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Tensura Monsters Equipment Gear

An extremely important but easily overlooked part of Tensura: King of Monsters is the Gear and equipment sets accessible to all characters. The only exception to this is Rimuru, your main character.

More often than not, your Gear will contribute more stats than the base amount you gain from levelling. Having the right Gear and equipment sets in Tensura: King of Monsters can sometimes double or triple your DMG output.

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Tensura Monsters Equipment Gear

Fantastic Gear and where to find them

The vast majority of Gear you will find comes from Subjugation missions. There are three different subjugation modes—Hazard, Calamity and Disaster. Each Subjugation mode has three different difficulties. The higher the difficulty, the better the Gear that drops.

Here is a list of Subjugation modes, their difficulty and the equipment sets that drop:


  • D1: 2★ Figurine Blessing Set (big chance), 1★ Brass Set (small chance)
  • D2: 2★ Figurine Blessing Set (big chance), 1★ Brass Set (small chance)
  • D3: 3★ Ninja Heart Set, 3★ Fearless Set, 3★ Greedy Fiend Set (big chance), 2★ Ninja Heart Set, 2★ Fearless Set, 2★ Greedy Fiend Set, 2★ Figurine Blessing Set (small chance)


  • D4: 3★ Ninja Heart Set, 3★ Fearless Set, 3★ Greedy Fiend Set (big chance), 2★ Ninja Heart Set, 2★ Fearless Set, 2★ Greedy Fiend Set, 2★ Figurine Blessing Set (small chance)
  • D5: All 4★ sets except Figurine Blessing and Brass Set (relatively small chance), all 3★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (relatively big chance)
  • D6: All 4★ sets except Figurine Blessing and Brass Set (relatively small chance), all 3★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (relatively big chance)


  • D7: All 5★ sets except Figurine Blessing and Brass Set (relatively small chance), all 4★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (relatively big chance)
  • D8: All 6★ sets except Figurine Blessing and Brass Set (slim chance), all 5★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (big chance), all 4★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (small chance)
  • D9: All 6★ sets except Figurine Blessing and Brass Set (relatively small chance), all 5★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (relatively big chance), all 4★ sets except Figurine Blessing Set and Brass Set (small chance)

Gear comes in a variety of stars and colours. Currently, the strongest Gear in the game is 6★ equipment which has red backgrounds. These should be your goal when for your party members due to the potentially powerful attributes they provide.

Tensura Monsters Equipment Gear


In Tensura: King of Monsters, secondary attributes are the stat values listed underneath the main attribute of each Gear or equipment. The main attribute is the first stat at the top when looking at the equipment page. While secondary attributes may vary from Gear to Gear, the main attribute is always the same depending on the type of equipment.

Here are the main attributes for each equipment:

Tensura Monsters Equipment Gear

As a pendant, the Ninja Heart Pendant has ATK bonus as its main attribute. Below that, you can see that it has another ATK bonus for one of its secondary attribute. Secondary attributes are always different from each other and can never repeat.

In addition, you can see a blue diamond next to ATK bonus and Crit. Each blue diamond represents a significant boost given to the corresponding secondary attribute. These blue diamonds appear when the equipment reaches a level multiple of 3 once it has unlocked all four secondary attributes.

The Perfect Equipment

Since all secondary attributes differ from Gear to Gear, what combination of secondary attributes is the best? The answer to this question depends on the character who is equipping said gear.

For damage dealers, here are the secondary attributes to go for, in order of importance:

  1. ATK bonus
  2. Crit DMG and Crit
  3. DMG bonus
  4. ATK

ATK bonus is extremely strong and can easily increase your total ATK by a huge high percentage. Crit DMG becomes more and more valuable the higher your crit chance is. These two are the second most important secondary attribute for damage dealers. DMG bonus is useful, but provides a smaller percentage increase than ATK bonus. Flat ATK is last because at later stages, the increase it provides is too small compared to the other secondary attributes.

