7 days to die тигель где найти

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

13 дек. 2019 в 8:38

Bad game design mostly.

Pimps are having a hard time balancing time (killing) based progression with random (loot) progression. because you can’t. No one can. They are diametrically opposed ways of advancing.

I saw the change in the latest Alpha build and would have been more annoyed at the arbitrary back if I had not been so inured yo them after the various Alphas.

Still a fun game for sure and I have definitely gotten my money’s worth for sure.

I can still be frustrated and whine about the non-planning from TFPs development style.

Note that I call killing zombies a time-based progression because there’s little skill involved here. Nothing like you see in games were skills is essential to advancement, such as when there are difficult boss/enemies that you must learn to beat to advance. And it’s fine if 7D2D doesn’t have that of course, just to clarify. But that would be ‘skill’ based progression vs. just time.

13 дек. 2019 в 10:51 Crucibles are hard to find I have been to 4 traders daily and no crucible every book shop tool shop I see is raided and I am now lvl 35 and no crucible. So RasaNova your wrong 13 дек. 2019 в 12:07

hard to find? you should have been around when calipers were needed for making any ammo better than iron arrowheads and they were only found in RNG loot and nowhere else, lol.(no traders and no perk system back then)

Scarcity now is a joke. You just check traders every 3 days and explore+loot a lot and if you have supremely bad luck, you can just spend perks to craft it yourself.

For example, just doing trader quests I easily scored all the beakers to make chem stations before i even unlocked crafting it. In both my A18 games. They gave multiple ways to get key stuff, with perks as a fallback.

13 дек. 2019 в 12:34

Personally, I'd like to see them advance a concept they already added in A18. Right now, when you loot a "destroyed" workbench or chem station or forge, you have a chance of finding a schematic for that particular piece of machinery. Why not also put in a small chance of finding one of the upgrades as well? Would be nice to occasionally find a crucible or anvil in a broken forge.

For that matter, when you find a working one, there should be a chance that one of the upgrades is already slotted in and you can steal that.

13 дек. 2019 в 17:37

I disagree about the Traders easily having crucibles and that checking them is a viable mechanic.

For starters, I have had many games without a single crucible for a long time.

Second, having to constantly go to different traders to find a Crucible is a super annoying grind.

14 дек. 2019 в 3:50 I am now lvl 41 found 4 traders that I do mission for daily and trade with searched every book tool store I have seen still no crucible to get it by perks is so many point away at lvl 5 engineering when all the other perks are dependent on steel. Steel is the base for progression for most of the other perks in making better weapons, bikes, tools, Its great if you are lucky and find it early but poor design for the not so lucky plebs. My advice to you and me to by pass this moronic design fault is invest in barter and hope the trader offers one up in his bonus deals. This is first time I have played since the new patch and I think it may be the last for a while as with the poor perk design they also screwed up the already screwed up graphics, You go there pimps 14 дек. 2019 в 4:21 Crucibles are hard to find I have been to 4 traders daily and no crucible every book shop tool shop I see is raided and I am now lvl 35 and no crucible. So RasaNova your wrong

I would argue that in the 4 A18 games I've played so far I've had a crucible by the time I needed one without ever putting a point in the skill, so no I am not wrong.

But yeah I know the RNG can be fickle. It sounds like you hit some bad luck, which I'll agree can be frustrating. I don't know how you play, and don't want to make assumptions. But at traders always make sure to check the secret inventory, every 3 days as needed. Loot gas station and tool crates. Clear out schools, stores, and the large churches for books and schematics.

And yes, as a last resort invest in the skill. Although I believe lucky looter and better barter are much better investments of your skill points, they'll increase the odds of getting a crucible and help in SO many other ways as well..

(Заблокирован) 14 дек. 2019 в 9:39 Crucibles are hard to find I have been to 4 traders daily and no crucible every book shop tool shop I see is raided and I am now lvl 35 and no crucible. So RasaNova your wrong

I would argue that in the 4 A18 games I've played so far I've had a crucible by the time I needed one without ever putting a point in the skill, so no I am not wrong.

But yeah I know the RNG can be fickle. It sounds like you hit some bad luck, which I'll agree can be frustrating. I don't know how you play, and don't want to make assumptions. But at traders always make sure to check the secret inventory, every 3 days as needed. Loot gas station and tool crates. Clear out schools, stores, and the large churches for books and schematics.

And yes, as a last resort invest in the skill. Although I believe lucky looter and better barter are much better investments of your skill points, they'll increase the odds of getting a crucible and help in SO many other ways as well.. Totally agree. Last game, I hit BB 4, and bought three crucibles. (two at the same time from the same trader!). I didn't find the schematic until day 84.

This game, we found a schematic on day 6. We're on day 30ish, and still haven't found any headlamp mods. RNG is crazy sometimes.

