated Oct 12, 2021

            The Mumble website

            1 Updated Oct 2, 2021

            A Mumble plugin that offers a JSON API for Mumble interaction via named pipes

            0 Updated Sep 7, 2021

            0 Updated Jun 23, 2021

            A simple and modern Mumble theme.

            1 Updated Jun 23, 2021

            Mumble client for iOS-based devices

            4 Updated Jun 7, 2021

            A C++ wrapper for around the C plugin interface that was introduced with Mumble 1.4.0

            0 Updated Jun 3, 2021

            A template for getting started writing Mumble plugins using the standard C API.

            0 Updated Jun 3, 2021

            Source for upstream Qt bug report (minimal example for reproduction)

            0 Updated Apr 23, 2021

            mumo is the Mumble Moderator framework which simplifies development of plugins connecting to a Mumble server via Ice. mumo handles basic ICE connectivity and contains basic module loading and message multiplexing.

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