Что лучше инсургент или найтшарк в гта 5

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

18 янв. 2018 в 5:57 Nightshark vs normal Insurgent - why the steep price difference?

Which one do you guys think is better? Since now nightshark seems to have 25% discount!

Is it worth it to get? Does nightshark replace the insurgent? Where are pros and cons on both vehicles? Both are personal vehicles and work inside heist and contact missions right?
Why is nightshark double the cost of insurgent? Is the cost justified?

What is best time / money offer?
Is 25% discount worth it or will nightshark get 50% once in a while?

I get the feeling 900k or 1.2M $$$ is crazy price for "only" explosive armored car? Can anybody explain please?
Im nightshark noob. Is it better to sell insurgent and replace it with nightshark instead?
Can the nightshark get upgraded with base facility mechanic?

Nightshark default cost 1.2M $$ (correct me on price if im wrong)
Insurgent default 650k $$ (i believe? )

Sry Im nightshark noob.

Why does nightshark cost DOUBLE of insurgent costs?! Is price justified?

18 янв. 2018 в 6:08 i bought the shark on this sale / besides being able to tow the anti air trailer / it has the same armor as insurgent while being a faster vehicle / it's all about being able to take explosive damage / the base vehicle comes without windows upgraded to armor, and when you take that upgrade, you won't be able to fire out the window , it'll be locked to driver only vehicle machine guns, two on the front / that's about it / a fun tool for pvp 18 янв. 2018 в 6:09 and you don't need facility to upgrade it , all can be done with the regular custom shop whatever its dumb name is 18 янв. 2018 в 6:14 and you don't need facility to upgrade it , all can be done with the regular custom shop whatever its dumb name is You mean you can upgrade it as LSC ? Los santos customs? That's cool.
But to mee it seems nightshark is a downgrade compared to insurgent right?
I mean in insurgent you can use 100% all your personal weapons SMG, sticky , molotov whatever
And when you fully armor nightshark or are driver you got only those uselss front machine gun right? So what is the point of nightshark ? Is it just an armored "racing SUV" ?
Is nightshark only pacific car to speed away from danger? 18 янв. 2018 в 6:20

Nightshark doesn't appear on the radar as an armored vehicle.
The plating is only to stop direct hits to the driver and passenger. It does not count towards the total armor value. The plating on side and hood is cosmetic. No plating, same as any vehicle, medium plating only has pistols and uzi and fully plated means no weapons.

It's a really nice offroad vehicle aswell.

Insurgent is better, in many ways. The 50cal for one. Ability to lay mines. It has the same plating as the nighshark (to the heaviest also attaches a backarmor for the gunner).

Overall useabilit, the Insurgent. Less high profile the Nighshark.

18 янв. 2018 в 6:27

Normal insurgent has 80% armor that you cannot upgrade legit, so it's less explosive resistant; on the other hand you are almost 100% covered from back and can use all your weapons, unlike the full plated nightshark.

Regarding the price difference, it's because of the time period they were released; in 2015 prices were more reasonable

18 янв. 2018 в 8:09

In general the insurgent is more explosion resistant, but the nightshark is able to give you slight bullet resistances if you get the window plating. But that only helps if you're getting shot from the front. So the nightshark is suppose to be a middle ground between the insurgent's explosion resistance and the armored karuma's bullet resistance.

All said, if you're able to play with friend, or at least people you can trust, the insurgant pickup, especially the custom version if you have an avenger or the MOC to apply the mid range armor, is your best bet. Unlike the nightshark it won't protect you from getting sniped from the front, but the shield it gives the gunner helps. The highest armor is a waste cause all it does is prevent you from using any guns and so long as you don't break it off the hatch already protects the gunner from the back.

