Badly compressed packet minecraft как исправить

Обновлено: 19.05.2024

Hi, at this point idk where to find help for this problem, but ProtocolLib is mentioned here, everytime I try to rejoin, I get this warn:

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joex92 commented Sep 22, 2021

It's not bookshelf. I already tried to disable that plugin, the bookshelf error there is because my data wasn't completely loaded, so bookshelf couldn't load itself either.

joex92 commented Sep 22, 2021

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Как и в любой другой игре, есть множество проблем, с которыми игроки могут столкнуться при каждой попытке начать игру. Хотя игра хороша практически во всех отношениях, в ней все еще есть несколько ошибок и проблем. Ошибка плохо сжатого пакета - одна из многих, с которыми игроки могут столкнуться при попытке сыграть.

Она не так уникальна, как вы думаете, и многие игроки сталкивались с ней раньше, и мы есть несколько решений, которые вы можете попробовать, если вы один из указанных игроков. Эти решения приведены ниже, поэтому просто прочтите их, и вы сможете решить проблему.

Популярные уроки Minecraft

Первое, что вы должны попробовать, прежде всего, - это попробовать сыграть в игру без каких-либо моды, так как они могут вызвать эту ошибку. Если вы используете Minecraft forge или что-то еще в этом роде, рекомендуется отключить их все и попробовать запустить любую версию игры через классический лаунчер. После этого попробуйте войти в игру, и проблема больше не должна возникать.

Возможно, вам придется полностью удалить некоторые моды. Если вы только недавно начали сталкиваться с этой проблемой, возможно, она вызвана новым модом, который вы хотели опробовать. Избавьтесь от указанного мода и удалите его со своего устройства, так как этого должно быть достаточно, чтобы вы снова начали играть в игру.

Следующая лучшая причина этой проблемы - слишком высокие значения загрузки фрагментов. К счастью, проблему на самом деле очень легко решить, если вы действительно столкнулись с ней по этой причине. На самом деле существует возможность уменьшить эти значения загрузки блоков через игровые настройки, а это значит, что это проще, чем вы думаете.

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это перейти к настройкам видео, которые вы найдете в меню параметров игры. Отсюда вы найдете несколько различных вариантов, представленных вам. Выберите тот, который говорит о расстоянии рендеринга, и вы получите возможность изменить значение. Рекомендуется установить значение от 2 до 14, так как установка значения ниже или выше почти наверняка вызовет проблемы.

Если все остальное не помогает, наиболее вероятный сценарий, который приходит на ум, заключается в том, что один из файлов игры внезапно отсутствует или поврежден. В любом случае вам придется либо удалить, либо переустановить игру. Это снова добавит все файлы игры на ваше устройство и гарантирует, что проблема с плохо сжатым пакетом исчезнет. Восстановление файлов также является хорошим вариантом. Однако это немного сложно и потребует времени, если вы точно не знаете, какие файлы нужно восстановить в первую очередь. Именно по этой причине вам лучше переустановить игру.

