Bloodstalker ark как приручить

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Bloodstalker Concept Art.jpg

Кровопийца это предстоящее Существо в дополнении Genesis для ARK: Survival Evolved.

Tips & Strategies from the iOS & Android apps

If you have your menu out while taming, bugs will not spawn to kill you.

You 110% need bug repellent, tried taming these and every time I got targeted by bugs and they would ruin everything. Up so people can see

Can insta kill jellyfish when above water and you can get easy biotoxin.

When breeding, make sure you breed the pair in a good spot. You CANNOT pick up the egg. Bump up so people can see.

Dont need to put blood bags in any slot. They'll eat them straight from your inventory.

Be warned that multiple swarms will come an interupt your taming process knocking you loose an you'll fall an possibly die. So bring help.

WARNING:If a tamed bloodstalker gets to low enough health, it can and will begin to eat you (if you are "riding" it)

1. Taming efficiency is going to be quite low during tame and in order to fix that, you need to sacrifice some tames to it

2. Other Bloodstalkers may try to grab you while your already being succ'd, in order to stop that, kill all other Bloodstalkers in the visible area

3. To stop Insect Swarms from interrupting your taming, open your inventory during the taming process, they for some reason don't detect you with your inv open

4. Bring a parachute just in case you are dropped for some reason

5. When he is tamed, only use him to get around and only level Stamina and Health. He is a garbage fighter and if his health gets low, he will start eating you and will kill you but in order to stop yourself from dying, put blood packs in your inv, he will eat those instead until his health is normal again

6. They can be breeded but be warned, when they have an egg, you cannot pick up the egg because it becomes attached to the ground

Have fun and good luck taming a Bloodstalker

You can pick up bloodstalker eggs after the new Gen2 update!

Just tame a lot of low level parasaurs they’ll give you 100% taming efficiency better than blood packs click the up arrow so people know.

Just tame a lot of low level parasaurs they’ll give you 100% taming efficiency better than blood packs click the up arrow so people know.

Bloodstalker ark как приручить


If ur taming one on gen 2 turn ur tek pistol to heal mode and have your tribemate get reeled in and then heal ur tribemate to tame it

If you have your menu out while taming, bugs will not spawn to kill you.

You 110% need bug repellent, tried taming these and every time I got targeted by bugs and they would ruin everything. Up so people can see

Can insta kill jellyfish when above water and you can get easy biotoxin.

When breeding, make sure you breed the pair in a good spot. You CANNOT pick up the egg. Bump up so people can see.

Dont need to put blood bags in any slot. They'll eat them straight from your inventory.

Be warned that multiple swarms will come an interupt your taming process knocking you loose an you'll fall an possibly die. So bring help.

WARNING:If a tamed bloodstalker gets to low enough health, it can and will begin to eat you (if you are "riding" it)

1. Taming efficiency is going to be quite low during tame and in order to fix that, you need to sacrifice some tames to it

2. Other Bloodstalkers may try to grab you while your already being succ'd, in order to stop that, kill all other Bloodstalkers in the visible area

3. To stop Insect Swarms from interrupting your taming, open your inventory during the taming process, they for some reason don't detect you with your inv open

4. Bring a parachute just in case you are dropped for some reason

5. When he is tamed, only use him to get around and only level Stamina and Health. He is a garbage fighter and if his health gets low, he will start eating you and will kill you but in order to stop yourself from dying, put blood packs in your inv, he will eat those instead until his health is normal again

6. They can be breeded but be warned, when they have an egg, you cannot pick up the egg because it becomes attached to the ground

Have fun and good luck taming a Bloodstalker

You can pick up bloodstalker eggs after the new Gen2 update!

Just tame a lot of low level parasaurs they’ll give you 100% taming efficiency better than blood packs click the up arrow so people know.

The trick I used for high level ones, and you won't find this anywhere cause I have searched for weeks myself. is high level phiomia. They have the best effective tame % and it is hp based. So leave them cryo'd then level hp before sacrificing them to stalkers. Sacrifice them while using cactus broth. They'll never grab you. Once it's 100% efficiency, get naked & get grabbed with blood in your inventory. After that it's a simple ghillie/bug repellant. Don't use cactus broth during that part or they'll instantly disconnect. Figuring all of this out made taming easy as all get out. Nooblets video is dead wrong on certain aspects, so if you watched that, forget most of it. Basic kibble tame Phiomia. It's worth it. No other comment on here mentioned any of this. Time efficiency and effectiveness, this is the absolute best way to tame them.

