Trapped caveman escape прохождение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

There was this caveman living in the forest near the village and from time to time, he would come near the place and the people would instantly get very uneasy because of him! In turn they throw rocks at him or anything just to shoo him away. That tradition might have started at some point before, but as a villager himself Malcolm doesn’t take part of that, for as he sees it the man or boy probably seems to be of good nature. Malcolm doesn’t know it but that’s what he feels, but what can he do when majority of the place doesn’t really like that primitive but fascinating fellow?

One day, Malcolm was on his way to work when he heard something coming from inside some unoccupied houses there. Strange, there shouldn’t be any sounds coming from such for nobody lives in it. But then when he peeked inside the house though, he found this caveman and he seems to be trapped in there! Malcolm pondered then, did he enter the place for he was curious? Or the people here finally did something to deal with him? Well whatever the reason is, he is going to get him out and boy how lucky he was that Malcolm found him! And not somebody else. Escape players, want to help-out here on the rescue for the caveman so he can return to the forest where he lives?

Friendly Caveman Escape is another new point and click house rescue escape game made by Games 4 King.


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Trapped Caveman Escape, wowescape

21.7.2021, 23:35

Orville have traveled mountains, forests, and valleys just to reach a place that only exists in stories. There is a very different settlement out there somewhere and even though the place is located in a remote area, it is said that it is most modern under its own right. How could that be though? That’s why Orville is so intrigued with it to the point that he had studied everything about it, from potential location of the place to their way of lives there, after then when he had sufficient information, he quickly set-out to the great outdoors and at the moment he is already on his 3rd week in search of the place. His hopes are still good and intact for he didn’t expect the place to be an easy find, well it’s a good thing he stayed for one day he finally had a break!

Orville finally found the place and the structures there looked very weird. they are purple in color and some just hides in the vegetation. He is getting a bit scared here for the place also looks intimidating, maybe this is not the settlement he is looking for and he is trespassing into some weird area here? No, there is very likely chance that this is the place and it was only validated to him when he saw what looks like to be a caveman and he seems to be trapped in one of the structures there! Orville is currently in a dazed now with mixed emotions, but he can’t just stand there and let the man be, he will come to help him for who knows maybe he’ll get accepted to this community easily. Escape players, this is Orville’s potential chance to get accepted here, will you be able to help him with freeing that local there and quickly?

Caveman Escape is the newest point and click rescue escape game from 8b Games and Games 2 Mad.


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Антология, состоящая из трех коротких классических point-and-click приключений, в которой нам придется защитить деревню, отбиться от нежити и отыскать на пустом космическом корабле ответы на ужасную загадку.

Управление – щелчок левой клавиши мыши (ЛКМ) по выбранному месту на экране или по активному объекту.

Меню – щелчок по иконке в правом верхнем углу экрана.

Инвентарь – наведение курсора на верхнюю область экрана.

Сохранение – нет.

Примечание. Для увеличения скриншота нажмите на него в тексте прохождения. Для просмотра дополнительных всплывающих скриншотов, нажимайте на активные ссылки, выделенные в тексте прохождения темно-красным цветом.

Don’t Escape 1


Читаем две страницы рецепта (4), лежащие на столе.

Собираем ингредиенты

Смотрим вниз (щелкаем ЛКМ по темному пятну (5) в нижней области экрана).


Открываем крышку подполья (1), забираем из ящика СПЕЦИИ (2). Закрываем крышку (1).


Поворачиваемся дважды влево, снимаем с крюка (1) сушеные ТРАВЫ (2). Поворачиваемся направо, выходим на улицу.


Срываем растущий у забора ГРИБ (4).

Растапливаем камин


Открываем третий сверху ящик шкафчика (1), достаем из него СПИЧКИ. Поворачиваемся влево. Кладем в камин (1) ДРОВА, поджигаем их СПИЧКАМИ. Помещаем в котелок (2), висящий над огнем, собранные ингредиенты (траву, гриб и специи). Со стола берем СТЕКЛЯННУЮ БУТЫЛЬ (3), набираем в нее из котелка ЗЕЛЬЕ.

Готовимся к ритуалу

Смотрим вниз, открываем крышку подполья (1). Берем КУСОК МЯСА (3), закрываем крышку (1). Поворачиваемся влево, выходим на улицу. из-под стрехи достаем ЦЕПЬ (3). Заходим в дом. Снимаем с крюка ВЕРЕВКУ. Дважды поворачиваемся влево. Из кармана пиджака (4) достаем СЕРЕБРЯННЫЙ КЛЮЧ. Из-под кровати (3) вытаскиваем ЗОЛОТОЙ КЛЮЧ. Поворачиваемся вправо. ЗОЛОТЫМ КЛЮЧОМ открываем сундук (4), достаем МОЛОТОК и ГВОЗДИ. Поворачиваемся вправо. Закрываем дверь, запираем ее СЕРЕБРЯННЫМ КЛЮЧОМ. Двигаем шкаф к двери. Поворачиваемся влево. ТОПОРОМ разламываем стол, забираем ДОСКИ. В инвентаре применяем ЗЕЛЬЕ на КУСОК МЯСА, вешаем его на крюк. Поворачиваемся влево.


Закрываем ставни окна, запираем их на крючок. Применяем на окно ДОСКИ, затем – МОЛОТОК и ГВОЗДИ. В инвентаре применяем на «свое» лицо ВЕРВКУ, затем – ЦЕПЬ. Щелкаем ЛКМ по песочным часам.

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