In the game with me, my wife and my son, my wife is the looter at LL 5. She found me a lvl 6 baseball bat on day 18. It's day 20 now, and we're still wrenching lights for steel. No crucible in sight yet.

This game doesn't revolve around the crucible, OP. If you can't find one or buy one, wrench things for steel, or buy steel. Adapt. If every play through was the same, then why bother playing more than once?

7 days to die тигель где найти

7 Days To Die

Дмитрий Фатеев

Дмитрий Фатеев запись закреплена

Всем привет ,подскажите где в 19 альфе можно найти тигель ?

Ильнар Тухватуллин

Денис Малаховский

Антон, у торгаша тоже надо перк прокачивать, что бы он появился

Денис Малаховский

Да ни где ты не найдёшь пока не качнешь, это уж очень повезти должно

Miron Mironov

я всегда покупал у торговцев. хотя. ближе к концу игры при уровне 200+ и в луте находил(но мне тогда уже и не надо было. )

Антон Домашевський

Рецепт не разу не находил у торговца пару раз покупал, а в основном просто качал перк

Ulf Hednar

Ulf Hednar

Где найти тигель в игре 7 days to die?

А ты его и не найдешь. Он либо крафтится, либо покупается у торговца, за большие деньги.

Rattag Просветленный (27665) Иванус Крахмалус, Шанс найти этот тигель - крайне низкий. Больше зависит от удачи, ибо можно найти его сразу в мусорном баке, а можно и за 300 дней не найти (как один парень у нас на сервере. За 72 игровых дней, так и не нашел тигель). Так что его действительно проще купить или скрафтить, ежели надеяться на удачу.

Сколько играю так и не попался. по видосам в строительных магазинах. ща пойду искать)

7 days to die тигель где найти

31 окт. 2019 в 21:40

I've looked everywhere I can think of, meaning traders and working stiffs, and havent found one in 20 hours so far

am i going to have to invest the perk points for this one?

31 окт. 2019 в 21:43 31 окт. 2019 в 21:56

thats alright then

day 21 atm, half hour before the horde and was beginning to think about trying to upgrade to steel

just need the crucible now

is working stiffs and crack a books and such the best places to be looking?

31 окт. 2019 в 22:01 I would say yes, that working stiff and crack a book are probably your best bet. I actually found a crucible in my last game, so I got lucky. 31 окт. 2019 в 22:29 I found one very early on in an iron reinforced chest, day 50 of 90 min days and have yet to find another. You can also find them in the red tool boxes apparently. 31 окт. 2019 в 23:23 1 ноя. 2019 в 0:35

Yeah I've been looking for a crucible schematic for some time now and it looks like I'm not the only one. I'm past day 28 and I still haven't found it. It's the last thing I need for the forge.

Looks like I'll have to keep searching hard then.

1 ноя. 2019 в 2:10 You could also try crack-a-book and other places with lots of bookshelves. 1 ноя. 2019 в 3:05 Traders and mailboxes are best choice for the recipe, working stiff crates are best option for item. Sometimes trader sells crucible, make sure you visit every time he restocks. So far I have probably found recipe 10 times in a mailbox, 0 times in bookshelf or crack a book crate but that's rwg it doesn't mean anything. I think I found 1 crucible in a car, can't really remember. 1 ноя. 2019 в 3:29

I play permadeath and I found one somewhere just can't remember for the life of me where
Probably was a mailbox or something

guess I'm hitting up diersville after this horde night

1 ноя. 2019 в 5:59

Anywhere a recipe can drop you can find the crucible schematic. The odds of finding one specific schematic are very low.

You can always level up your int and unlock it without needing the recipe as well.

1 ноя. 2019 в 6:15

Anywhere a recipe can drop you can find the crucible schematic. The odds of finding one specific schematic are very low.

You can always level up your int and unlock it without needing the recipe as well.

I was going to, its at 8 for the 4x4, but I found the other workstation schematics early on so itd be a waste of points to do it now

I still need to level up farming to cook proper meals since Ive found about 20 eggs in as many hours of playing this time around

1 ноя. 2019 в 6:39

Anywhere a recipe can drop you can find the crucible schematic. The odds of finding one specific schematic are very low.

You can always level up your int and unlock it without needing the recipe as well.

I was going to, its at 8 for the 4x4, but I found the other workstation schematics early on so itd be a waste of points to do it now

I still need to level up farming to cook proper meals since Ive found about 20 eggs in as many hours of playing this time around
Can also buy it, craft it, and always use a forget elixer to respec your points later. Once its been crafted don't need to keep the perk to make it again.

1 ноя. 2019 в 6:43

I was going to, its at 8 for the 4x4, but I found the other workstation schematics early on so itd be a waste of points to do it now

I still need to level up farming to cook proper meals since Ive found about 20 eggs in as many hours of playing this time around

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