Carved rune of direction что это

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

The Carved Rune of Empowering is a block formerly found in the infusion table structure. Unlike other carved runes, it is not used to build a portal to other dimensions.

Obtaining [ ]

The carved rune of empowering can be mined with a pickaxe. If mined without a pickaxe, it will drop nothing.

It cannot be obtained in survival mode legitimately through any means.


Генерирующиеся блоки [ ]

Природные блоки составляют основную местность в измерениях. К ним относятся различные варианты камня, травы и руды.

Земля [ ]

See individual block pages for more information.

Листва [ ]

See specific pages for individual block information.

See individual block pages for more information.

Камни [ ]

See individual block pages for more information.

Деревянные брёвна [ ]

Эти блоки являются частью Baron Castle Wall Boney Block Dark Chocolate Block Degraded Steel Flower Core Gingerbread Green Candy Haunted Orb Licorice Marshmallow Skeletal Block Черепный блок Steel Light Toxic Waste White Candy Блоки с цветными вариациями [ ]

See specific pages for individual glass information.

Ковры [ ]

Блоки находящиеся в этой категории должны быть изготовлены игроком

Рудные блоки [ ]

Кирпичные ступени [ ]

See specific pages for individual stair block information.

Ступени из слоновой кости [ ]

Эти блоки выделяют свет.

Лампы [ ]

Это блоки которые испускают свет только когда на них действует красный камень.

Rise of Runes (Runes of Magic)

Rise of Runes – «Возвышение Рун». Одно название говорит о том, что администрация всерьез берется за проект, и в дальнейшем будет не просто «возвышать» былую Runes of Magic, но и стремиться сделать ее лучше и интереснее.

Уже сейчас, с первых уровней игры, вы можете прочувствовать большинство внесенных изменений.
Rise of Runes призван показать мир Магии Рун со всех его сторон и сделать его еще привлекательней.

Все значимые записи нашего сообщества принимают участие в Акции на Репост!

Quick list of runewords for beginners.


History [ ]

Version Information
2.4 Added the carved rune of empowering. It was then known as the carved rune.
Tslat 1.1 Carved rune's name changed to carved rune of empowering.
3.0 No longer generates with the Infusion Blueprint structure.

Amethyst Ore • Baronyte Ore • Blazium Ore • Bloodstone Ore • Bone Fragments ( Chestbone Fragments Ore • Footbone Fragments Ore • Legbone Fragments Ore • Skullbone Fragments Ore) • Crystal Ores • Crystallite Ore • Deep Case • Elecanium Ore • Emberstone Ore • Gemenyte Ore • Ghoulish Ore • Ghastly Ore • Jade Ore • Jewelyte Ore • Limonite Ore • Lyon Ore • Mystite Ore • Ornamyte Ore • Rosite Ore • Runium Ore ( Charged Runium Ore) • Sapphire Ore • Shyregem Ore • Shyrestone Ore • Varsium Ore

Mushroom Stems • Mushrooms • Mystic Bush • Mystic Ferns • Tentacle • Tentacle Eye • Blood Strands • Eye Block • Blood Pine • Eye Shrub • Tubeicles • Toxic Block • Skeletal Block • Black Mushroom • Black Mushroom Stem • Iro Grass • Irotops • Lurchians • Lunalip • Luntar • Tangle Thorns • Lucon Grass • Haven Grass (foliage) • Haunted Flower • Garden Grass • Lylips • Daileers • Petals • Flower Core • Plant Stem • Bureal Stocks • Coral • Magias • Rune Bulbs • Runic Bush • Deep Blooms • Deep Grass • Dead Grass • Toxic Stem • Dawn Bush • Dawn Flower • Dawn Grass • Lelyetian Grass • Lelyetian Wiggler • Lelyetian Stem • Lelyetian Core • Ancient Vines • Celevians • Celebulbs • Crystal Block • Crystal (foliage) • Candy Grass • Lollypop • Spearmint • Rainbow Grass • Creep Grass • Creep Flowers • Creep Vines • Fungi • Shrooms • Ocealites • Water Weeds • Haven Dales • Daylooms • Shyre Flower • Shyre Stock • Bulb Stock • Shadicles • Shadow Shrub • Mellians • Pertonias • Silver Grass • Deep Bulbs • Deep Vines • Deepshine • Fungi • Skull Block • Dark Skull Block • Haunted Orb • Flake Vine • Dawn Stocks • Dawn Bulb • Rock Candy • Rock Candy Grass • Crystal Candy • Marsh Tube • Mallow Pile • Marshmallow • Licorice • Chocolate Stocks • Chocolate Grass • Cactus • Peppermint • Shyre Cloud • Acid

