Биошок как фотографировать

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Разработчик: 2K Boston / Жанр: Action / Дата выхода: 21 августа 2007 г.


Research Camera

The Research Camera is a usable item that appears in BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock 2 Multiplayer. Unlike the weapons in the games, it does no direct damage to enemies, but it allows the player to gain research rewards.

Где найти трех мутантов-пауков на уровне Дары Нептуна?

Фотоохота на мутантов-пауков начнется по поручению Пича Уилкинса, с рыбозавода Фонтейна, на уровне Дары Нептуна. В качестве пропуска он попросит предъявить три фотографии, сделанные с помощью фотокамеры, взятой в кабинете смотрителя порта. Первого мутанта-паука можно сфотографировать в камере для допросов у смотрителя в кабинете. Второго можно найти в отделении срочной почты. Третьего в бойцовском клубе МакДонага, на верхнем этаже, на выходе из комнаты номер пять. Увидев фотографии, Пич Уилкинс, наконец, откроет дверь.

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Прямой эфир

FAQ — список часто задаваемых вопросов по определенной тематике и ответами на них. Принятые сокращения: ОВ — общие вопросы, ТВ — технические вопросы, ВП — вопросы прохождения, ВМ — вопросы моддинга.


Разработчик: 2K Boston / Жанр: Action / Дата выхода: 21 августа 2007 г.

BioShock 2 [ ]

The Research Camera in BioShock 2.

That thing's a miracle in technicolor, kid. Works like a movie camera. Start the film rollin' before you open fire on a Splicer, and then anything you hit him with tells you more about his DNA.” ― Augustus Sinclair [src]

"Keep up! Buy one today!"

The Research Camera returns as a usable weapon, both in the single-player campaign and in multiplayer. It is the sixth weapon found in the game, and is the second weapon found in Pauper's Drop.

The camera has the same function in the campaign as with the original, granting Subject Delta permanent rewards for researching different enemy types. However, unlike the original Camera, this new tool records videos instead of pictures and doesn't require any collectible film to run. It also functions differently from the original in many other ways.

Strategy [ ]

  • When the camera is equipped, targets who have not already been fully researched are outlined in gold. Once the player pulls the right trigger to start the camera, the last weapon equipped prior to the camera is instantly re-equipped and the player can start firing normally before the target can react to the player, so there is virtually no strategic cost to using the camera, as long as one remembers to equip an actual weapon and not, say, the Hack Tool, before equipping the camera.
  • If a target has already been fully researched, the camera will not start and the previous weapon will not be equipped, leaving the player vulnerable to attack, so it pays to be aware of which types of opponents have already been fully researched, as well as watching the camera's reticule and/or the gold outlining of targets.
  • The camera films for a limited amount of time, which can be extended by use of the Extended Reel Tonic. The filming also stops if the target is killed, or the player receives a reward for the film.
  • The Research Camera can also be used to Film the corpses of dead enemies for five research points.
  • If trying to research an enemy while filming another one, reequipping the Research Camera and selecting the new target will end the current research prematurely and switch to the latter.
  • In BioShock, some of the best research rewards (Natural Camouflage could be attained at Houdini Splicer research level 2) can be earned early in the game. In BioShock 2, on the other hand, they are earned much later in the game, thus it is important to put the camera to maximum use just to get all the rewards. This may involve purposely hanging around an area to engage and research specific enemies.
  • It is highly recommended to research Thuggish Splicers to full before leaving Pauper's Drop, as they completely stop appearing in the next levels.
  • Brute Splicers stop appearing for a portion of the game, although they re-appear near the end, so it is important to research them sooner rather than later.
  • The quickest tactic to gain research points is to have hacked Machine Gun Turrets, Mini-Turrets, Security Bots, or all three attack enemies frozen with Winter Blast. Immobilized enemies will be helpless as friendly Bots and Turrets pummel them, racking up points. Using this technique, the player can easily rack up 2000-4000 research points in a single camera run.
  • Continuing the above advice, only using Winter Blast, machine gun and 2 bots (and if possible, a MG turret) its possible to get 2000-4000 points or more in a single camera run for tough targets (Big Daddies, Brute Splicers, Big Sisters). This makes it possible to fully complete research for Brute Splicers on the same level they are first encountered (Pauper's Drop) and get the Armored Shell 2 tonic. The steps are as followed: (1) Have two hacked bots ready and if possible, one MG turret. Make sure Winter Blast and the Machine gun is equipped. Now switch back to the camera. Quick-save the game. (2) Engage the target and freeze them right away. (3) Start the camera recording and use the machine gun. Your bots (and the turret if available) are also firing. Be sure to freeze the target as soon as it thaws. So it doesn't shatter and die an early death, let it thaw for an instant if you think the freeze will kill it. (4) Enjoy up to 4000 points on a single camera run. This is very useful for reaching the last level of research on big targets. This means that before leaving Pauper's Drop, you can fully complete research on Security machines, Lead Head, Thuggish and Brute Splicers and also Big Daddies. For Brute Splicers, when you kill the first researched Brute Splicer in the corner near the Limbo Room and when you leave that area, make sure you go to Town Square where you found the camera. There you will see another Brute Splicer with a bot. If you go around and try to come to that area later, this Brute Splicer may not be there.
  • Repeatedly attacking a research subject with the same type of attack gets less points over time with the same method. Using Plasmids against the target is more efficient than attacking them with one single weapon type.

