Together we stand dota 2 гайд

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Together We Stand - нужно продержаться как можно дольше, покупая различные скиллы и улучшая их.

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Хотите присоединиться к обсуждению? Для этого нужно войти или создать аккаунт. Дата создания: 4 июн. 2017 в 9:24 Другие обсуждения 1 2 1 4 4 июн. 2017 в 9:24 Annoying Techies in Together We Stand Any ideas how to kill Tinker ? I tried so many thing and this what i've come up with so far. Whenever the techies suicide i SWAP the TiNKER though its not much of a damage but still he can take damage from his summons and not enemies.. I did not won cuz of the lasers but now i know theres a way to hurt the TiNKER.. Отредактировано ¼ Weak ™; 4 июн. 2017 в 12:13 4 июн. 2017 в 12:12 just wtf this tinker,, 4 июн. 2017 в 15:03

Tank build:
Tricks of the trade (replace Return)[Aghs] + Phoenix Heart, stand on top of tinker let his ♥♥♥♥ bomb the area. You will need high CDR because you will keep dying a lot. Core skills to keep are Borrowed Time and Reincarnation. Dispersion should help reducing laser damage.

Alternatively, Phase Shift and Astral Imprisonment (Disruption is too short for its cd). Idea is when you come out of untargetability, you should be on top of the Tinker so all his techies just hits him instead (together with you possibly).

However, I have not tested this in a real environment.

Damage builds are useless this round, they should go sleep in the grave until the tank finishes the round.

I tested with a Tank build as a base. Did the round in Hard. Results should be replicable. Should not be too expensive to interchange skills as necessary.

Notable Talents : 35% XP gain, 20% CDR
Level: 101

Astral Imprisonment
Tricks of the Trade
Borrowed Time

No 6th Skill, can be anything

Titan Armour 2
Blink Dagger
Octarine Core
Aghanim's Scepter
Phoenix Heart

Skill usage:
Borrowed Time on Top of the tinker. Use one Astral before Tricks of the Trade then one Astral after. Use Reincarnation after that. Stay on top of the Tinker.

Potential Problems:
When laser stacks up the damage can become hard to manage. I suggest periodically blowing up the turrets instead of damaging the tinker.

Potential Improvements:
Natural Order + Ethereal Blade to increase Techies damage to Tinker. Ice Vortex might also work. Did not test.

Отредактировано Gob Bot; 4 июн. 2017 в 15:20 4 июн. 2017 в 16:16

too late post.
ok then.
tinker is can only be damaged by his summoned (techies)
let me get it straight to be simple.

this is my build
skil that u need
1. rearm
2. borrowed time
3. reincarnation
4. ss/ultimate rikimaru (Tricks of the Trade)
5. disruption (skil from shadow demon)
6. repel (since blast off was a magic damage u not be take any damage)

1. aghanim scepter
2. octarine
3. titan armour lvl 2
4. black kingbar (no damage from techies blast off)
5. phoenix heart
6. veil of discord

Отредактировано ♥ƒþ; 4 июн. 2017 в 16:29 5 июн. 2017 в 2:18

too late post.
ok then.
tinker is can only be damaged by his summoned (techies)
let me get it straight to be simple.

this is my build
skil that u need
1. rearm
2. borrowed time
3. reincarnation
4. ss/ultimate rikimaru (Tricks of the Trade)
5. disruption (skil from shadow demon)
6. repel (since blast off was a magic damage u not be take any damage)

1. aghanim scepter
2. octarine
3. titan armour lvl 2
4. black kingbar (no damage from techies blast off)
5. phoenix heart
6. veil of discord

If you're going to use Rearm, Rage should be better than Repel, is it not? Rearm also removes Borrowed Time, which is kind of a minor annoyance.

Also, which hero base are you using with which skill build? I suppose it will be from the tank build, since Borrowed Time/Reincarnation is a standard Tank skill build. It might be possible to be from the Mage skill build though, since Rearm/Repel(Rage) is also used in some of those builds.

Finally, any observations on what happened when you actually test ran the build? When I ran my build, I didn't expect laser turret damage to stack to the point it was becoming difficult to manage my HP.

5 июн. 2017 в 4:16

If you're going to use Rearm, Rage should be better than Repel, is it not? Rearm also removes Borrowed Time, which is kind of a minor annoyance.

Also, which hero base are you using with which skill build? I suppose it will be from the tank build, since Borrowed Time/Reincarnation is a standard Tank skill build. It might be possible to be from the Mage skill build though, since Rearm/Repel(Rage) is also used in some of those builds.

Finally, any observations on what happened when you actually test ran the build? When I ran my build, I didn't expect laser turret damage to stack to the point it was becoming difficult to manage my HP. [/quote]

u need reincarnation and borrow to survive the round.

ok now i had anotherway to complete the round.
after me and my together we stand party (party of 4) has complete without tanker

1. phase shift (puck)
2. astral imprisonment (ootworld devouer)
3. ss/ultimate rikimaru (Tricks of the Trade)
4. borrowed time (abbadon)
5. reincarnation (wraith king)
6. bersekers rage (troll-----it change any range type to melee form)
optional skil change number 6
- juxtapoxe
- vampiric aura

1. butterfly3
2. octarine
3. desolator 3/4
4. satanic
5. bkb
6. titan armor 1/2

this is the way if u had a party
if tinker summon laser.
need 1 player to quick destroy that thing before it get stuck.
use phase shift and astral to avoid damage from laser or blast off techies when u hit the laser

another player must stay near tinker so techies can blast off near tinker.

how to use the skil?
- the person who had juxtapoxe (if had that skil) dont aiming tinker but just aiming the laser
- use phase shift and astral simultaneously.since with octarine that cooldown will be reduce.
- techies 1st blast you use phase shift
- if going to another blast use astral
- the cool down of phase shift use octarine was 4.25 sec witch 3.25sec dissapear
- the cool down of astral was 7.5 sec with 4 sec dissapear
- the cool down of Tricks of the Trade was 22.5sec with 4.5 sec dissapear.
- the cool down of borrowed time was 30 sec with 6sec borrowed time
- the cool down of reincarnation was 30 sec.
- any of the skill above is based on octarine effect
so u can survive.
how to survive?
use phase shift 1st then astral then phase shift again then u can combine with tricks of trade.
u will be damage but not much since the cooldown of astral minus phase was 1 sec different.
if u run of health ucan use borrow and hit tinker till u get much hp.
and do the same way again.

remember this way need fast hand and need minimum 1 player to hit the laser.
it quite simple but need fast handed.

me already clear the round with my usual party together we stand.
ok then.
(feel free to invite me when playing this game)

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