If raising babies. Use bloodbags. They eat raw meat like a giga practically. Meat=10 food blood pack=200 food. Hope this helps

If a survivor has ingested beer, a tamed Bloodstalker’s name will temporarily change while under the effects of said alcohol. Try it out for yourself, some of the names include “Blerdsterker”, “Mr. Wiggles”, and my personal favorite “Grabby McSlurpy”.

1127 bloodbags for a level 145 on 1x rated

My results so far after a bit of testing:

Can double jump, can climb, can walk on water, highlights creatures, can shoot bio tether to grapple and drag creatures to you (including flyers) can shoot a single tether to swing around or shoot 2 simultaneous tethers to propell you forward or to set up position to ambush. Keep holding the tether button to pull you towards the tether point and accelerate speed. (ps4) L2 for double tether (disconnects automatically after pulling you to the point) R2 for single tether (doesnt disconnect automatically). Can move extremely fast when tethering correctly.

You can now pick the eggs up. I guess since they added the egg incubator they changed it

Letting it eat a few tames before latching on to you buffs it's taking effectiveness so requires less blood bags

Use mind wipe and put all points into health while getting blood packs , it will speed up how fast you can get them by a hug amount

You’ll find them hiding on the giant trees under the branches preying on some of the wild life. 70 70 is a good place to look for them if you’re having trouble but watch out, they’ll snatch up your tames when you least expect it. RIP moschops

You’ll find them hiding on the giant trees under the branches preying on some of the wild life. 70 70 is a good place to look for them if you’re having trouble but watch out, they’ll snatch up your tames when you least expect it. RIP moschops


Разведение [ ]

Для разведения требуется два разнополых кровопийцы и после спаривания появится оплодотворённое яйцо.

Рекомендуется разводить их в местах с уже поставленными кондиционерами так как яйцо невозможно подобрать.

Базовая Информация [ ]

Таинственное Послание [ ]

Этот раздел досье представляет собой точную копию того, что было расшифровано из Таинственного Послания. Могут быть некоторые расхождения между этим текстом и внутриигровыми существами/элементами.

[LOG_TRANSMIT] Requesting status report.

[LOG_RECEIVE] Rumors everywhere. The bog has a boogeyman.

[LOG_TRANSMIT] Today's rumors are tomorrow's folk tales.

[LOG_TRANSMIT] Use code 95b3015d-ed3b-44fc-a0b6-d4ec4edd7a79 to validate your next terminal entry.

Вывод Терминала

[LOG_RECEIVE] Terminal Entry MM-05

[LOG_RECEIVE] We find the lucky ones trapped in giant webs.

[LOG_RECEIVE] But we find the unlucky ones as corpses, drained of blood.

[LOG_RECEIVE] Unluckiest of all are the ones we never find.

Поведение [ ]

Кровопийца агрессивное существо, вам не посчастливится если вы встретите его. Прирученный Кровопийца будет иметь симбиотическую связь со своим носителем. Носитель Кровопийцы будет способен лучше видеть ночью и чуять своих врагов.

Внешний Вид [ ]

Кровопийца сильно схож с паукообразными: он способен ползать по стенам и пускать паутину

Цветовая Схема и Регионы [ ]

В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Кровопийца имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Базовые Характеристики и Повышения [ ]

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

1 Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2 Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3 У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4 Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

  • Для сравнения статистики всех существ см. Базовая Статистика Существ.
  • Для объяснения того, как именно работает расчет повышения уровней, см. Расчет Статистики Существ.
Повышения характеристик дикого существа

Калькулятор характеристик не работает в мобильной версии, смотрите здесь альтернативы: Приложения

Обратите внимание, что после приручения существо получает бонусы на некоторые характеристики в зависимости от эффективности приручения. Это затрудняет получение уровней на прирученном существе, поэтому этот инструмент только для диких, но дает первое представление, насколько хорошо распределены характеристики.