Set Effects

While attributes may be random, set effects are not. Equipping 2 or 4 pieces of the Gear with the same name gives powerful passive abilities—almost as if the character has a third aptitude.

Equipping 2 pieces of Gear enhanced to Lv. 3 provides the first set effect, while equipping 4 pieces of Gear enhanced to LV. 9 provides the second set effect.

Here are the set effects currently available in the game:

Brass Set

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: No effect
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: No effect

Figurine Blessing Set

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: ATK + 100
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: No effect

Ninja Heart Set

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: ATK bonus 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: The first auto attack of each round has a 50% chance of launching an extra auto attack

Fearless Set

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: ATK bonus 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: Synergy DMG + 50%

Greedy Fiend

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: ATK bonus 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: Deal + 50% DMG to enemies whose HP is above 70%

Elven Blessing

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: HP bonus 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: For every 1% of HP lost, ATK bonus + 0.5%

Bloodthirsty Zealot

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: ATK bonus 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: Restore HP equivalent to 10% of DMG dealt
  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: Crit + 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: Crit DMG + 50%

Dominant Lord

  • 2 Lv. 3 pieces: ATK bonus 10%
  • 4 Lv. 9 pieces: 5% chance of stunning the target with every instance of dealing DMG

Tensura Monsters Equipment Gear

Recommended equipment sets for each character

For those who rely on powerful Ultimate Skills to burst down the enemy team, Greedy Fiend is an acceptable alternative to Storm God. Otherwise, stick to Storm God.


  • Shion [Reindeer Emissary]: Storm God
  • Shuna [Princess of Presents]: Ninja Heart Set or Fearless Set (for synergy teams)


  • Ifrit: Bloodthirsty Zealot for tanking/sustain, Elven Blessing for damage
  • Milim: Greedy Fiend or Storm God
  • Shizu*: Storm God
  • Gazel: Bloodthirsty Zealot or Storm God

*Will be available through new banners in the future


  • Benimaru [Kijin]: Storm God
  • Souei [Kijin]: Bloodthirsty Zealot
  • Shion [Kijin]: Storm God
  • Hakuro [Kijin]: Ninja Heart Set
  • Shuna [Kijin]: Dominant Lord (since she has no DMG whatsoever)
  • Gabiru: Storm God
  • Souka: Fearless Set
  • Gobta: Storm God
  • Ranga: Bloodthirsty Zealot for tanking/sustain, Elven Blessing for damage
  • Yuuki Kagurazaka: Storm God
  • Kenya Misaki: Ninja Heart Set
  • Ryota Sekiguchi: Ninja Heart Set
  • Gail Gibson: Storm God for damage, Dominant Lord otherwise
  • Treyni: Storm God (Ninja Heart Set does not work)
  • Chloe Aubert*: Storm God

*Will be available through new banners in the future


  • Benimaru [Ogre]: Storm God
  • Souei [Ogre]: Ninja Heart Set or Storm God
  • Shion [Ogre]: Elven Blessing
  • Hakuro [Ogre]: Ninja Heart Set or Fearless Set (for synergy teams)
  • Shuna [Ogre]: Ninja Heart Set
  • Saika: Fearless Set
  • Touka: Fearless Set
  • Orc General: Elven Blessing
  • Trya: Dominant Lord (since she has no DMG whatsoever) or Fearless Set (for synergy teams)
  • Kaval: Elven Blessing
  • Gido: Storm God or Fearless Set (for synergy teams)
  • Eren: Dominant Lord
  • Byrne: Elven Blessing
  • Phobio: Dominant Lord
  • Gelmud: Bloodthirsty Zealot or Greedy Fiend (if you plan to open with his ult)


  • Any B-ranked character: Storm God or Fearless Set (for synergy teams)


Note that this guide is relevant only for the current version of the game and the next few banners. In the future, it is extremely likely that we will be receiving rainbow-coloured Gear and new equipment sets that are available in the Taiwanese version of Tensura: King of Monsters. Until then, stay tuned for a new guide for that.