(All The Mods 3 Modpack) Mods: Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, Minecraft Forge, SpongeAPI, Sponge, AE2 Stuff, AI Improvements, ATM Tweaks, AbyssalCraft, AbyssalCraft Integration, Actually Additions, Actually Baubles, Additional Banners, Advanced Generators, Advanced Rocketry, Advanced Rocketry Core, Akashic Tome, AngelRing 2 Bauble, AppleCore, AppleSkin, Applied Energistics 2, Armory Expansion, Aroma1997's Dimensional World, Aroma1997Core, Astral Sorcery, AutoRegLib, BD Lib, Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded, Baubles, Bed Patch, Better Builder's Wands, BiblioCraft, Binnie Core, Binnie's Botany, Binnie's Design, Binnie's Extra Bees, Binnie's Extra Trees, Binnie's Genetics, Biomes O' Plenty, Blockcraftery, Blood Debug, Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry, Bookshelf, Botania, Brandon's Core, Ceramics, Chameleon, Chisel, Chisels & Bits, CoFH Core, CoFH World, CodeChicken Lib, Colossal Chests, CommonCapabilities, Compact Machines 3, Compact Solar Arrays, ComputerCraft, Computronics, Construct's Armory, Cooking for Blockheads, CosmeticArmorReworked, CosmeticArmorReworked Integration for TombManyGraves2, CraftTweaker JEI Support, CraftTweaker2, Crafting Tweaks, Cucumber Library, Cyclic, Cyclops Core, Dark Utilities, Default World Generator, Diet Hopper, Dismantler, Doomlike Dungeons, Draconic Evolution, EXCore, EluCore, EluLib, Embers, Ender IO, Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits, Ender IO Base, Ender IO Conduits, Ender IO Integration with Forestry, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Machines, Ender IO Open Computers Conduits, Ender IO Powertools, Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits, EnderCore, EnderStorage, Environmental Tech, Exchangers, Extra Cells 2, Extra Rails, Extra Utilities 2, Extreme Reactors, FTB Utilities, FTBLib, Fairy Lights, FastWorkbench, Fence Jumper, Flat Colored Blocks, FoamFix, FoamFixCore, Forestry, Forge Microblocks, Forge Multipart CBE, Funky Locomotion, GenDustry, Guide-API, HelpFixer, Immersive Engineering, Immersive Petroleum, Immersive Tech, Industrial Foregoing, Industrial Wires, IndustrialCraft 2, InitialInventory, Integrated Dynamics, Integrated Tunnels, IntegratedDynamics-Compat, IntegratedTunnels-Compat, Integration Foregoing, Inventory Generators, Inventory Tweaks, Iron Backpacks, Iron Chest, JAOPCA, JEI Bees, JMFixer, JourneyMap, Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: Additions, Just Enough Dimensions, Just Enough Items, KJ Lib, KleeSlabs, LibrarianLib, LibrarianLib Stage 2, Lost Souls, MCMultiPart, MTLib, MagicBees, Magical Psi, MalisisCore, MalisisDoors, Mantle, McJtyLib, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, MineColonies, Minecraft Multipart Plugin, Mob Totems, Mod Tweaker, Morph-o-Tool, Morpheus, MrTJPCore, Mystical Agradditions, Mystical Agriculture, Natura, Nature's Compass, No Mob Spawning on Trees, Not Enough Wands, NotEnoughIDs, NuclearCraft, Nutrition, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, OpenComputers (Core), OpenComputers Xnet Driver, OpenModsLib, OpenModsLib Core, OreDictInit, OreExcavation, OreExcavation Integration, Overloaded, PackCrashInfo, PackMode, Pam's Cookables, Pam's HarvestCraft, Pink Flamingo, Placebo, Plants, Platforms, PlusTiC, PneumaticCraft: Repressurized, PortalGun, Portality, Practical Logistics 2, Pressure Pipes, ProjectRed Core, ProjectRed Expansion, ProjectRed Exploration, ProjectRed Fabrication, ProjectRed Illumination, ProjectRed Relocation, ProjectRed Transmission, ProjectRed Transportation, ProjectRed integration, Psi, QuantumStorage, Quark, Quick Leaf Decay, RFTools, RFTools Control, RFTools Dimensions, RFToolsPower, RandomPatches, Ranged Pumps, Real Filing Cabinet, Reborn Core, RebornStorage, Redstone Arsenal, Redstone Flux, Refined Storage, Refined Storage Addons, Reliquary, Roots 2, Rustic, Sampling Performance Profiler, ShadowMC, Shadowfacts' Forgelin, ShetiPhian-Core, Shield Parrying, Simply Jetpacks 2, SlimyBoyos, SonarCore, Soul Shards - The Old Ways, SpongeForge, Steve's Carts 2, Storage Drawers, Storage Drawers Extras, TOP Addons, Tech Reborn, Terraqueous, Tesla Core Lib, Tesla Core Lib Registries, Thaumcrafft Inventory Scanning, Thaumcraft, The Betweenlands, The Lost Cities, The One Probe, The Twilight Forest, Thermal Cultivation, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation, Thermal Innovation, TickProfiler, Tinker I/O, Tinkers Tool Leveling, Tinkers' Construct, Tomb Many Graves, TombManyGraves2 API, Traverse, UniDict, Universal Modifiers, Unloader, Useful Nullifiers, Valkyrie Lib, Vulpes library, WAIM, WanionLib, Water Strainer, Waystones, Wireless Crafting Terminal 2, WirelessCharger, Wizardry, Wooden Shears, Woot, World Utils, WrapUp, XNet, Xtones, YNot, Zero CORE, asielib, careerbees, iChunUtil, p455w0rd's Library, projectred-compat

Expected behaviour
He should be able to play normally at least with the mod.

