Baldur s gate 2 нира где искать

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Neera is a chaotic neutral half-elf wild mage and a potential companion.

Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition (2012)
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
Baldur's Gate:
Siege of Dragonspear (2016)
This icon indicates content from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign of the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn (2013)
This icon indicates content from the Shadows of Amn campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Throne of Bhaal (2013)
This icon indicates content from the Throne of Bhaal campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition [ ]

Recruitment [ ]

Desperate in Beregost

Neera is available to recruit from Chapter One on. She can be found in Beregost, south-east of the northern entrance, seeking aid against a group of mages hunting her, Neera barely gets to introduce herself before being confronted by the pursuing mages. Ekandor, the leader of the mages, demands your party step aside or be attacked. Regardless of your decision, Neera will force a battle in which she preemptively teleports Ekandor away using Wild Magic. After the ensuing battle with the remaining mages, Neera can be recruited.

If Edwin Odesseiron is in your party during the encounter, Edwin will recognize Ekandor as a fellow member of the Red Wizards of Thay and attempt to mediate with his colleague. After Neera's preemptive teleportation of Ekandor, Edwin pulls rank with the remaining mages since he is the ranking Red Wizard in Ekandor's absence. As a result, the henchmen disperse without a fight. Neera will then begin her usual dialog by asking to join the party, however Edwin will then threaten to leave since his own brethren are hunting her. Thus, the player must choose between keeping Edwin or recruiting Neera.

If you dismiss Neera, she will be found in the Friendly Arm Inn. If you dismiss her many [how many?] times, she will turn hostile.

Quests [ ]

Relationships [ ]

    - Neera and Edwin can't be in the same party, but you can recruit Edwin after finishing Neera's quest.

Gameplay [ ]

As a wild mage, Neera starts with Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, which allows the casters to choose any spell they know and cast it as a first level spell at the casting speed of 5, at the cost of a chance of having a Wild Surge, the casters get to add their experience levels to the wild surge roll.


Игровая память

Ситуация такова: за дикими магами всё ещё охотится Орден восьми посохов. Для защиты от них Нира и ещё пару типов создали убежище. Теперь их там аж 11 (ужас), и ещё один эльф Даксус где-то гуляет. Кроме того, в лагере закончились материалы для амулетов телепортации.

Кстати, Нира переживает за Бу! Она думает, что Минск подвергает его опасностям! Как миииило!

Аманис Хал из Калимшана находится в лагере вместе с нагловатым сынишкой. Пока они ничего интересного не говорят. Рядом стоящая Мерет (которую Нира спасла в Аткатле) просит найти её заколку для волос. Судя по всем потеряла, пока бегала от тайских магов. Минск и Келдорн одобряют, проклятые добряки. Выйдя погулять из лагеря, обнаружим, что сын Аманис сбежал. Засранца находим в самом дальнем углу леса. Естественно, что ему уже как-то не хочется самостоятельности, а хочется скорее к маме под юбку. Мамке намекаем, что способности дитёнка нужно развивать, за что получаем экспы и средней паршивости пращу. Окей, хватит этой ерунды. Остальные квесты лагеря оставим на потом. Кстати, после очередного отдыха Йошимо выспрашивает о детях Баала. подозрительно!

Hidden Refuge [ ]

This entire area is a wild surge zone.

Treasures around the camp:

  • (x=1240 y=758) 2 RNDTRE01.itm, RNDTRE02.itm
  • (x= 1204 y=919) RNDTRE01.itm, RNDSCR01.itm
  • (x=1371 y=1110) RNDMAG01.itm
  • (x=1331 y=526) RNDTRE01.itm, RNDTRE02.itm, RNDSCR02.itm

Red Wizard Enclave [ ]

Outside [ ]

Deal with the Bouncer anyway you wish, although most dialogue options will lead to a Neera wild surge of 100 crushing damage to him (which means he won’t die on LoB settings but the dialogue afterwards assumed so).

Merchant Area [ ]

When you're ready, speak to Gul Dukeem again into letting you into the back rooms, you'll fight the three merchants plus one more mage and the guards. Gul Dukeem will take no part in the fight, and his shop will remain technically open for the rest of the game. You may transact with Gul, however, after concluding the fight with Lanneth, Neera will object if you try to have any dealings with him, and will leave the party (regardless of whether the player is in a romance with her or no) if you try to force the issue. She also appears to be able to detect any conversation between you and Gul from anywhere on the map, so merely putting her in a room at the other end of the map does not prevent her joining the conversation - if you want to deal with Gul, you have to temporarily remove Neera from the party.

Tavern [ ]

Behind the Merchant Area turns out to be a tavern, where Red Wizards resides. You may either choose to attack them all at once, or take a more subtle approach by turning the mercenaries against their employers. If you choose the more subtle approach, then after being pestered by Fadell Ironeye the mercenary leader, witness the cage fight in Slave Pens. The Red Wizard closest to its door has Slave Pen Key, which you'll need to free The Journal of Fadell Ironeye.