Types of Actions Scored [ ]

This counter keeps track of the number of research points earned so far.

The Research Camera detects various types of attacks during a battle and will increase the score if different ones are used in combination. Different icons are shown for each while the film reel is rolling. A small plus mark will appear on the icon if a type of attack is especially effective.

BioShock [ ]

Как исследовать мутантов?

Изучать повадки врагов в Bioshock не только интересно, но и полезно. Полученные знания позволяют выявить их слабые места, что непременно скажется на сложности боев. Исследования проводятся с помощью фотокамеры (фотосканера), за которой по ходу сюжета отправляет в кабинет смотрителя Пич Уилкинс с рыбозавода на уровне Дары Нептуна. Каждый удачный кадр постепенно заполняет полоску исследования. Когда она заполнится, произойдет переход на новый уровень познания того или иного противника (мутанты, охранные роботы, турели, камеры наблюдения т. д.). Всего уровней пять. Чем лучше изучен враг, тем легче становится его победить, так как увеличивается наносимый урон. Помимо всего прочего за исследования иногда выдаются генетические тоники и приятные бонусы.

За фотографирование Маленьких сестричек положена особая награда — увеличение максимального уровня здоровья и ЕВЫ. На каждый кадр затрачивается фотопленка, которую можно найти или купить в торговых автоматах. Стоит она дешево, так что кадры можно не жалеть и смело делать больше одного-двух снимков всех угодивших в объектив врагов. Фотокамера добавляется к имеющемуся набору оружия. Пристальное внимание следует уделить качеству фотографий: противник должен быть хорошо виден, желательно в полный рост, смотреть в сторону фотообъектива, также важную роль играют его состояние — жив или мертв, положение — движется или статичен, в группе или один. Союзников можно не фотографировать, их фотографии не берутся в расчет. Учитываются только враги и нейтралы.

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Прямой эфир

FAQ — список часто задаваемых вопросов по определенной тематике и ответами на них. Принятые сокращения: ОВ — общие вопросы, ТВ — технические вопросы, ВП — вопросы прохождения, ВМ — вопросы моддинга.

BioShock Remastered. Фотосканер.

Где в игре можно посмотреть всё что уже наснимал? В оригинальной версии насколько я помню была отдельная вкладка с характерным значком. В ремастере что то не могу её найти.

там вроде в статистике отображается класс изучения по каждому врагу.