Baron Bricks Slab • Black Mysterium Bricks Slab • Bloodstone Bricks Slab • Coral Bricks Slab • Creeponia Bricks Slab • Crystallite Bricks Slab • Crystevia Bricks Slab • Dark Bricks Slab • Darkwash Bricks Slab • Gardencia Bricks Slab • Greckon Bricks Slab • Green Mysterium Bricks Slab • Haunted Bricks Slab • Lelyetian Bricks Slab • Lunar Bricks Slab • Rosidian Bricks Slab • Runic Construct Bricks Slab • Skeletal Bricks Slab • White Shyre Bricks Slab • Whitewash Bricks Slab • Yellow Shyre Bricks Slab

Intricate Amethyst Ivory Slab • Intricate Ivory Slab • Intricate Jade Ivory Slab • Intricate Limonite Ivory Slab • Intricate Rosite Ivory Slab • Intricate Sapphire Ivory Slab • Natural Amethyst Ivory Slab • Natural Ivory Slab • Natural Jade Ivory Slab • Natural Limonite Ivory Slab • Natural Rosite Ivory Slab • Natural Sapphire Ivory Slab • Ornate Amethyst Ivory Slab • Ornate Ivory Slab • Ornate Jade Ivory Slab • Ornate Limonite Ivory Slab • Ornate Rosite Ivory Slab • Ornate Sapphire Ivory Slab • Patterned Amethyst Ivory Slab • Patterned Ivory Slab • Patterned Jade Ivory Slab • Patterned Limonite Ivory Slab • Patterned Rosite Ivory Slab • Patterned Sapphire Ivory Slab

Abyssal Stone Slab • Aromatic Stone Slab • Baron Stone Slab • Bright Rock Slab • Coral Rock Slab • Creep Stone Slab • Crystallised Rock Slab • Darkened Rock Slab • Dense Stone Slab • Fungal Rock Slab • Greckon Stone Slab • Hellstone Slab • Irostone Slab • Lelyetian Stone Slab • Polluted Stone Slab • Precasian Lower-Rock Slab • Precasian Surface-Rock Slab • Pressed Creep Stone Slab • Primed Stone Slab • Runic Stone Slab • Weightless Stone Slab

Achony Slab • Bloodwood Slab Churry Slab • Creep Slab • Dawnwood Slab • Hauntedwood Slab • Irowood Slab • Lucalus Slab • Lunide Slab • Runic Slab • Shadow Slab • Shyre Slab • Stranglewood Slab • Toxicwood Slab

Baron Bricks Stairs • Bloodstone Bricks Stairs • Coral Bricks Stairs • Creeponia Bricks Stairs • Crystallite Bricks Stairs • Crystevia Bricks Stairs • Dark Bricks Stairs • Darkwash Bricks Stairs • Gardencia Bricks Stairs • Greckon Bricks Stairs • Haunted Bricks Stairs • Iro Bricks Stairs • Iro Bricks Stairs • Lelyetia Bricks Stairs • • Lunar Bricks Stairs • Mysterium Black Bricks Stairs • Mysterium Green Bricks Stairs • Rosidian Bricks Stairs • Runic Construct Bricks Stairs • Shyre White Brick Stairs • Shyre Yellow Brick Stairs • Skeletal Bricks Stairs • Whitewash Bricks Stairs

