Warlock and boobs прохождение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Аватар для VVV

1. Часть первая Barrens.
сначала идем (летим) в Wellands (проход туда есть из Loch modan) тут главное особо с дороги
не сворачивать, на развилках идем левее.
По приходу в Menethill Bay посещаем грифонов, и делаем PlaceRest, что бы сразу сюда телепортнутся чуть позднее.
Садимся на корабль который стоит левее и отправляется в землю, граничащую с barrens
Приплыли, топаем из города по дороге вверх, довольно долго. по дороге будут нападать сильные монстры, я на них просто вещал void-a (Синяка по нашему ) и пока они его гасят убегал как можно дальше по дороге . Гонятся они не долго.
Когда будет перекресток, на налево, и попадаем в barrens.
Тут монстры слабые, но бывают ордынцы высоких уровней, они конечно неприминут с радостью и гиканьем забить молодого варлока, но в целом не страшно
собственно сам мужик, с которым надо поговорить находится справа от дороги, напротив поворота в Camp Taurajo
с ним надо поговорить, он даст вторую часть квеста, тут можно телепортнутся обратно в Wellands, а можно побегать от орков

2. Часть вторая Ashenwale Forest.
Теперь садимся на корабль который на правой пристани и приплываем к эльфам, в Darkshore. Идем по дороге вниз,
как начинается Ashenwale Forest понемногу забираем левее, как видим кучу монстров с варлоковскими петами, значит пришли.
Там стоит Дерево (на нем курсор меняет форму на шестеренку) вот от него и надо кусок (берется только с левой стороны, дальняя от дороги)
я пробирался к дереву вдоль холма, по одному убивая вражин. прямо за деревом есть мертвая зона, где тебя не видно. Если убьют, восстанавливаться лучше там.
Отламываем кусок, и телепортимся обратно.

3. ну тут все просто, дойти до штормвилда, поговорить с мужиком, и завалить нового пета.

После этого станешь счастливым обладателем персональной наложницы. На привале будет скрашивать одиночество, и в бою неподведет

С названиями может что напутал, писал по памяти, если что поправьте.
Прошел весь квест один, 20-м уровнем, убили раза 4 за всю дорогу.

Warlock And Boobs v0.327 Walkthrough by rebelphoenix

Rebelphoenix did a big job and made this walkthrough for those who have trouble with quests. Big thanks to him! ^__^

Warlock And Boobs v0.327 Walkthrough

The Terrible Secret of Fina Ironheart Quest

Go to the Waterfall (over the bridge in the forest then head down and to the right) at sunset and Fina will be in the waterfall showering.

The Magic Circle Quest

Make sure you grab a jar from your house before going to far.

In order to find out more about drawing a magic circle you must go to the Church and check the right side of the bookshelf next to ’s bed.


You’ll find the “Thick Slime” In wet cave near the waterfall. To defeat her use fire arrow for about six turns and you should find yourself victorious. After she is beaten you will automatically collect her in a jar.

Go into the basement and use the slime jar on the pentacle.

The Night is Dark Quest

Sister Elizabeth warns you not to go out at night, you discover a busty succubus is roaming the land.

It is reccomended you defeat the minotaur that appears on Sunday first +300 EXP (To unlock better spells)

Use sleep first then Ice on Succubus every round

Return Spell Quest

Deep in the forrest above the old tower you will find a Rapist in front of a tent anal raping a “princess” Battle him and you will recieve a scroll be sure and study it in your lab. Juliet will meet you at the tavern.

The Scroll is a Return spell allowing you to return to your laboratory.

Summon Succubus Quest

Redhead “Spirits tell me that you should check the tower, fight the plant and visit the elves”

If you go at night a ghost will be there to greet you. Fight her and win, she will thank you for releasing her and that will remove the magic seal.

Go to the basement and read the blue plaque the keyword is “friend” you will be sent to another place in the tower to talk with a witch named Melissa. Keep coming back until you have exhausted all possible conversations with her (It will take about 3 days).

After talking with the witch go to the path in the slime forrest and take the south west (lowest path on the left from the village) path and defeat the plant girl. Take the magic pollen to the fairy dust dealing elf in the elven camp and trade it for the roots.

Take the roots back to your lab at night put them into the torches to play the scene.

