World of warships cleveland гайд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024


The most numerous class of cruisers in the world. Owing to rather large dimensions for her type, she boasted excellent armor and had a very powerful AA armament. Reasonable arrangement of the propulsion and elaborate design of the bottom improved the ship's survivability. Her well-balanced performance characteristics placed her among the most powerful light cruisers in the world.

USS Little Rock is the last surviving example of the class, preserved as a military museum ship in Buffalo, New York.


Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
( )
152 mm/47 Mk.16 in a turret9.2181402,200123,200 0730,000
Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
( )
Cleveland (A)30,600131654610/23/6 0 01,000,000
Cleveland (B)36,90013165466/4/23 0 28,0002,100,000
Firing Range Increase
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
( )
Mk8 mod. 1014.2 0550,000
Mk8 mod. 21015.6 15,0001,200,000
Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
( )
Propulsion: 100,000 hp32.5 0620,000

Compatible Upgrades

Player Opinion


Veteran Cleveland captains will find themselves in unfamiliar territory after Update 0.7.5, as the most popular cruiser in World of Warships moves from its old home at Tier VI to new digs at Tier VIII. No longer will she be able to bully inter-war cruisers and dreadnoughts; Cleveland must now square off against her World War II contemporaries, including some very formidable Tier X opponents.

To help compensate for the tougher competition she now faces, Cleveland has undergone some notable changes. She has a few more hit points than she used to, along with another kilometer of main battery firing range. Her anti-aircraft defenses have been buffed to be more historically accurate, as she gains four quadruple 40mm Bofors mounts along with copious quantities of 20mm Oerlikons. Most importantly, her consumable choices have been radically altered: Cleveland now has access to the Surveillance Radar ( ) and Spotting Aircraft ( ) consumables and can mount Defensive AA Fire ( ) and Hydroacoustic Search ( ) simultaneously, though she loses her Catapult Fighter ( ) from before. Additionally, she becomes stealthier on top of gaining access to Upgrade Slot 5 and Concealment System Modification 1 ( ).

Even her main battery has gotten an upgrade. Though the shell performance of Cleveland’s workhorse 152mm rifles in four triple turrets is untouched, the reload speed has dropped from 8 seconds to 6.5 seconds, granting her the fastest-reloading light cruiser guns at Tier VIII. Cleveland’s damage potential to enemies at medium and close range is nothing short of catastrophic should they be caught under her guns. Her turret traverse speed is also nearly double the old Tier VI value, and training her commander in the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells skill will allow her high explosive rounds to penetrate the bow and superstructure armor of most Tier VIII, IX, and X battleships, causing fires along the way.

While there are a lot of good things about the change to Tier VIII, Cleveland retains many of her old weaknesses: she is still lightly-armored, and now finds herself squaring off against battleships that are much more accurate than she used to encounter. Her shell velocity at long range is just as slow as ever, making her good at showering enemy capital ships with shells from a distance, but virtually useless against lighter, more nimble enemies past 10-12 km.

Tier VIII Cleveland is just as solid a support ship as old Tier VI Cleveland was, but captains will have to stay frosty and play smart to avoid the nastier battleship opponents that she will face at her new tier.

  • Citadel is deceptively difficult to penetrate properly from the sides, and can be over-penetrated easily.
  • Solid main battery guns. Excellent rate of fire, firing range, shell penetration, and fire chance for HE shells.
  • Favorable firing angles allow all four turrets to be used without showing excessive broadside.
  • High shell arcs for lobbing over islands.
  • Powerful anti-aircraft suite; can easily shoot down enemy strike craft without Defensive AA Fire ( ).
  • Decent maneuverability.
  • Citadel is vulnerable to plunging fire.
  • Light armor scheme means that Cleveland takes damage from incoming fire of nearly all calibers.
  • Very prone to HE damage.
  • Slow shell velocity and high arc; allows enemies time to maneuver and evade incoming fire.
  • Medium-range anti-aircraft armament can be very easily destroyed by HE shells.
  • No torpedoes.
  • Ties for second slowest of all Tier 8 cruisers with her CA cousin Baltimore, despite being a light cruiser.