Tensura King of Monsters Team

Ultimately, throughout your plethora of Tensura: King of Monsters, it is inevitable that you will try out different characters in your team. This guide will help you get a better understanding of how to choose your team members.

Note that this guide takes into account version of the game. Future patches might change how some of the characters work. However, the general philosophy for choosing your party and formation should remain largely the same.

DMG dealer: Characters who deal a lot of DMG, be it through auto attacks or ultimate skills
Tank: Characters whose job is to soak up DMG so that your other allies can stay alive
Crowd Control: Characters who have a reliable method of making enemies waste turns
Synergy: Characters who can trigger synergy or have powerful synergy skill effects
Support: Characters who do not have a direct impact on a fight, but can make allies perform better

That said, let us look into each role in greater detail.

DMG Dealer

DMG dealers are more or less mandatory for your team. They kill enemy units before they kill you. Generally, DMG dealers can either be those who rely on auto attacks (AA DMG dealers) or ultimate skills (US DMG dealers).

Characters whose kit include a 180% DMG (minimum) auto attack and aptitudes that complement said auto attack can be considered as AA DMG dealers. Likewise, those who have a powerful ultimate skill, capable of hitting upwards of a minimum of 240% DMG are usable as US DMG dealers. Rimuru can hit these numbers, but since he cannot equip Gear, he is not viable as a DMG dealer.

AA DMG dealers deal consistent DMG in every round and have a high impact throughout the fight. US DMG only come online whenever their ultimate is off cooldown and the player has enough mana to cast it. As a result, US DMG dealers are more of a burst damage kind of dealer.

Viable AA DMG dealers include:

  • Shizu
  • Gabiru
  • Hakuro [Kijin]
  • Shion [Reindeer Emissary]
  • Shion [Kijin]
  • Shuna [Princess of Presents]
  • Souei [Ogre]
  • Ryota Sekiguchi
  • Kenya Misaki

Viable US DMG dealers include:

  • Milim
  • Benimaru [Ogre]
  • Benimaru [Kijin]
  • Ifrit
  • Gobta
  • Yuuki Kagurazaka
  • Gail Gibson
  • Phobio


One of the most respected roles in RPG history, tanks are useful because they keep your team alive. However, their usefulness drops immensely if the rest of your team can survive without difficulty. Hence, if your key teammates such as DMG dealers can stay alive just fine, tanks are not necessary.

However, as you progress through the game, you will definitely meet enemies who can easily kill your allies in 1 or 2 hits. That is where tanks come in.

The skills that make a character viable as a tank include cloning, invulnerability and resurrection. Tanks have the greatest impact when positioned at the front lines, serving as meat shields for your allies.

Viable tanks include:

  • Shion [Ogre]
  • Souei [Ogre]
  • Souei [Kijin]
  • Ifrit
  • Ranga
  • Rimuru

While Rimuru does not really have great skills for tanking, his sheer stats also make him a viable tank.

Special mention goes to Trya, who can turn anyone into a tank for a single round.

Crowd Control

There are times when even your tanks cannot protect your backliners. Enemy ultimate skills can sometimes target those at the back. If you cannot kill these enemies fast enough, the other solution lies in crowd control characters.

These units must have a reliable method of preventing enemies from taking actions. This can be a stun, freeze, disarm or silence. Note that while stun and freeze are mechanically identical (stop enemy from attacking/using ultimate skills), disarm only prevents auto attacks. Silence prevents casting of ultimate skills, but the silenced target can skill auto attack.

Viable crowd control characters include:

  • Eren
  • Ranga
  • Shion [Reindeer Emissary]
  • Shion [Kijin]
  • Souka
  • Trya
  • Chloe Aubert


Synergy characters are special in a sense that they only shine when coupled with other compatible synergy characters. Without characters capable of following up upon synergy activation, their synergy is useless.

