7 days to die glcore что это

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

Исправлений не очень много, но со слов разработчиков они критичные.

Внимание! Разработчики заявляют что с этим патчем будут работать только сохранения, сделанные в стабильной версии игры Alpha 16.0. То есть сохранения от экспериментальных версий могут не запуститься.


- Все ящики для хранения лута будут выглядеть более потертыми;
- Добавлен лог ошибок, которые появляются при создании персонажа.


- NRE (NullReferenceException) ошибка при подхватывает не подключенных соединений;
- Значение DayNightLength установленное по умолчанию на 60, заставляет сервер перейти в режим modded;
- Стервятник игнорировали защиту первого дня (П/П: по задумке в течении первого дня вы не должны встречать противников);
- Вода под шахтами в NG мире.

Известные проблемы

Экранная клавиатура доступна только в том случае, если вы запускаете игру из режима большого изображения Steam;
Запах не работает с новым стелсом, это будет пересмотрено в А17;
Не решенные проблемы с волками;
Спавнится слишком много ящиков в аирдропе и в подземельях;
Бросание камней не отвлекает зомби;
Поддержка GlobalUV запрещает анизотропную фильтрацию, и ее необходимо вычислять в шейдере;
Мокрый бетон иногда не застывает;
Проблемы со спавном спящих зомби;
Есть проблема с зависаниями при создании персонажа, но не помешало бы получить больше информации об этом;
Из-за проблемы с утечками памяти, пожалуйста, попробуйте уменьшить качество текстур, чтобы уменьшить использование ОЗУ или попробовать GLCore renderer в качестве параметра запуска;
Сбор урожая всего кроме юкки и хмеля, влияет на производительность (П/П: как минимум просадки FPS до 5 кадров при стабильных 60 в остальных случаях);
Зомби меняют направление скользя по земле, прежде чем встать;
Стервятники иногда падают сквозь текстуры, когда его убиваются игроком высоко в воздухе;
Осадки и холодная температура, проходят через окна, стеклянные блоки, двери и люки;
В трупах по прежнему иногда возможен дюп;
Чрезмерное использование прижимных пластин может привести к отставанию серверов во время орды;
Рецепты не обновляются в живую;
Медведи могут не атаковать должным образом на склонах;
Бегающие зомби иногда летают после использования лестницы.

7 days to die glcore что это

4 ноя. 2016 в 10:11

been trying to find info on the GL core renderer as well as a fix for 7dtd crashing on me, there seems to be no solid easy to read info on the renderer..

i have an AMD Phenom2 quad core with an AMD radeon 6650M Gpu and i have 8 Gb ram. i am running windows7 64 bit with DX11. i ran A14 with zero errors, and when i upgraded to the A15 stable version my game started crashing, generally just to desktop. ive already lowered settings to minimum. and even run in 32 bit mode. i also tryed the GL core renderer, but game loads a black screen with it. at this point im about to switch back to A14 if i can. but i like the new stuff added in A15. and yes i know i should probably get a new comp.. but i DONT want windows 10 and its PLETHURA of spyware software that cant be shut off

as a side note i have double checked ALL of my drivers and they are as up to date as possible, like i said A14 ran smoothly with no crashing, A15 crashes randomly. im hoping its not a gpu heat issue due to some of the new textures and new UMA zombies.

4 ноя. 2016 в 12:41

Wont help to fix your crash but GLcore renderer gives me around 10 to 20 more FPS (Radeon 480 RX)

To check about GPU overheating, you can use plenty of prog, HWmonitor, OCCT, MSI afterburner. AMD hardware tends to go heavy (sometimes too much. ) on temp.

7 days to die glcore что это

7 Days to Die

13 фев. 2019 в 10:07

Change directx11 to GL core or Vulkan (even not full support) , ahve some boost fps?

Any already try anyone of this renders or Api´s and noted a minor boost on fps?

13 фев. 2019 в 10:28

The best option is "probably" forcing directX10 instead of 11. That actually helps in quite a few games. Haven't tried this in A17.2 though to be honest. I have tried using the other render's in some other games however and, I was NOT impressed with the outcome. But, I guess that's just a personal opinion.

