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Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте.

Две основные цели Wowhead Client:

Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии!

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте.

Две основные цели Wowhead Client:

Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии!

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!

Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.

География [ ]

Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.

Также изменения затронули районы Карты и подзоны [ ]

Текущая карта Ясеневого леса

Карта Ясеневого леса до прихода Катаклизма

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А А А Forest Song А Stardust Spire О Hellscream's Watch О Приют Серебряного Ветра О Splintertree Post О Прилегающие регионы [ ]

Since the zone is contested there is often a lot of skirmishing going on throughout the woods, and attacks on the faction-based settlements are not uncommon. The zone is also a major travel hub for both Horde and Alliance, even at higher levels.



The main bridge across Falfarren River.

War of the Ancients and its aftermath

The Third War

This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Grommash engages the demigod Cenarius.

Please add any available information to this section.

World of Warcraft

Ashenvale is an ancient forest, and has been in the caring hands of the night elves for thousands of years. It was not until more recent years that things changed, with the coming of the Horde's lumber harvesting camps, as well as other much more insidious groups. The demons of the Burning Legion have holdings in Fire Scar Shrine, Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge. The vile satyr inhabit ancient elven ruins at Xavian, Night Run, and Satyrnaar. Cursed green dragonkin have slipped out from the Emerald Dream portal at Bough Shadow, and corruption taints the Ruins of Stardust. The Horde have seized control of several holdings in the eastern parts of the forest, and beyond their base at Splintertree Post, they have harvested the trees for lumber at the Warsong Lumber Camp and the Warsong Labor Camp. The Horde clash with the night elves over control of Eastern Ashenvale, with the Warsong Outriders vowing to continue their lumber harvesting operations, and the Silverwing Sentinels vowing to drive the Outriders from their lands once and for all.

Ashenvale is a vast primordial wilderness long given over to beasts and nature's savage ways. The night elves who settled on Kalimdor after the Great Sundering hunted in Ashenvale's wilds but never settled within its borders. When the Burning Legion invaded in the Third War, the night elves ceased even hunting in order to battle the demons. The lack of hunting has allowed many creatures to live and thrive within the vast woodland, creating danger for all who venture into the forest. Ashenvale forest runs in a great arc south of Mount Hyjal, with Stonetalon Mountains to the southwest and the Barrens directly south. The ruined lands of Azshara lie across a river to the east. Ashenvale is an old forest, long untouched by any mortal race. The weather is fairly mild, though rain is almost constant. The woods are so old and thickly grown that only trickles of precipitation get through the thick canopy. The forest has become ever wilder since left to its own devices after the start of the Third War. Any roads through are overgrown, some even impassable. In contrast, the game trails see increased traffic as beasts living in the shelter of the massive trees grow in number and boldness. Those traveling through Ashenvale will wisely keep their guard up at all times. In recent years, the demons and satyr have corrupted parts of Ashenvale, and other parts of it are cut down by the Horde to fuel their expansion efforts. The Forsaken, too, have begun experimenting on sleeping druids within the Dor'Danil Barrow Den, unbeknownst to the Horde but not the Alliance.

World of Warcraft: The Comic

This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.


This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm

This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.


This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

(Events of Wolfheart take place during the Cataclysm: shortly after the Shattering when the Gilnean worgen had to deport from Gilneas to Darnassus but before the events of Ashenvale quest-chain.)


This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The Horde military sent troops to reinforce Mor'shan Ramparts, which had fallen victim to a renewed effort by the Silverwing Sentinels to drive out the Horde from Ashenvale. The Silverwing sentinels weren't just laying siege to the Mor'shan Ramparts, however: they were also launching simultaneous attacks on Splintertree Post and the Warsong Lumber Camp. Eventually, the Horde adventurers and military were able to break the siege of the Ramparts. Pushing north from the Ramparts, the Horde took control of Silverwing Outpost, and using Kodo Caravans, they were soon able to break the siege of Splintertree Post. An orcish warlock poisoned the forest heart, which struck a huge blow to the Sentinels. Horde covert operatives killed the commanders leading the siege of Warsong Lumber Camp, thus bringing the alliance offensive to an end.

After the sieges of Splintertree and Warsong Lumber camp were broken, eastern Ashenvale was under complete horde control, save for Forest Song. The Horde armies pressed westward, taking control of Silverwind Refuge by using a corrupted form of a water elemental, and also began an attack on Raynewood Tower and Raynewood Retreat, killing many of the druids and sentinels stationed there. However, the Horde was not able to deliver the finishing blow at Raynewood, as the Druid leader continued to revive the Dryad defenders of the post. The Horde even started firebombing Astranaar, and with victory in sight, they moved in to take Maestra's Post, one of the few remaining Alliance encampments. If Maestra's post fell, all of Darkshore and eventually Teldrassil would be vulnerable to continued Horde attacks. While the siege of Maestra's post was beginning, the Horde engineers at the captured Alliance base of Silverwind Refuge were finishing up a giant bomb, designed to be used on the Night Elves in Stonetalon Mountains. Many of the Horde battalions started to move south to reinforce Krom'gar's army in Stonetalon, bringing the bomb south with them.

This success was short lived, however, when the mobilized armies of Darnassus were able to break the siege of Maestra's post, and pushed the Horde out of Astranaar. After pushing the Horde out of Astranaar, the Alliance armies reinforced Raynewood retreat, breaking the siege there by taking on the shade of the Ancient spirit of Shadumbra, and killing many horde soldiers and destroying their demolishers in the process. Alliance heroes rebuilt Dartol's Rod which allowed them control over the Furbolgs near Silverwind refuge, using them to weaken the Horde army there enough to allow the Sentinel's to retake the camp. The alliance military moved back eastward, cleansing the tainted forest heart and killing the Horde overseer at the Lumber Camp, along with a Sin'dorei Ambassador. At this point, only pockets of horde resistance remained, bringing the war full circle, in favor of the alliance.

Mists of Pandaria

This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Night elves brought several caravans to Astranaar from Northern Barrens during the Battlefield: Barrens.

With the dismantlement of Warchief Garrosh Hellscream's war machine and the conclusion of the Siege of Orgrimmar and the Alliance-Horde war, Tyrande Whisperwind allowed the Horde unimpeded access to Azshara's lumber in return for the complete withdrawal of Horde forces from Ashenvale. The results of this were never seen.


This section concerns content related to Legion.

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