That said, while all characters in the game have a synergy skill, this guide only considers those who can trigger synergy easily or those with powerful synergy effects/DMG as synergy characters. These characters form the backbone of a synergy team. Without them, a synergy team is no better than any other team.

Those who can reliably trigger synergy include:

  • Gobta
  • Shion [Kijin]
  • Shion [Ogre]
  • Hakuro [Kijin]
  • Hakuro [Ogre]
  • Souka
  • Gido

Those with powerful synergy effects/high synergy DMG include:

  • Souka
  • Souei [Kijin]
  • Gobta
  • Hakuro [Kijin]
  • Shuna [Princess of Presents]
  • Shizu
  • Saika
  • Touka
  • Rimuru (with Mana Abundance)

Note that Souka, Saika and Touka have two synergy skills each (after first breakthrough). Shizu and Milim have a semi-reliable chance of triggering synergy with their auto attacks.


Supports are basically characters whose value lie in aspects not mentioned above. This can characters with skills such as healing or buffing. While there are characters who can debuff enemies like Hakuro [Kijin] and Saika, their effects are so negligible that they can hardly be considered as true supports for their debuffs. Note that Hakuro [Kijin] is considered a support not because of his ultimate (which can lower DEF), but because of his aptitude which causes the ally with the highest ATK to follow up with an auto attack.

Support characters may not have a direct impact on fights, but their abilities can make fights a lot easier.

Characters with support-oriented skills include:

  • Rimuru
  • Shuna [Princess of Presents]
  • Shuna [Kijin]
  • Shuna [Ogre]
  • Souka
  • Touka
  • Hakuro [Kijin]
  • Benimaru [Kijin]
  • Trya
  • Gelmud
  • Kaval
  • Bryne
  • Treyni
  • Chloe Aubert

Note that how viable these characters are as supports depend entirely on the rest of your team.

Tensura King of Monsters Team


Once you understand how characters in Tensura: King of Monsters operate in a team, it is time to understand how to get them in formation.

Characters in the first row, first (left) column will move first, while characters in the third row, third (right) column will move last. The exception to this are clones, who move after all non-clone characters have moved.

Another rule is that after every allied unit takes an action, an enemy unit will take theirs.

Without certain skills taking into effect, characters will always perform an auto attack on the closest enemy unit in the same column. If there are no enemy units in the same column, the AI will pick the closest target in the first (left), second (middle) or third (right) column in that order of preference.

In terms of single target ultimate skills, enemies will always target units in the front most row, with preference going from left to right columns. However, do note that this is only true for ultimate skills cast by the enemy in the first round. Occasionally, enemy AI will target your other units, but this tends to happen on the second round onwards.

With all these factors in mind, we can now choose the formation of our units.

Firstly, determine who are the highest priority targets. These are typically the most dangerous enemy units with the most immediate impact. Examples include Shizu, Gabiru and Souei [Ogre]. Our formation should focus on these enemies, as they have the hardest hitting auto attacks from the enemy. Special mention goes to Shion [Kijin], who can be incredibly annoying with her RNG-dependent counter.

If our DMG dealer cannot take them out before they move, then placing a tank to soak up the attack is advisable.

Next, consider who are the potentially troublesome enemies. These are enemies who do not have as immediate of an impact as the ones mentioned above. Typically, these are enemies with crowd control or damaging ultimate skills.

With proper timing, a good crowd control ultimate skill can deal with these units. If our team lacks the crowd control to do that, then we have to ideally position our DMG dealers to take them out right after taking out the highest priority targets.

Note that you can pretty much ignore all the above advice if you are strong enough. The formation is more critical if you are weaker than your enemies stat-wise.

Tensura King of Monsters Team


Synergy-focused teams in Tensura: King of Monsters have an additional mechanic to consider in their unit placement. Unfortunately, the game does not tell you that synergy also depends on the turn order described in the previous section.

