Что такое lp в готике 2

Обновлено: 08.05.2024

Альтернативный баланс (Alternative Balance) - отдельный мод-оптимизатор для игры Gothic 3, искусственно изменяющий внутриигровые системы торговли, прокачки персонажа, поведения NPC, боя и пр., для достижения игрового баланса и оптимизации механики взаимодействия в игре.

Список изменений альтернативного баланса [ ]

  • После того, как характеристики сила, древнее знание и ловкость достигнут значения 250, за обучения им придется тратить в два раза больше золота и пунктов LP.
  • Практически все квесты, в которых Главному герою необходимо кого-нибудь прикончить, будут провалены, если погибнет квестодатель.
  • Увеличен урон от падения с изученным навыком «Акробатика».
  • Такие заклинания, как огненный дождь, пузырь времени и шторм и теперь воздействуют по области вокруг выбранной цели, а не вокруг Главного героя.
  • Новые формулы расчета урона и защиты. В оригинальной Готике 3 урон у NPC рассчитывался из уровня NPC, а уже из этого урона отнимался процент защиты брони Главного героя (то есть из километров вычитались минуты). Тем самым, возникал такой парадокс, при котором падальщик мог нанести больше урона, чем тролль. Урон в Альтернативном балансе Gothic 3 Enhanced Edition зависит не только от мощи NPC, но еще и от оружия ими используемого. Таким образом, боец с кулаками не так страшен, как боец с мечом. Все логично.
  • В схватках на арене соперники Главного героя имеют увеличенные показатели защиты.
  • В оригинальной Готике 3 была возможность быстрого заработка, путем избиения NPC и изъятия у них дорогостоящего оружия. Дело в том, что точно такое же оружия появлялось у них при следующей встрече. При включенном АБ, NPC после разоружения экипируются случайным оружием типа дубины или ржавого меча. Это изменение не касается старых друзей Безымянного и соперников на арене.
  • Некоторые из вариантов мощного оружия больше нельзя купить у торговцев. Вместо этого герой сможет найти их в контейнерах (сундуках) или получить по квестам.
  • Изменены механики поведения и боя диких животных и NPC.
  • Изменена механика прокачки: повышена стоимость обучения навыкам и количество LP для их изучения.
  • Прочие изменения.

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Gothic 2 NotR building guide

2 in Jharkendar map

1 from water mage Vatras after you bring his message to a fire mage Isgaroth (you can choose this, one ore piece or 3+ dexterity ring)

3 from Saggita (she sells 1 in chapter II, 1 in chapter IV and 1 in chapter V) Source

1 from Lutero in chapter V source

Dragonroot - 13 strenght:

1 from Sagitta in chapter III source

1 from Constantino in chapter V source

1 in the orc colonel room

You get one each from Thekla for doing these things

joining mercenaries or fire mages

bringing her herbs from Saggita

[freeing Benneth from prison] (/spoiler)

[defeating dragons in the valley of mines] (/spoiler)

Apples - 2+ strenght (+1 strenght for eating 25 apples):

You can buy 51 of these source

You can find some in the world and they also drop randomly from bandits, number varies (I got about 40 of these once.)

Stone tables of strenght - 22 strenght:

2x+2 and 1x+4 in Khorinis map

1x+2 and 2X+6 in Jharkendar map

Innos shrine - 10 strenght:

every day you can donate 100 gold and get a random +1 to strenght, dexterity or mana. You can get a max of 10 strenght, 10 dexterity and 20 mana. Novices/fire mages can only get mana and mercenaries strenght and dexterity. If you want to have for example strenght as a novice you should get all 10 points before becoming a novice. After you get all the possible bonuses you get +3 health for each donation.

Strenght elixirs - 15 strenght from 5 elixirs/15 + 39 strenght from 13 elixirs if you make as many as you can from dragonroot:

1 from Zuris in chapter II source

1 as a trophy from a fire mage Neoras for bringing him a dragon egg (you can also choose gold or some sort of ring) - only for mages/palladins

1 from paladin Orik in the valley of mines for killing Hosh-Pak (you can choose 3 healing potions, 3 mana potions, mana elixir or a dexterity elixir instead)

13 made of your own from the 13 dragonroots you can find


1 strenght learned from Erol after he comes back to his home when you give him three old stone tables

There is a small chance that a dragon root will drop from an orc elite so you can get a few of those in a playthrough.

