Yorna прохождение загадок

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Itch already has the last public version uploaded. The full EX version is for shops only.

Game crashes a lot on android

It should be in the same zone where you meet Gabby for the first time. All parts of the blade are in puzzle zones.

how do you get to second floor of barons mansion

Just complete the first step of the quest by getting the maid dress from the shop and talk with the reception girl.

just to expand on "CorruptedHeartOfSin" comment could we get a guide / walkthrough. im having a tonne of trouble solving the tile puzzle in the earth essence region

literially just solved it. google brought back numerous results. i totally forgot about the reset switch at some point also (thinking i had already hit it)

also is there a way to reduce your slutness lvl or not?

so. the geomancers cache. beheind the vines. how the hell do you get the damn thing. the ones in the nymph foresst.

By using the flying crystals. After getting the right combination you will hear a sound cue.

this is by far one of my favourite nsfw rpgs, it would be great if there was a sequel of some sort but it doesnt really matter

i want to ask, why when i want to save this error always occurs. Thank you

Skip it then. Most puzzles are completely optional.

-70% yuri H scenes I would say.

I already beat leary. Is there any way I can still get the slutty scene

All bosses award heart-shaped items. Using it in the inventory will unlock all H scenes with the boss.

So I completed the game BUT one question, how do I unlock the Mansion Duo scene?

Thanks for the advice

Wjy dows it say forbidden after downloading for a while

Btw i run on and android. 8 device so idk if it works for my phone please tell me how to properly run this game cuz the game really looks amazing and full of passion

Try using a apk installer, it has helped me

There are plenty of safe spaces to stand.

till you get to the last area, the boulders have no rhyme or reason at all

guys, help me, i use macbook and this error appears when saving the game

Where or how do I get Fire Essences?

Oh no, Did I screw up and got the Fire Crystal too Early??

You can get it early too. Just talk to Ayane at the kitsune shrine and everything will be fine.

Can someone help me for the Sand cave

I dont know how to get After the firewall

how does the advanced alchemy work?

After getting new books, Ada will be able to brew stronger potions.

Is there a way to transfer a save to a different version like Windows to android

Hello, I really loved the game and spent bit too much time on it. But I am still unable to 100% it, even though I have finished all quests, side quests included. I also have a full gallery and all of the dresses. Puzzles are completed too, same withmaps

What do I have to do to 100% the game?

Deleted post 99 days ago Deleted 97 days ago

Yeah, all characters with H scenes are 18+ While the game has smaller characters like Momo, these are for fun and cuteness only.

Glad you liked Yorna! Consider leaving a rating - this will help others to find the game.

Anyone know how to beat the 4 by 4 square puzzle in the fire tower?

Is this the one you seek? Youtube has solutions for harder puzzles.

So the game is finished then?

Is there a way i can do it by installing another version ?

Thank for your help anyway

how you get to the cave ayane is talking about during the floating island quest?

nvm thank for making it clearer, i thought she meant to the north part of her forest and not the 1 by the river

Yeah, bookcase pushing is a part of her questline. Return to Ayane in the library with runes from that puzzle and this will trigger the next step of her quest.

Where do you find the save file for android

I played this ages ago and really enjoyed it, I was wondering then if there was save data to get back up to the pre final battle prep?

I played the game now for the 2nd time and I have 2 things to say the first of the senas I can only release 60/66 and also the progress of the world is stopped at 95% and the help doesn’t tell me what to do

This means you completed the main questline and this 5% is from optional content.

Yorna: Monster Girl

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Молодой волшебник из знатной семьи прибывает в далекий замок и находит его в руинах и его пропавшую сестру. Сможет ли он восстановить мир с их властью? Комбинируйте различные навыки, чтобы создать свой собственный стиль игры. Вы победите врагов силой или превратите их в свои игрушки? Твоя очередь!

Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret был опубликован 18/09/2020 для PC. Мы заботимся о том, чтобы обновить список консолей, для которых игра была выпущена с течением времени, если трюки также будут применяться к новым поступлениям.

Узнайте различные Читы, советы и стратегии для Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret (PC): Полезные Советы.

Мы также собрали для вас список достижений вместе с небольшим объяснением, переведенным на то, как их получить.

Давайте покажем вам трюки после введения, которое мы только что написали.

A young mage from a noble family arrives at a distant castle to find it ruined and her sister missing. Will she able to recover lost monster girls and restore the peace with their power? What price will she have to pay?

Depending on your operation system, the game may need additional preparation to execute properly. Here are guides for MacOS and Linux. Windows doesn’t need any extra moves to run.

Yorna has a number of special controls for in-game features. You can check a quick summary here.

На этой странице вы можете познакомиться с визуальной составляющей Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret в действии посредством трейлеров и видео. На этой странице вы найдете как официальные трейлеры проекта от разработчиков, так и другие видео по игре, например обзоры, превью или видео мнения.

Трейлер – это рекламное видео, цель которого - представить проект в наилучшем свете. Трейлер может быть сделан как на основе реального игрового процесса, так и с применением сложной компьютерной графики (CGI).

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