7 days to die index out of range exception что делать

Обновлено: 20.05.2024

3 апр. 2015 в 2:38 IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range --- console keeps spamming

Hi, im having trouble with the console, whenever i start my saved game, it pops up and keeps spamming me with:

''IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range''

And so, i cant move or shut the console down, as each time it keeps reopening it to display the error.

A little backstory; before it became full spamfest, i did it it a few times before (5 mins) and it also had trouble loading the map (it would simply not load them and leave great empty nothings)

and each time i reached a ''negative zone'' i reloaded the game, to jump start it - it worked, a few times until the bug.

It doesnt do it on any other save.

Things ive tried so far, but havent yielded any results:

I understand that with the release of Alpha 11, new solutions might be needed; it seemed that the fix from the post should have done it, but right now it doesnt. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[Bug] Cobble frame ramps or index out of range exception array index

Came across this yesterday , when you try and fill the ramp with cobble it creates a error, index out of range exception array index is out of range. It opens the console and spams this as red text. You cant close it, or move will next to alt + f4 and when you log back it will keep going. if you have other players on and they look or try to pickaxe it in attempt destroy it they will also get the error and be in the same boat as you.

If you are on server then get someone to do the barrel trick to destroy the object , and then log back in when its destroyed.

Enjoy getting back to building and looking over ones shoulder for incoming dawgs packs.

Darkness Falls Error "IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the Array."

So me and a group of friends are running a Darkness Falls dedicated server and we immediately in counted a problem with it. Not every time but a lot of times you can not loot your back pack you will get an error saying :

IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the Array.

I know it means we are trying to pick like the 7th beer out of the 6-pack type of deal. but I can not for the love of God find a config with anything to increase the array size or anything.

What I have tried:

I can not replicate the error in a single game session so it has to do with the dedicated server itself.

Constant NullReferenceException Error

Background: Multiplayer server, random gen. 4-5 players connected all at once. The server is hosted on my computer. Issue happens randomly, or at the end of a 7 day horde.

This error is similar to the common one off null pointer exceptions, except a simple reboot does not solve the issue. The error is endlessly spamming the console with "NullReferenceExceptionError" to everyone that is connected to my server, including myself. What is causing this to occur?

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