New Laboratory (Not implemented)

After finding the witch Melissa she will tell you about ways to expand your lab

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Laundry Day

Natsu and Lucy arguing over the last washer in the laundromat prompt inspired by @nalufever. Thanks for the idea, Eav!

“Yep, I’ll pick up chocolate on the way home,” Natsu spoke into the phone quietly as to not disturb the other people in the laundromat with his normally loud voice. After ending the call, Natsu pressed the red button on his phone to end the call before getting his laundry done. Clutching his phone in one hand and clothes in the other, he stuffed some of the garments in his laundry basket into the washer and shut it before reaching toward the washer below it.

Unfortunately, another hand reached forward and grabbed the handle as soon as he grasped onto it. As his hand covered the other person’s, annoyance ran up Natsu’s spine. Narrowing his eyes, he glared up the arm’s length only to find that a woman was attached to it.

A really gorgeous one.

“Can I use the dryer, please?” she asked in a dulcet tone, and Natsu found himself enchanted and would have retracted his hand if not for one thing–it was the last washing machine not in use in the place.

“No can do, lady,” Natsu replied, slightly shocking himself. Usually he would have given it up for her, but he had a job interview tomorrow and his clothes were filthy. And it wasn’t like he came to the laundromat often–he was only here about once a week to wash his clothes like normal people did.

But he had never met someone this beautiful before at one of his weekly outings. She wore a sweatshirt and jeans with paint on them–probably because she had plenty of other clothes to wash–but her blonde hair and ivory skin looked clean and bright. Her hazel eyes, though, glared at him as if he had done something wrong.

Which he had, but that was besides the point.

“And why not?” she questioned, posing with her hand on her hip and her chest pushed slightly forward. It would work most of the time on men, but this particular occurrence she was wearing a sweatshirt that covered all of her assets and jeans that didn’t even cling slightly to her curves. This was going to be harder than it looked.

“Cause I have a job interview tomorrow!” Natsu growled, shifting his eyes to her chest and then back up again at her eyes. The woman’s eyes narrowed further, and she looked like she was about to slap him before her own eyes darted to a blood stain on a pair of jeans.

“Is–Is that what I think it is?” she asked, lifting the pair of trousers from Natsu’s hand and staring at the back of them.

“Um…yeah. My sister Wendy got her period the other day, and I told her I’d wash her clothes along with mine. I dunno how the hell to get those stains out though,” Natsu told her, face slightly reddening as he scratched the back of his neck. Periods weren’t something he was well-versed in, being a guy and all, but Wendy had filled him in and was the one calling right when he was about to finish the load of laundry

The woman’s face lit up instantaneously and she detached her hand from the washer with a smile. Natsu felt like the air was knocked out of him as she chattered on about stain removers to him. Dear lord, how could one woman be this pretty and have her emotions change so suddenly?

“And then you just dab it on the stain with a towel,” she said, lifting the jeans up to him and showing him her handiwork. “Then you should be all good to go!”

“Wow, thanks, uh–,” he replied, realizing that he never got her name.

“Oh, I’m Lucy! Lucy Heartfilia. Nice to meet you,” she said, sticking out a hand to shake his.

“Nice to meet ya, Luce! I’m Natsu Dragneel. Sorry for all the trouble earlier,” Natsu said with a nervous smile, feeling the warmth from her hand radiate into his.

“No problem! If I would have known what it really was for, I would have let you use it immediately,” Lucy responded, grinning one more time. Wow, her smile was even more gorgeous than he originally thought!

“You can use that one. I think another one opened up over there.” Natsu pointed across the room where someone was taking their clothing out of the washer and pushing in into the dryer.

“Thanks! But…don’t you wanna ask me on a date before you go?” Lucy smiled slyly, and Natsu sucked in a breath.

Deciding to let his confidence run the show, he grinned slyly. “Sure, Luce. But are you sure you’re ready for a crazy adventure?”

“Oh, I think I can handle it,” she replied with a wink. Writing her phone number down on a piece of paper she withdrew from her purse, she shoved it against his chest before sauntering out of the laundromat with grace she didn’t even know she had.

“Call me,” she said into the wind, knowing that Natsu would do just that, and soon.

