Uncle john escape прохождение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

John invited Jim to come over to his house for he would like him to meet his family. Of course Jim prepared himself, for this was his closest friend’s family and he would like to look presentable. Jim arrives and what he expected to see there in his friend’s home like happy kids and good food wasn’t at all such however, and his friend John was even in a panic!

Jim asked what in the world is happening and he quickly told him that his entire family is now trapped in a room there in the place and he had been trying to get them out! Okay, Jim needs John to calm down for this is the safety of his family they are talking about here, Jim has no idea what’s happening even, but he will help for his friend needs it. Of course John have already tried everything he can think of just to get his family out, that’s why Jim needs to think outside of the box here so he’ll be able to think of an ingenious way or two. Escape players, want to help Jim and John here as well so that John’s family can safely get out from being trapped? You will be playing as Jim here then, use the best of your skills and logic for those will definitely be of great help.

John Family Escape is the newest point and click indoor rescue escape game from 8b Games.

I also enjoyed the increased difficulty. The hexagon puzzle, however, was a tough one.

Hearts are reverse

Not replaying. My pink key disappeared.

Below par for 8b.

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Posted by 8BGames


Nice game. Fairly straightforward for 8b lol.

Need the last green heart. Probably will come from l/r puzzle. need a clue.

Marnie LEAVES a clue for you .

L/R is leaves in bathroom bottom to top.
Thanks Marnie!

nm, lol, 14 yr old g-daughter got it

Really liked the game. Thanks for the hint, Jenny.

need help
do the hearts in the kitchen mean anything?

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Playing these games for the first time, I do not get whats to do done. Is there a how to play?!

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There are some very subtle clues in this game, such as dots on a document and colors on a hamburger.

Keep up the good work, G2E!

Thank You Mac Carter . ) It means a lot for us .

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Your uncle John is the hippest among the siblings for he is the youngest of them all and was quite chill, even his house was so for it looks like it belongs to a teenager. Latest game consoles were there, enough food for a whole day movie marathon and it’s just great, that’s why you spend at least once a week there trying to beat him on his video games. But that day however as you arrived once again to his place, you realized that there was a problem and John needs help!

You called for you have just arrived at his house and the moment you listened, you quickly heard his scream for help! You immediately came to the room where his voice was coming from but the door was locked. He was actually trapped in there and he needs help! It’s a good thing you came just the right time for he would have been forced to bust his door open. Well there is still a problem though, for you have no idea how to even open that door! Escape players, you are in the situation here now, will you be able to free John from the room where he is trapped and of course safely? Use your skills and logic then as well as things around the house which you can use for the rescue.

Uncle John Escape is the newest point and click indoor rescue escape game from 8b Games.


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