Intricate Amethyst Ivory Stairs • Intricate Ivory Stairs • Intricate Jade Ivory Stairs • Intricate Limonite Ivory Stairs • Intricate Rosite Ivory Stairs • Intricate Sapphire Ivory Stairs • Natural Ivory Stairs • Natural Ivory Stairs • Natural Jade Ivory Stairs • Natural Limonite Ivory Stairs • Natural Rosite Ivory Stairs • Natural Sapphire Ivory Stairs • Ornate Amethyst Ivory Stairs • Ornate Ivory Stairs Ornate Jade Ivory Stairs • Ornate Limonite Ivory Stairs • Ornate Rosite Ivory Stairs • Ornate Sapphire Ivory Stairs • Patterned Ivory Stairs • Patterned Ivory Stairs • Patterned Jade Ivory Stairs • Patterned Limonite Ivory Stairs • Patterned Rosite Ivory Stairs • Patterned Sapphire Ivory Stairs

Abyssal Stone Stairs • Aromatic Stone Stairs • Baron Stone Stairs • Bright Rock Stairs • Coral Rock Stairs • Creep Stone Stairs • Crystallised Rock Stairs • Darkened Rock Stairs • Dense Stone Stairs • Fungal Rock Stairs • Greckon Stone Stairs • Hellstone Stairs • Irostone Stairs • Lelyetian Stone Stairs • Polluted Stone Stairs • Precasian Lower-Rock Stairs • Precasian Surface-Rock Stairs • Pressed Creep Stone Stairs • Primed Stone Stairs • Runic Stone Stairs • Weightless Stone Stairs

Achony Stairs • Bloodwood Stairs • Churry Stairs • Creep Stairs • Dawnwood Stairs • Hauntedwood Stairs • Irowood Stairs • Lucalus Stairs • Lunide Stairs • Runic Stairs • Shadow Stairs • Shyre Stairs • Stranglewood Stairs • Toxicwood Stairs

Baron Bricks Wall • Black Mysterium Bricks Wall • Bloodstone Bricks Wall • Coral Bricks Wall • Creeponia Bricks Wall • Crystallite Bricks Wall • Crystevia Bricks Wall • Dark Bricks Wall • Darkwash Bricks Wall • Gardencia Bricks Wall • Greckon Bricks Wall • Green Mysterium Bricks Wall • Haunted Bricks Wall • Iro Dotted-Bricks Wall • Iro Striped-Bricks Wall • Lelyetian Bricks Wall • Lunar Bricks Wall • Rosidian Bricks Wall • Runic Construct Bricks Wall • Skeletal Bricks Wall • White Shyre Bricks Wall • Whitewash Bricks Wall • Yellow Shyre Bricks Wall

Intricate Amethyst Ivory Wall • Intricate Ivory Wall • Intricate Jade Ivory Wall • Intricate Limonite Ivory Wall • Intricate Rosite Ivory Wall • Intricate Sapphire Ivory Wall • Natural Amethyst Ivory Wall • Natural Ivory Wall • Natural Jade Ivory Wall • Natural Limonite Ivory Wall • Natural Rosite Ivory Wall • Natural Sapphire Ivory Wall • Ornate Amethyst Ivory Wall • Ornate Ivory Wall • Ornate Jade Ivory Wall • Ornate Limonite Ivory Wall • Ornate Rosite Ivory Wall • Ornate Sapphire Ivory Wall • Patterned Amethyst Ivory Wall • Patterned Ivory Wall • Patterned Jade Ivory Wall • Patterned Limonite Ivory Wall • Patterned Rosite Ivory Wall • Patterned Sapphire Ivory Wall

Abyssal Stone Wall • Aromatic Stone Wall • Baron Stone Wall • Bright Rock Wall • Coral Rock Wall • Creep Stone Wall • Crystallised Rock Wall • Darkened Rock Wall • Dense Stone Wall • Fungal Rock Wall • Greckon Stone Wall • Hellstone Wall • Irostone Wall • Lelyetian Stone Wall • Polluted Stone Wall • Precasian Lower-Rock Wall • Precasian Surface-Rock Wall • Pressed Creep Stone Wall • Primed Stone Wall • Runic Stone Wall • Weightless Stone Wall

Achony Button • Bloodwood Button • Churry Button • Creep Button • Dawnwood Button • Hauntedwood Button • Irowood Button • Lucalus Button • Lunide Button • Runic Button • Shadow Button • Shyre Button • Stranglewood Button • Toxicwood Button

Quick list of runewords for beginners.