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Оценок: 174

Episodes 1 - 5 All Secret Rooms (Video Guides)

От breadeaterlol

All Secrets of Episodes 1-5



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Оглавление руководства

Episode 1 Secret Rooms

Episode 2 Secret Rooms

Episode 3 Secret Rooms

Episode 4 Secret Rooms

Episode 5 Secret Rooms


Episode 1 Secret Rooms

00:05 E1M1 - Dungeons - The Chambers
01:04 E1M2 - Dungeons - The Chambers of Agony
02:07 E1M3 - Dungeons - Sewers Level 1
02:29 E1M4 - Dungeons - Sewers Level 2
03:20 E1M5 - Graveyards - The Gates
03:38 E1M6 - Graveyards - The Deadlands
04:04 E1M7 - Graveyards - Shi No Uchi
04:24 E1M8 - Castle - Entrance
05:06 E1M9 - Castle - The Courtyards
05:41 E1M10 - Castle - The Keep

Episode 2 Secret Rooms

00:05 E2M1 - Polar Tundra - Ellesmere (1 Secret)
00:12 E2M2 - Polar Tundra - Fjord (1 Secret)
00:41 E2M3 - Ice Caves - The Descent (4 Secrets)
01:43 E2M4 - Ice Caves - Trapped (4 Secrets)
02:48 E2M5 - Abandoned Base - Base Inseration (4 Secrets)
04:00 E2M6 - Abandoned Base - Dead Halls (6 Secrets)
05:38 E2M7 - Abandoned Base - The High Ground (4 Secrets)
06:49 E2M8 - Abandoned Base - Alpha Labs (3 Secrets)
07:54 E2M9 - Antarctic Labs - Outpost 32 (3 Secrets)
08:35 E2M10 - Antarctic Labs - Delta Labs (3 Secrets)
09:43 E2M11 - Antarctic Labs - Delta Labs (9 Secrets)

Episode 3 Secret Rooms

00:05 E3M1 (7 Secrets)
01:06 E3M2 (3 Secrets)
01:51 E3M3 (3 Secrets)
03:07 E3M4 (8 Secrets)
04:56 E3M5 (8 Secrets)
07:12 E3M6 (7 Secrets)
09:08 E3M7 (3 Secrets)
10:23 E3M8 (6 Secrets)
12:28 E3M9 (6 Secrets)
14:08 E3M10 (5 Secrets)
16:01 E3M11 (4 Secrets)

Episode 4 Secret Rooms

00:05 E4M1 (3 Secrets)
01:10 E4M2 (3 Secrets)
02:07 E4M3 (5 Secrets)
04:07 E4M4 (4 Secrets)
05:37 E4M5 (1 Secret)
05:48 E4M6 (1 Secret)
06:07 E4M7 (3 Secrets)
07:00 E4M8 (2 Secrets)
07:40 E4M9 (1 Secret)
07:57 E4M10 (2 Secrets)
08:42 E4M11 (4 Secrets)

Episode 5 Secret Rooms

00:05 E5M1 (2 Secrets)
00:35 E5M2 (4 Secrets)
02:16 E5M3 (5 Secrets)
04:05 E5M4 (2 Secrets)
04:34 E5M5 (9 Secrets)
06:42 E5M6 (4 Secrets)
08:02 E5M7 (2 Secrets)
08:38 E5M8 (2 Secrets)
09:13 E5M9 (4 Secrets)
10:32 E5M10 (4 Secrets)

Комментариев: 12

Scarpion 7 янв в 8:49

It says that there's 7 secrets on E3M8 but there's only 6?

JJsmall 13 мар. 2020 в 9:21

Hi) Great guide. By the way on e3m4 has 9 secrets.

Kobest 28 фев. 2020 в 8:50

Thank you for the guide, it was very useful! (I have the GOG version so I cannot give a thumbs up.)

@Pretentieux: Look out for odd textures or holes on the walls. Once you find one or two secrets, you shouldn't have to do a lot of wall hugging.

Pretentieux 25 фев. 2020 в 18:39

Is there a way to actually tell where a secret door is through clues or something? I appreciate this guide and will use it if I have to, just to avoid running around the game staring at the wall mashing spacebar. What I hope is that there is something I can watch out for and find them myself without ruining the gameplay by doing the border hug.

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