Availability of researchable upgrades for Cleveland is as follows:

  • Hull: Upgrade to Hull (B) for additional mid-range AA, more hit points, and improved rudder shift speed.
  • Gun Fire Control System: Upgrade to Mk8 mod. 2 for an extra 10% range on the main battery.

Optimal Configuration


Anti-Aircraft Build: A popular build for this ship, captains focusing on boosting Cleveland’s AA will opt for Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1 ( ) for Slot 1 to increase the anti-aircraft armament durability and AA Guns Modification 1 ( ) for Slot 3 to increase her medium- and long-range AA power. Although her AA is a powerful enough deterrent, the usefulness of this investment depends on whether or not there is a carrier in the game. This build is great in division with a Tier VIII carrier to ensure that Cleveland will have a purpose for her AA suite.

Generalist Build: Captains focusing on making Cleveland have better main batteries will opt for Main Armaments Modification 1 ( ) for Slot 1 and Aiming Systems Modification 1 ( ) for the Slot 3 to increase her accuracy.

Commander Skills

+15% main battery traverse speed .

+5% torpedo speed .

-10% cooldown time of Main Battery Reload Booster, Torpedo Reload Booster, Spotting Aircraft, Catapult Fighter, and Defensive AA Fire .

-50% time to switch loaded shell type .

Receive a warning of a salvo fired at your ship from more than 4.5km .

The ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated .

Demolition Expert

+1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire.

+15% to the fragmentation damage area of HE ordnance fired at submarines .

-10% torpedo tubes reload time .

+10% action time of Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator, & Engine Boost .

The detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery .

–10% reload time of Air strike armament .

+10% HE and SAP shell damage.

+15% ship detectability guns 149mm and up .

+15% torpedo damage .

-0.2% reload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost

+0.2% AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost .

+5% damage for AP shells 190mm and larger .

+1 charge to all consumables .

Survivability Expert

+450 HP per ship tier .

Top Grade Gunner

-10% reload time of secondary batteries

If enemy ship is spotted within detectability range, -8% reload time of main battery .


If there are fewer allies than visible enemies within the ship's base main caliber firing range:

+8% ship speed
-10% main battery dispersion .

Radio Location

Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.

The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. .

+25% armor penetration of HE shells

Base fire chance reduced by half .

-10% detectability range of the ship .

+20% continuous AA damage.
+20% flak damage.
+15% damage from depth charges .


Cleveland can equip the following consumables:


Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 1 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce detectability range.

Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip Cleveland with Type 18 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, and increases the amount of experience she earns.


+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.

+5% damage from flak bursts.

+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.

-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.

-5% to secondary battery loading time.

+1% chance for HE bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm causing a fire.

+0.5% chance for bombs and smaller shells causing a fire.

+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating.

+15% chance of causing flooding.

+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating.

+1% chance for HE bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm causing a fire.

+0.5% chance for bombs and smaller shells causing a fire.

+4% chance of torpedoes causing flooding.

-20% to damage received when ramming the enemy.

+50% to damage dealt when ramming the enemy.

-5% reload time on all consumables.

+5% to the ship's maximum speed.

+20% to the amount of HP recovered when Repair Party ( ) is used.

-20% to flooding duration.

-20% to fire duration.

-100% to the risk of magazine detonation.

+15% action time of a Smoke Generator ( ).

+10% action time of Hydroacoustic Search ( )

-10% reload time of Defensive AA Fire ( ).

+20% credits earned for the battle.

-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle service.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+50% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+300% Free XP earned for the battle.

+50% credits earned for the battle.

+100% XP earned for the battle.

+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+333% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+250% Free XP earned for the battle.

+30% credits earned for the battle.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+200% Free XP earned for the battle.

+20% credits earned for the battle.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+25% credits earned for the battle.

Note: Use of the Juliet Charlie signal makes detonation impossible.


Official WoWS model of Cleveland.

Broadside view of Cleveland.

Rear view of Cleveland.