Tensura King of Monsters Team

In these two images, we can see the same team members (Note: Rimuru has the same synergy equipped in both pictures). However, the maximum number of synergy (located at the bottom right) is lower in the first image when compared to the second.

This is due to how the AI selects which unit to follow up on their synergy when an enemy goes into a certain state.

In this first image, when an enemy is suspended, both Gabiru and Shion [Reindeer Emissary] have met the conditions to trigger their synergy. However, the game chooses Gabiru to trigger his synergy before Shion [Reindeer Emissary], because he has an earlier turn in the turn order. As a result, the rest of the allies never put get to suspend the target again, causing Shion [Reindeer Emissary] and Rimuru to miss their synergy skill activations.

Do bear this in mind if you are planning to main a synergy team.

Tensura King of Monsters Team

Suggested Team Compositions

This part is a recommendation on who to put together in a team in Tensura: King of Monsters.

Once more, feel free to skip this section if you are strong enough. With good enough gear, skills and stats, you can get away with tanks or crowd control characters since you will kill the enemies before they move anyway.

This team can get you through many of the story content. Gabiru is your DMG dealer, while Eren is your CC. You can replace Shion [Ogre] with any tank. The fifth unit can be pretty much anybody. Use Souei [Ogre] if you need another tank/DMG dealer, or Shion [Kijin] for stun and DMG. Gobta is also viable, in the event that the fight drags on.

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Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Disclaimer: I started playing Tensura: King of Monsters when SEA released. All the things in this guide are just a guideline, but I will never tell you that you HAVE to do all the things in the guide. Play the game as you want, you will have more fun that way. If you have any questions or additions to the guide, please feel free to ask or contribute. I will keep it updated.

General Tips:

- claim all the daily stuff, like login bonus, especially the free energy at given times ingame

- always do the daily and weekly quests for all the rewards

- always try to get as far as you can in every content that is available to you since some of them get you really good rewards (story, elite stages, challenges etc.)

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Space Gap Challenge rewards

- you will get upgrade material for Rimuru in the challenge mode after you reach a certain point in the main story

- when you use a skill on the enemy before the enemy used a skill, the next skill of the enemy will be launched on the character you used the skill with before

- refill stamina at least once per day as F2P, I would even recommend to do it 2 times a day because you will progress way faster, first refill costs 50 crystal rocks, second one 100

- you can buy EXP potions and gear crystals from the market daily for a small amount of silver


- you will get stuck on story content quiet early, do the following things to continue:

level up characters by getting EXP potions from the Resource farm

equipment makes a huge difference (more about gearing below)

you will get character dupes by pulling a character more than one time, but there are items called "Rank X (SS, S, A) Direct Contract", which allow you to choose a character dupe of a character that you already own, you can get those in different shops later ingame and from events

- you can repeat space gap stages, 1 stamina refills each hour

- you can upgrade relics in spage gap with duplicates

- there are space gap daily quests in the space gap window

Small Spender Tips:

- the Monthly Pass is worth it since it allows you to store magicules (energy) over the cap and it gives you 100 crystal rocks each day, which you can use for the energy refills for example

- first top-up is absolutely worth it since Gabiru is one of the best units ingame, you only have to spend 1 dollar for him

Good Starter Characters:

In this gacha game even (A) rank characters are decent, they have a lot of usecases for different contents of the game here are just some examples of good characters:

- Ogre Shion (A) is a great tank (1 round immunity)

- Ogre Benimaru (A) is a great burst character (multiple aoe)

- Gabiru (S) is one of the best auto attackers (multiple auto attacks)

- Eren (A) is a great sorcerer (aoe freeze)

- they will add more (S) and (SS) characters to the basic summon banner after around 2 months

- the Star Contracts are for limited banners where you get can (SS) characters (after 70 pulls guranteed) and (S) characters with a high chance, so they are very important, at the moment you can buy them in the market weekly (gift pack -> weekly promotion), they cost 400 for 2 star contracts which is equivalent to the price of the normal summons, so its worth it to buy them weekly in my opinion (you can also buy them from market -> basic -> receipt, for a currency you get from summoning duplicates I think) there will be more sources from later content

