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VR Kanojo

VR Kanojo > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы 9 мая. 2018 в 14:34 How do you get past the handjob? Tried moving her hand but it won't move. Отредактировано Spyder17; 9 мая. 2018 в 15:38 9 мая. 2018 в 22:39 LOLOLOL such funny problems we have! There's hidden controlls for these multi-stage episodes. Remember those Hentai games on the internet where you click on the sidebar to go faster / deeper? Well, the VR Kanojo version is either JOY stick (lol) up for advance, down for back / slower. Also not mentioned anywhere; X and A for finishing inside and Y and B for outside. Yep ppls! It's just one of those type of games. Think about it like that and you'll figure out things much faster. Note: Left trigger button switches between moving and not moving. 10 янв. 2019 в 6:40 for new guy this is not clear. I have controllers not joy stick. X and A. 10 янв. 2019 в 12:46 18 янв. 2019 в 17:07 2 окт. 2020 в 9:31 I'm still stuck on this I know the controls like the back of my hand, but she doesn't do anything and I tried different things for over an hour and still stuck on this level. Can anyone post a guide? Please don't post a link to the controls because I know them I need a guide. Отредактировано grishrak; 2 окт. 2020 в 9:32 2 окт. 2020 в 13:40 I'm still stuck on this I know the controls like the back of my hand, but she doesn't do anything and I tried different things for over an hour and still stuck on this level. Can anyone post a guide? Please don't post a link to the controls because I know them I need a guide.

Make sure your game window is in focus in Windows. Otherwise controls won't work in some VR games. I think this is one of them.

Other than that: Can you move yourself with the controllers while in a scene? I'm not sure anymore, it's been quite a while since I played but I believe there was a toggle between moving yourself and controlling her.

2 окт. 2020 в 14:08 I'm still stuck on this I know the controls like the back of my hand, but she doesn't do anything and I tried different things for over an hour and still stuck on this level. Can anyone post a guide? Please don't post a link to the controls because I know them I need a guide.

Make sure your game window is in focus in Windows. Otherwise controls won't work in some VR games. I think this is one of them.

Other than that: Can you move yourself with the controllers while in a scene? I'm not sure anymore, it's been quite a while since I played but I believe there was a toggle between moving yourself and controlling her.
I'll try again all I can do is move the hands I'll look around the in game menu to see if I can do that.

Illusion опубликовали еще один трейлер своей VR-версии Summer Lesson под названием VR Kanojo, и он перешел вообще все границы разрешенного к просмотру в людных местах контенту.

Ведь это Illusion, разработчик известен своей серией игр для взрослых, поэтому это неудивительно. Трейлер наглядно демонстрирует использование Oculus Touch или HTC Vive контроллеров. Если у вас нет специального контроллера, выполнять операции можно с помощью мыши.

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