5zig reborn что это

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

RoccoDev released this May 6, 2020

This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature. This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.

RoccoDev released this Mar 8, 2020

This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature. This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.

RoccoDev released this Aug 9, 2019

This is NOT a 5zig Reborn release.

This is just a mirror for the old 5zig 3.12.5 version.
A 1.13.2 release will be available soon.

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5zig Reborn allows Tier 2 Patreons to upload their own custom capes and elytra styles which can even be animated!

Animated capes and elytras use the same format as animated textures in Resource packs do, which is having each “frame” as another part below the previous one.
The animation is at a speed set by the mod.

What is this?

This is the 5zig Mod you know and love, but with updates and addted functionality after the original author 5zig ended support for it.

Are you 5zig?

We are a group of developers working on this as a hobby project.
If you want to contact the original author, do so on Twitter.

Can I get my Cape back?

No, or at least not yet.
If you had a cape in the old 5zig Mod will you unfortunately not get one for free in 5zig Reborn.

Latest Build (Recommended)

Those are the latest build-files of the 5zig Mod.
They contain the latest features and fixes, but may also contain bugs.

How do I get a cape?

By donating.
You currently can donate using Patreon and after you pledged can you login to the Panel (In the mod go to The 5zig Mod > Chat ) and connect your Patreon account. Afterwards can you get your cape.

Will I lose my cape when I stop pledging?

No. After you first donation passed successfully will you keep the cape-feature.
(We would still appreciate if you stay a Patreon tho…)

When will you support Version X?

We don’t know.
5zig Reborn is a Hobby Project maintained by people in their spare, free time, so it’s not sure when a new version can be supported.
Additionally will we need to wait for external sources (Fabric) to be updated too in order to support the new version.

Latest stable Release

These releases are handpicked and considered to be the most stable when a milestone was reached.
However, you should use the latest build instead.


Guides on how you can install the mod can be found in the Guides section of this website!

Is the Mod Open-Source?

Yes it is!
Source code can be found on GitHub and is licensed under the GPLv3 License.

Does 5zig Reborn boost FPS?

No. 5zig Reborn does not improve FPS in any shape or form. It only provides customizable HUDs, capes and an online friend and chat system.

If you want to improve your FPS do we recommend using Mods such as Optifine (Forge) or Sodium (Fabric). These mods should be compatible with 5zig Reborn.

5zig [1.13.2] [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2] [1.9.4] [1.8.9] [1.7.10]

Мод с кучей полезный опций для упрощения жизни в ПвП.

Чистый и современный.

Я сосредоточился на создании очень чистого и современного дизайна для этой модификации. Его простой графический интерфейс может отображать много статистики потрясающим способом.

Мод 5zig был сделан чрезвычайно регулируемым практически любым способом. Измените расположение статистики, которая должна отображаться, и переключайте почти все функции в моде.

Есть множество совершенно новых функций и идей, которые были реализованы, чтобы сделать этот мод уникальным. См. Пользовательский серверный API, Координаты-Буфер обмена и многие другие функции на вкладке функций.

Добавь друзей и будь на связи с ними. Благодаря простому графическому интерфейсу чата, мод 5zig позволяет общаться с друзьями в режиме реального времени.

активы / the5zigmod / звуки / чат /

.minecraft / библиотеки / ес / the5zig / The5zigMod / 1.8.4_3.0 / The5zigMod-1.8.4_3.0.jar / активы / the5zigmod / звуки / чат /

Видео на английском:


The 5zig-Team decided to drop Forge-Support with the release of Minecraft 1.16 and instead only provide the mod as a Fabric solution.
You can find development builds of the 1.16 version for Fabric on the deployment repository’s 1.16 branch.

There is no ETA for a complete 1.16 release nor any ETA for a 1.17 development build.

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