Что сложнее osu или geometry dash

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Post by XilaskaR on Feb 6, 2017 12:53:54 GMT -5

I don't know if this is the right board. I fear that since its of GD I could post it on general discussion, but since it has to do with osu! as well it can be posted here too, so idk what to do anymore.

What do you guys think is harder in general? I mean, of course, we need to compare levels and beatmaps so lets do so.
The most famous hard beatmaps I know in osu! are The Big Black and Freedom Dive (don't kill me if there is some sort of extremely known hard beatmap that I don't know pls)
Since osu! beatmaps don't have to be verified in order to be submitted (or ranked) this means there are a ton more of hard maps and really everyone can make them.
So what is the hardest level we know of GD? Ehhhh. That can be argued. To be honest there isn't really a place to it because it varies constantly. I think Bloodlust is the hardest one, but many people think Silent Club is harder, and of course we can't forget impossible levels like Silent Circles or Minus World, so lets limit it by the possible levels.

I've been writing for like 10 minutes thinking of a hardest possible level (I've been thinking Silent Clubstep, Deadly Clubstep v2, new Dead Corridor, etc) but I haven't found anylevel that isn't debatable if its possible or not, so lets just stick with Bloodlust, because it is possible right? Ehh, in the end everything is possible unless its limited by the physical realm (that sounded really japanese lol) like Silent Circles or something.

First off lets clarify a few things:
1-osu! mods don't count. It would be really hard to compare difficulty with them.
2-I'm going to assume Freedom Dive and The Big Black will be playen on tablets for the comparison, since I havent found any mouse gameplay of those levels.
3-I'm referring to the osu! gamemode only. Not catch the beat, not mania, and not taiko.

Hardest level general difficulty:
So. I think Bloodlust is harder. For 3 main reasons:
1-osu! Has error margain.
In osu! You can fail something like 4 notes and still play, and you can click on the notes before or way before the aproach circle touches the hit circle, they just give you less points. In GD either you click right or you fail, its as simple as that, and some GD levels require milisecond timings including Bloodlust (at least the unnerfed version)
Yes osu! has timings and boy they're everywhere, but they don't compare to the ones you can find in GD levels. Some timings can reach the point of being pixel perfect - Of course nobody is going to beat a pixel perfect level, that was just an example of how thight some timings can be
In osu! spamming is much easier because you can spam 2 buttons (z and x) making clicking insanely fast, in GD you have to spam the click button - Yes, you can use the spacebar and the left click at the same time, but I've yet to find a player that does that commonly, and even if it was used its harder to spam spacebar + click than it is to spam z + x. Try it out.

I know many people will say things like "In Freedom Dive you need to move your pen all over the place, GD is just a singe click!" Yes, obviously, but again, GD levels are much thighter, have much harder timings, there are no error margains, and most importantly you can't spam that easily.
Harder impossible levels.
Now many people know the level "centipede" which is obviously harder than any impossible level GD can offer. Having your mouse 2 times at the screen is impossible unless we want to debate quantum physics, but, in theory, that level can be completed by a bot (auto mod)
But Timeless (Cyrillic) can't be completed in any way, because its an infinite level. Speedhacking it crashes the game as far as I'm concerned, but even so, you can't complete a level that will never be completed no matter what. So I think GD wins this too.
Better game
Ill let you decide that. It doesn't make much sense to ask if osu! or GD are better in a GD forum though.
Best players
No. Its stupid to compare how skilled are players of two completely different games, they both would suck trying the opposite game.
I do think GD players are more determined though. Last time I saw Knobbelboy's stream he had 75k attempts on Bloodlust. I don't think anyone in osu! has failed at a beatmap 75 thousand times.
I feel like I'm going to get a lot of hate for this post :L

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7,103 posts

Osu! Vs Geometry Dash

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I mean, you are asking the osu subreddit

I guess Geometry Dash and osu! is good games both. (sorry for eng, my main lang is russian)

I have played both games and i have to say that those games are hard. Both geometry dash and osu have reading skills that u need to get. In GD the player is going sideways-he always moves to a certain direction and you need just to click with your mouse to play. In osu u need both aim with mouse or tablet and a keyboard,2 actions both at the same time compared to one.

I think osu is harder because u need to do 2 actions(if no relax or autopilot used) compared to one action in gd

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