Borderlands 3 vault cards что это

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Vault Card 2's theme celebrates all the would-be Vault Hunters and naïve entrepreneurs who dared to brave this perilous planet seeking some combination of adventure, riches, killer loot, and gory glory. Fans of Tales from the Borderlands will particularly love the four new Vault Hunter Heads included in Vault Card 2, and you can even snag yourself an adorable Gortys skin for your ECHO Device!

There are 28 unique rewards to be unlocked in Vault Card 2, with the full item breakdown below. And even when you've scored all the cosmetic and gear rewards, you can still earn endless Eridium—and maybe some coveted Diamond Keys if you're lucky.

  • 4 pieces of new Legendary gear (2 SMGs, Grenade Mod, Artifact)
  • 4 Vault Hunter Heads
  • 4 shared Vault Hunter Skins
  • 5 ECHO Device skins
  • 1 Weapon skin
  • 6 Weapon Trinkets
  • 2 Emotes
  • 2 Room Decorations

Remember that you can only have one Vault Card active at a time, each with their own Daily and Weekly Challenges to complete. Regardless of whether you've completed them or not, Daily Challenges refresh every day at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET / 4:00 PM UTC, and Weekly Challenges refresh on Thursdays at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET / 4:00 PM UTC.

Every time you level up your Vault Card 2 progression bar, take a moment to appreciate just how far you've come since you first arrived on Pandora. We hope you enjoy earning the new loot in Vault Card 2: Welcome to Pandora, and be sure to keep an eye out for the third Vault Card coming later this year!

Hemovorous the Invincible

Meet Hemovorous the Invincible: a gargantuan Varkid who drops some of the best loot in the game (provided you can actually kill her). Hemovorous has made her lair behind a previously sealed door on Pandora, and Director’s Cut is your chance to go toe-to-pincer with this monstrous enemy. If you’ve completed the main story campaign and own Director’s Cut, you’ve earned the right to take on Hemovorous. Get your group to pony up 500 Eridium to open the door and you can shoot your shot against this deadly behemoth.

This raid boss fight provides one of the greatest end-game challenges veteran Vault Hunters can find—especially since her fearsome strength scales with both your character level beyond 35 and your active Mayhem Mode level. Better bring some friends and be ready to get caked in Varkid guts—it’s going to get messy!

Ava’s Murder Mysteries and behind-the-scenes content

Elsewhere in the Borderlands 3 universe, Ava is convinced she has a lead on some potentially supernatural slayings and has decided to document her findings in serialized podcast form. Join her and other familiar faces as a gun-toting co-host for a series of new story missions that take place on Pandora, Promethea, Eden-6, and Nekrotafeyo. Special guest Randy Varnell, head of the Gearbox Story Group, returned to The Borderlands Show to delve into the details of these new missions.

The making of Ava’s Mysteriouslier podcast isn’t all running and gunning (though you can expect plenty of gore-soaked firefights along the way). To help solve this string of seemingly paranormal happenings, you’ll sometimes need to stop and take stock of a crime scene and deduce your next steps based on environmental clues. What you find will send ripples throughout the rest of Borderlands 3’s story, but we’ll let you solve those mysteries yourself.

Director’s Cut also includes a bounty of behind-the-scenes content from the making of Borderlands 3, including a gallery full of concept art, storyboards, lost maps, and footage from throughout the game’s development. It’s a fascinating glimpse into Borderlands 3’s beginnings, bloopers, and cut content that shaped the game.

Vault Cards

Another exciting addition in Director’s Cut are the Vault Cards: three new challenge-based progression tracks that will unlock a bevy of themed cosmetics plus some supremely powerful gear that scales to your level, all managed via a new tab in your ECHO Device. The first of the three Vault Cards will launch as part of Director’s Cut, featuring items that honor some of the franchise’s most beloved fallen heroes; the remaining two Vault Cards are scheduled to launch by the end of 2021. Vault Card content can be activated at any time once released, and when multiple Vault Cards are available you’ll have the option to select which one you want activate.

When you have a Vault Card active, you’ll be presented with three daily challenges and one multi-tiered weekly challenge that will grant a sizable chunk of XP when completed. There’s a selection of over 100 unique challenges to pull from, so you never know exactly what each day or week may bring. Because they offer another method for gaining XP, completing Vault Card challenges will also help you level up new characters faster! In the weeks leading up to the April 8 launch date of Director’s Cut, we’ll share more info on how Vault Cards work, so stay tuned.

Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic packs

That’s an overview of all the content coming in Director’s Cut, but more mayhem awaits in Season Pass 2 with the newly revealed Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic packs! These vicious-looking cosmetics imagine what our heroes would look like if they joined the Calypso Twins and the Children of the Vault cult instead of fighting against them.

The four packs—“Sinister Sister” Amara, “THE H4RBINGER” FL4K, “Saint of Iron” Moze, and “Bane Flynt” Zane—each contain a one-of-a-kind Vault Hunter Body with a new Head to match. The full set of Disciples of the Vault cosmetics will be granted to owners of Season Pass 2 or Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition, and will be available for purchase separately.

Tales from the Borderlands relaunch

In other exciting Borderlands news, Tales from the Borderlands is coming back to storefronts on February 17! Set between the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3, Tales from the Borderlands follows two unreliable narrators on a quest borne of greed but destined for greatness. Your choices shape this tale to be uniquely yours, with plenty of unforeseen consequences ranging from hilarious to heart-wrenching.

This re-released version packs all five original episodes into a single package, which launches on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store on February 17. You can also play the game on your Xbox Series X|S or PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility. Read up on the Tales of the Borderlands relaunch and get ready to relive this essential chapter of Borderlands canon.

Broken Hearts Day returns

Also on the horizon: the return of Broken Hearts Day! This seasonal event is set to run from February 11 to February 25, with Maurice asking you to break more baddies’ hearts across the galaxy. Rewards this year include recolors of last year’s cosmetic rewards and two Legendary weapons. As always, you can opt out of the event’s effects if you so choose.

Borderlands 3 Vault Cards add Special Challenges and Unique Rewards

Borderlands 3 - Fallen Heroes - Vault Card


There will be over 100 different challenges for you to complete. Daily challenges are easy to complete while weekly challenges are challenging to complete. Here are a few examples of challenges:

  • Daily
    • Kill a specific named enemy
    • Kill 30 enemies with a vehicle
    • Complete Slaughter Star 3000
    • Kill 300 enemies with a specific elemental damage type
    • Kill 5 Raid Bosses

    Completing Daily challenges will rewards with 50 Eridium each. Completing the Weekly challenge will reward you with 1100 Eridium. When you complete all the challenges in a week will add up to 2250 Eridium.

    The Daily Challenges will reset at 9:00 AM PT every day and the Weekly Challenges will reset at 9:00 AM PT every Thursday

    Vault Card Rewards

    When you activated one of the Vault Cards and earned yourself some XP, there will be some rewards waiting for you will be rewarded waiting for you.

    • Gear from the weekly loot pool (1.49%)
    • A cosmetic item from that Vault Card (35.76%)
    • Eridium (14.90%)
    • 1 Vault Card Key (29.81%)
    • 3 Vault Card Keys (14.90%)
    • Diamond Key (4.62%)

    Vault Card Keys

    Fallen Heroes Vault Card

    Diamond Keys

    You may be familiar with Golden Keys that open up the Golden Chest near Marcus Munitions on Sanctuary 3. However, Diamond Keys takes this premise to the next level because with these you can open up a room filled with loot. Go to the bridge on Sanctuary 3, at the nose of the ship you will find stairs that will take you to the lower level of the bridge. There you will find the Diamond Armory. Here you can use your Diamond Key to open up a special loot room.

    Once inside you will find the walls filled with gear. However, you can only pick up 1 Shield, 1 Grenade, and 1 Weapon. Be quick about it because a timer ticks down and once it runs out, you will get a random item from that wall. If you have chosen your 3 items, the Diamond Loot chest in the center of the room will power up and will give you 1 random Legendary weapon.

    Vault Card FAQ

    When multiple Vault Cards are available, can I stack Vault Card Daily Challenges? Is there a way to reroll Daily or Weekly Challenges? Is it possible to complete a Vault Card? Are Vault Card rewards only unlocked for my current character?

    Nope—the rewards for Vault Cards are account-based, so you can redeem their rewards on any character. Vault Hunter Skins and Weapon Skins for each Vault Card will unlock on all of your characters. If you happen to get gear that would be perfect for a different character, you can transfer it with your bank aboard Sanctuary III just like any other drop!


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