20% Enhanced Damage

+3 To Minimum Damage

+3 To Maximum Damage

+50 To Attack Rating

50% Chance Of Open Wounds

25% Increased Attack Speed

+2 To Mana After Each Kill

Put this in a sabre for faster attacks and Open Wounds.


Magic Damage Reduced By 3

+15 To Maximum Stamina

Poison Resist +30%

Regenerate Mana 15%

25% Faster Run/Walk

25% Faster Cast Rate

25% Faster Hit Recovery


+33% Enhanced Damage

+9 To Maximum Damage

100% Chance Of Open Wounds

-25% Target Defense

-100 To Monster Defense per Hit

Prevent Monster Heal

+50 To Attack Rating

counteract the Drain Life -5 with Replenish Life, as found on Angelic Halo (ring) with +6.


35% Enhanced Damage

25% Chance Of Crushing Blow

7% Life Stolen Per Hit

+2 To Mana After Each Kill

Put this in scepters for pallys or claws for assassins, or any fast weapon for anyone else.


20% Increased Chance of Blocking

40% Faster Block Rate

+25 to All Resistances

Regenerate Mana 15%

Cannot Be Frozen

50% Extra Gold From Monsters

25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items


Adds 5-30 Fire Damage

+3 To Fire Skills

+3 To Fire Bolt (Sorceress Only)

+3 To Inferno (Sorceress Only)

+3 To Warmth (Sorceress Only)

+2 To Mana After Each Kill

(2 Per Character Level) +2-198 To Defense (Based On Character Level)

Holy Thunder

+60% Enhanced Damage

-25% Target Defense

5-30 Fire Damage

21-110 Lightning Damage

+10 to Maximum Damage

+60% Lightning Resist

+5 to Maximum Lightning Resist

+3 to Holy Shock (Paladin only)

Level 7 Chain Lightning (60 charges)


+1 To All Skill Levels

+2 To Mana After Each Kill

Lightning Resist +30%

Damage Reduced By 7

+2 To Light Radius

Can be put into a +3 Bo barb helm for a total of +4 Bo


+160% Enhanced Damage

+9 to Minimum Damage

+9 to Maximum Damage

25% Deadly Strike

+250 to Attack Rating

+1 to All Skills

7% Life Stolen per Hit

+10 Replenish Life

+1 to Light Radius

+2 to Mana per Kill

This rune word has a little of everything. Be sure to put it in a fast weapon as it has no IAS. Usually made in 5Os Nagas, Knouts, War/Divine Scepters, and sometimes Zweihanders.


4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck

2% Chance To Cast level 15 Valkyrie On Striking

+2 To Amazon Skill Levels

+20% Faster Hit Recovery

+2 To Critical Strike

Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Insight (Ladder Only)

Level 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped

+35% Faster Cast Rate

+200-260% Enhanced Damage (varies)

+9 To Minimum Damage

180-250% Bonus to Attack Rating

Adds 5-30 Fire Damage

+1-6 To Critical Strike

+5 To All Attributes

+2 To Mana After Each Kill

23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


+2 To All Skills

+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)

+55% Faster Hit Recovery

Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage

Adds 3-14 Cold Damage

7% Life Stolen Per Hit

+250 Defense Vs. Missile

+89-112 To Mana (varies)

+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)

+2 To All Skills

+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)

+55% Faster Hit Recovery

+250 Defense Vs. Missile

+89-112 To Mana (varies)

Lightning Resist +35%

Poison Resist +35%

+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)

Attacker Takes Damage of 14

The lowest requirement sword that can get four sockets is the Crystal Sword, requiring 43 strength. Look for them in Nightmare. You can use any sword that has four sockets, such as a Broad Sword or Long Sword. You may also consider a Phase Blade if you intend to whack stuff with it. The runes can be found in Normal and Nightmare. Two of them are your Act IV quest reward.

The lowest requirement shield that can be used by any character is the Monarch, requiring 156 strength and character level 54.

Honorable mentions


+50% Enhanced Defense

+30 Defense vs. Missile

Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9 Charges)

+2 To Mana After Each Kill

-33% Extra Gold From Monsters

Edge (Ladder Only)

Reduces Vendor Prices 15%

Level 15 Thorns

+320% to +380% ED to Demons

+280% ED to Undead

Usage [ ]

The carved rune of empowering has no use besides building and decoration.


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