Борьба [ ]

В этом разделе описывается, как бороться с гексаподом.

Основное [ ]

Стратегия [ ]

Бейте его в двоём так если он схватил одного то другой может нанести кучу урона!

Оружие [ ]

Любое оружие ближнего боя.

Опасности [ ]

Может схватить вас паутиной из далека, а, если вы выберетесь, то упадёте на землю, где он вас добьёт.

Высокая вероятность получить большой урон при падении на землю после обрыва паутины, рекомендуется использовать парашют.

Слабости [ ]

Вы можете выбраться из паутины. Бейте паутину и он может вас отпустить.



Приручение [ ]

Общую информацию о приручении дикого существа см. в Приручение.

Кровопийца имеет специфическую механику приручения. Для приручения вам нужно много пакетиков крови. Дайте существу схватить себя и оно сразу же начнет высасывать кровь из инвентаря (пакеты с кровью). Если пакетов с кровью не будет, то Кровопийца начнет высасывать кровь из игрока нанося большой у

===Еда для Прируче Пакеты крови в инвентаре.

Предпочитаемая Еда [ ]

Стратегия Оглушения [ ]

Подойдёт любой арбалет или винтовка.(но для приручения оглушать не требуется)

Bloodstalker ark как приручить


How do I tame a bloodstalker? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a bloodstalker.

If ur taming one on gen 2 turn ur tek pistol to heal mode and have your tribemate get reeled in and then heal ur tribemate to tame it

If you have your menu out while taming, bugs will not spawn to kill you.

You 110% need bug repellent, tried taming these and every time I got targeted by bugs and they would ruin everything. Up so people can see

Dont need to put blood bags in any slot. They'll eat them straight from your inventory.

Be warned that multiple swarms will come an interupt your taming process knocking you loose an you'll fall an possibly die. So bring help.

1. Taming efficiency is going to be quite low during tame and in order to fix that, you need to sacrifice some tames to it

2. Other Bloodstalkers may try to grab you while your already being succ'd, in order to stop that, kill all other Bloodstalkers in the visible area

3. To stop Insect Swarms from interrupting your taming, open your inventory during the taming process, they for some reason don't detect you with your inv open

4. Bring a parachute just in case you are dropped for some reason

5. When he is tamed, only use him to get around and only level Stamina and Health. He is a garbage fighter and if his health gets low, he will start eating you and will kill you but in order to stop yourself from dying, put blood packs in your inv, he will eat those instead until his health is normal again

6. They can be breeded but be warned, when they have an egg, you cannot pick up the egg because it becomes attached to the ground

Have fun and good luck taming a Bloodstalker

Just tame a lot of low level parasaurs they’ll give you 100% taming efficiency better than blood packs click the up arrow so people know.

The trick I used for high level ones, and you won't find this anywhere cause I have searched for weeks myself. is high level phiomia. They have the best effective tame % and it is hp based. So leave them cryo'd then level hp before sacrificing them to stalkers. Sacrifice them while using cactus broth. They'll never grab you. Once it's 100% efficiency, get naked & get grabbed with blood in your inventory. After that it's a simple ghillie/bug repellant. Don't use cactus broth during that part or they'll instantly disconnect. Figuring all of this out made taming easy as all get out. Nooblets video is dead wrong on certain aspects, so if you watched that, forget most of it. Basic kibble tame Phiomia. It's worth it. No other comment on here mentioned any of this. Time efficiency and effectiveness, this is the absolute best way to tame them.

If raising babies. Use bloodbags. They eat raw meat like a giga practically. Meat=10 food blood pack=200 food. Hope this helps

1127 bloodbags for a level 145 on 1x rated

Letting it eat a few tames before latching on to you buffs it's taking effectiveness so requires less blood bags

Use mind wipe and put all points into health while getting blood packs , it will speed up how fast you can get them by a hug amount

When breeding the egg cannot be moved once layed

You can use baby oviraptors to pick up your bloodstalker eggs, and then the baby oviraptors die their body time is the same as the egg incubation timer so you can drag the egg anywhere until it hatches.

Temp for incubation chamber is 29⁰C. You CAN pick up the eggs.