Historical Info

USS Cleveland, 1942



11,744 tons displacement, standard 185.95m length 20.22m beam 7.6m draft


4 boilers, 4 turbines


32.5 knots at 100,000 shaft horsepower 11,000 nautical miles at 15 knots



Twelve (4x3) 152mm guns
Twelve (6x2) 127mm dual-purpose guns
Anti-Aircraft Armament
Eight (4x2) 40mm Bofors cannons Thirteen (13x1) 20mm Oerlikon cannons



As the second ship to be named after Cleveland, Ohio, USS Cleveland (CL-55) was the lead ship of the series of 27 Cleveland-class light cruisers. Commissioned in 1942, it saw extensive service in the Pacific and Mediterranean theaters. The class was designed as an improved and slightly larger version of the Brooklyn-class light cruisers, with the intention of having better cruising range, anti-aircraft defense, etc. compared with earlier US light cruisers. In order to save time and money, they were built using armament that was already proven. Packing strong Anti-air and anti-ship firepower, decent armor, and good speed, the Cleveland-class proved to be excellent light cruisers, serving the US Navy well into the 1970's. Of the 52 originally planned ships, nine were completed as Independence-class carriers and two as Fargo-class cruisers. What separated the Fargo-class from the Cleveland-class were their distinctly more compact superstructure with a single funnel and improved anti-aircraft armament arcs. Of the 13 designed and planned Fargo-class cruisers, only Fargo and Huntington were completed.

By 1950, all Cleveland-class cruisers were decommissioned and eventually sold for scrap.


Joining Task Force 18, Cleveland first saw action at the Solomon Islands - its first mission was to guard a troop convoy. The ship would provide artillery bombardment in many of the invasions and anti-air defense, as well as covering fire and softening-up bombardments. One such notable event was during the invasion of Tinian, when captain Andrew Shepard ordered the crew to maneuver the ship between the USS Norman Scott (DD-690) and the main shore batteries, preventing the enemy from being able to fire at the Norman Scott. The destroyer was drawing fire away from the USS Colorado, only to be hit directly six times by main shore batteries. Its captain Seymour Owens and 22 others were killed, leaving the destroyer very vulnerable. Captain Shepard's quick thinking and his crew managed to save the many lives of the Norman Scott during that battle.

Over the next five years, Cleveland would be captained by four other officers until February 1947, when it was decommissioned and put into reserve in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By the end of World War II, Cleveland received 13 battle stars for its service. Astonishingly, all the Cleveland-class cruisers survived to the end of war and were decommissioned in 1950 — save USS Manchester — never to see service again. However, six of the decommissioned cruisers were later converted into the Providence- and Galveston-class guided missile cruisers. Because of stability problems due to the top weight of the missile systems, all such conversions were decommissioned to the reserve fleet between 1969 and 1974 and 1970 and 1979, respectively.

The last remaining Cleveland-class ship is USS Little Rock, a Galveston-class guided missile cruiser, which now resides as a museum ship in Buffalo, New York.


Интерес к игре на крейсере придет с полной прокачкой всех модулей корабля. Топовые модули Кливленда, по уровню догоняют крейсеры 7 уровня.


Орудие главного калибра
Устанавливаем ПВО
Систему борьбы за живучесть
Рулевые машины.

В итоге с выбором выше указанных модернизаций. Вы усиливаете, только сильные стороны крейсера Кливленд. Что касается навыков командира, то тут не все однозначно, однако универсальный рецепт прокачки, выглядит следующим образом:

Тактика игры

Тактика игры всецело должна зависеть от главных преимуществ крейсера. Поскольку Кливленд обладает отличной ПВО и скоростью стрельбы, то следует это использовать на все 100%. Не пытайтесь строить из себя героя. Во время соло выхода в открытое море, противостоять нескольким противникам очень тяжело. Но вот если выступить в наступление отрядом из линкора с авианосцем, то сломить такую группу будет весьма сложно. Игра на Кливленде, должна быть похожа на поддержку средних таков в World of Tanks.

Если играете в рендоме в одиночку, то тактика игры опять же приблизительно также. Прижимаемся к союзному линкору и тандемом прорываем защиту или держим оборону.

Играя в режиме поддержки, можно вывезти больше опыта и пиастров, чем это кажется на первый взгляд.

Cleveland — один из любимых кораблей игроков World of Warships. В новом выпуске «Морских легенд» мы поднимемся на борт последнего корабля серии, Little Rock.

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