Another instance of the game is running war thunder что делать

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

что делать если высвечивается вот такая ошибка Another instance of the game is running когда я запускаю war thunder. Как я понял надо сделать 2 экземпляр игры. Но я не знаю как делать 2 экземпляр.

я перевел что нужен 2 экземпляр игры. Во вторых я очень много раз заходил в игру.

Владимир Головня Просветленный (27506) хреново ты перевел, там написано другой экземпляр игры уже запущен, суффикс ing указывает на то, что действие совершается сейчас, в текущий момент времени, в эту секунду то есть игра УЖЕ ЗАПУЩЕНА

Another instance of the game is running war thunder что делать

Ошибка Another instance of game already running

Иногда при запуске какой либо игры можно получить ошибку "Another instance of game already running". Часто, для устранение данной ошибки пользователи прибегают к проверенному традиционному способу, а именно, перезагрузке ПК. Однако ошибка устраняется весьма просто.

Стоит зайти в Диспетчер задач (Ctrl+ Alt+ Delet) и в списке процессов найти процесс игры и завершить его. Теперь можно вновь запускать игру и ошибка не возникнет.

Another instance of the game is running war thunder что делать

War Thunder

Тема закрыта 8 окт в 22:14 reinstalled and was instantly reminded why i uninstalled repair costs, why the ever living ♥♥♥♥ am i being punished for playing the game nah you being punished for dying that's how death should work, it shouldn't be a good thing.

Getting killed itself is already the punishment and also not being able to respawn, if you´re out of spawn points or vehicles.

Repair costs are just a kick in the teeth to get your ingame currency for no reason.

8 окт в 22:28 nah you being punished for dying that's how death should work, it shouldn't be a good thing. 8 окт в 22:33

That's not it at all, red.
It's intended to discourage people who don't freely give money to Gaijin, from playing the good planes.
You know, instead of balancing the game.

But yeah, this is a virtual currency management game. Where you play, and then wait 2 entire weeks to play that plane again, just to get TK'ed before taking off the runway, and waiting another 2 weeks because that comes out of your pocket.

8 окт в 22:37 Yeah I agree,
Should just pay a once off for the game and have access to all. It's BS. 8 окт в 22:47 so death is a good thing and should be encouraged got it 8 окт в 22:52 Yeah I agree,
Should just pay a once off for the game and have access to all. It's BS.

right cause that would work really well for a game that wants to stay running for several years instead of making a new game every year.

F2P is the only reason we don't see a new WT every year like we do CoD.
F2P allows for a stead income so they can continually update the same game.

8 окт в 22:58 That's not it at all, red.
It's intended to discourage people who don't freely give money to Gaijin, from playing the good planes.
You know, instead of balancing the game.

War Thunder is an F2P. You have to expect Gaijin is going to do typical F2P things. If you know someone who is a habitual thief, is it a surprise or a shock when they steal again?

8 окт в 22:59 Yeah I agree,
Should just pay a once off for the game and have access to all. It's BS.

right cause that would work really well for a game that wants to stay running for several years instead of making a new game every year.

F2P is the only reason we don't see a new WT every year like we do CoD.
F2P allows for a stead income so they can continually update the same game. hey numb nuts, im ok with repair costs, they are just too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ high, if i die without getting a kill i am heavily discouraged from respawning because i know im already at a net loss

8 окт в 23:18

right cause that would work really well for a game that wants to stay running for several years instead of making a new game every year.

F2P is the only reason we don't see a new WT every year like we do CoD.
F2P allows for a stead income so they can continually update the same game.

hey numb nuts, im ok with repair costs, they are just too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ high, if i die without getting a kill i am heavily discouraged from respawning because i know im already at a net loss yes but how often do you die.
since you don't pay repair cost after every match but after every death.
in the long run dying every 2-3 matches is still profit, so long as you actually being useful and not just camping.
now I will admit there is a limit at which making any profit by playing normally is almost impossible.
for instance the Sagittario II. 33k stock and 44k spaded.
to profit you gotta run to airfield and leave match if things look like they going to end badly to save getting killed.
I don't do this. I make about 20k/game (before repair cost), more if the match is going well and I can kill plenty of ground targets. I tend to die every other match and mostly break even.
so yeah if I were to be a scum bag and leave my team to die I'd save paying repair cost.

this is why I think even the best vehicles shouldn't see repair beyond 20k maybe 25k.

repair cost is there to limit the suffering for those that just hold W till they die.
which is how bots act and is what the repair cost is there for making bot accounts bleed them selves dry and not progress in the game.

8 окт в 23:37 hey numb nuts, im ok with repair costs, they are just too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ high, if i die without getting a kill i am heavily discouraged from respawning because i know im already at a net loss

yes but how often do you die.
since you don't pay repair cost after every match but after every death.
in the long run dying every 2-3 matches is still profit, so long as you actually being useful and not just camping.
now I will admit there is a limit at which making any profit by playing normally is almost impossible.
for instance the Sagittario II. 33k stock and 44k spaded.
to profit you gotta run to airfield and leave match if things look like they going to end badly to save getting killed.
I don't do this. I make about 20k/game (before repair cost), more if the match is going well and I can kill plenty of ground targets. I tend to die every other match and mostly break even.
so yeah if I were to be a scum bag and leave my team to die I'd save paying repair cost.

this is why I think even the best vehicles shouldn't see repair beyond 20k maybe 25k.

repair cost is there to limit the suffering for those that just hold W till they die.
which is how bots act and is what the repair cost is there for making bot accounts bleed them selves dry and not progress in the game. regardless. it's a dumb mechanic, imagine any other Multiplayer game that actively punishes people for playing besides Warthunder and World of Tanks, they would be met with a dead game instantly. They only get away with it because there is no competition. imagine having to pay credits every time you die in battlefield or cod, it's stupid. people have just grown to accept it as normal

8 окт в 23:40

yes but how often do you die.
since you don't pay repair cost after every match but after every death.
in the long run dying every 2-3 matches is still profit, so long as you actually being useful and not just camping.
now I will admit there is a limit at which making any profit by playing normally is almost impossible.
for instance the Sagittario II. 33k stock and 44k spaded.
to profit you gotta run to airfield and leave match if things look like they going to end badly to save getting killed.
I don't do this. I make about 20k/game (before repair cost), more if the match is going well and I can kill plenty of ground targets. I tend to die every other match and mostly break even.
so yeah if I were to be a scum bag and leave my team to die I'd save paying repair cost.

this is why I think even the best vehicles shouldn't see repair beyond 20k maybe 25k.

repair cost is there to limit the suffering for those that just hold W till they die.
which is how bots act and is what the repair cost is there for making bot accounts bleed them selves dry and not progress in the game.

Another instance of the game is running war thunder что делать

Hell Let Loose

7 мар в 8:11

Cannot play games says "Another instance of game is already running"

As the title mentions - whenver i try to launch the game it says error another instance of game is already running. I have already tried to close any process that resembles this game and it is nowhere to be found! Any help?

Try ending Steam in task manager and then re-opening Steam. Then reboot the PC and try again. According to Discord its a Boostrapper client issue that likes to duplicate itself.

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