Depending on your health (this is for official stat setting, 300 health is average for official) you can get about 100ish blood packs every 10 minutes. This is useful for knowing how long you will have to farm blood packs for when taming

If you want to tame these and have a tribe mate with you and a tek phase pistol you can have 1 person get grabbed by the stalker then the other person shoot you with the phase pistol on heal mode and it will tame as long as you don’t die which you shouldn’t if your tribe mate is shooting you with pistol on heal mode. No blood packs required

Be prepared to farm thousands of blood bags, I've successfully tamed 5 for them to then insta-die due to anti-mesh detection, becoming a hassle now. Raise awareness.

Broken again takes a ton of blood packs

Here are some choices for completing Bog missions!:)

1. Gauntlet missions

NEVER USE RANGE!! That would totally kill you

Use a pike, spear or flamethrower. Spear so you can throw and do melee, pike bec it's strong, and flamethrower because it quickly burns your enemies to ashes.. All the while fun;D

Y'know what. Just don't run into anything and you're good.

Keep the farthest out in the water as you can, and throw the net at the nearest fish. Bam auto collect time bby

When you're protecting a little froggo or something, make sure to have tames follow you on AGGRESSIVE while on a strong tame. This guarantees a success because it keeps the creatures away

5. Track and kill

Bring strong and fast tames. Sarco, kapro, spino raptor ect. Attack target

6. Pickup and retrieve

Like Track and Kill, bring strong and fast tames. Follow HLN-A's checkpoints while riding with a pack of raptors

Here are some choices for completing Bog missions!:)

1. Gauntlet missions

NEVER USE RANGE!! That would totally kill you

Use a pike, spear or flamethrower. Spear so you can throw and do melee, pike bec it's strong, and flamethrower because it quickly burns your enemies to ashes.. All the while fun;D

Y'know what. Just don't run into anything and you're good.

Keep the farthest out in the water as you can, and throw the net at the nearest fish. Bam auto collect time bby

When you're protecting a little froggo or something, make sure to have tames follow you on AGGRESSIVE while on a strong tame. This guarantees a success because it keeps the creatures away

5. Track and kill

Bring strong and fast tames. Sarco, kapro, spino raptor ect. Attack target

6. Pickup and retrieve

Like Track and Kill, bring strong and fast tames. Follow HLN-A's checkpoints while riding with a pack of raptors

Способности [ ]

Кровопийца способен перемещаться с помощью паутины по ландшафту.На правую кнопку мыши он выпускает две паутины, что может использоваться как рогатка.На левую кнопку мыши выпускает одну паутину, но ее так же можно использовать для притягивания мелких дино, достаточно навестись на нужного вам дино и удерживать левую кнопку мыши пока кровопийца не начнет высасывать кровь из жертвы тем самым восполняя своё здоровье.

Так же Кровопийца способен парить в воздухе как парашют, для этого удерживайте в воздухе CTRL и он будет медленно падать вниз (направлять при этом самого кровопийцу нельзя, но вы можете использовать паутину).

Кровопийца способен передвигаться по воде с большой скоростью, достаточно встать на воду и он подобно водомерке будет по ней ходить, но если нажать на X, то он окунётся в воду и начнет плавать под водой всё так же с большой скоростью.

При зажатии кнопки ПРОБЕЛ кровопийца может высоко прыгнуть и чем вы дольше удерживать кнопку тем выше он может прыгнуть (подобная механика используется у Каркинос).Так же он может использовать двойной прыжок.

Кровопийца может передвигаться большим деревьям на карте Genesis: Часть 1, для этого нужно подойти к дереву в плотную и зажать ПРОБЕЛ либо зацепиться за дерево паутиной и при падении так же зажать ПРОБЕЛ.

Так же кровопийца имеет пассивное зрение которое отображает прирученных и диких дино мелких и средних размеров.

Использование [ ]

Прирученные Кровопийцы цепляются за выживших и предоставляют рост и улучшенное зрение. Из-за своей природы это Существо может фиксироваться на ветвях и прикрепляемых стенах своей паутиной и качаться с одного конца на другой, цепляясь за другой, покачиваясь.

Более того, если выживший достает оружие, оно может подстроиться для более четкого выстрела.

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