Log files
coming in a couple hours my friend had to go (sorry I know that they're important :/)


Other mods
Optifabric - 1.11.9
Optifine - pre24
Fabric API - 0.36.1


Screenshots (Optional)

Oh and I can join just fine with the exact same connecting ip.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

TT3g4n commented Jul 10, 2021

thank you but i don't think i can do that, another friend of mine doesn't have premium minecraft yet. Oh well. Thank you anyway :(

Brawaru commented Jul 11, 2021

Try setting network-compression-threshold to 0 in .

yebanme commented Jul 19, 2021

thank you but i don't think i can do that, another friend of mine doesn't have premium minecraft yet. Oh well. Thank you anyway :(

Have you found a suitable solution, because I also have this problem

TT3g4n commented Jul 19, 2021

Try setting network-compression-threshold to 0 in .

no its just the plugin. thanks anyway

buttowskii commented Sep 4, 2021

I also have this problem. Same mods, and I can't put it online=true :/

henkelmax commented Sep 4, 2021

We don't support pirating the game. There won't be a fix.

Brawaru commented Sep 5, 2021

Thing is, online-mode is a built-in feature that was not meant for pirating the game per se, but rather to be able to play Minecraft in offline conditions (like LAN parties). So while you might think you're supporting anti-piracy by WONT-FIXing this issue, you're take away the real world case. I remember also Bungeecord requires all the servers to be offline, does the plugin work there? More, pirates will simply overcome this issue by replacing Minecraft's authentication library.

So I don't see why you would be so reluctant to fix this bug. Piracy is not really your concern in this case: server is unpatched (well, asides from Paper/Spigot/Bukkit/etc patches) and in valid intended condition (it's configuration changed); neither you're affiliated with Mojang or Microsoft to care. You can't distinguish either — I am a licenced player, can download a server and set it to online-mode=false (for whatever purpose), then launch my legitimate copy of the game through official launcher and connect to that server, so am I pirate? Of course not. Won't get into polemics about morality of piracy, but there's that.

henkelmax commented Sep 5, 2021

Thing is, online-mode is a built-in feature that was not meant for pirating the game per se, but rather to be able to play Minecraft in offline conditions (like LAN parties).

LAN worlds don't work with the voice chat anyways.
If you are on a LAN party, you don't need the voice chat anyways.

I remember also Bungeecord requires all the servers to be offline, does the plugin work there? More, pirates will simply overcome this issue by replacing Minecraft's authentication library.

Bungeecord and velocity actually works with the voice chat.

Won't get into polemics about morality of piracy, but there's that.

You are quoting a tweet from 2012, by a person that is not at all associated to the game anymore.

Additionally the network traffic is not encrypted at all when using offline mode, meaning everyone can hijack your voice chat connection or hear what you are saying.

There is really no reason at all why we should support offline mode!

Brawaru commented Sep 5, 2021

If you are on a LAN party, you don't need the voice chat anyways.

Why? You can sit pretty much at different PCs, far from each other to hear — LAN parties aren't limited to sitting next to each other, it can be a mass event too.

Additionally the network traffic is not encrypted at all when using offline mode, meaning everyone can hijack your voice chat connection or hear what you are saying.

Nobody would need to hijack and fake someone's voice chat in a blocky game, unless it's some Hacking 101 class. Plus with going to offline-mode you're agreeing with that risk, you then get a prompt at each start of the server.

There is really no reason at all why we should support offline mode!

It's a valid server configuration, though? Your plugin doesn't need authentication (only UUIDs, I think, which offline mode supplies), there's only that bug that it tries to compress (or doesn't?) the packets when online-mode=false servers are uncompressed (they don't establish it per protocol).

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