Shizu (SS) Banner

- there will be rate up banners in the future too, so you may dont want to waste all your currencies on the normal summon now to get the characters you want in the future, i recommend to summon the first 60 summons and hope to get a good s character and build around it, but in the end it is up to you

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Gabiru (S) Rate Up Banner

- you can get (A) and (S) characters from the elite stage currency shop, they seem to refresh after around 7 days and maybe change at some point

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Elite Shop Characters

Formations & Synergy:

- the placement of units depends on the content, in general tanks are placed on the front row, healer and caster on the back row, and units in front of them to protect them maybe

- you want to put your auto attack dps in front of Rimuru for example Gabiru

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Rimuru Apitude Skill

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Example Team Formation

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

Example Subjugation Team by Kana

- Synergy can be important you can choose a Synergy skill for Rimuru according to your needs, for example at 6 Synergy chain you reduce the def of the target by 20%, especially important if you got alot of characters in the team who can start those Synergy chains for example Ogre Shion (A), you can progress with 1 Synergy too, its not a must to have Synergies at all

r/tensurakingofmonsters - Detailed Beginner Guide for Tensura: King of Monsters

- gear one character at the time, when you are finished gear the next one

- early game you can gear your characters with the blue set 2 pieces +3 for the +100 atk bonus

- the gear sets depend on the character, for example character with huge auto attack dps want to use ninja set, aoe character can use greed set, later on you can also build a synergy team, then the fearless set will be an option for higher synergy damage, more sets will be available as you progress in subjugation, for example tank sets and better dps sets

- ninja set example: for Gabiru the ninja set is better because his auto attacks hit hard

- you can get upgrade material for gear by decomposing gear in the character -> gear window on the top right, early you mainly want to decompose blue items, but later you can also decompose purple items that you dont need because they dont have good stats

- try to get atk % bonus on all equipment pieces for your damage dealers, for tank you could also go for hp and def instead

- the 4 set bonus activates when you upgrade 4 pieces to +9 so you need for example the ninja set 4 pieces +9 for the auto attack bonus for Gabiru and another purple set 2 pieces on him +3 for the +10 % atk bonus, progress like that though your characters: +9 4 set, +3 2 set and then equip the next character

Tensura: King of Monster Reroll Guide, How to Reroll Tensura King of Monster? Get Tips on Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide

Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide to Skip the download files while you reroll Tensura king of monsters is given in this article and Tensura: King of Monsters reroll Guide may seem at first glance like just another mindless gacha RPG game with an auto-battle system and Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide for Players to use energy to go on missions, defeat enemies, and strengthen themselves are provided here. A few chapters into the novel, however, and you may remember that your party is actually being wiped away. So what is Tensura King of Monster Reroll, Know more about Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide in this article given below.

Contents [ Show Hide ]
  • 1. Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide
  • 2. How to Reroll Tensura King of Monsters?
  • 3. Tensura King of Monster Guide - Understanding Your Character
  • 4. Tensura King of Monsters Skills Guide
  • 5. Additional Tips on Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide

Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide

Some gacha games, such as SINoALICE, have a system that allows new players (or weapons, in the case of SINoALICE) to re-roll for their starting units. However, the King of Monsters does not possess such a feature. With that said, deleting game files or binding several emails are the only methods for re-rolling, other than directly uninstalling and downloading the game.

How to Reroll Tensura King of Monsters?

You can Reroll the Tensura king of Monsters by deleting game files or binding several emails are the only methods for re-rolling, other than directly uninstalling and downloading the game. It is strongly advised, however, not to re-roll because the rarity of units does not explicitly fit stronger units. Not only is the present summoning pool very limited, but the only character ranked by the SS (0.25% chance of pulling him) is actually weaker than a character ranked by the A who performs a similar role. For a more detailed description, you can read our character guide.