Embarla Firgastro - you can make it from dragon eggs and it gives you 15 strenght or dexterity (depends on what skill has more points). If you are a mercenary you can make two of these if you kept the eggs that you found in Khorinis

Goblin Berries - 18 dexterity:

2 in the Valley of Mines map

3 from Constantino (1 in chapter III and 2 in chapter IV) source

Stone tables of dexterity - 24 dexterity

1x+2 and 1x+4 in Khorinis map

3x+2 and 1x+6 in Jharkendar map

1x+2 and 1x+4 in the Valley of Mines map

Innos shrine - 10 dexterity:

every day you can donate 100 gold and get a random +1 to strenght, dexterity or mana. You can get a max of 10 strenght, 10 dexterity and 20 mana. Novices/fire mages can only get mana and mercenaries strenght and dexterity. If you want to have for example strenght as a novice you should get all 10 points before becoming a novice. After you get all the possible bonuses you get +3 health for each donation.

Dexterity elixirs - 18 dexterity from 6 elixirs/18 + 54 dexterity from 18 elixirs if you make as many as you can from goblin berries:

1 from Salandril in chapter III source

1 from paladin Orik in the Valley of Mines for killing Hosh-Pak (you can choose 3 healing potions, 3 mana potions, mana elixir or a strenght elixir instead)

18 made on your own from 18 pieces of goblin berries you can find


Embarla Firgastro - you can make it from dragon eggs and it gives you 15 strenght or dexterity (depends on what skill has more points). If you are a mercenary you can make two of these if you kept the eggs that you found in Khorinis

Stone tables of mana - 42 mana:

5x+2x, 2x+4x and 2x+6 in Khorinis map

1x+2 and 2x+6 in Jharkendar map

1x+4 in the Valley of Mines map

1 for giving him his stolen stuff (if i remember well it was jewellery)

Innos shrine - 20 mana:

every day you can donate 100 gold and get a random +1 to strenght, dexterity or mana. You can get a max of 10 strenght, 10 dexterity and 20 mana. Novices/fire mages can only get mana and mercenaries strenght and dexterity. If you want to have for example strenght as a novice you should get all 10 points before becoming a novice. After you get all the possible bonuses you get +3 health for each donation.

Mushroooooms - +/- 50 mana (5 mana for eating 50 mushrooms)

173 in Khorinis, from which 11 is bought - 3 from Jora in chapter I and 8 from Constantino (5 in chapter II and 3 in chapter III) source

75 in the Valley of Mines

For giving all the old stone tables we can find to Vatras we can get a total of 28 mana

12 in Khorinis (you can give 3 to Erol - he can give you 1 strenght and you can buy a health elixir and a +10 strenght amulet if you do) map

14 in Jharkendar, 2 of which we get as a reward (1 from Morgan for giving him his ring and 1 from the hermit for giving him a clothing) map

2 in the Valley of Mines map

Bonus from Daron - 2 mana:

By donating 20x50 (1000 total) gold you get:

1 learning point

Elixirs of Spirit - 25 mana (30 mana for Fire Mages)/25 + 125 mana (155 mana for Fire Mages) if you make as many of them as you can:

1 in the room we get if we become a Fire Mage

1 in Miltens inventory (ONLY chapter II, Valley of Mines), you can steal it if you have 80 dexterity

1 in the stone circle in the Valley of Mines

2 from Zuris (1 in chapter III, 1 in chapter IV) source

1 lies in one of the prisoner cells


You get 3 mana if you talk to Vatras after [defeating Raven] (/spoiler)

Stone tables of health - 195 HP:

7x+5, 3x+10 and 4x+15 in Khorinis map

1x+10 and 3x+15 in Jharkendar map

3 when we give him his stolen stuff

Health elixirs - 100 HP/100 + 500HP if you make as many of them as you can:

1 from Erol in chapter I after he comes back to his house

1 from Zuris in chapter V source

2 in one of the prisoner cells

Bonus from Daron - 85 HP:

By donating 20x50 (1000 total) gold you get:

1 learning point

Keep in mind that. wait a second. Where are your fingers? Vsauce music plays

Stone tables of 1H skill - 24%:

