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Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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Black Desert – выбор 20 миллионов игроков по всему миру!

MMORPG с открытым миром, в котором разворачиваются невероятные битвы и захватывающие приключения!
Сервис предоставляется напрямую от Pearl Abyss на различных платформах, включая ПК и консоли . Подробности

Воин - персонаж ближнего боя. Используя Щит и Меч в битве,
он добивается гармоничного сочетания защиты и атаки. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Лучница – персонаж дальнего боя,


Колдунья - персонаж гибридного типа,
умело управляющий темной магией как в ближнем, так и в дальнем бою. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Варвар обладает силой монстра
и без разбора разит врагов двумя огромными Топорами. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Мистик - хозяйка Черного льва. Она может сражаться вместе с Черным львом
или, забравшись на него верхом, отдавать приказы атаковать врагов. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL

Мастер меча

Мастер меча использует Катану и Роговой лук,
а также превосходно владеет различными восточными боевыми искусствами. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Восточная техника владения мечом и искусство стрельбы из лука
делают Маэву изумительным бойцом с плавными движениями. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Наделённая священной силой Эллиан,
Валькирия с Мечом и Щитом в руках сражается в самых первых рядах. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Куноичи - персонаж-убийца, устраняющий своих врагов
благодаря превосходной технике фехтования, четкому контролю тела. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Ниндзя – ловкий боец, который использует Клинок с острым лезвием.
Мастер фехтования и контроля тела, Ниндзя сметает всех врагов на своем пути. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Волшебник питает свой посох силой стихий
и с помощью этой силы уничтожает врагов. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


С ранних лет познав магическую силу,
Волшебница использует природные стихии в качестве мощного оружия дальнего боя. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL

Темный рыцарь

Оружие Темного рыцаря -
Крейг-мессер - прекрасный меч с длинным лезвием. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Страйкер - мастер рукопашного боя,
освоивший множество техник уличной борьбы. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Благодаря долгим тренировкам Фурия обладает навыками рукопашного боя
и сражается, используя техники кулачного боя и энергию Ци. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL

Лан орудует уникальным оружием - Маятником и Древним мечом,


Лучник – это персонаж, который атакует врагов на дистанции
и избегает атак противника ловкими передвижениями. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL

Персонаж поддержки, который может как сражаться, так и использовать положительные эффекты. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Страж использует Секиру и Щит, подавляя противника
мощными атаками в ближнем бою. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Управляющий песчаными бурями Хассашин
совершает необычные атаки на ближней и средней дистанции. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL

Нова - персонаж ближнего и среднего боя, способный одновременно
атаковать и защищаться с помощью призванных духов королевской гвардии. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


С помощью особого артефакта Каива
Мудрец повелевает пространством и временем, обрушивая на врагов магические атаки. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL


Персонаж ближнего боя Корсар порой обращается с волнами в образе русалки,
а с помощью своего оружия и хлыста обрушивает на врагов внезапные атаки. NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL

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Вы можете просмотреть и загрузить различные материалы Black Desert - обои или видео,
которые стали еще реалистичнее благодаря режиму Ремастеринга.


We’ve prepared some gifts for our Adventurers preparing for the Season+ Graduation!

Patch Notes - October 6, 2021

Patch Notes - October 6, 2021 (Last Updated: 10/07/2021 8:18 UTC)

Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021

Florchestra Lessons with Artina

Sycrakea Game

The Sycrakea Game with streamers and their parties of Adventurers will begin!

The Underwater Co-op Dungeon – Sycrakea opens!

The Underwater Co-op Dungeon – Sycrakea opens!

Check out the interesting mechanics and hidden riddles in the depths!

Autumn Harvest

Big Game Hunters

Fishing for Silver and Gold

It’s time to grab your fishing rods and reel some silver and gold!

Gathering Golden Insect Amber

The rare Golden Insect Amber has started to appear throughout the Black Desert world!

The Mysterious Knight!

Talk to the Mysterious Knight to receive a Skill EXP +300% buff!

Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021

Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021

Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021 (Last Updated: 9/29/2021 11:26 UTC)

Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021

Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021

New Products

New Products for October 6!

New Products

New Products for September 29!

Played by 20 million users, Black Desert

Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG.
Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms from PC to Console. Learn more


Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses a sword and shield.
He has a good balance between offense and defense.


Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar.
She keeps her targets at bay with her ranged attacks in fights.


Sorceress can effectively control the battlefield
with dark magic by using both melee and ranged attacks.


Berserker is vicious and wields monstrous double-axes
to annihilate his enemies with ease.


Tamer is Heilang's master.
She can ride or command it to fight powerful enemies.

Musa uses a variety of oriental martial arts,
focusing mainly on sword skills and his horn bow.


Maehwa is trained in oriental swordsmanship and archery
which allows her to flow like water and attack in succession.


Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield.
She wields Elion's sacred powers in her skills.


Kunoichi is an assassin
that uses swords, martial arts, and Ninjutsu.


Ninja is an assassin
that uses swords, martial arts, and Ninjutsu.


Wizard can control the forces of nature with his Staff
to obliterate enemies.