Олег В
Нет такой вкладки Статистика. Я уже начинаю сомневаться, была ли вообще эта информация в оригинальной версии. Выбил +++, камера не наводится, значит всё, походу так ориентировались в оригинале.

Research Camera


Damage Multipliers

Magazine Size

Maximum Ammunition



Used by

The research camera looks just like one you'd see topside. According to this magazine article I scrounged up, it can also 'analyze genetic information, parse biological structures,' and lots of other five-dollar words.” ― Atlas [src]

Strategy [ ]

  • Taking a photograph will automatically pause the game when the photo is taken. As such, it is recommended to always have it equipped when wandering through Rapture. is cheap and easy to purchase, so unless the player is strapped for cash and low on Film (under 20 is considered low), it is always recommended to take as many photos as possible, especially on the harder difficulty settings.
  • The greater the quality of the photo, the higher the score. The quality is determined by a number of factors: How centered the camera is on the enemy, how close the enemy is to the player, whether said enemy is in combat or not (if they are in combat, the player gets an "Action Shot" bonus), whether the enemy is dead, and whether there are multiple enemies in the frame or not ("Multiple Subjects" bonus). If the subject has already been photographed, the score gets halved. If the subject is friendly (such as hacked machinery or hypnotized Big Daddies), fully researched, too far out of frame, or if the score is too low, the photo is not taken.
  • You can zoom the camera simply by aiming like you would with the Pistol, Machinegun or Crossbow. This will increase research scores by letting you take a closer shot without actually moving closer to the target. Zooming is obviously useless at point blank range. and Photographer's Eye 2 can be stacked, giving a total 25% bonus to photography scores, which means that the photographs taken will have higher scores and a greater number of photographs can be taken of the same subject (since photos that previously had too low a score to be taken now have been boosted to an acceptable score.)
  • If the player kills an enemy before photographing them, don't forget to take a picture of their dead body. This will get a C-grade photo, but as the body count increases as it's sure to do, taking photos of dead enemies can get one to the next level of research, without the associated danger that taking photos of live enemies carries.
  • A great way to quickly maximize research levels for Splicers is the Frozen Tunnel in Fort Frolic. There are numerous types of frozen Splicers that can be photographed simultaneously. Using the Photographer’s Eye tonics, research for multiple Splicer types can be completed in this area (Nitro Splicers, Thuggish Splicers, Spider Splicers, and Houdini Splicers are all present and accounted for). Thanks to the fact that there are multiple posed Splicers, "Action shot" and "Multiple subject" bonuses will apply. research can also be maximized in the upper and lower Levels of the Poseidon Plaza in Fort Frolic. Even after the player has rescued all the Little Sisters, Big Daddies constantly respawn in these locations, granted the player kills enough Splicers to cause them to respawn.
  • One can take repeated pictures of the same Splicer, Big Daddy, or Little Sister, though each picture will be ranked lower and given less points.
  • Try to remain calm when photographing an enemy and take the time to adjust the frame, as this will increase the picture's quality. Photographing an enemy will also pause the game, giving one time to formulate a strategy.
  • Because researching enemies typically involves getting as close to them as possible, it can be very compatible with a Wrench strategy. Shocking an enemy will allow the player to get the perfect angle on them while benefiting from an Action Shot bonus, as well as leave them vulnerable to a One-Two Punch.
  • Each enemy type requires a different strategy to be adequately photographed, as well as different priorities. Here are the basics:
Splicer [ ]
    : Very common and very easy to photograph. The ideal strategy would be to let the Thuggish Splicer see Jack and then set up the camera for a good shot (given their very predictable route, this should be easy). Also, it is possible to dodge the Splicer's initial attack and photograph it during its recovery. : Because of their longer ranged attacks, Leadhead Splicers can be harder to photograph than Thuggish Splicers; however, they are in greater abundance. Try moving behind cover, coming out to take a quick shot (being quick with the camera is necessary for this), and then move back to pull out a weapon. Leading them into traps or distracting them with other enemies is another good way of getting more precise Action Shots. Because of their abundance in Neptune's Bounty (where the Research Camera is located), taking good shots throughout the level may allow the player to reach Level 3 to Level 5 by the end of the level, allowing the player to focus on killing them much earlier than other Splicers. : Though rare, they are easy to photograph. Get their attention but keep back enough to be able to dodge their attacks and take the picture. : These Splicers are rare and very difficult to photograph. First of all, take advantage of still Houdini Splicers (ex. the two dancing in Cohen's apartment). Whenever leaving one of their religious sites in Arcadia, one is bound to appear at the opening (preparing for a shot beforehand is a good idea). Hitting them with Electro Bolt or Winter Blast will stun them long enough to take a good picture. Overall, quick enough use of the camera is key to unlocking this enemy type's valuable research rewards. : The player is forced to take a picture of three of these in Neptune's Bounty, although there are four possible ones to photograph. Aside from this, it is advisable to either hit them with Electro Bolt or Winter Blast to hold them in place. Like Thuggish Splicers, they may charge the player, giving one a good opportunity; though this is rarer than a Thuggish, and the player should just learn to be quick with their Camera.
Machines [ ]