2x+2 and 2x+4 in Khorinis map

2x+2 and 1x+6 in Jharkendar map

1x+2 in the Valley of Mines map


5% from a book sold by Lutero called "Southern Defense Art" in chapter II source

Overall we get 31% 1H skill for free

Stone tables of 2H skill - 20%:

1x+2 and 1x+4 in Khorinis map

2x+2, 1x+4 and 1x+6 in Jharkendar map


5% from a book sold by Lutero in chapter II called "double blocks" (nice translation from 2-handed blocking. ) source

overall we get 25% for free (27% as a fire mage)

Stone tables of bow skills - 30%:

2x+2 and 3x+4 in Khorinis map

1x+6 in Jharkendar map

2x+2 and 1x+4 in the Valley of Mines map

Stone tables of crossbow skills - 20%:

1x+6 in Jharkendar map

1x+2 and 1x+4 in the Valley of Mines map

If you are going to put LP in one of the stats you should do it before you use the bonuses. Use the bonuses late because then the skills cost way more learning points (for example at 20% 1-handed skill you pay 1 LP for each % and at 30% you will have to pay 2 LP for each %).

When planning your character and what level you will have to get remember about other things you need to learn, for example the ancient language or brewing potions.

There are a few tresholds in learning

1 point will cost:

1 LP from 10 to 30

2 LP from 30 to 60

3 LP from 60 to 90

4 LP from 90 to 120

5 LP from 120 upwards

i generally recommend the world of gothic website, there are very few good english sites compared to polish, russian and german and this seems to be the best one

My dog died from myocardial infarction while i was writing this and i want to dedicate this post to him [*]

Mini march 2017 update: added a very important post in the useful links section (take a look at it), a few tweaks to clarify things and make the guide easier to read, added the Ildorath disclaimer and a spicy Vsauce meme. Also implemented corrections from /u/4ltair and made some updates correcting smaller grammar and readability (is that even a word?) mistakes. As far as im concerned this guide is fully accurate but still try at your own risk. Also always make your own calculations at least 5 times before you start playing because you might have to replay the entire game for your "perfect" build if you make a small mistake. Calculating the correct number of potions for every skill you need can especially be very tricky.

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I made a "invest list" a while ago for a relatively easy-going Merc run:

To get the master epee and acrobatics you only need to train dex until 37, then equip all +dex things you can find and apply all bonuses. This means that by chapter 3 you will have the master epee and acrobatics.

If you want go 1H, then 2H, only train 1H until 34%, apply all 1H bonuses and then train 2H until 65% and apply all bonuses (you get 10% by the last 2H weapon you can forge).

You should just do all the mana bonuses immediately (except for the old stone plates with Vatras, wait until you have all 23).

You obviously should learn pickpocketing and lockpicking as well.

Gothic 2 Leveling LP question.

I once again did not pay attention to much of this in Gothic 1, but I notice in Gothic 2, if I want to level my Strength by 5, it costs 10 LP. Where if I level Dex by 5, it costs 5 LP.

I believe I read somewhere that the more you invest in 1 stat, the more LP is required to lvl that stat even further.

So my question is this. Are you meant to put LPs into multiple stats as normal? Because I read some other comments in relation to NOTR being very LP intensive and that you needed to invest the points correctly.

If it helps, Im lvl 5 with 3 LP remaining, 35 str, with lockpicking known

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Also, when you say put LPs into multiple stats, do you mean when you reach 30 in one stat, put LP into other stats? Because I think it is not wise to go for a jack of all trades in Gothic 2.

Without extra challenges there are only 6 decent ways to replay the game:

Magic oriented paladin

Magic oriented mage

Dexterity mage guide:

Dex paladins are pointless, mercenaries are better for that class since they can get their dex level higher.

Gothic II

Gothic II
Gothic II

Вот моя деревня,
Вот мой дом родной.
Иван Суриков

. Вот качусь я в санках/По горе крутой/Ветхую шубенку/Снимешь с плеч долой/Заберешься на печь/К бабушке седой. И не беда, что еще через секунду разъяренная бабушка поджарит тебя файерболом, а скрючившийся дед, до того мирно плетший в уголке лапти, выхватит кистень и хорошенько обработает по неразумной черепушке. Это оно, близкое, свое, край родной, навек любимый. Где найдешь еще такой?

Для битвы с драконом одной
силы и ловкости явно

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