Arizona sunshine можно ли играть без vr

Обновлено: 15.05.2024

Arizona Sunshine

Тема закрыта So this game looks interesting as hell but i am not to sure if you can play without the VR headset which i will get if u know u can play without it 7 дек. 2016 в 11:11

The game is designed from the ground up to be a VR experience

The game is designed from the ground up to be a VR experience

ah dam alright, guess i am gonna pass on this game then maybe when VR is cheaper ill get this 8 дек. 2016 в 9:16 Well well, Ball De Fluff. you hit it right on the nose. EXPENSIVE! The way I see it, and I’m certainly no genius, but if the game executives didn’t take into account that not everyone can afford the proper headset such as oculus. They should be fire on the spot, if I were to take the time to geek out and crunch numbers. I believe we could be looking at one hell of a monetary screw up. I will safely predict a loss of millions (going out on a limb 5mil) on the game sales, equipment, advertising and well of course the money paid to those guys who potentially volunteered to be fire and have to find a new day job. Just sayin..just my opinion. Well well, Ball De Fluff. you hit it right on the nose. EXPENSIVE! The way I see it, and I’m certainly no genius, but if the game executives didn’t take into account that not everyone can afford the proper headset such as oculus. They should be fire on the spot, if I were to take the time to geek out and crunch numbers. I believe we could be looking at one hell of a monetary screw up. I will safely predict a loss of millions (going out on a limb 5mil) on the game sales, equipment, advertising and well of course the money paid to those guys who potentially volunteered to be fire and have to find a new day job. Just sayin..just my opinion.
lol um i mean yea i agree this game looks insanely interesting woulda loved to play it :( 11 июл. 2017 в 19:16 Well well, Ball De Fluff. you hit it right on the nose. EXPENSIVE! The way I see it, and I’m certainly no genius, but if the game executives didn’t take into account that not everyone can afford the proper headset such as oculus. They should be fire on the spot, if I were to take the time to geek out and crunch numbers. I believe we could be looking at one hell of a monetary screw up. I will safely predict a loss of millions (going out on a limb 5mil) on the game sales, equipment, advertising and well of course the money paid to those guys who potentially volunteered to be fire and have to find a new day job. Just sayin..just my opinion.
This game is a blast. and i believe ur idea that if it was in nonvr format 5millions dollars would be made is ridic. 13 июл. 2017 в 10:31 the game is mediocare at best without the VR elements . so nobody would really be losing anything. because hardly anybody would have bought it to play in non Vr format. well except people without VR missing out on the experience. The main campaign can be burned through in about 90 minutes. the horde mode is fun in Vr but would get boring real fast in 2d. if youve never played REAL VR..with real positional tracking. Not the stupid phone garbage. theres no point in arguing about it because you just wont . "get it" 16 июл. 2017 в 23:48 Well well, Ball De Fluff. you hit it right on the nose. EXPENSIVE! The way I see it, and I’m certainly no genius, but if the game executives didn’t take into account that not everyone can afford the proper headset such as oculus. They should be fire on the spot, if I were to take the time to geek out and crunch numbers. I believe we could be looking at one hell of a monetary screw up. I will safely predict a loss of millions (going out on a limb 5mil) on the game sales, equipment, advertising and well of course the money paid to those guys who potentially volunteered to be fire and have to find a new day job. Just sayin..just my opinion. 17 июл. 2017 в 1:59
Get some games first before being such an entitled cnt. 17 июл. 2017 в 9:05
Get some games first before being such an entitled cnt.
I do not buy games just to say I have them. That is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid. 17 июл. 2017 в 22:18

The fact that this game is one of the ONLY games on VR worth a damn means it's going to make a sh*t ton of money. Yes, VR is expensive.. but everyone that buys VR will buy this game..

Also.. I agree with others above, this game would suck as a non-vr game. The entire point is that it's VR. everything from opening a car door is 100x more interesting in VR. In standard displays.. you'd hit E to open door. . and that's it

19 июл. 2017 в 4:49 So this game looks interesting as hell but i am not to sure if you can play without the VR headset which i will get if u know u can play without it I played this game in vr and it was nice but don't worry, it wouldn't be good on a monitor, it's kinda short and the only "interesting" thing is the vr "experience" it would be pretty boring on monitor, there are many other, better games of this type for monitor So this game looks interesting as hell but i am not to sure if you can play without the VR headset which i will get if u know u can play without it I played this game in vr and it was nice but don't worry, it wouldn't be good on a monitor, it's kinda short and the only "interesting" thing is the vr "experience" it would be pretty boring on monitor, there are many other, better games of this type for monitor
thank you i dunno i really like Zombie games they are fun and there are only a few handfull that i really enjoy like State of Decay, Dead Island ( i know everyone hates it but i like it), and Dying Light most of the others games are top down and boring i dunno this game really piqued my interest maybe if VR prices go down this will be the game i pick up with it, i personally feel like VR is a waste not many cool games on it 19 июл. 2017 в 18:30 I played this game in vr and it was nice but don't worry, it wouldn't be good on a monitor, it's kinda short and the only "interesting" thing is the vr "experience" it would be pretty boring on monitor, there are many other, better games of this type for monitor

thank you i dunno i really like Zombie games they are fun and there are only a few handfull that i really enjoy like State of Decay, Dead Island ( i know everyone hates it but i like it), and Dying Light most of the others games are top down and boring i dunno this game really piqued my interest maybe if VR prices go down this will be the game i pick up with it, i personally feel like VR is a waste not many cool games on it
Thats where you are wrong. there are alot of cool games. theres just also alot of garbage

AZ sunshine
dead effect 2 VR
Serious sam first and second encounter
Serious sam the last hope
Eleven assasins
Vanishing realms

Fall out 4 VR and doom VR coming out in the fall

these are just the ones I personally like and own. theres more than this but you have to hunt for them on steam

Arizona sunshine можно ли играть без vr

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Arizona sunshine можно ли играть без vr

«Наступают последние дни перед зомби-апокалипсисом! DLC «Dead Man» для Arizona Sunshine® отправляет вас на базу ракетных войск США, где вам предстоит возглавить отчаянную попытку остановить нашествие зомби.»

«В новой главе ВР-шутера про зомби Arizona Sunshine® главные события игры еще впереди. У вас приказ — перезапустить генераторы гигантской аризонской ГЭС. Установкам ядерных ракет нужна энергия, и это единственный шанс ее достать. Задание трудное — электростанцию наводнили сотни голодных мертвецов!»

«Дополните коллекцию Arizona Sunshine эксклюзивным обновлением. В него входит саундтрек Arizona Sunshine, набор обоев и комплект предметов на тему Arizona Sunshine для предстоящего кооперативного ВР-шутера After the Fall.»

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Arizona sunshine можно ли играть без vr

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