After the mercenaries are either dead or have left, pick up the Slave Pen Key while cleaning up the battlefield, talk to Mironda for 10000xp, and free Ghallus, receiving 1500xp for each of the 5 slaves you saved.

Red Wizard Quarters [ ]

Wild Mage Cages [ ]

The Laboratory Key will open the southeast door. The northwest door is trap & locked, it leads to Lanneth's Personal Quarters where you'll find:

Lanneth's Journal tells you which order to unlock the first four cages: the Letter is from her superior in the Order, and the Contract tells you who sold out the Refuge.

Wild Mages are In the cage room, although Barad Ding will kill himself if you didn't rescue his cats, Reginald will be dead if you didn't teach him rage control, Amanis dead if you didn't find her son, Daxus too If you let him walk away with Hayes instead of teleporting. Knocktor and Zaviak should survive, and there is one more unnamed female Wild Mage alive in one of the cells - and a dead one in the one next to her.

The remaining Wild Mages are held in cages as numbered slaves; you need to open each cage in the correct order by their number. The order is 55 (Amanis), 13 (unnamed female Wild Mage), 11 (Barad Ding), and 42 (Zaviak). After Zaviak, the remaining numbered captives (Reginald, Knocktor and Daxus, if still alive) may be freed in any order. Talking to a Wild mage after their cage is opened will dismiss them; each escaping Wild Mage is worth 5000xp.

Wild Forest [ ]

This entire area is a wild surge zone, so keep spellcasting at minimum while trend towards physical methods.

Our goal here is to make it to the north-eastern corner of the map, start out by following the road to the north-east, you'll find a gnome named Quaid (x=1620 y=2840), who turns out to be an illusion and will be launching Fireballs if you press him too much. The cart behind (x=1650 y=2750) contains some goodies to loot:

Also be ware of the trap (1650.2750) .

Continue east, a few foes (Wolf, Giant Spider, Sword Spider) and a few traps to disarm (x=2060 y=2600), (x=2100 y=3000), (x=3400 y=3070), (x=4700 y=2090), (x=3270 y=1400).

Explore north along the western end of the map, keeping an eye out for traps (x=620 y=2600), (x=1800 y=2100) as you go. North of where Quaid's cart is a Speaking Snake (x=2150 y=1780), again a verbal deterrent that is trying to fend off transpassers.

Baldur s gate 2 нира где искать

Руководство для сбора эффективной команды, если играете со спутниками. Здесь будет краткое описание спутников, их получение, квесты, отношения и характеристики. Я увы не смогу описать все личные квесты, поэтому обойдусь лишь кратким описанием начала, не смогу описать и романы, иначе это будет руководство не по поиску спутников и созданию удобной партии, а по прохождению и романам.

. чем больше я узнаю, тем меньше я верю. (Валигар)

Ахтунг! Это не совсем оригинальный контент, я лишь собрал информацию на просторах интернета, что-то подправил в силу знаний игры и лора, где-то полностью с нуля информацию написал. Так что этот монстер Франкенштейна призван помочь вам с выбором спутников на игру.




Back to camp [ ]

Finding Daxus [ ]

Now on to main quest line, talk to Hayes first if you wish, then Telana, go to the Bridge District in Athkatla, Hayes will be waiting south-west of Delosar's Inn, go inside to find Daxus on the lower floor. If you have Talisman of the Hearthfire, tell him to teleport with it so that you only have to fend off one enemy wave plus a 5000xp later, it doesn’t matter if you talk to Hayes again afterwards but his dialogue may lead to some clue. otherwise decline Daxus’s offer to aid you in battle, you don’t want unexpected surge midbattle in presence of many NPCs, also deal with the reinforcement outside, then Hayes will take Daxus away (if he's still around).

Back to Hidden Refuge, you'll find it in a sorry state, many are gone, Telana is here, as are Mereth and Kirik, if you completed their quests. After talking to Telana, we’re off to the Red Wizard Enclave in Waukeen's Promenade.

The loose end [ ]

Enter Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet, you'll find Hayes drinking himself to death, help him to that and bring Bloodied Tunic of Hayes back to Telana for more dialogues, she'll have mixed feelings about it, pretty anti-climatic ending, all in all.

Neera's Hidden Refuge

You'll first need to find Neera before starting her quest. Go to Bridge District, head south till you hear three peasants talking about the shadow thief bodes, travel further south, then back to the area entrance, there you'll witness Neera rescue a girl named Mereth from some Red Wizards of Thay (no comments from Edwin if he's in party). You'll encounter her again in your next travel, unlocking Wild Forest, where Neera is waiting to join near the entrance.

Edwin can't be in the same party with Neera, and will either leave or prevent the questline from advancing at certain stages; Neera herself is also not necessarily needed to be brought along all the time, but her presence will be required at some points in order to proceed with the quest.

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