For all machines in this section, using Electro Bolt, Winter Blast or Liquid Nitrogen is a good way to keep them from threatening the player.

    : Rather common, and very easy to photograph. Find a way to get under them then take the picture (using electricity, ice, or just sneaking under them is an easy way to do this). : Easy to find, easy to research. If one wishes to photograph some more Bots, simply set off an alarm. It is advisable not to spend too much time researching an individual Bot, otherwise one will risk getting seriously injured. Another way is to hack a Security Camera and wait for a Splicer to set off the alarm and then start taking pictures. : Treat them like a stationary Leadhead Splicer.
Big Daddies and Little Sisters [ ]
    are the second easiest subjects when it comes to researching. Since they're not initially hostile, it's easy to get up close and take the perfect shot, and one can get a Multiple Subjects multiplier if they are with a Little Sister or fighting a Splicer. Also, a new Big Daddy will respawn in the place of one that was killed by the player and roam the same area that the previous one did. Try not to have Static Discharge equipped, as bumping into a Big Daddy may trigger the Gene Tonic and turn it against the player. On the other hand, hostile Big Daddies will add the Action Shot bonus to their pictures. are the easiest subjects to research, however, once they have all been saved or harvested in a level, no more will appear in the level. Since they tend to hide behind their Big Daddies once they spot the player, it is advisable to photograph them unaware. Note that the Little Sisters in Andrew Ryan's office, the ones who deliver teddy bears for rescuers at the Gatherer's Garden, and the one the player has to escort in the Proving Grounds can be researched.

Little Sisters respawn at approximate intervals of 3 minutes. Every time a Big Daddy puts a Little Sister back in her vent after she complains about being tired or her belly being full, he retrieves a new one. As such, it is entirely possible to finish fully researching Little Sisters by merely following around a single Big Daddy.

Recommended Plasmids [ ]

    will temporarily stun enemies, letting the player photograph them with impunity while still earning the Action Shot bonus. is even more effective, as it will freeze enemies in place for even longer. Using this Plasmid also avoids accidentally killing a Splicer when they're touching a body of water.

Recommended Tonics [ ]

  • The Photographer's Eye line of Tonics will make researching significantly easier. It is recommended to equip it when researching Little Sisters and Houdini Splicers. can be of great help when trying to get the ideal snapshot, and can also make for a handy escape tool if the player gets spotted. Be careful though, taking a photo will make the player visible again.
  • The Wrench Lurker line of Tonics will soften the player's footsteps, making subtle approaches safer and easier.

Help Caption [ ]

Press _ to take

Used to take pictures of the various
creatures of Rapture.

Taking enough pictures will give you
various bonuses against the type of
creature you're photographing

The Research Camera requires film,
in the same way that weapons
require ammunition.

Gallery [ ]

Bshock camera

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