7 days to die glcore что это

6 авг. 2017 в 15:29

I wonder if I can get some tips/advice from the commuity.

Now on my desktop Use GL Renderer seems to help alot, using an i54670k @4.4 and a gtx 1070.
But when we try and use the GL renderer on the laptop we get a weird blackout like effect. I have read that the renderer can improve the games appearance and fps, but it just seems to screw it up for the laptop. Is there a fix out there for this?
Any useful tips anyone wants to share, perhaps from someone using a similar laptop?

7 авг. 2017 в 5:15

Bump. I tried to disable the integrated GPU through device manager because I thought perhaps the game was auto-selecting it instead of the 950m. So I thought if I disable the i-GPU it would force the game to select what was left; the 950m. But this appeared to disable my Nvidia card instead because the resolution degraded a little and Nvidia control panel didnt work anymore saying it could not find a connected nvidia card. yes, I disabled the correct device from device manager, but cannot explain the result.
I tried to play the game anyway, which just resulted in my CPU going 100% and crashing lol. So turned i-GPU back on.
Any ideas? Anyone tried to do the same? Is there a way to force 7D2D to choose the 950m?

Tbh I dont know whether the game is using the 950m or not. On my tool bar I can see which programs are using the 950m, and it does say that 7D2D is using it. MSI afterburner also says GPU 1 (which should be the 950m) is being utilised. So I dont know.

Any help is most welcome.

7 авг. 2017 в 5:46 I've used the GL Core rendered by default since a15, but after alpha 16.1 I noticed the "blackout" effect you mentioned. and after some setting changed I had to disable it and everything works fine. the game looks great without the rendered, change the texture quality to full, remove reflections and shadows. this works well for me ^^ 7 авг. 2017 в 6:25

Thanks for the reply.
I think I am having an issue with the game not using the Nvidia GPU. Apparently some games can't work with hybrid video setups; i.e. a Nvidia GPU is connected to the monitor via the i-GPU, so the game doesnt find the 950m and only sees the i-GPU. Cant seem to get the laptop to only use the 950m and I cant disable the -gpu either.

EDIT: the gtx950m is def being utilised. Not an issue. But what I dont understand is why using GL: Core renderer halves my frame rate. Dont get the black screen now (reinstalled drivers) but the FPS is halves.

5 мар. 2018 в 5:58 I am getting a problem where 7Days will not run using my Nvidia GPU at all. I click the .exe to start the game and it crashes on start up, but when I set to run the intel GPU it runs fine..But why can I not use my Nvidia with it? 5 мар. 2018 в 6:01 I am getting a problem where 7Days will not run using my Nvidia GPU at all. I click the .exe to start the game and it crashes on start up, but when I set to run the intel GPU it runs fine..But why can I not use my Nvidia with it? See if there are any driver updates available for the nvidia gpu 5 мар. 2018 в 6:59

Bump. I tried to disable the integrated GPU through device manager because I thought perhaps the game was auto-selecting it instead of the 950m. So I thought if I disable the i-GPU it would force the game to select what was left; the 950m. But this appeared to disable my Nvidia card instead because the resolution degraded a little and Nvidia control panel didnt work anymore saying it could not find a connected nvidia card. yes, I disabled the correct device from device manager, but cannot explain the result.
I tried to play the game anyway, which just resulted in my CPU going 100% and crashing lol. So turned i-GPU back on.
Any ideas? Anyone tried to do the same? Is there a way to force 7D2D to choose the 950m?

Tbh I dont know whether the game is using the 950m or not. On my tool bar I can see which programs are using the 950m, and it does say that 7D2D is using it. MSI afterburner also says GPU 1 (which should be the 950m) is being utilised. So I dont know.

Any help is most welcome.

Can't you choose the graphics adapter from the nvidia controll panel for each program ? On my laptop wich is pretty old btw (not playin on it anymore), i go to 3d settings and there's global or general tab for all programs and a tab where it lists all programs found on the PC. If 7 days isn't listed you can add it manually. And on the right hand side, there's an option to select the graphics adapter

5 мар. 2018 в 8:38

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