18 янв. 2018 в 8:26 nightshark for those who dont want to fight and just evade
and insurgent for those who want to fight back 18 янв. 2018 в 8:37

Oh right, to actually answer the question of why it cost so much, insurgent came out back in 2015 with heist, back when it's price could be called expensive, and million dollar cars where lofty goals for a long time player. The nightshark on the other hand came out with gunrunners just last year, like a half a year ago now, when the price for everything has gone up to insane amount.

Now if you had been playing all day, everyday, between the release between one and the other, the price wouldn't matter cause in theory you should have the cash to buy anything. At the same time it's just an example of the problem GTA Online has. The longer it goes on, the more money it cost to get the newest cars. Long time players can get them cause in theory they have the cash cause they're, once again in theory, constantly doing things to make money in time, meanwhile new players or those who simply jump in and out of the game for others are tempted to buy Sharkcards.

TL:DR, the Nightshark cost more than the Insurgent cause it's newer but not all that better and Rock* wants you to buy Sharkcards to get the new toys.

Что лучше инсургент или найтшарк в гта 5

Виталий Кабина

Виталий Кабина ответил Сергею

Сергей Иванов

Евгений Алексеев

Евгений Алексеев ответил Виталию

Виталий, лучше опрессор или бтр..инсургенты и броневики уже не в моде..но я лично езжу на обычном инсургенте..его плюсы это то что есть броня хоть и не сильная и то что можно С4 кидать..с заказного инсургента и этого найтшарка ты С4 кинуть не сможешь..у найтшарка мне понравилось управление и дизайн кузова..в целом машинка средненькая..лучше бы вместо пулемёта встроенного в авто дали из него стрелять с обычного оружия, с бронебойного пистолета к примеру

Евгений Алексеев

Евгений Алексеев ответил Сергею

Что лучше инсургент или найтшарк в гта 5

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил Кириллу

Кирилл Прилепко

Viktor, оо, я тож на пске. Kiruxa_3
Интересно было бы глянуть.

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил Кириллу

Кирилл Прилепко

Георгий Викторов

Георгий Викторов

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил Георгию

Георгий Викторов

Георгий Викторов ответил Виктору

Виктор, это вроде другу надо покупать, т.к. их вместе нельзя вызвать

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил Георгию


DELETED ответил Виктору

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил DELETED


DELETED ответил Виктору

Виктор, С читами?
Хотя можно у роков античит плохой, скачал взломщика и читери

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил DELETED

Адиль Каражан

Ярослав Павлов

Ярослав Павлов ответил Виктору

Виктор Голубко

Виктор Голубко ответил Ярославу

Михаил Уланов

Михаил Уланов ответил Ярославу

Илья Осоченко

У меня нет ни одного из них, но по внешке мне больше нравится инсургент.

Матвей Бессмертный

Заказной инсургент однозначно, если бы был :D
Опарыш со своими 20 ракетами не уничтожит, да и быстрый сам по себе с 9 местами)

Дмитрий Прядохин

инсургент чтоб толкать трафик, найтшарк из за мобильности

Ярослав Павлов

Ярослав Павлов

Дмитрий, найтшарк быстрее и толкает трафик не хуже чем терробайт)

Михаил Ксендзюк

Михаил Ксендзюк

Вообще, если есть лишние деньги, то я бы купил на на них найтшарк, во первых он меньше, из-за чего по нему труднее попасть, во вторых щели на окнах совсем маленькие, поэтому по водителю почти невозможно попасть, лобовое стеклу выдерживает несколько выстрелов, найтшарк быстрее чем инсургент, и к тому же имеет русский прототип, этакая смесь курумы и инсургента, поэтому лучше побольше подфармить, и купить его.

Nightshark vs Insurgent

I have the regular insurgent and I was thinking about trading it in for nightshark with the sale going on. What are the pros and cons? And does it have the same ramming power?

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There are better options if you want something more offensive minded.

Insurgent has more pushing power/mass and is semi bulletproof from the back. (Nightshark has very good pushing power, more like Duke o death than Insurgent)

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