  • Gabiru: The strongest protagonist in the game. Simple to construct, the strongest and most consistent auto attacker.
  • Hakuro [Kijin]: Another mighty auto attacker. Highly potent passive skills.
  • Souei [Kijin]: Excellent tank with respectable production of damage.
  • Shion [Kijin]: Multipurpose machine, capable of damage and countering breathtaking, aoe. Superb synergy unit.
  • Gobta: The synergy attack king, able to combine with teammates like crazy,
  • Ranga: A tank capable of resurrecting. Guaranteed party-wide disable.
  • Eren: This is one of the most effective crowd control characters, it will freeze enemies for days.

Tensura King of Monster Guide - Understanding Your Character

Tensura: King of Monsters does not do the best job of clarifying its vocabulary, which is where this guide for beginners comes in. Characters range from B to SSS in various ranks.

The characters in Tensura King of Monster can also be differentiated into various types, they are,

  • Explode - Characters with exceptionally destructive Ultimate Skills that deal with enormous damage.
  • Control - Characters with some sort of crowd control coming with (Exception being Hakuro [Kijin]).
  • Shield - Characters that are capable of producing shields that serve as additional temporary HP.
  • Heal - Characters who are able to heal.
  • Clone - Characters whose primary niche is cloning themselves, adding to the field more units.
  • Buff - Characters that can reinforce units. Only Gelmud is of this kind so far.
  • Debuff - Characters capable of weakening enemies. Only Saika is of this kind so far.
  • DMG Increase - The same as Buff, essentially. Only Shuna [Ogre] is of this kind so far.
  • Mana Regen - Characters that are able to increase the amount of mana obtained. Only Souka is of this kind so far.
  • Resistance - To reduce the DMG they take from enemies.

Tensura King of Monsters Skills Guide

Ultimate Skill: A powerful manually activated ability (Auto-battle will automatically trigger this) (Auto-battle will automatically trigger this).

Aptitude: The passive capability of the character.

Synergy: A tracking ability that activates automatically when an enemy enters a certain state, which is:

  • Suspended
  • Knocked back
  • Down on the ground

Additional Tips on Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide

Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.

Tensura King of Monster Reroll Guide - FAQs

1. How to Reroll Tensura King of Monsters?

You can Reroll the Tensura king of Monsters by deleting game files or binding several emails are the only methods for re-rolling, other than directly uninstalling and downloading the game. It is strongly advised, however, not to re-roll because the rarity of units does not explicitly fit stronger units. Not only is the present summoning pool very limited, but the only character ranked by the SS (0.25% chance of pulling him) is actually weaker than a character ranked by the A who performs a similar role.

2. What are the Character guide for Tensura: King of Monster?
  • Gabiru: The strongest protagonist in the game. Simple to construct, the strongest and most consistent auto attacker.
  • Hakuro [Kijin]: Another mighty auto attacker. Highly potent passive skills.
  • Souei [Kijin]: Excellent tank with respectable production of damage.
  • Shion [Kijin]: Multipurpose machine, capable of damage and countering breathtaking, aoe. Superb synergy unit.
  • Gobta: The synergy attack king, able to combine with teammates like crazy,
  • Ranga: A tank capable of resurrecting. Guaranteed party-wide disable.
  • Eren: This is one of the most effective crowd control characters, it will freeze enemies for days.
3. Is Rimuru a boy or a girl?

There are no evident sex characteristics; however, he is often misunderstood for a young girl due to the fact that the fundamental form belonged to Shizue Izawa.

4. What are the Tensura King Of Monster Redeem Codes 2021?

Tensura King Of Monster Redeem Codes 2021 :

  • RimuruTempest
  • slime0126
  • slime888
  • slime666
  • slime2021
  • slime1215
  • museslime2021
5. How to redeem the Tensura King of Monster Codes?

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to redeem the Tensura King of Monster codes:

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