Allocated memory 100 как исправить minecraft

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

so. i followed some instructions to stop minecraft from freezing every few minutes for a minute or so. one by allocating more memory. worked great. till now im stuck at 981mb 100% allocated memory (and used memory is at the same, just not at 100%).
tried changing everything back, but nothing I do changes the allocated memory anymore, like its permanently stuck. and always stuck at 100%.
windows 7 64bit. 8gb ram. nvdia graphics. java 6 (was running java 7 previously, but rolled it back to remove some settings)
so yeah. random minecraft freezing, and allocated memory is stuck at 100%.

Minecraft использует не всю память, которую я ему выделил.

Я выделил Java и Minecraft 2GB А он использует не выше 21%. Помогите, из за этого 4 FPS максимум.

Нет, это работает не так. Он использует столько памяти, сколько ему нужно, он не будет занимать сразу все 2 ГБ оперативки.
Как бы объяснить-то. В общем, допустим за 5 минут игры он у тебя максимум использовал 700 мб оперативки, тогда параметр Allocated memory повышается до этой цифры и minecraft забирает у компа эти 700 мб, чтобы не жрать сразу все 2 гига. Если будет скачок до 800 мб, то Allocated memory будет 800 мб и minecraft уже будет использовать 800 мб и будет их использовать только для себя, не отдавая другим приложениям, остальные же 1200 мб остаются пока свободными, но если ему они понадобятся, то он их возьмет.
Кароч, лагает у тебя не из-за этого, памяти ему хватает, тут, возможно, процессор не тянет, особенно если играешь с индустриальными модами и у тебя там огромный индустриальный завод. Попробуй понизить настройки графики, сглаживание убери, потому что оно жрет много видеокарты. Можешь попробовать поиграть на другой сборке, может эта кривая или попробовать java обновить.

[GUIDE] 100% Memory & lag spikes fixed

Hey, do you guys have a problem with your in game memory filling up?
Here is how you can fix that:
1. Open your Minecraft Launcher
2. Click Edit Profile
3. Go Down to JVM Arguments
4. Type/Copy in this code:
This one is if you want 2GB Of RAM allocated to Minecraft.

-Xmx2G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M

OR If you want only 1 GB Of RAM allocated to Minecraft use this:

-Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M


Now your memory will be just juping from 150MB-250MB
I tried and it works with Optifine and whithout it And if you guys dont understand I can make a video about it..

Minecraft Forums

So this morning I loaded up my work-in-progress Skylands map but then something deeply troubling happened. The allocated memory quickly went up to about 70% and when I moved around a little it reached 100%. I don't remember this happening at all until yesterday when I added a dungeon with a bunch of mob spawners. Also there are still several areas with a flat bottom at Y=64 that I haven't fixed causing lighting glitches. I am convinced that one of those two things is causing this issue, but no matter what is causing it, having to constantly monitor the memory usage and worrying about your game eventually running out of memory would really suck the fun out of the Minecraft experience. I have 1 GB of RAM allocated to Minecraft. Can anyone help me figure this out?

UPDATE 11/9: I found out that this has something to do with the initial large increase in the allocated memory when loading the world. Going to the Nether and back actually lowered the allocated memory amount, so it is definitely something while loading the map.

UPDATE 12/6: I loaded another world of mine first before going on my map, and the allocated memory on the latter never got higher than 37% (384 MB).

UPDATE 12/17: I actually saw the allocated memory at 98% for a second before it hit 100%, which tells me that it is a runaway increase instead of a sudden jump.

UPDATE 1/13/18: I was just on my map and the allocated memory shot up from 35% to 82% in 1 second a little bit after I started digging around in the creative inventory. So I think that has something to do with it.

UPDATE 2/8/18: I have figured out that it has to do with the bed item models (which are in the Decorations tab of the creative menu). Ignore all my other speculation on the cause.


Minecraft can reach 1GB ram easily, especially on large words. Try getting 2GB ram.

What is a word in this case?

UPDATE: I removed the dungeon I mentioned in the OP from the map and now I am no longer having this problem when loading it.

UPDATE 2: It happened again in another floating dungeon in my map. I think this is mob spawner related because it ALWAYS happens with the floating dungeons in my map.

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UPDATE 2: It happened again in another floating dungeon in my map. I think this is mob spawner related because it ALWAYS happens with the floating dungeons in my map.

Okay, this just happened again while I was on my map and I didn't even go near one of the floating dungeons. I am worried that some people might think my map will be dead on arrival because of this.

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Okay, this just happened again while I was on my map and I didn't even go near one of the floating dungeons. I am worried that some people might think my map will be dead on arrival because of this.

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Okay, this just happened again while I was on my map and I didn't even go near one of the floating dungeons. I am worried that some people might think my map will be dead on arrival because of this.

As zvikorn said, allocate more memory to the game.
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Minecraft can reach 1GB ram easily, especially on large words. Try getting 2GB ram.

World size has no effect on memory usage; I have a world which would require over 6 GB of RAM (nearly twice the amount my computer has in total; 3.2 GB usable out of 4 GB on a 32 bit OS) if it were all loaded at once but the game only uses 200-300 MB out of 512 MB allocated, which is not even fully used either - because only chunks within render distance are loaded (plus the spawn chunks). Age also has no effect; I've spent thousands of hours in the world and even the 500+ tile entities at my main base (in the spawn chunks, so they are always loaded), including chests with millions of resources, have not been an issue.

That aside, a sudden increase in memory usage may point to world corruption; even when I've played around with Superflat presets and created a world made out of mob spawners, the game only lagged severely without maxing out 1 GB of RAM. Of course, mods may change things and it sounds like you are playing modded since vanilla dungeons certainly would not cause any problems (and even here it is because many mods and/or Forge are badly coded; despite all the new features vanilla memory usage has never been increased since early release if not earlier, Mojang sets it to 1 GB for a good reason as too much can slow down performance - and that test was done starting at 512 MB, which already showed a decrease when increased to 1 GB).

Also, what is your render distance, which does play a large role in memory usage since it affects how many chunks are loaded at once. Though vanilla limits it to 16 unless you allocate more than 1 GB so it shouldn't be an issue - unless Optifine still lets you bypass this limit.

TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?

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