Witches gain a firm grasp of magic at a young age.
They use various elements as weapons to dispatch their enemies.


Mystic is trained in eastern martial arts
and mastered hand-to-hand combat.


Striker is a street brawler class
that specializes in hand-to-hand combat.

Lahn has mastered her weapon, Crescent Pendulum,
which has a blade attached to the end of a rope.


Archer is an agile ranged class
that shoots enemies and dodges their attacks.

Dark Knight

Dark Knight wields the lethal
but beautiful Kriegsmesser.

Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities.


Guardian wields the Battle Axe and Shield,
crushing her enemies with devastating heavy strikes.


Hashashin wields the power of the sands at whim
A mid-range class with unconventional attacks.

Nova is mid-range class who can effortlessly combine
offense and defense by summoning spirit guards.

Sage is a caster who wields the cube-shaped Kyve, manipulating
time and space to call forth an array of powerful, offensive magics.


Corsair is a melee fighter who can transform into a Mermaid to summon the tides,
while brandishing her flexible blade and rope to deal spontaneous attacks.

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Enjoy the realistic world of Black Desert.
You can download wallpapers and videos from here.


We’ve prepared some gifts for our Adventurers preparing for the Season+ Graduation!

Patch Notes - October 6, 2021

Patch Notes - October 6, 2021 (Last Updated: 10/07/2021 8:18 UTC)

Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021

Florchestra Lessons with Artina

Sycrakea Game

The Sycrakea Game with streamers and their parties of Adventurers will begin!

The Underwater Co-op Dungeon – Sycrakea opens!

The Underwater Co-op Dungeon – Sycrakea opens!

Check out the interesting mechanics and hidden riddles in the depths!

Autumn Harvest

Big Game Hunters

Fishing for Silver and Gold

It’s time to grab your fishing rods and reel some silver and gold!

Gathering Golden Insect Amber

The rare Golden Insect Amber has started to appear throughout the Black Desert world!

The Mysterious Knight!

Talk to the Mysterious Knight to receive a Skill EXP +300% buff!

Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021

Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021

Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021 (Last Updated: 9/29/2021 11:26 UTC)

Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021

Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021

New Products

New Products for October 6!

New Products

New Products for September 29!

Played by 20 million users, Black Desert

Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG.
Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms from PC to Console. Learn more


Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses a sword and shield.
He has a good balance between offense and defense.


Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar.
She keeps her targets at bay with her ranged attacks in fights.


Sorceress can effectively control the battlefield
with dark magic by using both melee and ranged attacks.


Berserker is vicious and wields monstrous double-axes
to annihilate his enemies with ease.


Tamer is Heilang's master.
She can ride or command it to fight powerful enemies.

Musa uses a variety of oriental martial arts,
focusing mainly on sword skills and his horn bow.


Maehwa is trained in oriental swordsmanship and archery
which allows her to flow like water and attack in succession.


Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield.
She wields Elion's sacred powers in her skills.


Kunoichi is an assassin
that uses swords, martial arts, and Ninjutsu.


Ninja is an assassin
that uses swords, martial arts, and Ninjutsu.


Wizard can control the forces of nature with his Staff
to obliterate enemies.


Witches gain a firm grasp of magic at a young age.
They use various elements as weapons to dispatch their enemies.


Mystic is trained in eastern martial arts
and mastered hand-to-hand combat.


Striker is a street brawler class
that specializes in hand-to-hand combat.

Lahn has mastered her weapon, Crescent Pendulum,
which has a blade attached to the end of a rope.


Archer is an agile ranged class
that shoots enemies and dodges their attacks.

Dark Knight

Dark Knight wields the lethal
but beautiful Kriegsmesser.

Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities.


Guardian wields the Battle Axe and Shield,
crushing her enemies with devastating heavy strikes.


Hashashin wields the power of the sands at whim
A mid-range class with unconventional attacks.

Nova is mid-range class who can effortlessly combine
offense and defense by summoning spirit guards.

Sage is a caster who wields the cube-shaped Kyve, manipulating
time and space to call forth an array of powerful, offensive magics.


Corsair is a melee fighter who can transform into a Mermaid to summon the tides,
while brandishing her flexible blade and rope to deal spontaneous attacks.

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Enjoy the realistic world of Black Desert.
You can download wallpapers and videos from here.

Check out the latest trending topics in Black Desert Mobile.

[September 28] Patch Notes (Updated)

Great Ocean Special Quest

Phantom Ships start to haunt Margoria Sea!


Stay logged in every day to earn 100% Hot Time (3 Hours) and more!

[Guaranteed] Mogley

Complete missions to obtain CM Roccio's selections!

2021 BRC Season 2: Final Results

[Infographic] Wrap-Up of the First Half of 2021

[Infographic] Wrap-Up of the First Half of 2021

Google Play ベスト オブ

Pocket Gamer
Mobile Games Awards

Game Terbaik
Google Play 2020

Google Play
Best Games of 2020

จาก Google Play

Google Play
Best Games of 2020

Band together with other Adventurers to defeat World Bosses that appear regularly

Create diverse and unique characters with ease using Black Desert Mobile's in-depth customization system

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